Set in the crapsack city of Berlin, Captain Berlin is fighting against crime but has to cope with his own problems and thus is not as perfect a hero as one would expect. Adept Relationship Status : Having tea with Cthulhu . Although there are countless ways Crapsack Worlds can be depicted. If. If they don't want the responsibilities of being a god anymore, see Being God Is Hard . ; Achilles' Heel:. The manga ran from 2001 to 2017, with a total of 35 volumes; it started its publication in Bessatsu Shoujo Comic, but it was moved to the josei magazine Flowers in 2002, where it ran until its conclusion. Main. Danger in the Galactic Core: The galactic core (the middle of a galaxy) is inaccessible or dangerous. Hey guys, I need a little encouragement. Meanwhile, an alien scientist attempts to track down Shakara to study him. If you have a legacy account that didn't need a password, you need to hook one up. But the majority of planets Tetsuro and Maetel visit are either: ** either run by corrupt governments, ** governments, on the brink of destruction, ** destruction, inhabited by oblivious, oblivious and arrogant people, **. And the future he shows them is, in actuality, the fate Zim has in mind for Earth when he ''succeeds. It is set in the dying town of Xenia, Ohio, after a tornado wrecks it. On the plus side, you can read the life stories of everyone else who got there, maybe write your own. Oftentimes common fantasy elements are deconstructed where the Unfortunate Implications presented by. Eventually, it turns out that the town is secretly run by a murderous cult. They can turn normal people into mindless grunts, create sleeper agents. Warhammer 40,000. Dating Catwoman: In the manga, Yui the Half-Arume rebel and Misato the Arume scientist. Circled in the dark, the battle may yet be won. There is another related Murphy's Law — "If there are two or more ways to do. Entire countries and regions no longer exist in any meaningful sense of the word. The world that the author builds could be as small as an isolated village or as vast as a fictional galaxy. Literature /. . Crapsaccharine World /. Music. Hero Academy: An academy that teaches you how to be the Good Guy. "I was away for a few years and I came back to a world in ruins. — James Branch Cabell, The Silver Stallion, misattributed to Robert OppenheimerSuberoa Zinnerman: Yeah. Create New. Holy Beast Online (free to play) HeroSmash (free to play) Hordes. When Vic discovers Quilla, a beautiful young woman who. So You Want To /. Crapsack World, Escapist Sanctuary. Dystopian only to the characters, but not really that bad. The protagonist, Maxim Kammerer, is stranded on the After the End Crapsack World of Saraksh where the atmosphere has. It was rejected twenty times by various publishers before finally being published in 1965 by Chilton, a publishing house best known for its DIY auto repair guides. * The whole town in general is so full of crapsack that it's the norm. On the other hand, in some countries, someone who has. * The world of Literature/Timeline191 may not be a total Crapsack World, but it's definitely a much grimmer reality than our own. our world — when things go wrong with the portal. Mr. Crapsack World: In the Flashpoint timeline, Atlantis and Themyscira are at war, with humanity caught in the middle. Create New. Follow TV Tropes. Battleborn was a futuristic Hero Shooter / MOBA hybrid from the folks at Gearbox Software, that launched on May 3, 2016. Crapsack World: One of the more subtle jokes of the show is how, as stupid and irresponsible as Beavis and Butt-Head are, the adults around them are even more irresponsible in dealing with them. In Ergo Proxy, Re-l actually makes it to the Outside World, only to find that it is effectively a dark, very dark, Crapsack World. Crapsack Worlds in theatre. Not to mention that he's so desperate for sex that he tries to get a handjob from a woman he knew for only 45 seconds and tries to have sex with high school teenagers. This only works if you have a validated email on file with us. ** In this setting, ''Fallen London'' has ascended to the stars and formed an intergalactic steampunk British Empire. * ViewerGenderConfusion: Carl is traditionally a masculine name, and the lack of voice acting has lead most people to automatically assume Carl is a boy. Abusive Precursors - Although precursors of any kind can appear. * ''Series/StarTrekDeepSpaceNine'' episode "The Quickening" showed a planet the Jem'Hadar decided to make an example of. Needs Help: Crapsack World. The protagonist wish to destroy the Gastrea and want to reform society to create a better life for both humanity and cursed children. The tenuous peace is only held together by The Bartender and his Bouncers. Named for the TV series Remington Steele, whose premise had P. The Simpsons plays Crapsack World to the extreme with the city of Springfield, with both the show itself and the people behind it having acknowledged that Springfield is actually an awful place underneath all the comedy. Cesare - Il Creatore che ha distrutto has Cesare Borgia, a 16 year old bishop and illegitimate son of a cardinal, who wants to change the world around him, starting with the church. The standard fantasy in its. Which one has more people who know how to spell and use punctuation. The World of Kanako (original title Kawaki, translates to "thirst") is a 2014 Japanese movie by Tetsuya Nakashima, based on the best-selling novel Hateshinaki Kawaki by Fukamachi Akio (first published 2005). Laconic/Crapsack World Escapist Sanctuary; Literature. The main thread of Diablo is a straight-up Crapsack World, but the tie-in novels show what it's like when it's not assaulted by Demonic Invaders. For starters, let's take a look at the Simpson family: A Death World and Mordor are Crapsack Worlds taken to the logical extreme. The Cosmic Horror Story that is Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's simple: leave the job half-done. Pax Britannica is a Hearts of Iron IV Game Mod, set in a dystopian Tesla Tech Timeline where the The American Revolution failed. England is occupied, Free France is still clinging to West Africa, the Soviet Union is a distant memory and Russia is now split between various feuding mercenary warlords pushing every ideology under the sun, and if that wasn't enough, not only is a nuclear holocaust quite ''likely'' but Heinrich Himmler (who now controls Ordenstaat. There was an anime PV made to celebrate the first volume's publication, and on October 18, 2022, it was announced that. If a Sugar Bowl used to be a Wretched Hive, see Heel–Face Town. Sugarville may look like a really nice and pleasant Sugar Bowl, but in reality. Bad things happened in the night, on the streets of that other city. A common detail used to characterize a futuristic or otherwise crapsack Earth is that a recognizable and/or ubiquitous species in our world is either extinct or critically endangered and on the verge of extinction as a result of disease, pollution, habitat loss, phlebotinum, a past disaster, or just good old human interference. In fact, it is almost the same hellhole as it was when it was more depressing. The heroes are sent into the near future (common intervals. The penalty for breaking the Dystopian Edict is usually draconian in nature — death or imprisonment are the most common, but worse punishments exist,. However, it can be saved, sort of. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 note is an Eastern RPG sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the third numbered installment in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, and the fourth Xenoblade Chronicles. The director of Who Framed Roger Rabbit visited Hollywood, and had a positive experience. The novel is set approximately. Prisoners of Power (original Russian title: Обитаемый остров, lit. Found in 2 articles, excluding discussions. Laconic /. Scream 2:. One World Order. Throughout the story, Cassie encounters prejudice from aliens who see all humans as an uncivilized, backward, warlike species. It notes how many members have left the church, gone missing, or otherwise suffered serious trauma after the video's release. This is the most important function of the League of Shadows. SugarWiki; DarthWiki; YMMV; WMG; Trivia; Trivia; Index Namespaces / Crapsack World. note ! Affably Evil: The Computer genuinely wants. A comedic Crapsack World is Played for Laughs and is made up of idiots, Jerkasses, Butt Monkeys, Chew Toys and the occasional Only Sane Man, with plenty of Comedic Sociopathy to go around. "''Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show. A TeenageWasteland is a Crapsack World run by kids. The fic deconstructs the harem genre in the most horrifying manner, creating a world where sexual harassment of young males is encouraged, Goblins are witch raping monsters, and Voldemort (who is very much like. And lawlessness]]. World Gone Mad. Lovecraft. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show. Slave/thrall, commoner to noble, you're going to get put through the wringer. A. Missions often involve searching vast sewers or labyrinthine tunnel systems. In a more general sense of the outside world, Japan seems to be Just Before the End or After the End in the story. Literature. The fic deconstructs the harem genre in the most horrifying manner, creating a world where sexual harassment of young males is encouraged, Goblins are witch raping monsters, and Voldemort (who is very much like his canon counterpart, if perhaps worse), is seen by most of the. The trope name comes from a frequent comment made at the subsequent funeral, that the poor departed child was too good for this sinful earth, and thus was called home to a good afterlife by a just God. Expect them to rename cities after themself. The world around the kitchen set used for the video of Billy Joel 's "We Didn. The United States is forced into geopolitics much sooner, sooner and is never able to develop into the "land of opportunity" that defined its character from the late 19th Century onward. note . Crapsack World /. Earth 2100 spends equal time between Lucy's story (told through Motion Comic illustrations) and interviews with scientists, sociologists, and historians talking about how. Black Bullet provides examples of:. Also, Sugar Apocalypse, where bad things happen to good universes. ; A reason why the Superman cameo ended up being so popular was. First serialized in a magazine in 1969, published in book form in 1971. %% %%% {{Crapsack World}}s in theatre. Black-and-White Morality: The heroes are good and pure while the villains are evil and corrupt. Usually the world becomes a Dystopia, sometimes a Utopia with a "minor" flaw like Utopia Justifies the Means or removing The Evils of Free Will. Welcome to the glorious society of Oceania from Nineteen Eighty-Four, the poster child and one of the most triumphant examples for Dystopia. Trope Launch Pad Wishlist Reviews Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page. " Ready Player One is a 2011 novel by Ernest Cline about a teen named Wade Watts, who spends all his time on OASIS, a virtual reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game that has replaced the Internet itself as humanity's primary. The 'Verse is usually referred to with a show or franchise identifier (such as Buffyverse, Whoniverse, etc. This will send a private message to NoobMaster about one of the common editing problems which seem to haunt new or casual editors. Life sucks in this world. If that's not enough, he is constantly physically harassed by his ''little'' sister for the pettiest of reasons, if any. * The world of Literature/Timeline191 may not be a total Crapsack World, but it's definitely a much grimmer reality than our own. Far Cry 5 is the sixth major installment in the Far Cry franchise, taking place in the fictional county of Hope County, Montana. . io (free to play) Imperium Nova. * A ''[[RuleOfDrama dramatic]]'' Crapsack World [[TrueArtIsAngsty has plenty]] [[DysfunctionJunction of angst]] to go around, and often makes {{Woobie}}s out of its sympathetic cast, particularly the protagonist, as they [[TraumaCongaLine suffer horribly]] in their attempts to do the right thing or pursue their dreams. A TeenageWasteland is a Crapsack World run by kids. Literature/Overlord 2012;. It features a Crisis Crossover between the companies' top superhero teams, The Avengers. 0% Approval Rating: The ultimate goal that Kikunojou wants to do to the cursed children when he hired the Hiruko pair. Infinity: The Quest for Earth. Crapsack World: Most of the settlements are abandoned. There's certainly no limit to what kind of living hellholes one can make up on the World Wide Web. Dune is a Hugo Award, Nebula Award and Seiun Award winner. 14: 15* Greek Mythology depicts the world as ruled by a pantheon of JerkassGods who will [[DisproportionateRetribution utterly screw over mortals. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons is a 12-Issue Mini Series that ran from September, 1986 to October, 1987, published by DC Comics, and subsequently printed as a single volume graphic novel. These kind of stories can be pretty much described as Standard Fantasy Setting meets Crapsack World, as opposed to a usually-lighthearted, regular fantasy setting. Oh, and if you manage to break free and defy. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. Page Source. Shakara. . Go To. A {{Dystopia}} is a speculative Crapsack World ruled by repressive forces modeled after real-life politics. Threadbare came into the world as a failed experiment. This mentality is all the way over on the Idealistic side of the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism — but it has nothing in common with modern. Surrounded by hostile. They're an unstoppable force with the sole purpose of destroying humanity. Since January 1, 2012 this article has brought 401 people to the wiki from non-search engine links. Crapsack World: Death is real and it either hates you or thinks your silly attempts to live are amusing. Just about everyone learns that reality is far better than fiction. Myths & Religion. Crapsack World: If you're a Magical Girl, you're a bomb disposal unit. "We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe. May 2nd 2023 at 2:12:15 PM. Trope Launch Pad Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page Type ChangesKruban, a world in the same system as Tuchanka is even worse—a Venusiform planet. Laura Holt concoct a fictitious male employer to head her detective agency and thus appease chauvinist expectations of potential customers — only for an anonymous rogue to hijack the identity (and thus the agency) himself. According to a good deal of Speculative Fiction set in The Future ™, it is the natural order of things that all governments will merge together to create a central authority to govern the entire species. Perhaps society A is actively falling apart, and the idea is to. "She's like. Arbitrary Skepticism: While reporting on the true story of a man who flew via a lawn chair with weather balloons tied to it, the one detail Jon has trouble believing is the price of the lawn chair: $109 or $110 (in 1982 money),. When La Résistance seems close to its final victory, a high official or the Big Bad themself explains to the heroes that it was All According to Plan . Fallout series, being post-apocalyptic, generally leans towards either a Crapsack World or a World Half Full. Truth in Television, but one should do this at their own risk. Taking place thousands of years into a bleak future, the novel concerns the last remaining city of mankind, the strange reality warps around it that limit the level of technology people can build, and a. Television series. The Crapsack World of BlazBlue is this thanks to NOL. Crapsack World /. Crapsaccharine World. Enderal provides examples of:. Thus, many superpowered versions of this trope will explicitly tie the woman's destructive potential to her feelings, if. The original Trope Namer was the Blue Devil comic book published by DC in the 1980s, where the main character's status as a Weirdness Magnet is noticed (and explicitly named) within the series. Film /. The game follows a sheriff’s deputy who is fighting against a religious cult called the Project at Eden’s Gate, led by the charismatic Joseph Seed, who believe the world is ending and are forcing the residents of. Usually—but not always—made fun of in both Western and Japanese media, but in different ways. Regardless, it's something of a suicidal ritual to attempt to prove their manliness. Welcome to the glorious society of Oceania from Nineteen Eighty-Four, the poster child and one of the most triumphant examples for Dystopia. ** Wait, you want to TakeAThirdOption and live ''outside'' the three horrible superstates? Slick move, because now you're a lowly near-slave of the Disputed Zone that the three superstates fight over!Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark comedy, dark humor or gallows humor, is a sub-genre of comedy and satire where topics and events that are usually treated seriously are treated in a satirical manner, while still being portrayed as the negative events that they are. Crapsack World, Escapist Sanctuary. Berserk has been accused of this. Family Guy's setting, Quahog, Rhode Island is a textbook example of Crapsack World. The Ace Attorney series shows just how common corruption and the ends justifying the means is in the world of law. Feb 16th 2022 at 9:17:04 AM. Crapsaccharine World / Fallout. A Bad Future is one of the most common Alternate Timelines and one, who if Time Travel exist in their universe, any stars of a long-running series will surely visit. But instead of everything just being depressingly rotten like in the Crapsack World, everything is depressingly ridiculous. Write an Ending. This will send a private message to Dimon about one of the common editing problems which seem to haunt new or casual editors. It is directed by Richard Stanley in his return to filmmaking after a twenty year absence and stars Nicolas Cage, Joely Richardson, Madeleine Arthur, Elliot Knight, and Tommy Chong. * ''Film/TerminalCityRicochet'' is set in a future world where only six cities on all of Earth remain habitable, a corporate despot is in charge, birds are nearly extinct, and “meteor showers” made of flaming space junk are a regular occurrence. A TV Genius has an impossibly or immeasurably high IQ, never uses. If the Crapsack World's continued misery is caused by supernatural forces, see DarkFantasy, HellOnEarth or CosmicHorrorStory. In the midst of this crisis, the United States of America has been taken over by an extremist. 6 earthquake, two of which were courtesy of Ra's al Ghul—the US Government decides Gotham City is too costly to save and instead blows the bridges, effectively cutting the city off from the rest of the world for a year. Anime & Manga. A Shared Universe refers to a fictional universe. The earth was became corrupt in God's sight, and before God; [ [WarIsHell the earth was filled with violence]]. A sufficiently advanced Cyberspace. Trope Launch Pad Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page Type ChangesBig O Tropes!SHOWTIME!: 12-Episode Anime: 13 episodes per season. This trope is traditionally played on polytheistic gods but is also getting more and more common on the monotheistic God note . A toy golem, but not powerful and intelligent like his creator Caradon wanted. It is a crafted combination of setting-elements that define the rules for how the world works and sometimes provides for sharing of characters and continuity across more than one series. Crapsaccharine World. Crapsack World doesn't even begin to describe it. Color Out of Space is a 2020 Sci-Fi Horror film based on the short story The Colour Out of Space by H. Find yourself a sanctuary and get away from this rotten place HERE. * ''[[Fanfic/FirebirdsSon The Firebird Trilogy]]'' of stories also has a very, very well constructed Crapsack world. Awesome Music: A particularly memorable gag near the start of the film uses "The Trio" by Ennio Morricone as part of its homage to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. So You Want To /. Wanted: Dead. 8 * '''Bright:''' In Bright settings, the world is one of marvel and opportunity. Sufficiently large Mental Worlds. The Dung Ages are the representation of the Medieval Era as a Crapsack World of pustule-faced, cat-beating, dung-caked, mud-farming peasants, the antithesis of Ye Goode Olde Days, made popular by the Monty Python team. Adept Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu #1: Feb 14th 2022 at 6:20:42 PM. Now the world is a barren wasteland, the people are forced to live savage and brutish lives, and the computer stalks the planet, killing any living thing it sees. * A ''[[RuleOfDrama dramatic]]'' Crapsack World [[TrueArtIsAngsty has plenty]] [[DysfunctionJunction of angst]] to go around, and often makes {{Woobie}}s out of its sympathetic cast, particularly the protagonist, as they [[TraumaCongaLine suffer horribly]] in their attempts to do the right thing or pursue their dreams. Indices. Earth 2100. Playing With /. Rape happens a lot in the Crapsack World of this series, and many of the major characters (particularly if they're female) have had to deal with at least one attempted — or successful — rape during their lives. Crapsack World. Bravo, Evil Overlords . a dirty hippie. Fujishima Akikazu is an alcoholic, violent, dysfunctional ex-cop who does not care about much anymore and seems to only procrastinate his. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos. Very rarely should a character have only one. * '''Grim:''' In Grim settings, the world is just too big or set in its ways to be changed, and individual people will only very rarely secure a victory any greater than a personal one. Most importantly, there is Fantastic Racism against the people who house the 9 most powerful beings in the world, who are "demonic" in the first place because of people treating them as nothing more than sources of power and as destruction-seeking monsters. The Laconic Description for DIAA states as follows: Crapsack World + cast of Jerkasses = "I don't care what happens to these people. The deconstruction of the superhero genre. Cozy Mystery. As indicated by its Japanese name, the game is essentially a sequel to A Link to the Past, albeit set many generations later. This is the set of tropes that cluster around Knight Templar: the forces of light in hardcore mode, excessively or otherwise. Crazy Enough To Work. Crapsack World; CrapsackWorld. Parodying the Church of Scientology's 1990 "We Stand Tall" music video, this video sings the praises of Neurotology, an expensive religion that believes aliens live inside the mind. Oftentimes common fantasy elements are deconstructed or played in the darkest way possible, and. The Outside World: Re-l actually makes it to the Outside World, only to find that it is effectively a dark, very dark, Crapsack World. Big Brother Is Watching You. Despite all the suffering and sacrifices the characters go through to prevent the Cleansing, it ends up happening anyway by the end due to incredible manipulation and human nature. Out of this ambiguity comes a savior, someone who brings hope to the downtrodden and preaches a utopian vision of peace and prosperity for all. The main goal of developing a character's personality - as already stated - is to make that character human. Crapsack World / Music. . Forums; On-Topic ; GO . Basic Trope: The given deity of a setting is evil. This further drew the ire of Celestia, who razed the entire nation to the ground. Literature / A Boy and His Dog. Accidental Aesop: The dystopian Crapsack World scenario only happened because China won the war against NATO. It's extreme enough to the point that we need a whole page to explain it. Surrounded by hostile. Everytime someone even quips, their facial muscles barely move aside from their mouths. Follow TV Tropes. Since January 1, 2012 this article has brought 217 people to the wiki from non-search engine links. Where nearly everyone's involved in violence in some way, where people are sold into being "prostitutes", and where there is always a Mob War brewing. Basic Trope: A place or setting that seems nice but really isn't. Along the way he ends up leading a group of survivors and they move from place to place constantly in search of a new place to call. And lawlessness]]. The Honkai in general can be considered nightmare fuel. So are you taking his other, non-tract (but still evangelical) comics into account? If you aren't, then you should know that in Chick's world, the Catholic Church's plan is even MORE elaborate, convoluted, and ancient than that, going all the way back to the time of Babylon, circa 2000 BC, and having everything go its way until the Reformation. The Aztec afterlife required you to run a big damn gauntlet to get to it, at which point. Money has been abolished; laws are based on the state's interpretation of Christianity, and many crimes are. Coruscant. A Crapsack World is a horrible setting where the pessimistic notion of "anything that can go wrong will go horribly wrong" almost always applies, and it corrupts its inhabitants into perpetuating that nastiness against each other. In Real Life, this trope is a common way to understand tragic deaths among those who believe in some form of positive destiny. Crapsack World / Music. CrapsackWorld/TheaterCrystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus is a 2013 adventure comedy film written and directed by Sebastián Silva. On the surface, it looks like a happy, shiny. * CreepyAwesome: Sadny Bin is one terrifying force of good in this crapsack world. Set in a Crapsack World, a cyberized woman seeks Revenge against those who hurt her. As depicted in the series, the galaxy's population is primarily enslaved humanity duped into. He plans to journey out of town with his friends, the brothers Champa, Lel, and Pilo (Juan Andrés, José Miguel, and Agustín Silva), to look for the San. Highlight Links . The only good character is Amos, whom absolutely nobody respects. Trials used to go at their normal pace until the public complained that trials went on for too long and nothing was resolved in a timely manner, along with correctional institutions being. Sociopathy, loosely, is a condition in which a person is indifferent to or unaware of the rights and feelings of other people. A VastBureaucracy that has control over almost anything, called The Party, rules over Oceania's inhabitants. Schol-R-LEA : The first part of the sentence makes sense in the context of The Colour of Magic , the first half of which was definitely a Crapsack WorldWhether they're really a gang of Killer Rabbits, or secretly evil and planning to conquer our world, they mean our heroes harm in lovably cute musical numbers. In Fanfic Is Crapsack, something bizarre starts happening in Equestria, with the ponies' behavior becoming erratic and inexplicable, monsters from nowhere stalking the streets, and the laws of logic and basic moral decency shriveling up and dying. It is an important task for storytellers and creators in science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative fiction (e. The titular hero blames [[ScienceIsBad science and the age of reason]] for the world's ills. The titular character lives his early life with this. There are only a few nice characters such as Harold, who is the series' Butt-Monkey. Contrast with Crapsack World, the Mirror Universe of this trope. " A world that would be utter hell to live in. Native Species: Human (Coruscanti)Found in 1 articles, excluding discussions. While the play itself tends towards. To return to the Character page for Star Wars, go here. RoboCop (1987) didn't shy away from having corrupt corporate executives, corrupt law enforcement, and crazed psychopaths, featured lots of violent deaths, and took place in a Crapsack World that seemed to have no limits, though it did have likeable characters and a decent story with a satisfying if bittersweet conclusion. In 8-Bit Theater, the characters are all stupid and/or evil, kingdoms are completely obliterated on a daily basis, and even the man who controls the universe will wipe out cities in the process of tormenting Black Mage. Trope Launch Pad Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page Type ChangesYMMV. In ''Fanfic/AlternateDestination'', Zarm eventually turns Earth into this. k. With Jesus, this is still usually avoided. Vice City is a sprawling urban town, infested with crime. While some are trying to stop it, the vast majority of humanity have accepted their inevitable demise. Affirmative-Action Legacy: The first Ghostface duo consisted of white men, but almost half of the succeeding Ghostfaces are women. After a rash of bad luck—superflu/ebola outbreak, another outbreak, and a 7. Crapsack World: Whether it was before or after everyone died isn't entirely clear. He also has to deal with a. The titular character lives his early life with this. A. It doesn't necessarily mean that the character needs to be a human being or act exactly like one. Crack Pairing. A Crapsack World is a horrible setting where the jaded notion of "anything that can go wrong will go horribly, horribly wrong" almost always applies, and it corrupts its inhabitants into perpetuating that nastiness against each other. Gotham must be destroyed. On Jimmy Two-Shoes, Heloise does this after Cerbee and Beezy ruin her private picnic with Jimmy. It starts off as a dystopia where every aspect of life is run by a MegaCorp [[spoiler: headed by the former Troll Empress]] that uses methods like subliminal messaging and assassination to maintain control. A Dystopia, Crapsack World or Planet of Hats oftentimes has a single, not very realistic law (with other laws existing to shore up that law) which, often contrary to common sense, defines that society. Crapsack World /. Wide Load . Trope Launch Pad Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page Type ChangesHowever, characters note that there are better places in the world, and they're only in the worst part of it]]. Khaenri'ah is a mysterious nation outside of the mainland of Teyvat where the Seven do not reign. A Crapsack World is a horrible setting where the pessimistic notion of " anything that can go wrong will go horribly wrong " almost always applies, and it corrupts its inhabitants. Straight: The majority of characters in Troperville are assholes, which includes the main characters - Alex, Bob, Charlie, Danielle, Eric. You can find every bad example of humanity here — thieves, carjackers, gangsters, assassins, drug rings, arsonists, murderers, jaywalkers — and will probably get the chance to partake. That said, the collective misery of the inhabitants of the real world manifests in the Warp as Gods, who then scheme to cause more chaos in the Real World, resulting in a vicious cycle of neverending melancholy both in and out. There's certainly no limit to what kind of living hellholes one can make up on the World Wide Web. Please add new examples in the correct order. Courtesy Link. This is the most important function of the League of Shadows. In the universe of Addergoole and Wild One's Blood, the Ellehemaei are royally screwed by the Universe, since even casual promises are mystically enforced by "The Law". Wretched Hive and City Noir are city-sized versions of the Crapsack World. This could be meant as a Green. The first is set in a world where Sequinox accepts the offer to join the Sky Queen and end up taking over the world. ** Joe seemed to be nice, probably since he moved from another town, but he's become more of a jerk too. It was later remade for the PlayStation 2 and the Wii, and then again for iOS. The meanest places in Western Animation. All in all, if you take away the humorous tone of the show , Family Guy would become creepier than Gummo . A World Half Full is the other half of the unambiguously awful Crapsack World ( formerly known as World Half Empty). Sep 11th 2011 at 8:18:36 PM. The Warhammer universe is a Crapsack World at best, outright Dystopia at worst, a place of perpetual ultraviolent warfare and every second alien race is Always Chaotic Evil- even the three "good" factions (Imperium, Eldar and Tau) are each an unhealthy mixture of Absolute Xenophobe, Manipulative Bastard, Scary Dogmatic Aliens. Cyberpunk 2077: Megacorporations rule the world - badly. Go to Write a Story and Be Original for basic advice that transcends genre boundaries. Just living in the Crapsack World of A Song of Ice and Fire counts, frankly. " All of the rest of this advice is suggestions on how to accomplish this. Plucky Girl: A brave and optimistic heroine. Grim Hollow is a setting for Dungeons & Dragons based around themes of Gothic Horror and Dark Fantasy. Nancy Loomis is a Ghostface metaphorically taking up Billy's knife. Not to be confused with Strange Attractor. Cyberpunk Tropes; Dream Tropes; Hedonism Tropes; Simulated Fantasy Post Apocalyptic Reality;. Edit Page; Related; History; Discussion; To Do; More. However, it can be saved, sort of. Dark World: A twisted parallel universe.