idleon wiki post office. Guides, resources and other useful links. idleon wiki post office

Guides, resources and other useful linksidleon wiki post office  My 1st Chemistry Set Mainframe Bonus from Laboratory doubles Vial's bonus

Skelefish Stamp - 20x Garbage. Island Expeditions. Or maybe Voidwalker ate something funny. Same problem applies to other golden foods where they don't display the right amount. Only kills on the Barbarian count for the bonus, check cards for individual killcount. 31. Sprout. His quests focus on improving the player's capabilities in the Choppin Skill. 33x/h 60 Hours 50x 80x 0. Type:&nbsp;LogSpecial Talents (also called Star Talents) can be obtained from Special Talent Books. Basically, more WP = more damage per WP point. Centurion is located in The Mimic Hole, next to the Sandstone Colosseum . Namespaces. In order to progress and fight bosses, you need to fight your way through a series of Ice. Type: Combat Stamp + Base Accuracy. 2021. New Post Office Upgrade Crate 15: Unlocks 4th Pet Battle Slot 20: 1. 8571428571429 1 in 2. Read; View source; History; 157. 50. Any alternative methods to viably get distilled water to craft empty boxes to unlock post office? If i'm not wrong, I need 20 total distilled water, and from just buying them with water drops I can only get around 4-5 max a day total, and my dumbass didn't think to save them up early and used distilled water to. Type. Killroy. Chance. The first thing you should work towards is unlocking Chronus Cosmos, since that means you can have two Star Signs. Bought the game on steam 10 hours ago, my life's goal are now set for the next few years 🫡. 2020. Spicy Cooking. This page was last edited on 25 May 2023, at 10:52. There are three main classes to branch into, namely Warrior, Archer, and Mage. The branding on the soda can must have gotten washed off by some kind of liquidy, wavey substance. Type: Bug Catching Net Speed: 5 Skill Power: 20 (Catching) Str: 2 Agi: 6 Upgrade Slots: 2 The Maestro Talent One Step Ahead does nothing whatsoever. that you don't have anymore haha! Here's the rundown of the job. They are fairly easy to avoid and will be well telegraphed where they will land. x1:2501 in 250 - SuperDropTable1. Utilitarian Capsule and Lazzzy Lootcrate Post Office Shipments (Lazzzy Lootcrate only applies to 36hr+ AFK sessions) Possible rotating Arcade Shop bonus; Harriep Divinity God Minor Link Bonus; Money gained from monsters is multiplied by your drop rate, above 2x drop rate guarantees getting a drop of money while active. +25% Mining EXP gain. Buy me a coffee: ohhi Guild: History. Type: Ore Smelt down 7 Ores into 1 Bar at the Forge. W5 Task Req Check. 8 k. It also has thousands of 1 Star Ratings online claiming it's false advertising. Sand Giant. Read; View source; History; 136. Worship is a World 3 Wizard Specialized Skill. The Woodsman is found in Spore Meadows, the first zone to the right of the starting town, located next to an oak tree with a stump next to him. Island Expeditions. Detailed Drop Details for Condensed Zap. Do note that some maps might have portals that are invisible and/or do not lead anywhere. Sanchez. Unless specified otherwise, values given here -- should be string values. Sheepie. Gain 1 additional volcano every 40 points. Each of your players takes a turn fighting. < Changelog. Chillsnap Bronze Chest. Completing orders will give you Delivery Box tokens, which can be spent in the Upgrade Tab. Guides. Upon unlocking the Equinox, the Equinox Valley Mirror NPC can be interacted with. Skelefish Stamp - 20x Garbage. Type: Misc Stamp +% Carry Capacity for ALL item types!Smithing Points (per character) Detailed Drop Details for Bottle Cap. Half Eaten Donut. Experience - IdleOn MMO Wiki. 83 - Springtime Seasonal Event • Vman's Cooking talent now displays the actual bonus it gives, and yes, its a BIG number. We released our second game, 'dEskape' today: the quarter screen idler which plays along the bottom of your desktop. r/idleon • The quest where you have to get other people to say specific things or have to get other plays to say or do things are the absolute worst part of this game. View Upgrade Boxes. 124843. Type: Fish The branding on the soda can must have gotten washed off by some kind of liquidy, wavey substance. Yea this i have the xp chocolate or the world 5 xp boost and my DK went from like 130/140 to 210 in like 3 days the xp i earned during the valentines event was crazy i was on the oranges map in world 5 spawned about 100 slimes then dropped my orb down got up to about 170 on the orb added with the crystals levelled me up fast Type: Shoes Defence: 15 Str: 5 Agi: 5 Wis: 5 Luck: 5 Misc: 5% Defence Upgrade Slots: 3 The Skills. Each of your players takes a turn fighting. Mechanics. Is there a way to reset the post office upgrades. Skilled Dimwit Prayer - After reaching W3 with a Wizard, prayers can be unlocked. Droptables. These NPCs give out various quests and reward you for completing them. 8823529411765 1 in 5. Post Office Box Reseto Magnifico: 1 in 1,000: 1 Sub Class Swap Token: 1 in 1,000: 1 Smitty's Bubble Blowing Hat 1 in 1,430: 1 Bandit Bob Mask. 58. Business Started: 1/1/2008. Weapon Power. Type: Bow Speed: 6 Weapon Power: 17 Str: 5 Agi: 8 Luck: 3 Upgrade Slots: 3Post-Office: Box of Unwanted Stat (+0,25 per box) Extendo Rangeo Bowman Talent (+25%) and Balanced Spirit Squire Talent (+16,67%) Damage. You get one point if you click while in the green and two points while in the yellow! The more points that you obtain, the more rewards you get. 2020. Type: Nametag Weapon Power: 12 Str: 12 Luck: 12 Misc: 10% Fight Afk GainA captain will be one of several Tiers of capability, and each comes with their own sprite. Account items are shared between all your Characters!So for example one Golden Jam gives 0. Its questline awarded players with Falloween Treat s and Spooky Time Candy . Go trap Scorpie Critters. New World 5 Vials Explained The new World 5 added 8 new vials to the mix, some of which are great and others not so much. Changelogs by Year. Cost: 0. This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 09:57. 5%. Gives 3x more Bits when picked, but gives no gaming exp. Type: Usable Hold down to reset all post office upgrades made on this character! You'll get all the Box Points refunded of course, no problemo! Welcome to the Idleon Wiki! Here you can find any and all known info regarding Idleon whether it be the odds of a random mob drop, or figuring out why those pesky peanuts are so useful, we have the answers for you! The game can be found here: General Features Worlds Classes Quests & NPCs Bestiary Bosses There's a very handy page on the Idleon wiki dedicated to the post office ( ), but yeah, basically you get about 75% of the possible box bonus when you've invested 200 points in that box. • Myriad Post Office box can now be upgraded 100,000 times, with the max lv bonus being WAY higher than the old max lv bonus at 400 • Spawn-points in World 3 when teleporting/moving in from World 4, as well as World 4 when teleporting/moving in from world 5, are "weird" and not at the portal. I have like another 150 orders to unlock the last one, which is 30 days if I do all 5 every single day. Last updated 10 months ago. Quest. Each week brings a new boss, new themes, new action choices, and new items in the. Each character can purchase a maximum of 600 anvil points with Coins or 700 points with Monster Drops independently for a total of 1300 Anvil Points. Smithing. Golden Bread Bonus. Additional Event drop. Colosseum Tips. You will need to kill him to get the Job Application for TP Pete . Quest Name. Apocalypse Zow. Alchemy Perk: Droppin Loads Perk from yellow cauldron (+10. Weekly Battles. Each class can branch into two different subclasses later down the road. 250. ago. 1. Post Office/calculator - IdleOn MMO Wiki. Page; Discussion; More. Quest Name. Categories: Monster Drops. Or with maxed out knight, maxed mana post office crate and voidwalker skill on 225 you can place 3 or 4 knights at the same time xD I prefer farming on giga frogs, imo much more. Description. Droptables. 5% to your money gains. The P. 3 M. Has no effect on Construction XP gain. Weekly Battles. The current number of coins held can be found in the lower right corner of their respective windows. Page; Discussion; More. You'll reach a point where you're farming enough pens to get 100+ boxes. Cactus. Page; DiscussionPost Office. This page features all updates to Legends of Idleon that had patch notes following them, excluding all kinds of hotfixes and emergency patches. This lets you choose different post office box upgrades! This item restocks each. 0. get them eventually: rest of tab 1. The "portals" of the rift can be found on The Rift page. Once your character hits level 40 you can also set up a second card preset. 2021. 2. Retrieved from "in 238. Success Chance; 20% Uses up 1 slots only if Successful 45 Astro Bronze Chest, Astro Silver Chest, Outer World Town (Shop), Post Office Armor Upgrade Stone V: VRetrieved from "The is located at the second screen of Blunder Hills, at the rightmost side. File:Mainpage Weekly Battles. r/idleon •30. No matter on which character you're fighting. In this minigame, you need to tap on the screen when the little is over a green or yellow area to receive points. Archers can use the Acme Anvil Archer talent for bonus. 1. Small Life Potion. You can use the "Create Party" button above your equipment to create one, or join another player's party. Frostbite Tundra. Defeating each boss difficulty gives Trophies for the shop. Few characters can spend the boxes to increase fighting gains, but on a lot of them you should spend boxes on a skill, as this provides a bigger boost. Droptables. Quantity. For example 'Koala2' would be 6x6= 36. Type: Trophy Defence: 25 Weapon Power: 3 Str: 10 Agi: 10 Wis: 10 Luck: 10 Misc: 20% Food EffectRead. Progress Track Tools : Idleon Toolbox by Morojo | Power up your Legends of Idleon adventure with Idleon Toolbox's essential tools and resources for optimizing gameplay, character builds, crafting, and more. * On purchase. Usually, gaming exp is based on Bits gained. Retrieved from "Detailed Drop Details for Post Office Box Reseto Magnifico. Trash Island. Has a 10 second Cooldown. 6540880503 1 in 3,140. Android: Nov 9, 2020 iOS: Aug 12, 2022 Steam: Apr 2, 2021 Web: Nov 12, 2020 Quantity. Combined with recently getting the eldritch sailing artifact and upgrading the atom to level 2, I was able to put 3-4 levels into every speed meal, get another 2 orders of magnitude of turkeys, get 9 more meals to 30, and put 3-4 levels into another dozen meals. Namespaces. For example: 85 + 20 = 1 5. More; Page actions. ^ "Pathaan Box Office". Pages in category "Trophies". A warrior is best for Colosseum. Description. 1500. All of these can dramatically impact on the best min-max option for your character although this general wizard build is a good default approach. Lasts for seconds. Why Rams? After the World 3 patch Dedotated Rams are one of. Ability to trade loot for gold bars: Get 1. Dialogue Text. Quest Information for Desert Davey. 0 Glass Shard. Bill Brr. 2. His final quest awards the Glumlee. Crystal enemies have x15 HP but they also give x35 exp. 27K subscribers in the idleon community. Scripticus is the mainline quest giver, so have a chat with him, and go and kill some mushrooms. Distilled Water. 1. Skill Mastery gives you account wide bonuses based on your skill's total level across every player. Quantity. Cowbo Jones is on the righthand side of YumYum Grotto, near the portal to Jar Bridge. Centurion. Quantity. We released our second game,. You get one point if you click while in the green and two points while in the yellow! The more points that you obtain, the more rewards you get. +7 Defence, +4 Main Stat. No. The W2 merit shop priority is: Efuant Equipment (whenever available until max) Obol Drop Rate (level 1 only then max after AFK Gains) Gem Drop Rate (level 1 only then max after AFK Gains)Post-Office: Box of Unwanted Stat (+0,25 per box) Extendo Rangeo Bowman Talent (+25%) and Balanced Spirit Squire Talent (+16,67%) Damage. 67. Sign Post Office Order 1 Yes Pick up Item Drops 300 Counts items dropped, not items collected. 3LUK (at Lv70)Bows; Name Image Class Level Speed WP Str Agi Wis Luk Reach Misc Slots Sell Price Source Wooden Bow: All 1 5 7 2 3 0 0 150 Null 1Category: Frostbite Tundra Effect: +% Critical Chance Base Bonus: 1Breed a green mushroom in the Egg Nest station. Most of the patch notes are taken directly from the #patch-notes Discord channel, with any and all typos and errors in messaging still in. Type: Refinery Salts It's grey, and doesn't exist. Pen. Type: Wand Speed: 4 Weapon Power: 23 Agi: 1 Wis: 11 Upgrade Slots: 3This is a list of current NPCs in the game. From IdleOn MMO Wiki. Name. If you plan to mine, mining box. Show more. 33. Quantity. View source. Namespaces. Retrieved 2023-10-16. All big bubbles in Alchemy count as equipped. < Alchemy. Droptables. Sentient Cereal. % dmg taken. Categories: Monster Drops. Type: Monster Drop Mmm yellow, my favorite flavor of snow! Idleon has 13 vial levels, indicated by the table below, but in most cases you should not thrive higher than level 10, until you are in very end game and have nothing better to do than grind materials. Page; DiscussionThis node also has a custom source for Butter Bar. Prove you know the Statue Man by leveling up Statues to Lv 250 total and bringing 17 different statues. Large Choppin Pouch. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. 30% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged. Type:&nbsp;Critter HONK! HONK!Voidwalker is a Journeyman elite class that operates on the concept of "Speedrunning" through the Void Trial Rerun talent. 2000 1 in 2,000. 38. Page; Discussion; More. Each character can purchase a maximum of 600 anvil points with Coins or 700 points with Monster Drops independently for a total of 1300 Anvil Points. Namespaces. This enemy is the target of the Meteorite Random Events and does not move or attack. 25. 5First of all, thanks for all the trust, already 625 people used my tracking tool! Ok back to post, Beside some QOL changes, since last post here, i added 2 big sections:. Attack: 360 Health: 67000 Acc for 5%: 325 Acc for 100%: 975 Respawn: 40 World: Frostbite TundraAttack: 300 Health: 55000 Acc for 5%: 275 Acc for 100%: 825 Respawn: 40 World: Frostbite TundraTheres not really much that comes to maxing out cooking efficiency. It's like a bowl of oatmeal, but double the thiccness. Giant Starflower. 8%DR - Lv10) Post office: Box of Drop - Yellow box +13%DR/+11. 'The pig looks at you'. In this minigame, you need to tap on the screen when the little is over a green or yellow area to receive points. However, for the diligent daily quester you’ll have a wealth of boxes to invest into the Dwarven Supplies box should you want the extra efficiency. Quest Information for Bandit Bob. Bosses have 3 different themes, which determines the POWER of your actions. For more detailed info, see Quests or click on an NPC to go to its page. 25 1 in 25. Odd Dmg in a Row: > 8: No: 5x Medium Experience Balloon, 3x Gem: This is easily done in Worship where your character attacks all do. Looty McShooty only counts items picked up off the floor. The Post Office is a World 2 subsystem in which you deliver resources to earn boxes, which you can spend on permanent bonuses. As you might notice, that you only need 13,600 materials to reach the level 5 vial, which is less than half of the required materials for level. It spawns once per day per account, resetting at your daily reset. Difficulty. Quest Text. Choppin Equinox Willow. 4% Mob Respawn. Requirements. Island_Expeditions (giant crystals, trash from trash island) Weekly. This merit shop requires level 35 and a basic quest to craft each class specific weapon and features tasks related to alchemy, the post office and Efuant. 2. r/incremental_games. Using Void Trial Rerun will begin a new Void Run in the void, an exclusive 'world' much like the worlds you've seen before. ago. Pachinko is a game where you launch iron balls which then fall down by bouncing on pins before landing in a reward bucket that is very popular in Japan. Droptables. 150 Pet Crystal s. Killroy. 0 Statues required to level this bonus. Each character has their own set of Box upgrades. So yea, when you complete an order, all characters get Box Points to spend on upgrades. Page; Discussion; More. Usage of external calculators and spreadsheets is the single most useful thing you can do. Fireball: Occasionally Amarok will raise his sword and send out fireballs. You can do the full daily questline once per character per reset, but whether you complete the full. Mosquisnow. Type: Bug It glows with the joy of a being that knows it's not real, but continues to exist anyway. Dialogue Text. The Post Office is a World 2 subsystem in which you deliver resources to earn boxes, which you can spend on permanent bonuses. 2. Plan-It Express Orders: > 2: No: 1x Signed Arrest Warrant, 2x Gem: Bill Brr - Fairly Odd Damage: Deal an 'odd' amount of damage 8 times in a row. Main Stat: Luck Accuracy Stat: Luck Specializes in: To get this class you have to be a Journeyman and do a Secret questline. The amount of EXP you get is based on your skill's Lv. Blood Berserker Talents. Type: Summon Item I remember when I was a kid, I spent an HOUR making a GLASS container look like it was a little friend using googley eyes just like these! If only there was a CONTAINER in this game, so you could do it to!Type:&nbsp;LogPost Office Box Reseto Magnifico: 628: Hat Premiumifier: 629: Premium Stone Refunder: 630: Premium Bonus Swapper: 631: Small Experience Balloon: 632: Medium Experience Balloon: 633: Large Experience Balloon: 634: 1 HR Time Candy: 635: 2 HR Time Candy: 636: 4 HR Time Candy: 637: 12 HR Time Candy: 638: 24 HR Time. Buy gift cards and phone vouchers at the post. In order to get new Star Signs you will first need to complete Constellations. Type: Monster Drop The thrilling documentary that captures the first three years of Jonathan Ice's life, from birth to preschool. Once you unlock it, you spend materials to gain points, then use these points to invest in characters. Type: Health Food Auto-Used when your health goes below 50%. Chillsnap Silver Chest. Hyperion Nebula Merit Shop. There's a very handy page on the Idleon wiki dedicated to the post office ( ), but yeah, basically you get about 75% of the. No. Type: Shirt Defence: 7 Str: 2 Agi: 2 Wis: 2 Upgrade Slots: 2Type:&nbsp;Monster Drop Hampter. 15% Total Damage/-7% AFK OR 2% respawn. Quest Text. If you have the W1 Merit "Higher chance for minibosses in. 94506866 1 in 125,000. Sailin' Round Town • Decked out Decks • Divinilicious Licks • Truly Riveting Gaming • Now I Aint Sayin You A. Blunder Hills Town. Last updated 9 months ago. Mother's Maiden Name. No. Some come from drops, some from Quests, some from Secrets, and some from each world's Taskboard Merit Shop. Module; Discussion; More. 2023. Page; Discussion; More. The full filtration process also invovles filtering the diamonds through a vat of diamonds before using those filtered diamonds to filter the water! If only they'd filter their filtration process through diamonds so this item description wouldn't be so long. There will be a total of 38 classes. Make some deliveries for Plan-It Experess over at the post office. 2022. 50. Exp: 16 k. Seesaw Statue Bonus. 00 - DropTable1. From IdleOn MMO Wiki. Retrieved from "jackolantern in November bet you weren't expecting that! The Falloween Pumpkin is an NPC available during the Falloween Event (October 21, 2023 - November 6, 2023). 3 k. Type: Usable Hold down to reset all post office. Detailed Drop Details for Post Office Box Reseto Magnifico. Laboratory (or Lab) is a World 4 skill that gives you the option to "upload" your characters into the mainframe. Acme Anvil. Unlock the 3rd Divinity God. Bandit Bob is found in Bandit Bob's Hideout. This merit shop requires level 35 and a basic quest to craft each class specific weapon and features tasks related to alchemy, the post office and Efuant. I'd get two post boxes instead of just one. Chance. Stamps can be unlocked by talking to Mr Pigibank, who appears in the World 1 Town, upon reaching a class level of 12. The main thing to know is Obols are generally earned through ‘Alchemy’ and can be upgraded to provide each. Star Signs NOTE: AFK constellations need you to be AFK for the entire amount of time all at once. Type: Fishing Rod Speed: 4 Skill Power: 19 (Fishing) Str: 6 Luck: 4 Upgrade Slots: 3From IdleOn MMO Wiki. If they were, they'd use all the water in the ocean to upgrade the cauldron and thus not drown! Not sure what happened if they werent. 21. 5. Lv Req: 26. The post office in Idleon offers a steady ramp up of power like other mechanics with diligent daily completion of the assigned tasks. You can take a 'loan' of up to 100 special talent points if you respec, invest into Star Player talent, spend those bonus points, and respec back. 50. Page; Discussion; More. 5. png. Post Office. Type: Pickaxe Speed: 4 Skill Power: 16 (Mining) Str: 11 Agi: 4 Misc: 1% Mining Efficincy Upgrade Slots: 3 The Equinox is a feature in World 3 which is accessible through an Equinox Mirror, a. Warriors have Wisdom as their secondary, Archers have Strength, and Mages have Agility. Colosseum NPC. Type: Shirt Defence: 4 Agi: 3 Wis: 4 Misc: 2% Xp From Monsters Upgrade Slots: 2Here's the puzzle: Square the number of letters in your character's name. Inflame yourself, boosting attack spd. Go to idleon r/idleon. Blobbo. I run the Arcade the greatest game in town! Search around there isn't a more thrilling game to be found! Just gimme a tap and that will be that! Categories: NPC. No. 2023. Chillsnap Golden Chest. But the middle one randomly ask for hard-to-get items. Category: NPC. Defeating each boss difficulty gives Trophies for the shop. + 0 % All Carry Cap. I usually aim to get the first and last order at least and later on you will get a.