Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Volume of cylinder = pi *r^2*h , volume =3. |Score 1|alfred123|Points 128614| User: What was. 5 inches wide. Weegy: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour is an example of Sumerian mathematics that still influences the world today. 0 Answers/Comments. Question. Log in for more information. Question. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Ch'in Confucius Liu Pang Lao Tzu. Belief systems rely heavily on evaluative and affective components. ShintoismAnimism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Asked 307 days ago|9/11/2022 7:15:36 PM. There is a mutual influence in China between the development of traditions and beliefs and the advances in technology and production. The postcard is 3. Weegy: It disrupted trade. Log in for more information. BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. The treatment achieves its goals by educating people about how traumatic events influence belief systems and emotional responses, helping people learn to identify and challenge unhelpful and. S. polytheism: The belief of the existence of many gods. 11/15/2023 2:34:35 AM| 4 Answers. Hallucinogen D. 5 inches high and 5. [ ] 10/17/2023 3:13:15 PM| 4 Answers. Updated 108 days ago|8/2/2023 9:59:26 AM. Volume of cylinder = pi *r^2*h , volume =3. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Li Yuan, the founder of the Tang dynasty, had attracted. -Gifts to tributary states from China often exceeded the value of contributions by that state-Nomadic groups were able to extract large amounts of wealth out of China in exchange for agreement not to attack Negatives:-required non-Chinese authorities to acknowledge Chinese superiority and their own subordinate place in a Chinese-centered world. Today, people in China and those of Chinese. Added 8/9/2021 8:37:17 PM. The term "rice bowl" refers to. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? O A. User: What non Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the Sui and Tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties Score . 14*15^2*45 , volume = 31792. User: What non-chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: whats the guiding principle or reasoning of hammurabis code Weegy: 1+1 = 2 User: Which power did zoroastrianism Greatly influence Weegy: Zoroastrianism greatly. The name Confucius, a Latinized combination of the surname Kong 孔 with an honorific suffix “Master” ( fuzi 夫子), has also come to be. Islam O B. Confucius, (born 551, Qufu, state of Lu [now in Shandong province, China]—died 479 bce, Lu), China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, whose ideas have profoundly influenced the civilizations of China and other East Asian countries. Many people consider _____ a philosophical belief system instead of a true religion. Nicaea B. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. 8163 User: What city became the capital of the eastern Roman Empire A. ft. Depending on the source used, estimates of the share of Chinese people who can be described as religious in some way – because they identify with a religion,. Weegy: If a triangle has a height of 14 inches and a base of 9 inches, its area is 63 square inches . daoism D. Score 1. Question. Weegy: The Tang Emperor Xuanzong was known as a brilliant monarch for his own artistry and his support of. Question. Area = 12 *18 = 216 square feet. Weegy: Homo Erectus was the first species of hominid that first controlled fire. Log in for more information. Score 1. Log in for more information. Weegy: Tribunes were elected to represent the interests of plebeians in the Roman Republic. Log in for more information. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Animism D. Expert Answered. User: The concept of opposite forces working together is called in Chinese daoist philosophy Weegy: The concept of opposite forces working together is calledn"yin and yang"in Chinese Daoist. Confucianism D. Nicaea B. Question|Asked by Rachel Marie. Social DarwinismWhat non Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties . Hinduism C. The postcard is 3. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Taoism was the official religion of the Tang; it is a native Chinese religious and philosophical tradition, based on the writings of Laozi. Blank is a belief system which holds that non human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Alexandria. Log in for more information. Weegy: The foundation of Aksum's wealth was based on trade. Weegy: Suppose you receive a postcard from a good friend with a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Expert answered| Jozeal |Points 20085|. Buddhism B. What non-Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties. Islam O C. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Confucianism O C. Score 1. User: What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties A. 14 x 25 = 78. Score 1. 1% identify. Question. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and. Score 1 User: What non-chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynastiesUser: What non Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . Animism D. Weegy: The Roman wars with Carthage resulted in Rome becoming the most powerful state in the Mediterranean. Constantinople C. Updated 12/18/2021 7:34:11 PM. Asked 46 days ago|8/1/2023 9:36:28 PM. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties A. Confucius was a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 B. Islam O B. Weegy: Buddhism is a. lard from USA!READ: Legalism. BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. The following is true of a belief system's influence on how people think: In every culture, some beliefs are set forth as proper ways of thinking. There are no new answers. Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: whats a ruling family called Weegy: The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth. What non Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed;. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. User: The has a writing system that has yet to be deciphered. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties A. Like Confucianism, Daoism, and Chinese Buddhism, the goal of legalism was to achieve order in Chinese society during a time of unrest. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Weegy: A thesaurus is primarily used to look up synonyms and antonyms. Question. Their history, language, culture, and identity. the official religions of China User: A state is a _____. FROM THE CREATORS OF. Temple in Bhaktapur, Nepal. 31792. Buddhism non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. The fine print on the postcard states that the scale of the picture is 1:19,600. South China. Log in for more information. Islam B. Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. 5 cu. Chinese Religion, The three main Jiao (systems of teachings and beliefs) in Chinese tradition are Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, which are called the "three relig… Tibet, Tibet Tibet has been an independent country throughout the historical period and since time immemorial according to Tibetans' own myth-based sense of… Chinese Americans, For. Updated 4/27/2021 9:12:09 AM. Islam B. monotheism: The belief in a single god; especially within an organized religion. Islam . Question. Mysticism D. Score 1. The Qing dynasty (1644–1911) was founded by a northeast Asian people who called themselves Manchus. The floor is 20 ft. User: What is the area of a square television screen with 16-inch sides? A. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Question and answer. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Alexandria Weegy:. Weegy: On a nutrition label you'll find carbohydrates broken down from dietary fiber, sugars and sugar alcohols. Blank is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit A. cubic feet of water can the tank hold. Question. what non Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties . At different times in Chinese history, Confucius (trad. What non Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties . Log in for more information. What system of moral beliefs formed the center of Chinese thought and the culture during the Ming and Qing dynastiesWorship of ancestors is a similarity between Japanese and Chinese religious beliefs . Question. Question|Asked by SavannahHopper08. Question. Confucianism B. Score 1. 5 cu. Daoism O D. (More)Weegy: The Roman wars with Carthage resulted in Rome becoming the most powerful state in the Mediterranean. jher000|Points 8061| User: Select all that. Weegy: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour is an example of Sumerian mathematics that still influences the world today. Updated 12/7/2021 4:42:36 PM. Constantinople C. ]Weegy: Buddhism non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. cubic feet of water can the tank hold. Expert answered| Janet17 |Points 48140| Log in for more information. Question. Question|Asked by SavannahHopper08. The non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang periods is Buddhism. Weegy: Advantage of an alphabet over hieroglyphics are: ease of learning, the ability to express new ideas without requiring new characters, [ and they lend themselves to typography and printing and thus to mass distribution of written material to the general public. 5 inches wide. Weegy: 9h ? 6 + 12h + 40 = 22; (More) Question|Asked by mkrieman05 Updated 12 days ago|11/9/2023 6:41:13 AM 1 Answer/Comment Jozeal is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Weegy: Emperor "Constantine" made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Buddhism. Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Daoism was adaptable, evolving to fill spiritual gaps created by the vagaries of life. Weegy. Weegy: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour is an example of Sumerian mathematics that still influences the world today. David O D. Confucianism What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? O A. Jozeal. 8 The second principle of San min chu-i is Min-ch'uan chu-i - Democracy. A. Daoism O D. Sun's revolutionary ideas were well structured and logically linked. Question and answer. User: Buddhism and Daoism are examples of _____. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Score 1. Added 10/13/2021 6:27:52 PM. Photos, graphics, and other visual “evidence”. 14*15^2*45 , volume = 31792. What was the name of the belief system that considered wealth to be a measure of "fitness"? A. Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. what non Chinese belief system spread widely New answers Rating 3 Jozeal BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Weegy: Ed prefers Boston cream pie. Question. political unit ruled by a monarch. Confucianism O C. Figure 6. Buddhism is a non-Chinese belief. daoism D. Egyptian civilization Weegy: The Indus valley civilization has a writing system that has yet to be deciphered. Asked 148 days ago|8/29/2022 3:11:56 PM. Blank is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. 8163 User: What city became the capital of the eastern Roman Empire A. 256 square inches. Othey were Catholic, What non. Log in for more information. Question. 1 Answer/Comment. (More) Question. 31792. Confucianism. traditional Chinese religions b. confucianism Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . Log in for more information. Score 1 User: In both Japan and China, _____. Confucianism New answers Rating There are no new answers. E. Buddhism • B. Chinese law. There are two aspects-to this, one ’cognitive’; “the other “motivational. Log in for more information. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties A. Various schools of Buddhism spread after the reunification of China under the Sui (581), [ and Buddhist influence reached its height during the three-hundred years of Tang rule (618-907). Expert answered| KevinWagner |Points 7384|. Question. Updated 1/11/2021 4:45:07 AM. Weegy: Joint Information System (JIS) develops, recommends, and executes public information plans and strategies. The imperial Ming Dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644. In China, Buddhism became very popular and was adopted. Question. Various schools of Buddhism spread after the reunification of China under the Sui (581), [ and Buddhist influence reached its height during the three-hundred years of Tang rule (618-907). 14*15^2*45 , volume = 31792. Log in for more information. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Expert Answered. 3. What non Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and tang . Mysticism D. Score 1. User: what Non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China diuring the Sui and Tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . Question. Belief systems typically has large categories of concepts defined in one way or another as themselves “good” or “bad,” or as leading to good or bad outcomes. Updated 16 days ago|10/24/2023 3:52:33 PM. Expert answered|Here_To_Help_You|Points 13864| Log in for more information. Weegy: They provide a way to study the overall age demographics of a population is the purpose of age structures. Question. is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Taoism was combined with ancient Chinese folk religions, medical practices, Buddhism, and martial arts to create a complex and syncretic spirituality. Score 1. Islam O C. Confucianism . Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Saul Weegy: The Israelite king who built a temple in Jerusalem was Solomon. Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: Which of the following helped the qin dynasty unite chine . Log in for more information. Buddhism C. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Buddhism is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. User: Which of the following is true of a belief system’s influence on how people think? Weegy: The following is true of a belief system s influence on how people think: In every culture, some beliefs are set forth as proper ways of thinking. The length of the floor is found through division. Asked 315 days ago|1/10/2023 9:39:17 AM. Question. Islam C. Weegy: Taoism tends to emphasize various themes of the Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi, such as naturalness, spontaneity, simplicity, detachment from desires, and most important of all, wu wei. The postcard is 3. Question. Buddhism C. Daoism was understood and practiced in many ways, each reflecting the historical, social, or personal situation of its adherents. Updated 9/8/2021 5:05:02 PM. confucianism Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . Blank is a belief system which holds that non human beings and objects have souls and spirits. warm B. wide. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. 1. • A. Confucianism D. Confucianism C. Buddhism . what non Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: whats a ruling family called Weegy: The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth. Shintoism C. The fine print on the postcard states that the scale of the picture is 1:19,600. Updated 1/11/2021 4:45:07 AM. Confucianism. . Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties. Chinese philosophy and religion emphasizing noninterference with the course of natural events. Buddhism is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely. New answers. Religious and spiritual expression in China. 7886 User: The Sumerians invented. More than 94% of the global Hindu population live in India. User: What non Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . 4. Precipitation in the form of balls or lumps of ice B. 250 ce)The new Yayoi culture that arose in Kyushu, while the Jōmon culture was still undergoing development elsewhere, spread gradually eastward, overwhelming the Jōmon culture as it went, until it reached the northern districts of Honshu (the largest island of Japan). questions answered. Worship of ancestors, is a similarity between Japanese and Chinese religious beliefs. New answers. Asked 4/27/2021 8:27:10 AM. The influence of Buddhism is evident in poetry. The Ming Dynasty's authority was undermined and eventually overthrown by ____ tribesmen. E. W I N D O W P A N E. E. 0 Answers/Comments. There are no new answers. Weegy: Suppose you receive a postcard from a good friend with a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. 10/26/2023 12:11:02 AM| 4 Answers Strength training lessens bone loss. Weegy: Monotheism is the belief in only one God. Buddhism Weegy: Confucianism formed the center of Chinese thought and culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nicaea B. Expert answered|Mayen|Points 1208| User: How did socrates lay the foundation for plato's writing? Log in for more information. outlawed religions c. Not Answered. Question and answer. Score 1. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: During the Han dynasty, their trade goods were sent along the Silk Road as far. A. is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Asked 231 days ago|8/29/2022 3:11:56 PM. Question. Daoism O D. User: what non-chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: which of the following helped the Qin. occluded C. Score 1. A. Updated 13 days ago|10/20/2023 5:26:58 AM. After all, many of these “systems” come with lots of reasons to believe, including: Irresistible promises. Expert Answered. Alexandria BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Marissa Mayer, Google’s Vice President of Search Product and User Experience, has said that “search is in its infancy. The government teaches that religion is a backward mindset, and it places many restrictions on religion. 6th. Buddhism B. Log in for more information. Daoism O D. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? O A. Weegy: Jennifer is off to her first day of high school. Discuss three key types of rituals: rites of passage, rites of intensification, and rites of revitalization. 0 Answers/Comments. Egyptian civilization Weegy: The Indus valley civilization has a writing system that has yet to be deciphered. Weegy: Monotheism is the belief in only one God. Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . This concept is a foundational element in many indigenous cultures around the world, including those in Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Confucianism. Both belief systems indigenous to China that are covered in this unit originated dur- ing the fourth and fifth centuries BCE. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Question. what non Chinese belief system spread widely. Log in for more information. 0 Answers/Comments. Buddhism B. Expert answered|Mayen|Points 1208| User: How did socrates lay the foundation for plato's writing? Log in for more information. Accordingly, a supplement to the Treaty of Nanjing, which concluded Britain’s triumph over China in the first Opium War (1839–42), provided that. Weegy: 3,11,23,31 is the group of numbers that have all prime numbers. Weegy: After Alexander the Great s death, the empire was split into all of the following except Greece. Mysticism B. (More)Generally, the 'Four Class System' was a national policy of political oppression and ethnic division. Buddhism is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely. Islam . In animist belief systems, animals, plants, rivers, mountains, and other. What non Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed;. The earliest examples of Chinese writing are found on oracle bones. Asked 172 days ago|5/4/2023 5:44:12 PM. Transformed and even hybrid versions of religions, cultures, and ways of thinking. Nebuchadnezzar |I • C. Buddhism. Animism C. New answers. 7% identify with some other tradition, less than 0. Weegy: Suppose you receive a postcard from a good friend with a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. a system of spiritual or supernatural belief. 0. So, the correct option is D. Buddhism User: what Non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China diuring the Sui and Tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . According to Chinese beliefs, wood, metal, and water. Confucianism D. Nebuchadnezzar |I • C. Weegy: 12p + 7 > 139;What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties. CONFUCIANISM: is a no Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Buddhism is a philosophy that focuses on personal development and attainment of deep knowledge. Islam . With tombs dominating the archaeological record, it is. Score 1. Following a local football team (meso), following a religion (macro). User: What term was used to describe the power given to the male heads of families in ancient Rome? A. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Buddhism C. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Log in for more information. What non Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed;.