nighthaunt 2000 point list 2023. Would appreciate opinion on the Hexwraiths (using Reikenors) for movement and objective grabbing vs Harridans for…The ratings and comments are based on competitive play at 2000 points. nighthaunt 2000 point list 2023

 Would appreciate opinion on the Hexwraiths (using Reikenors) for movement and objective grabbing vs Harridans for…The ratings and comments are based on competitive play at 2000 pointsnighthaunt 2000 point list 2023  Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140) - Lore of the Underworlds : Spectral Tether

Using nighthaunt models I (mostly) already have available I've put together this list. March 5th, 2023: 1: Stormcast Eternals 2: Gloomspite Gitz 3: Slaves to Darkness 4: Lumineth Realm-Lords 5: Sylvaneth 6: Ogor Mawtribes 7: Nighthaunt 8: Idoneth Deepkin 9: Daughters of Khaine 10: Fyreslayers. They are a good flex warband, with one powerful ability to move all Chainrasps in one activation allowing them. Primaris Chaplain on Bike: 1. Lord Executioner – 80 Points, Leader 2 of 4. Give him Cloaked in Shadow as his Command Trait and Beacon of Nagashizzar as his Relic. I've been tinkering on my 2k Nighthaunt list and I would like some oppinions. 1 x Isharann Tidecaster (140) – Artefacts: Rune of the Surging Gloomtide. Reinforced Units: 13 / 4. Winter will see a. Autumn 2023 AoS GT that took place in the UK on the 28th and 29th of October. Subject: List Advice: 2000 Points Competitive Nighthaunt Davout Regular Dakkanaut 197 Gallery Images Gallery Votes: 0 Posts: 205 Joined: 2012/01/15 15:48:34. These aren’t your average undead spectres, but ghoulish manifestations of the sins that the dead once. 8: Disciples of Tzeentch. Terrain. 7: Sylvaneth. Myrmourns. Wounds: 109. New to AoS, 2k Nighthaunt list. I play in a small friend group of Khorne, Nurgle, and Orks. 1 x Dreadblade Harrow (130)* - Artefacts: Slitter. A living conduit of Morathi-Khaine’s wrath, the High Gladiatrix rides a wave of murderous fervour to spur the Witch Aelves around her to greater heights of carnage, claiming the heads of enemy heroes. Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [140pts]: 1. Long story short a friend is selling all the nighthaunt he got from the magazine (list below). - 1x Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340) (my favourite model from the range) - 1x Scriptor Mortis (130) - 2x Chainghasts (90) - 20x Grimghast Reapers (160 x2 = 320) - 20x Chainrasps (110 x2 = 220) - 5x Craventhrone Guard (90) Total: 2000 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 4 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 112 Drops: 10. We decided to join the party and collect an army of these ghosts. Combat Patrol: Space Wolves – Beginners 1,000 Point Starter Army. Wounds: 162. February 19th, 2023: 1: Slaves to Darkness 2: Stormcast Eternals 3: Gloomspite Gitz 4: Nighthaunt 5: Sylvaneth 6: Lumineth Realm-Lords 7: Ogor Mawtribes 8: Daughters of Khaine 9: Ironjawz 10: Fyreslayers. Haunted Territories allow players to interact with your territories in a meaningful way. Looking back at what came in your first 1000 points: Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed – 140 Points, Leader 1 of 4. Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost + Malign Sorcery + Endless Spell: Bone-tithe Shrieker [30pts] Endless Spell: Nightmare Predator [40pts] Endless Spell: Soulstealer Carrion [20pts] ++ Total: [1,920pts] ++ Hello all, on Friday I’m going to be playing against a buddy of mine who has nighthaunt at 2k points. 4th - Pietro Paolo Cardinale - Nighthaunt. Hey guys, girls and Enbies, long time lurker, first time poster. With the point drops, most nighthaunt lists are running two strong leaders to get more damage and utility. TOTAL POINTS: 1970/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App comments sorted by Best. 6 Spirit Hosts: 240 Points. The Guardian constantly draws the Chainrasps back to battle, allowing the. January 8th, 2023: 1: Ogor Mawtribes 2: Stormcast Eternals 3: Skaven 4: Lumineth Realm-Lords 5: Gloomspite Gitz 6: Sylvaneth 7: Slaves to Darkness 8: Seraphon 9: Disciples of Tzeentch 10: Nighthaunt The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. total points: 2000/2000 Roland Rivera: It’s been a while since we saw a mostly Gutbuster-centric Ogor list like this one do well (let alone take 1st), which I think speaks well of the. Units (1030/2000) Chainrasp Horde x40 (280) (Battleline) Grimghast Reapers x30 (420) (Battleline) Spirit Hosts x3 (120) (Battleline) Myrmourn Banshees x12 (210) Behemoths Black Coach (220) Total (2000) points - 133 Wounds It should be fun to play against anyway, because I think it’s a pretty cool-looking army. Prices are subject to change depending on market or retailer! Nighthaunt Gloom is a Citadel Colour paint that creates a spectral, ethereal effect when applied to miniatures. 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (150) - General. Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead [955pts]: Alakanash, Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, Gaze of Nagash, General, Hand of Dust, Soul Stealer, Spectral Claws and. Most Ossiarch armies are slow, relentless and durable. 4: Sons of Behemat. This is the top three AoS lists the Nashcon Age of Sigmar GT 2023 that took place in the US on the 19th and 20th of August. In this Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report JT brings out Ogor Mawtribes Underguts Vs Kel and his Nighthaunt Scarlet Doom 2000 point 3rd Edition,. This past summer, while in between projects I decided to start painting Nurgle again. After all, with the Dawnbringer Crusades cutting a bloody swath through the realms in the name of Order, the inevitable casualties of war usher a bounty of fresh new souls into the clutches of Death. I'm a beginner in Warcry and this will be my first attempt at building a warband. Next, let’s dive into the Soul Wars set and start building our first list. He is a fairly durable fighter and likely should be considered one of your default choices with list building Nighthaunt. "One of everything I've got" appears to eat up too many points, so I guess I need to cut something. The Sylvaneth tree spirits. January 17, 2023 Top 3 Lists Leave a comment. TOTAL POINTS: 1970/2000 . Credit: PierreTheMime The Rules Processions. 1 x Dreadblade Harrow (130)* - Artefacts: Slitter. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom - Grand Strategy: Show of Dominance - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. He became a god way before the forces of Chaos destroyed the Old. So I’m about to start playing AoS and NH! After much internet surfing and scouring the battle tome I’ve come up with a list which I’d like some feedback or advice on before I scratch it all together and begin the journey of paint and play down at the local GS. Last edited: Jun 5, 2022. I never really played AoS and just want a fun list that feels somewhat powerful. The nighthaunt list is actually 800 points, so you'd not be able to field it at 750, and it has a lot of. if you’re that dedicated you can always slowly get both 😬 I have 9k points worth of Nighthaunt painted up and emerald host/scarlet doom are my. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. Looking for advice on my 2000 point Nighthaunt army! Below is my 2k points Nighthaunt army. The bloody-handed Daughters of Khaine. With over 100 annual festivals, countless exciting events, and diverse artistic, cultural and ethnic communities—not to mention superb scenery and ideal. Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Guardian of Souls (150) TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000. Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King. This gives a global view of what’s popular and being played out there in the competitive scene: March 26th, 2023: 1: Slaves to Darkness 2: Gloomspite Gitz 3: Stormcast Eternals 4: Ogor Mawtribes 5: Sylvaneth 6: Nighthaunt 7:. Sisters of Slaughter 135. Total Points: 2000pts. You have enough for a 2000 pt list and with that I would go with more heros, I like to use as many as I can but don’t sleep on your front line. Francesco Xella – Nighthaunt: The Scarlet Doom – 6th Place. 2K subscribers in the Nighthaunt community. 20 x Chainrasps (220) 20 x Chainrasps (220) 20 x Grimghast Reapers (320) BEHEMOTH. 8: Nighthaunt. Let’s look at building a 1000 point list from the. 254 Aeldari (+3) 210 Tyranids (+3) 161 Drukhari (+2) 146 Chaos Daemons (+10) 142 Adeptus Custodes. . Looking back at what came in your first 1000 points: Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed – 140 Points, Leader 1 of 4. Of the list, Midnight Tome is interesting for one of your wizards to automatically cast an unbindable endless spell. 3 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed. This is the top three AoS lists for the CCBB2023 – Age Of Sigmar Championship that took place in the Canada on the 19th and 20th of August. In this Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report JT brings out Ogor Mawtribes Underguts Vs Kel and his Nighthaunt Scarlet Doom 2000 point 3rd Edition, with the 2023 GHB. Christman 2023 - Secret Satan! News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial Hobby Hangout] #182 Hello Wiener. I will deploy this unit where I think the most action will be. Vanguard. Soul Cage, Chill Blade. July 6, 2018. Nighthaunt lore and aesthetic. Autumn 2023 AoS GT that took place in the UK on the 28th and 29th of October. Damage reduction limits some of the impact of Ironjawz and the limited rend, but large number of attacks counters Nighthaunt. . Hi everyone!! Todays video I'm going to be talking to you about my new Nighthaunt army list for 3rd edition or 3. Man, you don’t usually see forces of nature brought to life on the battlefield, but that’s definitely what this list is. Although the Soul Wars may be over and a wave of life energy surges through the Mortal Realms, the Nighthaunt are far from defeated. FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Marcille "Marcy" Donato and Will "Loxi" Angarella-November 16, 2023. 30 rasps, I understand the sentiment, but personally, it seems unwise, you could reinforce grimghasts as they are our biggest winners in the new rules. This gives a global view. Allegiance . 6: Nighthaunt. A 1st edition launch army and one of the earlier books for 2nd. Obviously, adding the Forge World points is a big thing, but it’s nice to see him adding units, fixing abilities, and points. New AoS and Nighthaunt player! List C&C please 😁. 10: Maggotkin of Nurgle. The army still has Seraphon’s ability to. Continue reading Top Three AoS. 10 it’s just barely 4 damage average unbuffed on a 4+. FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Marcille "Marcy" Donato and Will "Loxi" Angarella-November 16, 2023. Generally a. 7: Cities of Sigmar. Allegiance: Nighthaunt. Arena of Shades is the newest boxed set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and it arrives for pre-order this weekend. In this Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report JT brings out Ogor Mawtribes Underguts Vs Kel and his Nighthaunt Scarlet Doom 2000 point 3rd Edition, with the 2023 GHB. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. The warband box contains the Nighthaunt card pack and. 4: Gloomspite Gitz. So mostly small but good news for Nighthaunt honestly. Hi everyone!! Todays video I'm going to be talking to you about my new Nighthaunt army list for 3rd edition or 3. You loose to much models this way. Battletome roadmap 2023 (upcoming updates for Warhammer Age of Sigmar factions) Warhammer Fest 2023 came with exciting news and an updated roadmap. Lord Executioner – 80 Points, Leader 2 of 4. Playing about with a list vs SCE. Allegiance:- Emerald Curse Battalion* + Warlord** Lady Olynder** 340 Lifestealer (7 cast, d3 mortals and she heals for wounds inflicted) Soul Cage (7 to cast, enemy within 12" strikes last)The Beard January 14, 2023 68 38 68 Likes Space Marines vs Genestealer Cults | Warhammer 40k Battle Report. Place - Lars Einar Brandshaug. Army Faction: Nighthaunt. 13th/14th May 2023. However, with deliberate practice and experience with the various scenarios/deployments. Power of Waagh table: Your points are cumulative that add buffs to your army: 8 Points: Add 1 to run rolls. Spirit Torment Credit: Fowler. Next, we will finish up the book with The Scarlet Doom: Bladegheist Revenants become a battleline unit, and every time they make a charge move roll a dice for each model in the unit. I'm new to the game and new to nighthaunt, just got these units today ^^ (still have to buy the tome tough) I bought a pretty big army of nighthaunts. Project Blog by nicovanderheide. Battletome: Nighthaunt is coming – and with it, three terrifying, never-before-seen named characters from the Mortal Realms. Remove the 20 Chainrasps and pick instead 10x Dreadscythe Harridans and 10x Grimghast Reapers. It’s actually the army that got me interested in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Hello! I wanted to share my experience taking 2nd place in a 15 person, 3 round tournament with an Emerald Host nighthaunt list. Alex here and I'm back with a new army list and breakdown video. The extra command point and artifact are definitely worth the battalion cost. Join the Patreon for exclusive battle reports!us on Instagram here:us on. The Beasts of Chaos Battletome was released in February 2023 building on top of the previous tome that grouped together in one single book the old Beastmen army from Warhammer Fantasy with the addition of several Monsters of Chaos. On a 5+ they deal a mortal wound to an enemy unit within 1” of them. 19 average on a 4+. 5: Ogor Mawtribes. Nighthaunt. Woe betide the poor armies that had to face this one down; no doubt they’re a fine red mist now. Advertisements. $1,179. Black Coach: 240 Points. This is was i learned so far: Dont take a battalion at 1000 points (a common rule for AoS). Extra Command Point (50) TOTAL: 1990/2000 WOUNDS: 96 LEADERS: 3/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 2/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 1/1 ENDLESS SPELLS: 3/3 ALLIES: 360/400. The big green monster has turned its head back to the Realms and found a deficit of krumpin’. 50. CryptoContaining one of every plastic kit apart from Morathi and the Gladiatrix, this gives a nice selection of units clocking in at 1100 points and a value of £179. 6: Lumineth Realm-Lords. The Top Three AoS Lists. total points: 1985/2000 Christian had a great series of games and managed to pull off some huge charges with his Zombie Dragons against Owen Jacksons Kharadron army (2 12″ charges!). It saw 33 players fighting to be crowned Champion. That many cannons in the Battery battalion, backed up by the Rat. Sylvaneth are a little trickier to play now than when they first dropped in 2016. Unas the slayer Moderator. There’s a new threat coming to the battlefields of Realm of Ruin, so grab your finest Sigmarite, or you won’t stand a ghost of a chance. I'd like a list that is very survivable where I can use the chainrasps to stay alive and annoy my opponent while my heroes and coach do some more. click on the banner below to go through to Element Games (the site. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Grand Strategy: Defend What’s Ours - Triumphs: Indomitable. Heartrenders 95 points – £35. Victoria. The ethereal steed model is going to be difficult and expensive to come by, as it. TOTAL POINTS: (1995/2000) JTJ . This is the top three AoS lists for Border War 2023 that took place in the Albury, Australia on the 29th and 30th of April. Allies: 0 / 400. [2000] - Sylvaneth - Trees with magic By: 2022/06/24 13:49:40. I wanted to buy my minis tomorrow. General. It’s time to put some names to faces using the list from the General’s Handbook. Go to Nighthaunt r/Nighthaunt. Drops: 3. 23rd/24th September 2023: Hammerfest 2023 (USA) 79: BW: OBR: BOK. Declan’s Gallery. command in the same phase without a command point being spent. Spirit Torment. Each of these sinister champions was once a citizen of the Mortal Realms, their souls now twisted in service to the Grand Necromancer. by dugdigdoug88. 6x Vertus Praetors 510 points. My display board at the Dawnbringer tourney. - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line. 83-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Italy on February 11 2023. This is a list of all units in the Nighthaunt faction. From different. FEC. Hi guys. Stormcast Eternals Army 5000+ Points Painted - Age of Sigmar - Warhammer. Our Friends. But he once was a mortal whose story predates the Mortal Realms and starts in the World-That-Was in the long forgotten kingdom of Khemri. 20 Chainrasp Horde: 160 Points. Created Jan 10, 2019. Try a few of them out and see what works best for you since removing compulsory artefacts has made subfactions a lot more palatable. Updated Alternative & Free 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Builder: (June 29th, 2023) Tom Hewitt designed the app and is still working on more fixes/improvements like the ones pictured above. GHB 22-23 Nighthaunt list, C&C Welcome! So, here's the list. 7: Sylvaneth. Age of Sigmar: List of the Week – Blood and Bone. June 19, 2021. So I’m about to start playing AoS and NH! After much internet surfing and scouring the battle tome I’ve come up with a list which I’d like some feedback or advice on before I scratch it all together and begin the journey of paint and play down at the local GS. Total: 1950 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 102 Drops: 9. MiniWarGaming Vault - Step 1 of 3. Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern - 130 pts. Meet the Nighthaunt, a legion of vengeful spirits doomed to dole out punishment in the name of Nagash, in this Age of Sigmar army guide. Andy goes back to the Nighthaunt with a really interesting Emerald Host list vs Rob's Dom'hain Idoneth Deepkin in this 2000 point battle report!MERCH!Dice!ht. BATTLELINE. It's important to have at least one fast mover to grab treasure. total points: (2000/2000) So it’s a Krondspine list, Jim, but not as we know it! The changes from the Kaleb inspired lists of previous weeks are that it’s Host Arcanum rather than Guild of Summoners, cutting out the Call for Change battle tactic (summoning a Lord of Change) but allowing for a variety of units to be summoned (probably. below table shows the current win rates for all the subfactions that have been used up to and including the 23rd July 2023. He became a god way before the forces of Chaos destroyed the Old Warhammer World. This ties in well with the many rules that tie in to the terrified function of Aura of. The list combines all the top Warhammer 40k lists for 9th edition ITC events only, taking only the top three lists from each Major or GT level event. No. 10: Maggotkin of Nurgle. Game Type: 4. It has so much bulk and raw hitting power that it overwhelms the enemy before they even have a chance to strike back. Mortisan Soulmason (115)* - General - Command Traits: Mighty Archaeossian - Artefacts of Power: Godbone Armour - Spells: Arcane Command. 1: Daughters of Khaine. Although the Soul Wars may be over and a wave of life energy surges through the Mortal Realms, the Nighthaunt are far from defeated. 1 x Black Coach (290) - Reaper Scythe. I just started Age of Sigmar in late Novemeber with the Soul Wars Box. Ultimately I think what tilts the matchup towards Greg is those Bladegheists charge mortals combined with Nagash dumping arcane bolts from his staff like it’s an Uzi at point blank range into Kragnos. While it does have a low model count, the Custodes army packs a huge punch both in appearance and strength of its weapons. Spirit Torment (115) Dreadblade Harrow (100) Lady Olynder (215) - General - Spells: Lifestealer. I don't have Bladegheists or dread scythes so those options are kinda off the table. General, Ruler of the Spirit Host. TOTAL POINTS: (1985/2000) Brett: Another good result for Beasts since their Tome Celestial. Competitive NH lists are still being worked out I think, there hasn't been a specific list that's broken ahead and placed well in any majors I've seen (except for Ben's 1st place from a couple months back). Conde Nast Traveller, a luxury and lifestyle travel magazine, said Victoria captured top marks in its annual Readers' Choice Awards of top cities for 2023. On the weekend Games Workshop finally announced new Vanguard sets, 3 in total, Skaven, Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunt. A comparison & analysis of top competitive matched play tournament Idoneth Deepkin lists for. LEADER. . Scarlet Doom is getting a lot of play now and with a list like this it’s potentially adding 5 to 6 mortals every time the Bladegheist charge. With a new edition comes new point changes, and it’s an especially exciting time in Age of Sigmar. Business, Economics, and Finance. Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin. 602. 9: Lumienth Realm-Lords. Last update: April 12, 2023. After that Id say the army is fairly flexible and generally you can play the units you prefer. The list below is a great stepping stone to a. Its thin consistency allows it to be used as a glaze or shade, giving depth and. Standing (well, acrobatically leaping) between the Nighthaunt and Har Kuron is High Gladiatrix Yelena, an arena fighter famed across her city. It involved 8 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament. unless this would actually work? + + + - Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumph: Bloodthirsty. 10 x Hexwraiths (340)*. Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 61. The best army in all of AoS (totally not a biased opinion) has finally gotten its new book for AoS3, the Nighthaunt! Just like with my Maggotkin of Nurgle review, this ended up being pretty large, so I'm splitting it up into two reviews, one focusing on the rules, and the other on the lore and Path to. Jan 1, 2017 1,821 Northern Italy. As expected, Lady Olynder is the most expensive hero on the list. Squigs are some of the most entertaining units in the Gloomspite roster and maybe the whole game. TOTAL POINTS: (1985/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App. . They join the previously-previewed Stormcast Eternals – paragons of order – and destructive Orruk Kruleboyz . . ago. Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955) Battleline. 5 x Hexwraiths (150) 4: Gloomspite Gitz. 6: Soulblight Gravelords. And as always remember the golden rule: Wargaming is supposed to be fun. 9: Daughters of Khaine. 10 x Hexwraiths (340)*. I find it interesting that nearly 70% of Hedonites of Slaanesh (57%) players are able to achieve 3 or more wins, but only 2% are able to achieve the full 5. They’re 100 points per model and take. **Hunters of the Heartlands. Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern: 140 Points. The Warhammer. Army Faction: Nighthaunt. Playing Nighthaunt The Scarlet Doom: 2,ooo Point List. As always these lists are my own persona. Lord Executioner (80) - Artefact : Headsman's Judgement. Brett: Another resurgent faction in Nighthaunt demonstrating some more of the depth of the new battletome. Thanks. This army is the successor of the previous Legions of Nagash, a placeholder “soup” battletome that contained all Death units not gathered in other battletomes. Dreadblade Harrow -General - Ruler of the Spirit Hosts Guardian of Souls -Shademist and Wychlight Lantern Guardian of Souls. • Lady Olynder: 340 Points, Leader. 7K subscribers in the Nighthaunt community. This gives a global view of what is popular and being played out there in the competitive scene: November 25th – 2020 1: Nighthaunt 2: Stormcast Eternals 3: Disciples of Tzeentch 4: Beasts of Chaos 5:. Marines ending up at 14-15% of competitive armies is likely to be an all-time low for the event – last year’s LVO had 19% representation for Space Marine armies, which was down from what will likely be an all-time high of 27% in 2020 during “Iron Hands Winter” (note that LVO 2021 was cancelled as a result of COVID). I figured it is time to switch the discussion thread with the start of a new edition. This is the top three AoS lists for the Big Bucks Bash that took place in the UK on the 27th and 28th of May. Allegiance: Nighthaunt. – Spells: Steed of Tides. Heroes of the Nighthaunt. Aug 1, 2023 #2 ;Business, Economics, and Finance. I’m just wondering if there’s anything you’d say “definitely add one of these, or a. Allegiance: Nighthaunt – Procession: Scarlet Doom – Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight – Triumphs: Bloodthirsty Leaders Spirit Torment (120)***. Nighthaunt Tournament List Updated . This gives a global view of what is popular and being played out there in the competitive scene: October 23rd, 2022: 1: Stormcast Eternals. With a pinch of his own spice we have a Scinari Loreseeker making its presence known allowing David to play scenarios with spread objectives to a more effective manner. . Allegiance: Ogor MawtribesWarcry Nighthaunt Warband Box. First I'll share the list: Army Faction: Nighthaunt. 2023 MiniWarGaming Inc. In the next few articles, we’ll tell you about all the details of this process – buying, painting, creating a roster and, sure, playing. Reactions: Unas the slayer. 3 with the current GHB. The list is 2000 points, and so is very much a sort of version one of the final destination for me. I was thinking of removing one squad of spirit hosts for another hero that hits hard. " It definitely pulls NH out of the garbage can to have a monster hero they can take. 0 Points Review. 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)*. When a mortal dies, his or her soul will go to Shyish, the Realm of Death, in the afterlife that their people believe in. Midnight Tome, Shademist. – Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. Games Workshop sent us a couple of review copies and I just so happen to be a Nighthaunt player myself. 9: Fyreslayers. Advertisement. What advice can you give me? Thanks! ++ Pitched Battle GHB 2022 1,500 (Death - Nighthaunt) [1,455pts] ++ + Leader + Guardian of Souls [150pts]: General Reikenor the Grimhailer [190pts] + Behemoth + Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur [480pts]January 24, 2023 Top 3 Lists Leave a comment. Just getting into AoS and looking to build a Nighthaunt list, and here's what I've got: Leaders: Dreadblade Harrow - 90 pts. Please come with suggestions and feedback. I've painted and assembled most of them and sorted out a list for 1000 points. This list definitely brings that to a surplus with a massive horde of pigs, Orruks, and an angry cabbage. See moreBattle Tactics (GHB2023) Battle Tactics: Chilling Ploys Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost GHB 2023 Rules Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave + Malign Sorcery +. I decided to focus on the Nighthaunts side of the box because they seemed more interesting than the Stormcast models. The new Battletomes for the Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine are up for pre-order this weekend. – Grand Strategy: Dominion of the Deep Ones. BATTLELINE. It was a great time, built from the ground up to be for more casual first-timer GT players. 00. Hanna Leppänen: This list is a Hollowmourne 99 archetype, with. Any thoughts are welcome. 2022/06/23 14:34:53 SSquirrel. The brand new Nighthaunt battletome is here and Luka quickly throws together a 2,000 point list to play against Steve's Knights Excelsior to test out this new rules. Due to COVID we never got a massive points overhaul last year, so a lot of point values have been sitting around for 2 years without being touched unless you got one of. 3: Seraphon. He packages all of this into a one-drop Battle. Subfaction: The Emerald Host. I am looking for tips on improving my list: List Name: Nighthaunt 2000pts Emerald Host Procession Allegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Emerald Host. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom - Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave LEADER Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)* - General - Command Traits: Spiteful Spirit - Artefacts: Soulfire RingPosted January 11, 2020. 1 x Isharann Tidecaster (140) – Artefacts: Rune of the Surging Gloomtide. ++ Pitched Battle 2,000 (Death: Legions of Nagash and Nighthaunt) [1990pts] ++ Leader + Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament [320pts] Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [140pts]: Chill Blade Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed [140pts] Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief [240pts]Is my first time making an scarlet doom list and made some major changes to what I used to bring with me (used to play emerald host), thinking on bringing this list to my next game day. 'How to paint' videos, tutorials and army showcase. InternetNinja92. 10: Beasts of Chaos. We’ve gotten used to Scarlet Doom as the most popular procession choice closely followed by Emerald Host (also the most popular in late AoS2. Leaders. 2023 World Championships 40k Player Profile: Jack Harpster. It saw 14 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament. *Command Entourage. 2000 Point Nighthaunt List - local tournament, C&C. Fantasia Fanatic XLI was an 5 game Age of Sigmar tournament that took place in Sweden this weekend just past. My own personal Nighthaunt list from early 2019 had what would now be 8. Definitely hero focused but they are expensive so a 1000 point list doesn’t give room for LOTS of heroes. As this event had less than 20 players attending there won’t be any list comments here as the. For new players, we’ll be looking at just why you might want to make any given army your own, while if you’re a veteran, this is where you’ll find in-depth insights into. Any change, tip, critique would be appreciated (one of the ideas I have with this list is bringin lord executioner with the chainrasps and a unit of spirit. Therefore, we won’t add any comments onto this. Lord Imperatant. 1st – Jiwan Noah Singh (Beasts of Chaos) 2nd – Nicholas Walters (Ironjawz) 3rd – Kaleb Walters (Disciples of Tzeentch) 4th – Gavin Grigar (Cities of Sigmar) 5th – Cody Saults (Ironjawz) 6th – Rigolet Thibault (Beasts of Chaos) 7th – Nate Trentanelli (Nighthaunt) 8th – Camaron A Hallford (Ogor. That is to say they have much more “traditional” monsters like werewolves, skeletons and zombies in addition to their Vampire Masters. 34 Miniatures with one small Hero (HQ), and 33 melee troops all of which are battleline coming to a total of 645 points. It’s a new army debut for the Nighthaunt, as Beard takes out this spookiest of forces to the Mortal Realms, to do battle with the noble Stormcast Eternals, headed up by Bard! 🎥 Want even more Tabletop Tactics videos?Bell of Lost Souls 2006-2023. I feel like Emerald Host would be the best procession since the armies will be 1500 points. A place for AoS Nighthaunt players to discuss events, share pictures, make lists…Different colour schemes used on NIGHTHAUNT miniatures. It has a solid anvil of Protectors and Liberators, a deadly hammer of Fulminators, and a nice backup of Vanguard-Raptors to snipe threats. 10 x Hexwraiths (340)*. TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000. 1995 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 380 /. ago. Expand user menuNighthaunt Victory – 13 – 7. At the time a pure Nighthaunt army was also extremely rare to see, though. TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000 DROPS 9. A place for AoS Nighthaunt players to discuss events, share pictures, make lists etc. CryptoThis gives a global view of what is potent and winning games out there in the competitive scene. This is the top three AoS lists for Smash & Bash that took place in the USA on the 22nd and 23rd of April. Happy wargaming! We have another tier list for all of the armies in age of sigmar (RIP Legions of the First Prince). The playgroup I regularly play with (The Ham Fam) recently decided to have a little Gardenhammer action to celebrate the launch of 3rd edition and shake some of the rust off that many of us have from lockdown. Unlike the Flesh Eater Courts (that we covered in our other Carrion Empire 2000 points article) which has a limited (but very powerful) army of troops, the Skaven Battletome has an army list that rivals those goodie too shoes the. Spamming chainrasps is a bit outdated now after point drops, harridans, reapers and banshees are better value. 5th - Jordy Naponiello - Ironjawz. On a 4+ save target unbuffed you’re just barely averaging 2 damage with 5 guard shooting. 2023 Peter Holland Leave a comment. Guardian of Souls – 140 Points, Leader 3 of 4. Credit: Michael O "Mugginns". 10: Nighthaunt. I have not run briar queen but she seems interesting. Been tweaking a list for an upcoming local tournament using the LVO mission pack from last year.