treat sap hana as a relational source. Follow the steps in the New Relational Connection. treat sap hana as a relational source

 Follow the steps in the New Relational Connectiontreat sap hana as a relational source  Working with SAP HANA Database Sources

Enter the name and port of the SAP HANA server you want to connect to. trusted_certificates= <certificate_string>. In the menu bar, use the breadcrumb navigation to navigate back to the operator configuration editor. This blog covers a solution to this using SAP HANA SDI and the usage of flowgraphs in SAP HANA XSA application. HANA View Index contains a list of published Views. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. There’s no need for standalone tooling as in the classic SQL DW. . When SAP first introduced the idea of the in-memory database SAP HANA in 2010, skeptics dismissed the idea as a “complete fantasy. Im connecting to a Calculation View on Hana Database and have enabled "Treat SAP Hana as a relational source" in option sin PowerBi desktop. When you are asked to select your view, select an SAP HANA HDI view instead of a “classic” SAP HANA view. The SAP HANA source system provides central and unified access to tables and views in the local SAP HANA database and to sources that are provided using SAP HANA. SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory relational database that combines OLAP and OLTP operations into a single system. To learn more, read our detailed Relational Databases Tools Report (Updated: October 2023). Built on a Kubernetes foundation, they offer a database platform for serverless applications. Relational connections can only create via IDT or UDT created semantic layers. In data lake Relational Engine, create a virtual table that points to the SAP HANA database table containing the data to copy. You can read data from SAP tables and SAP HANA database modelling views. Below is the diagrammatic illustration for the same. More Information. SAP HANA Cloud, data lake is. NOTE: IDENTITY and SECRET correspond with the User and Password properties for SQL Server. But as HANA is an in-memory database it holds your data in persistence memory and DRAM (Volatile Memory). I just installed the July 2018 release and under Options/DirectQuery, there is no longer an option for "Allow unrestricted measures in DirectQuery mode. Check out: What are Reports and their Types in SAP. g. For more information, see Integrating Data to and From SAP. Once you have discovered how it works with one relational database you can use it with virtually any other database in an almost identical way. At the moment of writing, the changes proposed to add SAP as a provider in Diagrams have not been merged to the main repository – See pull request 717. The first migration step consists of creating the SAP HANA InA connection: Open SAP BusinessObjects Information Design Tool. They expand the SAP HANA platform with native support for hierarchy attribute calculation and navigation, and allow the execution of typical hierarchy operations directly on relational data, seamlessly integrated into the SQL query. Figure 1: SAP HANA Data Platform Overview Variety Since the SAP HANA database system has its origins partially in document processing, support for semi- and unstructured text is part of SAP HANAÕs DNA [8]. Create a relational container in the data lake Relational Engine container group. MySQL is ranked 4th in Relational Databases Tools with 31 reviews while SAP HANA is ranked 3rd in Relational Databases Tools with 43 reviews. GeneratedMethodAccessor433. Specifies the conditions where the command should be performed. Query a data lake Relational Engine database from ODBC, Java, Node. Update an SAP HANA database virtual table to reflect metadata changes in the corresponding data lake Relational Engine table. I just installed the July 2018 release and under Options/DirectQuery, there is no longer an option for "Allow unrestricted measures in DirectQuery mode. You query data lake Relational Engine using SAP HANA database virtual tables. 1 to SP 5. Execute the following SQL command to create credentials for the external data source connected to SQL Server data. In order to over come these two problems SAP HANA contains a third component Max DB database. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. I do calculations in Power query and use methods seldom so i should use it as a relational source right? Or what would your advice be?Enable editing SAP variables. Power BI with SAP HANA as a data source | SAP HANA Power BI connector. Type the name of the server. When you create a CAP application with HANA as the database, it is not very intuitive to find how to explore tables/views of the application (being a developer). This offers greater flexibility. Again, to remove the Materialized view we need to wrap it up under the REMOTE_EXECUTE () call. Search Scopes: All SAP products;Select the all required fields and click on the ‘Copy’ button. Set the type of authentication to use when users create new workspaces or log on to existing workspaces. From the side navigation, choose Connections (Add Connection). SAP HANA is a result of software innovations from SAP and hardware innovations from SAP partners. csv file from this GitHub repository. g. HANA version (under HANA Studio) is 1. Then, for the provided example, the following relational aggregation query gives the same result as exception aggregation: select count(*), sales_org. By contrast, SAP HANA Cloud rates 4. You can read data from SAP tables and SAP HANA database modelling views. Treat SAP HANA. When you connect to a data source with Power BI Desktop, the navigator will allow you to select a set of tables (for relational sources) or a set of source objects (for multidimensional sources). A vertex. dbisql is a tool that can be used to query a data lake Relational Engine. Step 4: Running Webi Query. If the column list is omitted, then the database performs the insert using all the columns in the virtual table. BI Experts, With BI 7. SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory relational database that combines OLAP and OLTP operations into a single system. Select New > Relational Connection in order to insert a new connection in your local project. The first step is to add a BW project which is nothing but connecting to your BW/4HANA system. On the other hand, when using the relational source setting, Power BI will treat SAP HANA as a relational source and hence offers greater flexibility. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that can be deployed on premise or on demand. You need an SAP HANA license to read data from SAP HANA sources and write data to SAP HANA targets. SAP’s statements regarding lower maintenance on the SAP HANA database are most certainly unproven, and while SAP can point to some. It is still possible to use the old approach to DirectQuery over SAP HANA. SAP HANA Database – In-memory – the SAP HANA Cloud – a column-based, multi-modal and scalable in-memory database. This cannot contain spaces and should. It needs less disk space than some of its competitors and is highly scalable. Mock source systems for SAP systems, to develop scenarios for multiple source systems in a single. Connection Type: In this example, we will select the Direct. The HDI Deployer supports SAP HANA 1 SPS11/SPS12 and SAP HANA 2. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. This is controlled by selecting File > Options and settings and then Options > DirectQuery, then selecting the option Treat SAP HANA as a relational source. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. Treat SAP HANA as a relational source Treat SAP HANA as a multi-dimensional source (default) with better performance, you can use this option. In the top right corner in Connections, click Create New Connection. Bulk Upsert for SAP HANA Targets When you upsert data into SAP HANA targets, you can configure the EnableArrayUpsert custom property to upsert data in bulk and improve the session performance. Hi Olivier, in the SAP Knowledge article (3088669 - Webi Reporting using OLAP Connection to HANA Cloud is not working) we can see a recommendation to "Use a relational connection with a UNX universe". On the contrary, if we need to access multi-dimensional data cubes, then we need an OLAP connection. Defining the Treat Source Rows As Property. Is that the answer you're looking for? If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution. Message 2 of 3. In the forked repo, the changes are in the sap-icons branch. The HANA database excels at connecting to and integrating with different data sources, whether those sources are SAP or non-SAP. 1 - May 2013. The SAP HANA Appliance comprises repli-cation and data transformation services to easily. – The endpoint is the host. More advanced users can still connect to the row and column tables by writing direct SQL, but the experience has been simplified without sacrificing capabilities for more advanced use. The SAP HANA database CREATE VIRTUAL TALBE. Power BI Project Design Essentials 2. It is deployable in premise or in the cloud. Page Not Found | SAP Help Portal. Figure 1 out-lines the different components of the SAP HANA Ap-pliance. The SAP HANA Service Dashboard shows the basic information about ta HANA database. Select SAP HANA > JDBC Dirver. Starts replicating data between the services in the source tenant database. The metadata page for an SAP HANA database source shows the following object types if they exist in the source. , ERP) exactly the same way as it was before they connected to SAP HANA. 00. Display a list of data lake Relational Engine relational container schemas. The most important server is the index server. In SAP HANA, a graph is a set of vertices and a set of edges. Tcode – RSA6. Each edge connects two vertices; one vertex is denoted as the source and the other as the target. SAP BusinessObjects BI 4. SAP HANA in-memory technology allows the ProteomicsDB team to implement a simpler database design without precomputed data aggregations. Select SAP IQ and click Finish. 1 Hierarchy Data Model SAP HANA hierarchy functions are designed to work with a wide range of source data that is not structured into nodes and edges. Contain the definition of a table in a relational database. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. On the other hand, the top reviewer of SAP HANA writes "Good integration capabilities, easy to implement, and reliable". Working with SAP HANA Database Sources. Data Lake Relational Engine Container Group. SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory relational database that combines OLAP and OLTP operations into a single system. Go to File > Options and settings > Options, and in the left pane, select DirectQuery under Current File. SAP HANA Cloud, Data Lake Developer Guide for Data Lake Relational Engine . The Enable Column Binding feature is designed to enhance the efficiency of your data retrieval process. We need to create a Table in our HANA Database Instance. To create and manage SAP HANA Cloud instances using the SMCTL CLI, the following prerequisites need to be fulfilled:. You can override the source table name for each relational source. >hostname –fqdn (This command gives the FQDN of the DB server. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. Yes. Source – google image . Working with SAP HANA Database Sources. In some ways, it can be thought of a suped-up join engine that happens to handle non-relational data as well as relational. Specifies the table that is the source for the selected columns, with the optional schema name. The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. Customers. Check this option to. Connecting BI to an SAP HANA Database. SAP HANA alternatives are mainly Relational Databases but may also be Business Intelligence Tools or Cloud Computing Services. Zili Zhou, Strategic Project Manager, SAP HANA Database & Analytics. e. Knowledge check. Tips and Best Practices. In SAP HANA, data can be physically loaded in the batch process. Score 8. 6, while Teradata is rated 8. As visuals are created, the correct aggregate data will always be retrieved from SAP HANA. Would this be because I have an old version of Power BI desktop? I currently use "2. Announcements. Gets and sets the name of the source column mapped to the DataSet and used for loading or returning the value. 0). Within the Catalog node, the relational SAP HANA database is divided into sub-databases known as schemas. Step 2: Selecting relational HANA connection from available list of connection from SAP BO server. Learn about options for connecting to SAP HANA using DirectQuery in Power BI Desktop, as a multi-dimensional source or a relational source. Treat SAP HANA as a relational source. When connecting to SAP HANA using this setting, a single analytic or calculation view is selected and all the measures, hierarchies and attributes of that view will. They are designed to scale storage and compute resources seamlessly without being constrained by the limits of a single. The Query Folding option facilitates data processing on the SAP HANA server. For objects that are dependent on other objects, like views being dependent on tables, there could be times when the schema of the dependent. Power BI with SAP HANA as a data source | SAP HANA Power BI connector. 0 is it possible to build reports using Bex or Bex web directely from a view in SQL /ORACLE DB without actually saving data in BI?{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. What are the meta data of source you import while importing the relational source definition from database ? Source name. Customer-organized groups that meet online and in-person. Each object type can also contain associated objects. In SAP HANA, data can be filled from the files, database, or occasionally connected sources. Showing values in a data foundation based on SAP HANA. SAP HANA Cloud. sap s4 hana implemented companies in india,. Database location. For information about SAP BW, see DirectQuery and SAP BW . 4) DS will be available in for BW Replication. Q. It does not work with any Cube I tested. For more information, see DirectQuery and SAP BW. Then, use an INSERT. There are two options when connecting to SAP HANA: Treat SAP HANA as a multi-dimensional source (default) Treat SAP HANA as a relational source. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. HANA is architected to enable applications to support both transactional and analytical processing on a single system with one copy of the data. Skip to main content. from cube_view. 5 possesses knowledge of specific S4/HANA tables, possibly by having been exposed to online resources documenting these. In this scenario, the data lake Relational Engine is managed by SAP HANA database. The use of SAP IQ as nearline storage and relational Data Lake can be seen here as a possible extension of BW, which, however, requires integration into the BW structures in any case and is limited to structured data. ) databases (whether on-premise or cloud) web services (Google analytics, Github,. SAP HANA uses the ODBC connection. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs":{"items":[{"name":"breadcrumb","path":"powerbi-docs/breadcrumb","contentType":"directory"},{"name. 0. SAP HANA Is an RDBSM (Relational Database Management System) Databases store data about products, customers, orders and other aspects of business operations for use in transaction processing and analytics applications. On the other hand, when using the relational source setting, Power. 5 model which is no longer state of the art nowadays. While browsing the hana objects, I want to select all the columns on a particular view, Isn't there way to "Select All" all the dataitems under a cube instead selecting all of them individually. 0 Back Next Working with SAP HANA Database Sources You need an SAP HANA license to read data from SAP HANA sources and write data to SAP HANA. Michael Truong Ngoc, co-author, Machine Learning Engineer, SAP IES AI CoE. Connect using USER1. Each row in the SYSSOURCE system view contains the source code, if applicable, for an object listed in the SYSOBJECT system view. ”. Description. Open the Workspace. Adapters are made available by SAP HANA smart data access and SAP HANA smart data integration. The idea behind this best practice approach is to push data processing to the data source server while working with a Power BI Report. Updated: November 2023. 981. BI is a SAP Product, which provides the user friendly environment. The SAP HANA connection requires a JAR file. 2) Then create data source in ECC- Tcode : RSO2. Enter a name for your scenario and a unique Arrangement Name. Highlights: Since we don’t have a direct live connector to non SAP SQL data sources in SAC, So this approach could be one of the options to establish a live connection to non SAP SQL data sources e. My issue is that onc. The check box "treat SAP HANA as a relational source" does not have any affect. 25 Difference between OLAP and relational connection to SAP HANA. The following code will create a TPCH schema in the HANA DB. g. Both requests from business are valid. On the other hand, when using the relational source setting, Power BI will treat SAP HANA as a relational source and hence offers greater flexibility. In order to treat a connection to SAP HANA as a relational source, you must select File Options and settings Options, then check the box under Direct Query Treat SAP HANA. Automatic corrections for run-time semantic differences between the source and target. Designer Guide 10. The first step is to upgrade the software to QRC3. The check box "treat SAP HANA as a relational source" does not have any affect. Related Information. 391861. Server. Hadoop/NoSQL. Here comes SAP HANA – a robust and flexible database that addresses platform, technology and database challenges. 00. Overview of SAP HANA Cloud, data lake. The CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE provides a way to access an existing table or view data lake Relational Engine. To create a new connection to SAP HANA: Click Files and data . An OLAP connection is used to connect to the multidimensional model like an Information View in SAP HANA. We use cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, improve performance, analyze traffic, and to personalize content. RelationalBrowsingServiceImpl. Some, but not all, members of each team need access to data from the other. 0 64-bit (August 2020)". If you have an SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA database instance with an integrated data lake, see the. Data Source Name. I have been trying different options and I have not been able to connect porperly to the data. #1: Integration of All DW Functions on the SAP HANA Platform. This syntax is specific to revoking SAP HANA database privileges in a data lake Relational Engine context. SAP HANA Cloud, data lake Relational Engine (Smart Data Access) SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (Smart Data Access) Google BigQuery (Smart. Option 2:. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. Configure the data source. Example - All the packages we see in the SAP HANA Studio, is not shwoing in the powerbi . Step 2) A user creation screen appears. CDI-PC Integration Service. Connect from SAP HANA Cloud to SAP HANA, express edition via the Cloud Connector (optional) Step 4. Description. SAP HANA Cloud, data lake is composed of two key components: the data lake Relational Engine component, and the default data lake Files component. Then the fields will be copied to the view. It appears that GPT-3. 9 out of 10. Check this option to. In the list of connectors, click SAP HANA. click on the ‘Activate’ button to activate it. 26%) customers respectively. Set the type of authentication to use when users create new workspaces or log on to existing workspaces. 6. Applications – Data Warehouse Cloud, SAP Analytics Cloud. SAP HANA Cloud is a single database as a service (DBaaS) foundation for modern applications and analytics across all enterprise data. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs":{"items":[{"name":"admin","path":"powerbi-docs/admin","contentType":"directory"},{"name. It needs less disk space than some of its competitors and is highly scalable. Gets and sets value that indicates whether the source column is nullable. Prerequisites. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to SAP HANA and many of them are available for Windows so hopefully you. As its name suggests, SAP Fraud Management was. SAP HANA Graph expands the SAP HANA platform with native support for graph processing and allows executing typical graph operations on the data stored in an SAP HANA system. Treat HANA as relational source is a more flexible solution because it allows calculated columns and connections to multiple HANA views. 0 – 2023-11-04 SAP HANA Cloud, Data Lake Administration Guide for Data Lake Relational Engine {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"powerbi-docs/connect-data":{"items":[{"name":"media","path":"powerbi-docs/connect-data/media","contentType. in Power BI Desktop connect to an SAP HANA or SAP BW data source. The next step to create a universe, is to create a “Data Foundation”. To connect to an SAP HANA database from Power Query Desktop: Select Get Data > SAP HANA database in Power BI Desktop or From Database > From SAP HANA Database in the Data ribbon in Excel. I´m trying to create a HANA Connection to Analysis for Office with following versions installed: Analysis for Office 2. g. The following tools also provide the ability to execute SQL queries. Select Users (Right Click) -> New User. You’ve the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE object privilege on the SAP HANA database remote source for data lake Relational Engine. As I will come on to explain, the solution is based on a relational storage platform but it can hold non-relational data e. Create a Remote Source Using the SAP HANA Database Explorer. 05-08-2018 09:34 AM Hi Team, Im connecting to a Calculation View on Hana Database and have enabled "Treat SAP Hana as a relational source" in option sin PowerBi desktop. SAP HANA Cloud, HANA database is SAP’s flagship in-memory multi-model database management system. 1) Data is volatile in Nature. That’s where we will be importing the data into. Available Versions: QRC 3/2023 ; QRC 2/2023 ; This document. If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly. SAP’s data federation capabilities are built in their HANA database, which is known as Smart Data Access (SDA). An Aggregation node represents a relational group-by and aggregation operation. User name: the login name of the HANA user you want to use for this connection; Password: the password of the HANA. 84. Description. NET Connector 3. Other great sites and apps similar to SAP HANA are PostgreSQL, MySQL Community Edition, MongoDB and Microsoft SQL Server. Create a relational connection in Information Design Tool (IDT) for SAP HANA. For the second issue, you can define variables on SAP HANA side, then you can enter desired values for these variables on Power BI side to filter data. They allow users assigned to a space to use objects from the connected source to acquire, prepare and access data from those sources in SAP Datasphere. Yes. where. only database user with ROLE ADMIN privileges can create user and role in SAP HANA. Instance Number. which can be queried and processed jointly with. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. For more information, see DirectQuery and SAP HANA. Nikola Cornelia Braukmüller, Senior Product Manager, SAP HANA Database & Analytics. Type the name of the server. Step 3. Enter the name and port of the SAP HANA server you want to connect to. Data lake IQ (renamed to Data Lake Relational Engine) – provides high-performance SQL analysis of large storage volumes. Data Source Name. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user. Message 3 of 9 1,130 Views 0 Reply. 0 is taking about the same time as BEx Web Analyzer and this is a preliminary test. Treat SAP HANA as a multi-dimensional source (default) 2. Enter:DROP a Materialized View statement for Data Lake Relational Engine: This is the basic generalized syntax which Removes a materialized view from the database. The top reviewer of MariaDB writes "Allows for fetching data from multiple correlated or related databases in a single query, user-friendly and easy to handle". However, we haven't been able to find how to setup that connections as DirectQuery, as it works in import mode by. It is partially loading. I have been trying different options and I have not been able to connect porperly to the data. Working with SAP HANA Database Sources. It aims at enhancing application performance, reducing cost of ownership, and finding. Click Add to create a new data source to connect to a data lake Relational Engine database. You have created a subaccount inside your SAP BTP global account. SAP HANA uses Smart Data Integration (SDI) to retrieve data from and send data to the SCP Blockchain service. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. Prerequisite. Of course if you want to operationalize this, you have to setup a Power BI gateway with current credentials (SSO) specified in the data source setting in Power BI. Understood. Click on New. Enter the system details, username, password, and click Next. 0 is taking about the same time as BEx Web Analyzer and this is a preliminary test. Creating and using the connection in the first instance works perfectly - I can connect to Calculation Views stored on our HANA databases, design dashboards and publish them. To create SAP HANA databases choose hana. Both are perceived as discrete units from the administration perspective. The SAP HANA connector brings BI artifacts such as analytic and calculation views to the forefront for users, and makes it to easy discover important content. SAP HANA เป็นการรวมฐานข้อมูล HANA, การสร้างแบบจำลองข้อมูล, การดูแลระบบ HANA และการจัดเตรียมข้อมูลไว้ในชุดเดียว ใน SAP. To access your data in SAP HANA, create a connection asset for it. SAP HANA Support: Keys in Hierarchy. Labels: Labels: Need Help; Message 1 of 6 9,049 Views 2 Reply. Yes, We checked the option "Treat SAP HANA as a relational source" under options. reflect. , allowing temporary. Editing Relational Source Definitions Reimporting a Source Definition Creating a Source Definition from a Target Definition Working with COBOL Sources. Follow the steps below to add SAP HANA as a data source. This method can also be used for loading initial data (via xlsx, csv files) to your tables during production cutover. You can hold down the Shift key to select a block of sources within one folder or hold down the Ctrl key to make non. The tables below show which of the following capabilities are supported for each remote source type: Federation: Accessing data in the remote database based on virtual tables without moving the data. reflect. How many ways you can update a relational source definition? Depending upon the changes, we can update a relational source definition in 2 ways :Our new SAP HANA database monitoring extension allows you to: Easily understand the health and performance of your HANA databases. In addition, it performs. The information applies to Crystal Reports’ 14. 80. Selecting the Source Database Connection. All because the increasing number of targeted cyber-attacks. Important: Keep in mind that access to Views is limited by a user’s SAP security permissions, so some of the Views Treat SAP HANA as a multi-dimensional source is the default selection for power bi. In the SAP HANA flyout, click New connection. SAP BI support many. Is that the answer you're looking for? If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution. I have been trying different options and I have not been able to connect porperly to the data. DirectQuery. HANA is an in-memory database. browsing. SAP HANA is deployable on premises, in a public or private cloud, and in hybrid scenarios. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. The connection name cannot be changed later. When this option is enabled. In single-source data foundations, when showing table and column values for a table corresponding to an Analytic View, the information design tool. SAP HANA is an in-memory platform that combines an ACID-compliant database with advanced data processing, application services, and flexible data integration services.