1272/2008 [CLP] Pictograme de pericol (CLP) : GHS07 GHS08. Fispq Quim Olproc Esp Fluibrax Tl25. A) along with 0. Fispq Avi Gasolina Avgas. Read the latest magazines about É PROIBIDO AO USUÁRIO A and discover magazines on Yumpu. Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), más del 75% de los cultivos mundiales dependen de la polinización. Karate Zeon 250 Cs 1. FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitors of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of. Fusilade. Begin agitation and add the recommended amounts of FUSILADE 2000 and TACKLE. 1907/2006 (REACH), astfel cum a fost modificat prin Regulamentul (UE) 2020/878 Data imprimării: 08/10/2021 RO - ro 2/14 3558 2. FISPQ AM-HE. Fusilade® DX Herbicide will provide effective control of grass weeds in conventional tillage, minimum tillage, and no-till plantings. FUSILADE ® 2000 Concentrado Emulsionable Herbicida Registro de Venta ICA 2032 1. clodinafope-propargil Topik 240 EC Uracilas bromacila Uragan fenoxaprope-P-etílico Rapsode, Podium EW e outros diurom Herburon WG, Karmex e outros Ariloxifenoxipropionatos fluazifope-P-butil Pilot, Fusilade 250 EW e outros linurom Afalon SC, Linurex Ag. Category Herbicides. azoxistrobin 250 g/l. • IMPORTANT: produs ORIGINAL Nufarm !!! • Depozit controlat termic. Fosfato Monoamônico. Concentrado Solúvel (SL) HERBICIDA SELETIVO DE AÇÃO SISTÊMICA. Nr. Resolva Inseticida Hidrossoluvel 0. Juntos por la polinización. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product identifier on FUSILADE®label: IITURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE Product No. Poliol - Fortnol p8030 Fispq. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Excellent control of a w~~e range of annual and perennial grass weeds will be obtained with FUSILADE 2E when applied as recommended on this label. . 2019 - No descarte de embalagens utilize equipamento de proteção individual - EPI: macacão de algodão impermeável com mangas compridas, luvas de nitrila e botas de borracha. PINOXADEN. greisson jose. SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING. Intervenire durante le ore fresche del giorno, su infestanti in attiva crescita, impiegando volumi d'acqua medi (100-400 lt/ha) onde favorire la uniforme copertura della vegetazione. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC A12715A HERBICIDAS Veiklioji medžiaga – fluazifop-p-butilas 150 g/l (15,77%). Fusilade Forte is a post-emergent systemic herbicide, very active in combating annual and perennial grass weeds in broad-leaved crops. comproduto na bula (g. 14 oz/1000 sq. replicates was used, in which fluazifop-p-b utyl (Fusilade 250 EW. 1. : produto comercial Ter: Aplicação terrestre; Aer: Aplicação aérea NÚMERO, ÉPOCA E INTERVALO DE APLICAÇÃO: As aplicações do inseticida EPINGLE 100 EW devem ser iniciadas no início da infestação das pragas,Fusilade II Herbicide can be used to remove Bermuda grass from zoysia grass when used at reduced rates. 1993). Contains petroleum distillate. sulfentrazone 250 and 500 g ha-1, flumioxazin 17. É. 20 L de água-1) Concentração . Contains petroleum distillates. pr. FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE 1. priori_top_0. From the Invasive Plants in Southern California blog :: April 11, 2014. EPA Reg. Thorough coverage of all weed plant foliage is important for good activity. cereals and other grass weeds, post-emergence in broad-leaved crops and other situations. Spectracide Weed Stop is not labeled to kill wiregrass/bermuda grass. Product identifier ORIUS P Pure substance/mixture Mixture 1. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide is rainfast in one hour. 250 HERBICIDE NON-CROPPED FIELD MARGINS (BOUNDARY STRIPS) 1–1. 32 Ounce. For resistance management purposes, it is a Group A herbicide. É OBRIGATÓRIO O USO DE EQUIPAMENTOS DE. É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas. FISPQ- Acido Sulfurico. Fusilade Forte 1lt. Cada 1,0 L de produto comercial/ha equivale a 250 g i. Sadrži aktivnu materiju fluazifop-p-butil koji inhibira aktivnost enzima acetil-CoA. MIXING - Fill the clean sprayer ta 'k 1/2 full with clean water. 5 ^ 2. FORMULACIJA: Koncentrat za emulziju (EC) AKTIVNA MATERIJA: Fluazifop-p-butil 150 g/l. Περιεκτικότητα σε δραστική ουσία: fluazifop-p-butyl 12. 250 385 100 154 75 116 APPLICATION Boom Spraying - apply FUSILADE in 200 to 400 litres of water per hectare. Design code : A12791B . acido-fosforico-fispq-0008. Veiklioji medžiaga tebukonazolas – sisteminio veikimo fungicidas, turintis apsauginį. br 3 INSTRUÇÕES DE USO: Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando- se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled to remove bermudagrass from zoysia when used as directed on the product label . É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, cebola, cenoura, batata, feijão, soja, tomate, girassol. Poliol - Fortnol p8030 Fispq. 5L. ZANTARA® 216 EC conţine două substanţe active sistemice: bixafen și tebuconazol, cu moduri diferite de acțiune. PROOF. comMode of Action. polo_500_sc_0. Superior rainfastness FUSILADE FORTE is rainfast within one hour, significantly faster than other “fops”. FUSILADE MAX. Fungicid cu acţiune sistemică cu o penetrare şi o migrare rapidă în plantă. Crop/non-crop registration: Broadleaf crops: forage legumes (alfalfa, red clover, bird'sfoot trefoil), soybeans, cotton, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber. Often is the case we want to kill Bermuda in Zoysia. GRAXOMONE 200 - 2015. Spot Treatment - for handgun or knapsack, mix 150 g of FUSILADE in 100 litres of water (or 15 g per 10 litres of spray mix) and spray to thoroughly wet grasses. Herbicides. 20 40 60 80 10 %. H314 Provoca queimadura severa à pele e dano aos olhos. $ 165. Fusilade applied as post-emergence at 0. ANTES DE USAR O PRODUTO, LEIA O RÓTULO, A BULA E A RECEITA E CONSERVE-OS EM SEU PODER. Msds Thinner 21-06. Fusilade Forte is applied when weeds are between 2- 8 leaf stage. FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE Date: Replaces: 8/4/2022 6/24/2016 Page 1 of 8 . Fispq Avi Gasolina Avgas. fu•sil•lade. Cada 1,0 L de produto comercial/ha equivale a 250 g i. It can be applied over the top of many ornamental plants without causing injury. Tifway0 Tifwayd Midlawn Tifway6 Roundup Pro 2qt 3 100a 89 Roundup Pro 2qt + 24floz 2 96ab 93 (+. Fusilade DX Herbicide is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and growing points (meristematic regions) of treated grass weeds. A few years ago it became apparent from conversations and emails that the use of Fusilade (fluazifop-P-butyl, manufactured by Syngenta Crop Protection), a herbicide that only kills grasses (Poaceae), was increasing among wildland weed warriors. Fusilade Forte 250ml /syngenta/. 5 Folicur plus 375 EC tebuconazole triadimenol 25 12. FISPQ- Acido Sulfurico. 1. NV- 040006 For Quackgrass Control in Alfalfa Grown for Seed and Clover Grown for Seed FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND PRECAUTIONS ON THIS LABEL MAY RESULT IN POOR PEST CONTROL, CROP INJURY, OR ILLEGAL RESIDUES. 25+++ l 0. Marcos Antonio. Chemical Family: Aryloxy-phenoxypropionates. Se aplica con las malas hierbas ya nacidas en cualquier estado de desarrollo del cultivo. Last updated:. 2023. Emergency. FUSILADE Bula Completa- 19. Theextent of these protectionmeasures depends on the actual risks in use. . dificulte a. Boom Spraying: Apply FUSILADE FORTE in 200 to 400 litres of water per hectare. Sapatos fechados, vestimenta de segurança para proteção de todo o corpo. 125 g/l fluazifop-p-butyl. 00 for a quart of this low AI junk, thus a license is required to encompass the real stuff at 100. potencial de desenvolvimento da resistência para este grupo químico, recomenda-se: Aplicar FORTENZA 600 FS usando uma “janela de aplicação” para evitar a exposição. MSMA and DSMA will control crabgrass, bahia grass, dallis grass and some broadleaf weeds and will suppress nutgrass. Abstract. Fusilade Forte® je Syngentin selektivni, translokacioni herbicid za suzbijanje travnih korova u svim širokolisnim kulturama. FormulationOrius. The application of Fusilade Forte 128 EC Herbicide must not occur on days when the prevailing wind speed and direction is likely to create off-site spray drift impacts. 2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Read the latest magazines about • Solo: retire as camad and discover magazines on Yumpu. COMPATIBILITY3 Rudosios rūdys (Puccinia recondita) Varpų fuzariozė (Fusarium spp. 188 16 0. Active. 5% AI for Fusilade. per gal. • Acest mod de activitate dă posibilitatea produsului de a. 480 SC Insecticide. It can also be used to remove Bermuda grass from tall fescue and zoysia grass when used at reduced rates. Fusilade Forte este erbicid sistemic postemergent, foarte activ in combaterea buruienilor graminee anuale si perene din culturile cu frunza lata. 5+++ l 0. 0 15 DAP 6 haloxyfop-R methyl ester 96. ANTES DE USAR O PRODUTO, LEIA O RÓTULO, A BULA E A RECEITA E CONSERVE-OS EM SEU PODER. 01. recomendados para. 18002001310 - Toll free / 020 30699533/ 020 66845533. Active ingredient: Fluazifop-P-butyl 24. /25 gals. Fusilade forte 150 EC naikina vienmetes ir daugiametes vienaskiltes piktžoles cukrinių ir pašarinių runkelių, valgomųjų burokėlių, morkų, svogūnų, česnakų, porų, pastarnokų, ropių, griežčių, salierų,FOXTROT® 69 EW/FENOVA® SUPER ; FUSILADE MAX®. Datorită sinergiei celor două substanțe active, fungicidul ZANTARA® 216 EC controlează eficient boli dificil de combătut, precum: septorioze, rugini, făinare, arsuri, pătarea reticulară, sfâșierea frunzelor. 3 Details of the. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC naikina vienmetes ir daugiametes vienaskiltes piktžoles rapsuose, grikiuose, runkeliuose, ankštinėse kultūrose, daržovėse, vaismedžių soduose, uogakrūmiuose ir kt. Active ingredient. É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, cebola, cenoura, batata,. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Produkto forma: koncentruota emulsija. Crop/non-crop registration: Broadleaf crops: forage legumes (alfalfa, red clover, bird'sfoot trefoil), soybeans, cotton, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber. Nome do produto RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 320. RENEP 5 B - FISPQ GHS. FISPQ - CYPRESS. FUSILADE MAX is INCOMPATIBLE with Carbetamex and Benazalox. FISPQ_Cola Branca da Leo PVA Extra. (Fusilade 250 EW. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION FORMULATION AND ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Contains 125 g. PODIUM EW_BULA_08. to attack or shoot by a fusillade. Seleccionar opciones. Fusilade 250 EW Bula Completa – 20. A növényvéd ő szer engedélyokirat azonosítási adatai: 1. 2,4-D TÉCNICO RAINBOW – Registrado no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento – MAPA sob nº 15912. Tank mixing with dicamba provides you with additional weed management options and resistance management benefits. INSTRUÇÕES DE USO. Use the higher rate for tall or dense grass weed infestation. Alicy M. Eficaz para el control de la mayoría de malezas gramíneas anuales y perennes, en los cultivos de algodonero, soya, ajo, zanahoria, cebolla de bulbo, papa y café. PRIMENA: Fusilade Forte se primenjuje kao selektivni translokacioniherbicid za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih travnih korova u: ratarskim usevima: suncokretu , soji i šećernoj repi. Close suggestions Search Search. Emergency. Fusilade Forte utilizeaza tehnologia avansata Isolink, care permite o absorbtie superioara, valorificand la maxim puterea substantei active. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Acesta utilizeaza tehnologia avansata Isolink, care permite o absorbtie superioara, valorificand. Ovo je visoko selektivan prepara. produto: Principais usos LUBRIFICANTE PARA ENGRENAGENS INDUSTRIAIS. FISPQ Biguanida_V01. Fusilade® DX Herbicide will provide effective control of grass weeds in conventional tillage, minimum tillage, and no-till plantings. Active materials. FORMULATION & ACTIVE INGREDIENT: FUSILADE MAX is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 125 g fluazifop-P-butyl per litre. Causar Dano Agudo : Inflamabilidade: Não Classificado. 500 g/L. Sua formulação EW, à base de água e menos solventes, possibilita menor risco de fitotoxicidade para a cultura do eucalipto e rápida absorção pela planta daninha, o que favorece sua. curyom_550_ec_a9441a_fispq_v08_20220214184425_61201. Design and Performance. Endereço: Rua Luiz Lazaretti, 244, Vale Verde CEP: 13. Logran 75 WG. For control of grassy weeds in prairie and riparian conservation and restoration sites. colo das plantas. FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE 1. Fusilade II should be added to the spray tank at a rate of 0. COMPATIBILITYFUSILADE® Forte is a herbicide for the selective post emergence control of Annual and Perennial Grasses in a wide range of broadleaf crops, including Orchards, Forestry and Ornamentals. Spot Treatment - for handgun or knapsack, mix 150 g of FUSILADE in 100 litres of water (or 15 g per 10 litres of spray mix) and spray to thoroughly wet grasses. claudiosaram. EPA Reg. Dayse. Produto: 20. Some naturally occurring grass weed populations have been identified as resistant to herbicides . Fosfato Monoamônico. Carmen’s education is listed on their profile. GRAMOXONE 250. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide that works on selected unwanted annual and perennial grass weeds. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Danger Classifications:FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE 1. Fast and Reliable results, Fusilade Max is a fast acting formulation utilising Isolink technology for optimised performance. /A) ~ Region A - All states except the areas of Arizona, California, New Mexico, West Oklaho~A, West Texas, Utah, aod Colorado as. Aris Wibowo. It also influences the German styling of. i. 1/ Herbicide. 07-0. An alternative for Bermuda grass suppressions would be Turflon + Acclaim Extra. 10. Registrado no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA sob nº: 005796. É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, Fusilade ® II herbicide is a selective post emergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Zither 80 - FISPQ. ddvp1000ce_fispq. Nuo varpų fuzariozės rekomenduojama purkšti nuo plaukėjimo pabaigos iki. Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. apply a total of morelhan:)6 oz. 05. 6 oz per 1-2 gallons per 1,000 sq. Bula Completa- 04. Fusilade Forte is a highly effective and rapidly absorbed selective herbicide designed to control both annual and perennial grasses. The agitation system should be running during mixing and spraying. . 136 Research Horticultura Brasileira April June, T he genus Physalis belongs to the Solanaceae family and corresponds to a group of vegetables of great economic importance in Brazil (Muniz et al. A altura do voo é de 2 a 3 m da copa da cultura com faixa de deposição de 12 a 15 m. Unlike the real Crossfire, there is no convertible variant of the Fusilade, suggesting that it is based after the SRT-6 model. Cadastra-se gratuitamente. 5 mN/m Determined in. 50 g/L. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A12460A Use: Herbicide Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No. ha-1) and sethoxydim (commercial product: Poast, recommended dose at 230 g i. Early Leaf Blight. Jan 1993; 185;Produkto forma: koncentruota emulsija. 2022. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. /25 gals. RENEP 5 B - FISPQ GHS. Registered until. A) along with 0. Last updated: Friday, 06/10/2023 - 09:17. . Recomendação geral As gotas devem ter um diâmetro de 250 a 300 micras com 30 a 40 gotas/cm². FISPQ DESINFETANTE. A . View the product label for Fusilade DX from Syngenta LLC. Bula Fusilade. Understanding the Listings. FUSILADE® DX Herbicide EPA REG. EPA Reg. Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL Herbicide Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No. en Change Language. Posiadacz zezwolenia: Nufarm Polska Sp. substância ou mistura: Nome da empresa: FUCHS LUBRIFICANTES DO BRASIL LDTA. Luciangelo Rossi Peloggia. Dayse. Raquel Souza. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and growing points (meristematic regions) of treated grass weeds. Roundup + Fusilade at 2 quarts + 24 ounces TABLE 1. 062 6 0. HAZARDS. FISPQ. pdf), Text File (. Karışabilirlik Durumu. 100-1070 EPA Est. Način delovanja:Código Interno de Número da FISPQ: 10668. FUSILADE® 250 EW VERIFICAR RESTRIÇÕES DE USO CONSTANTES NA LISTA DE AGROTÓXICOS DO PARANÁ. Code: Product: Pack : FLYING INSECTS : 810042: Aircraft Aerosol: 24x70g: 5681552: Baythroid Wettable Powder: 20 x 20g: 4301462: Coopex Aerosol Fly & Moquito killerNUFARM. Herbicide Grasses fluazifop-P-butyl Fusilade Forte A L7304 Syngenta South Africa (Pty) Ltd. 3 Climatic conditions: Warm, humid conditions are advantageous for good weed control with. Last updated: 08. Read on to learn more about this vehicle's availability, customization options, spawn locations, and more! The Schyster Fusilade is a type of Car found in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5). ™. 5% rather than 1. Here is part of Syngenta’s Fusilade II label: Over-spray Zoysia: Application should be made at a rate of 3-4 oz. Cep. Desktop users may then choose the ‘Download’ option (see top of screen) to save a copy for easy reference. The Schyster Fusilade is a type of Car found in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5). October 02,. 11. Fusilade DX is one of several Syngenta herbicide tank-mix options available for inclusion with Tavium ® Plus VaporGrip Technology herbicide, as well as other dicamba herbicides. Read. Buruieni monocotiledonate anuale (Setaria, Echinochloa, Digitaria, Sorghum din semințe) 0, 8 l/ha. ) of a nonionic surfactant. FUSILADE 250 EW - adapar. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. BULA. FUSILADE® Forte je selektivni translokacioni herbicid sa kontaktnim delovanjem, za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih travnih korova u ratarskim usevima, voću i povrću. Fast and Reliable results, Fusilade Max is a fast acting formulation utilising Isolink technology for optimised performance. Product Name: FUSILADE II TURF & ORNAMENTAL EPA Registration Number(s): 100-1084 Ingredients not precisely identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. CAUTION See additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use inside booklet. KEY BENEFITS Advanced “Isolink”. Maxim Xl Professional 1. Wesley Amanda Rodrigues. picture_as_pdf Fusilade Forte Label - English (604. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Read the latest magazines about Pode, também ser utiliza and discover magazines on Yumpu. In the compatibility test, the NEPET11 isolate exhibited reduced viability due to the products Poquer, Tiguer 100 EC, Actara 250 WG, and Gaucho FS. FUSILADE EC® es un herbicida sistémico post-emergente para el control de la maleza que más adelante se indica. Complete control of undesirable grass may take 1-2 growing seasons. Tamara Matte Fiorini. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product identifier on FUSILADE®label: IITURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE Product No. FISPQ - CYPRESS. 20 40 60 80 10 % W e e d C o n t r o l No Rain Rain FUSILADE with ISOLINK Technology g aiha PropaquiafopFUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Water Fluazifop-p-butyl is not water-soluble. Fusilade 250 EW Product Use Leaflet. É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, cebola, cenoura, batata, feijão, soja. WSSA Resistance Group: 1. 5 ^ 1. Endereo: Rodovia Anhanguera, SP 330, km 298 - Distrito Industrial. Recomenda-se a aplicação de 0,25 a 0,5 L p. fusilade 250 ew 21000. Vanessa Janaina Oliveira. (highest doses 250 ppm rat and 80 ppm mouse). Values are not product specifications. Raquel Souza. a. Renolin b 20 Vg 68 - Fispq Ghs. Fusilade DX Herbicide. FICHA DE INFORMAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA DE PRODUTOS QUÍMICOS. 125-. To make things easy and standardized I am going to try to show how much of the active ingredient should be mixed based off instructions I have seen. FUSILADE FORTE 128 EC Herbicide November 2016 MIXTURE Chemical Identity of Ingredients: CAS No Proportion (% w/v) Fluazifop-p-butyl 79241-46-6 12. FUSILADE 2000 is a systemic herbicide; therefore, when treating annual grasses, allow at least 3 days, and when treating perennial grasses, allow atFusilade II is a selective herbicide for application over flowers, bushes and ornamentals that kills grass and grassy weeds including Torpedo Grass in your flower bed and ornamental planting areas. RESICURA-FISPQ. SWAX. Close suggestions Search Search. Show less expand_less. FUSILADE. A Riza ® 250 EW hatóanyaga a tebukonazol, hasonlóan a többi triazol típusú fungicidhez, a gombák ergoszterol-bioszintézisét gátolja. para a mistura: Utilizado como anti-inflamatrio, analgsico e antipirtico veterinrio. Etiketa (123 Kb) Bezpečnostní list (187 Kb) Přeprava (93 Kb) Formulace. gov. It's selectively designed to control both annual and perennial grasses. FE. Substanta activa: • 150 g/l fluazifop-P-butil. Orius 250 EW is a fungicide based on tebuconazole that belongs to the family of triazole fungicide. 0. Learn more about its label information, application rates and. PODIUM EW_BULA 11/08/2020 Aplicação Aérea: Utilizar aeronaves agrícolas equipada com pontas rotativas ou barras com pontas hidráulicas de acordo com a vazão calculada ou recomendada pelo fabricante dos mesmos, devendo ser considerado o tamanho do orifício das pontas, o ângulo de inclinação (em graus), a pressão (PSI) e a velocidade. Ver Preço. /ha. Dandara. 2022 INSTRUÇÕES DE USO: FUSILADE® é um herbicida a ser utilizado no controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes em pós-.