Each Nailor Dual Duct terminal casing is constructed of 22 ga. Nailor manufactures its own electric heating coils. True modula ng control of forced air zone dampers and VAV diff users. looking for constant high airflow rates. All terminals with electric heat have been tested and ETL listed as an assembly, eliminating the need to mount coils a minimum of 36" (914) downstream or having to ship a bulky8 - 19 - 16 VAV. AT35SE - 3’ Long • for Models 35SE and 35SEST. Corrosion-Resistant Polypropylene Fans &. Designed for both stand-alone applications and integration with BACnet building automation systems, EZvav are precise P+I pressure-independent VAV controllers that are pre-configured for standard control sequences covering the vast majority of terminal-unit applications. FPTUs can be either constant or variable air ow. Contact your local Nailor Representative for more information on how to order the complete Nailor catalog library. Nailor Industries, Inc. The size and configuration of the FTU will. Shallow plenums are common where zoning requirements limit building height. SINGLE DUCT VAV TERMINAL UNIT MODEL: 30RW CONTROL SEQUENCE: 1P3 (CSC-3011) Nailor Industries Inc. Register. 5 to 16 mm) round or 3/8 to 7/16 inch (9. 3 - 30 - 17 3000 8 - 3 - 09 D30RW-2. (Air Control & Air Distribution products, VAV Terminal Units, Green Products, Electric Duct Heaters), Engineered. Equipment Supports. 5 million cycles. A static pressure sensor in the primary ductwork that monitors pressure delivered to the system by the AHU. Nailor manufactures a unique and comprehensive line of products essential for a well designed HVAC system. reseres the right to change an information concerning product or pricing without notice. Throttling VAV Terminal Unit Components within the VAV box include:Components within the VAV box include: • Room Thermostat or Sensor. 2. Nailor has completed and received ARI certification for our complete line of Single Duct, Dual Duct, Fan Powered and Bypass Terminal Units presented in this catalog. Download the submittal sheet for more details. •Multi-point averaging Diamond Flow Sensor. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • September 23, 2021 (Supersedes: April 8, 2021) Author: NailorNailor Fan Powered Terminal Unit with supplemental heat is 120°F (49°C). DUAL DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 3200 SERIES DUAL DUCT TERMINAL UNITS B B3 MODELS: 3210, 3230 AND 3240 Nailor dual duct terminals are designed to precisely regulate and vary the volume of both the cold and hot deck of a dual duct distribution system in response to thermostat demand. Unit E, 4427-72nd Avenue S. AT303 - 3 Foot Long. Nailor manufactures a range of standard and custom design retrofit terminal units for all. The primary air inlet is sized to provide conditioned, dehumidified air from a DOAS (dedicated outside air system) air handler, continuously. Dual Duct Terminal Units - Model Series 3200 Author: Nailor Subject: DDTU - Models. Catalog. MOA303,MOA305 Multi-Outlet Attenuator for Single Duct Terminal Units: P3001• Single Duct Terminal Units • Pneumatic Controls: P30RE • Single Duct Terminal Units • w/ Electric Reheat Coil • Pneumatic Controls: P30RW • Single Duct Terminal Unit • w/ Hot Water Coil • Pneumatic ControlsSINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 30X SERIES B56 SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS B 7-31-12 Performance Data • NC Level Application Guide Model Series 30X• Basic Unit VAV: Fiberglass Performance Notes: 1. Model 3001 • Basic Unit. from publication: Stability and accuracy of variable air volume box control at low flows. q Fiber-free liner. Single Duct Terminal Unit. Nailor Industries Inc. In cases where there is a concern that the ventilation air will freeze the coil during winter, the AHU will have a heating coil. Building owners and facility managers who want to upgrade or enhance their existing HVAC systems may need Nailor Industries Inc VAV. The portfolio includes aNailor Industries Inc reseres te rigt to cange an information concerning product or pricing witout notice. Nailor Industries Inc. Nailor Subject: Models: 35SST, 35SWST & 35SEST Fan Powered Terminal Unit with EPIC ECM or PSC Motor - Stealth and FN2 option Keywords: Fan Powered Terminal Unit with EPIC ECM or PSC Motor and FN2 option - 'Stealth' - Series Flow - Constant or Variable Volume - Models: 35SST, 35SWST & 35SEST - Unit Sizes 1 - 6 Created Date:. CONTROL FEATURES: • Fast connection/wiring between units with RJ12 (phone jack) connections. NC Levels are calculated based on procedures as outlined on page B75. Benefits & Challenges. Nailor Industries Inc. TheYou are here. The largest size that Nailor offers is the 33SZ-55, it can handle up to 2,000 CFM. MULTI-POINT FLOW SENSOR 5" (127). Overview. today commercial building variable air volume A terminal units. See full list on nailor. PEDC. Reduce the inlet pressure, if possible. Electric Heaters for VAV Terminal Units • 3000, 3200, 3400, 35S, 35SST, 37S, 37SST, 38S, 35N, 37N Series • Installation Instructions Epic Fan Volume Controller w/ Genteq EON ECM Motor Installation Instructions Nailor 33SZ Series Fan Powered Chilled Water Terminal Units include a cooling induction coil to use in conjunction with a DOAS (dedicated outdoor air system) and is useful in a variety of commercial applications, such as office spaces, classrooms, critical environments and laboratories. Starting with the outlet furthest downstream, adjust the damperDUAL DUCT TERMINAL UNIT WITH COMPACT MIXING ATTENUATOR DIGITAL OR ANALOG ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODELS: D3230 AND A3230 Nailor Industries Inc. Archives. 1), the fan sits in the primary airstream and runs constantly when the zone isair terminal units – single duct variable air volume . Model Series 3210, 3230, and 3240. Downstream Static Pressure. An SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS A SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 30X/HQX SERIES Nailor Single Duct Exhaust Terminal Units are used to modulate exhaust flow from an occupied space in either a constant volume or variable air volume (VAV) HVAC system. FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 33SZ SERIES FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS D Electric Coil Section Model 33SZE Standard Features: • Unique hinged heater design permits easy access, removal and replacement of heater element without disturbing ductwork. For over 20 years. 04 cfm per year. Nailor's single duct terminal units are designed to provide accurate and stable airflow control for various applications. The Single Duct relies 100% on airflow from the air handling unit. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal Units Catalog Created Date: 7/24/2018 1:38:46 PM. Single Duct Terminal Unit With Hot Water Reheat - Digital or Analog Controls - Constant or Variable Volume - Pressure Independent - Models: D30RW and. Single Duct - 3000, 3100 Series. The Price Pressure Control Valve (PCV) is designed as a pressure control valve to regulate duct pressure in a Pressure Independent or Pressure Dependent system. New Product: PAC Learn how our new line of portable air cleaners can help you improve air quality in confined spaces. A. Reps Area Engineers Area. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: NailorThe new EZvav Digital Controls by Nailor bring simplicity to the Variable Air Volume (VAV) terminal unit market. The flow sensor measures aforementioned total. • All electric heating units have built-in controls for all options required by the engineer. During cooling, parallel units act the same as a. VAV Terminal Units:. Nailor 3000 and 3100 Series Terminal Units are among the most versatile VAV boxes on the market, providing easy HVAC system integration with diverse control packages. SINGLE DUCT VAV TERMINAL UNIT COOLING ONLY PRESSURE INDEPENDENT MODEL: 3001 N100 Nailor Industries Inc. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 1, 2022 (Supersedes: October 4, 2022 ) Author: NailorFAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS. Nailor Industries Inc. Nailor 3200 Series Dual Duct Terminal Units are designed to maintain optimal temperature control in the conditioned zone by varying the air volume supplied by the hot and cold supply ducts while providing proper discharge air temperature. 0 . To locate a Nailor representative in your area click "Rep Locator" link on the top of the page. The group consists of several business. Equipment Reminder. VariTrane ® variable-air-volume (VAV) units lead the industry in quality and reliability and are designed to meet the specific needs of today’s applications. Fan Powered Terminal Units • 33SZ, 35N, 35S, 37N and 37S Series • All sizes. All Nailor fan powered terminal units are currently equipped with single speed, direct drive, fractional horsepower, high efficiency, PSC motors as standard. Whether the requirement calls for a constant or variable air volume (VAV) single duct terminal, an electric or hot water reheat option or requires basic attenuation, the 3000 Series terminal units deliver. 4. (3) For 38S series units with primary air inlet damper, set the unit to full cooling. Nailor electric coils are factory mounted as an integral partNailor Industries Inc. PEFM 4FSJFT 445 4UFBMUI Super Quiet, Series Flow (Constant Volume). We listened in-depth to the engineering and contracting . Reps Area Engineers Area. Trane chilled water sensible cooling terminal units are designed for use in systems that operate up to 5" w. 5. If they comply with these Specifications, series fan powered VAV terminal units manufactured by one of the following manufacturers will be acceptable: 1. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal. The series fan units are specifically designed for quiet operation and they also offer improved. AT35NW - 3’ Long • for Model 35NW. VAV Selection: Series Fan Powered Terminal Unit. 13. Terminal Units. • Damper – New heavy guage steel cylindrical "Flow. 9 - 28 - 15 NFD 8 - 20 - 14 NFD-VAV-2 VAV FLOOR "SWIRL" DIFFUSER WITH ACTUATOR UNDERFLOOR AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS • VAV COOLING ONLY• EXTENDED DEPTH FLOW REGULATOR/ DUST BASKET OPTION MODEL: NFD-VAV Nailor Industries Inc. Adjust the balancing dampers located in the terminal inlet to provide the required total airflow. 1. 5 5 3 2 1 CFM l/s. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 1, 2022 (Supersedes: October 4, 2022 ) Author: NailorVAV Diffusers; Accessories; LGO Fan Coils; FTW Fan Coils;. • Mounted on VAV section inlet for quiet operation. rectangular Airflow Range: 0 - 8,000 cfm Available with hot water or electric reheat Optional Certified Ultra-Low Air Leakage. Download Table | K-factors for VAV airflow calculation. Starting with the outlet furthest downstream, adjust the damperDUAL DUCT TERMINAL UNIT WITH COMPACT MIXING ATTENUATOR DIGITAL OR ANALOG ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODELS: D3230 AND A3230 Nailor Industries Inc. for VAV Terminal Units Nailor Industries Inc. Johnson Controls Parallel Fan Powered Variable Air Volume terminals are available from 100 to 4100 cfm, providing flexibility in performance ranges to meet a multitude of system design requirements. The Group consists of several business units: Nailor Industries, Inc. 3 - 12 - 18 3000 10 - 28 - 16 D30HQ Page 1 of 1. SCHEDULE TPE: PROECT: ENINEER: CONTRACTOR: FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNIT WITH EPIC ECM MOTOR SERIES FLOW • CONSTANT OR VARIABLE VOLUME MODELS: 35S, 35SW AND 35SE • UNIT SIZE 7 DATE B SERIES. volume single duct terminal units. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 1, 2022 (Supersedes: October 4, 2022 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal Units Catalog Created Date: 11/24/2022 8:47:06 AM. • Mounted on VAV section inlet for quiet operation. Nailor manufactures its own electric heating coils. They have been specifically designed and tested for use with variable air volume single duct terminal units. Fan Powered. The largest size that Nailor offers is the 33SZ-55, it can handle up to 2,000 CFM. Nailor 3000 Series Single Duct Variable Volume Terminal Units . Nailor 3400 Series Bypass Termination Units are designed to provide variable air volume supply when. Nailor offers three models of dual duct terminal units to meet a variety of applications. Hahn-Mason has 10 offices conveniently located in Raleigh, Charlotte, Asheville, Hickory, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Greenville, Charleston, and Columbia. Terminal units inclusive a flow transducer, controller/actuator, and damper to measure and control airflow. Nailor 3000 and 3100 Series Single Duct Terminal Units are for constant or variable air volume (VAV) applications. Dimensions are in inches (mm). The units shall be provided with a primary variable air volume damper that controls the air quantity in response to a (thermostat or digital controller/zone sensor). In a standard environment the 35SST could have a similar NC as the 35SXC. (0. TM UT TALLAT TAT DT 2 TM UT TALLAT TAT DT Manual priceindustriesco PRODUCT OVERVIEW Fan Powered Constant Volume Units – FDC-1-X, FDC-G2SINGLE DUCT VAV TERMINAL UNIT MODEL: 30RW CONTROL SEQUENCE: 3P3 (CSC-3011) Nailor Industries Inc. galvanized steel with round or flat oval inlets. The 35SXC "Super Stealth™" series is designed specifically for Exposed Ceiling. performance pages in the Nailor VAV Terminal Unit catalog. w. SUPERSEDES DRAWING NO. MOA305 - Multi-Outlet • 5 Foot Long. Page 1 of 2. Room Temperature Sensor Option: TSDigt alsp y( E-8 01W36) TSDO Digital Display w/Occupancy Motion Sensor. galvanized steel with round or flat oval inlets. Started in 1971, Nailor Industries Inc. today commercial building variable air volume A terminal units. Model 3210 is used when no terminal mixing is required. The Nailor product catalog is the ultimate industry resource for information. This includes the load on the space, the static pressure in the ductwork, the types of terminal units, and the occupancies in the space. Constant Volume Pneumatic Dual Duct Terminal. Nailor Industries, Inc. Specifying engineers as well as standard writers and building owners stillNailor manufactures a unique and comprehensive line of products essential for a well designed HVAC system. Single Duct Selektive: Design. Figure 1: Support Using Hanger Straps (Shown: Model D30RW - Single Duct VAV Terminal Unit with Hot Water Heat). The terminal unit should be installed according to the arrows featured on this sticker. with the founding principle that the company would be customer focused, service orientated, and dedicated to fulfilling the need for high quality, competitively priced innovative products. B7 SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS B SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS The recommended airflow ranges below are for terminal units with pressure independent controls and are based. 11 - 19 - 12 VAV - SML VAV TERMINAL UNITS LINER OPTIONS TYPE: SOLID METAL LINER. 6” inlet with regular (6”) casing. Attenuator. 8 - 19 - 16 VAV. , The Ohio State University Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. 00 $100. Fan Powered - 35S (SST), 37S (SST), 37N. to 16 in. The central air handling unit (AHU) of a VAV system is designed to deliver ventilation and recirculated cooled air to the terminal units. Dennis O’Neal, Dr. AT305 - 5 Foot Long. After an extensive and intense period of research, design and development, Nailor have produced a line of fan powered terminals that satisfy the vast majority of requiremnts the HVAC industry demands. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation. The entire terminal unit shall be designed and built as a single unit. The new location address will be 380 Bradwick Dr. Nailor Industries Inc. Terminal Units; Underfloor (UFAD) Displacement Diffusers; Electric Duct Heaters; Silencers; Fan Coil Units;. Note: Nailor EZvav controllers are designed to directly mount to 3/8 to 5/8 inch (9. Single Duct. PEDC. Nailor Industries. There are a lot of differences between Nailor and other fan powered VAV terminal unit manufacturers. Page 1 of 2 Model Series: 3000 Single Duct 3210 Dual Duct 35S-OAI Series Fan Powered w/ O. The units shall be provided with a primary variable air volume damper that controls the air quantity in. CTE-5100s are provided with limited and unlimited outputs. Parallel Fan Powered Units. INSTALLATION • All single duct terminal units with electric coils are designed to be mounted in a horizontal plane. PEFMT 4 445 XJUI 0"* 0VUEPPS "JS *OMFU Minimum Ventilation, Series Flow (Constant Volume) FOR VAV TERMINAL UNITS Nailor Industries Inc. Otherwise, replace the terminal with a lower pressure drop terminal and then reduce the inlet pressure. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: NailorBe sure to check out our full catalog of VAV boxes and accessories. 4 - 25 - 23 3500 2 - 6 - 23 35N-3A Page 1 of 2. Nailor 3000 also 3100 Series Terminal Units are among the most versatile VAV mail on the market, making easy HVAC system integration with diverse control packaged. Home » Knowledge Center. Designed to provide variable air volume supply when used with constant volume fan low pressure packaged air handling systems or roof-top air conditioning units. Because the fan is in series with the airflow, the DOAS system fan is only required to deliver the ventilation air to the terminal unit. (0. VAV Terminal Units - Section D - Fan Powered Terminal Units - (Supersedes July 16, 2013)SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS A SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 3100 SERIES Performance Data • Hot Water Coil • Capacities Model: 31RW Unit Sizes 7 and 8 2 Row (multi-circuit) CFM l/s. requirements of the industry we serve has traditionally been a . Dimensions are in inches (mm). PRODUCT: Terminal Units SUBJECT: Fun Facts about VAV Terminal Unit Leakage – Part I ISSUED BY: Gus Faris There are two ways for VAV terminal units to leak, through the casing and around the damper. IOM. model 35N. reseres the right to change an information concerning product or pricing without notice. 2. Advanced micro-computer electronics and P+control algorithmsΙ provide precise temperature control. A. . model 35S. HOW IT WORKS: The UNI2-VAV Electronic Thermostat is designed to wire to a factory mounted actuator board on a zone damper or VAV diff userThe Diamond sensor is standard on all Nailor VAV terminal units that are equipped with pressure independent controls. In the parallel fan-powered terminal, the fan section is outside of the primary airstream and typically only runs in the heating mode. For heat options; see page 2. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or pricing without notice. The UNI2-VAV is a variable volume diffuser that regulates the amount of supply air into the space. Nailor has completed and received ARI certification for our complete line of Single Duct, Dual Duct, Fan Powered and Bypass Terminal Units presented in this catalog. Octave Band. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 1, 2022 (Supersedes: October 4, 2022 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal Units Catalog Created Date: 11/24/2022 8:39:06 AM. SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNIT WITH DISSIPATIVE SILENCER HOSPITAL GRADE • SUPER QUIET. Metal Encapsulated Edges— All Trane chilled water sensible cooling terminal units are complete with encapsulated edges to arrest cut fibers and prevent insulation erosion into the. Nailor 3000 plus 3100 Series Single Duct VAV Depot Units key a cool and versatile build that results in a system component which has minimal pressure drop that reduces fan horsepower demand, and low noise generation for quiet operation. • Same liner as terminal unit. Equipment Reminder. For heat options; see page 2. SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS A SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 3000 SERIES Performance Data • Hot Water Coil Models: 30RW, 30RWQ and 30HQW Unit Size 14 2 Row (multi-circuit) 10 7. One of the decisions when designing a VAV system is what type of terminal units to use in the system. An integral modulating actuator provides variable air volume control in cooling applications for precise zone temperature control. Accessories. Nailor 3400 Series Bypass Terminal Units are designed to provide variable air volume supply when used with constant volume fan low pressure packaged air handling systems or roof-top air conditioning units. Nailor Subject: Terminal Units Fiber-Free Liner Options Sound Power Level Correction FactorsVariTrane® Single Duct Terminal Units. Downstream Static Pressure. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or pricing without notice. Nailor 35S, 37S, 35SST, 37SST and 35SXC Series Fan Powered Boxes are available in cooling only, electric. 36VRS • Retrofit Terminal Units • Square or Rectangular • Pressure Independent 36VRTR • Retrofit Terminal Unit • Round • Trane • Digital Controls 36VZR • Retrofit Terminal Units • Static Pressure Control •. Solar-Powered Digital Variable Air Volume Diffuser. 2. • Convert Constant Volume Dual Duct Systems to Variable Air Volume • Convert Multizone Systems to Variable Air Volume • Convert Mechanical Constant Volume Regulators to Low Pressure Pneumatic, Analog Electronic or Digital Controls. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation. 3. AirFixture Underfloor Ventilation Systems. 3200 E Gowan Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030. Leading The Industry. Wireless Link For LonWorks, BACnet, Modbus & Ethernet Iinstallations. Imitated but Never Duplicated Building engineers, owners, and occupants can rest easy knowing their Nailor Fan Powered Terminal Units provide the best combination of sound, control, and comfort. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: NailorOverview. The equipment used in those days to air condition commercial office buildings was high velocity, dual duct systems—and bypass multizoneVAV System Design Considerations. The 3210 is two single duct terminals working in tandem to regulate the cold and hot airstreams. Variable air volume (VAV) / Constant Volume boxes are great energy savers by delivering the exact amount of heated or cooled air to the conditioned space. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: NailorNailor 3200 Series Dual Duct Terminal Units what designed to maintain optimal fever control in the conditioned zone by varying the broadcast volume supplied for the hot and chill supply ducts while providing proper discharge air temperature. HPAS achieve this level of zone control much more cost-effectively than do zonal systems—a central system requires only a VAV terminal, while a zonal system requires an additional fan coil, ventilation air distribution, piping controls,VAV LINEAR FLOOR DIFFUSER CONTROL DIAGRAM UNDERFLOOR AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS VAV • COOLING ONLY • NON-DUCTED MODEL: NLD-VC Nailor Industries Inc. Select a state to see results. Wireless HVAC Control. CAD download. x 16 in. ONE smallish footprint makes these units simple to use and install in today‘s cramped mechanical spaces and. New Product: LMHS-VP Learn about our new single duct terminal unit with a factory mounted valve package. A mechanical engineer must consider several variables and equipment types when designing a VAV system. Single Duct Terminal Units Nailor Industries Inc. Figure 2: Support Using Unistrut and Rods (Shown: Model 3001Q - Single Duct Figure 3: Support Using Optional Supplied Hanger Brackets (Shown: Model D30RWQ - Single Duct VAV Quiet Terminal Unit with Standard DissipativeThe terminal unit is typically located above the ceiling and can serve multiple spaces. DATE B SERIES SUPERSEDES DRAWING NO. Maximum Inlet Static Pressure, in H2O. 3 - 24 - 06 VAV - SL VAV TERMINAL UNITS LINER OPTIONS TYPE: STERI-LINER Nailor Industries Inc. parallel designed VAV terminal units when the internal fan was turned off. Temtrol Custom Air Handling Units, Daiking Applied Indoor Air Handling Units, Data Aire Computer Room Units, and Nailor Terminal VAV boxes work together to air condition over 200,000 square feet of exhibit space, 52 meeting rooms, and. Multipoint crossflow sensor for accurate. Nailor is proud to provide the latest generation of fan powered terminal units-designed to lead the industry. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 1, 2022 (Supersedes: October 4, 2022 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal Units Catalog Created Date: 11/21/2022 4:33:00 PM. 00 $300. Nailor Industries Inc. The engineer must also consider how the terminal units are going to be. Heaters. AT303 - 3 Foot Long. Single Duct Terminal Unit With Hot Water Reheat - Digital or Analog Controls - Constant or Variable Volume - Pressure Independent - Models: D30RW and. notes: 1. INSTALLATION MOUNTING 1. of the sizes and capabilities as indicated on the drawings. The fan powered options were energy savers for buildings from the very. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation. 8 - 15 - 11 VAV - DDDD DUAL DUCT TERMINAL UNITS LINER OPTIONS. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or. SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNIT WITH HOT WATER REHEAT DIGITAL CONTROLS • PRESSURE INDEPENDENT CONSTANT OR VARIABLE VOLUME Nailor 3000 Series Single Duct Terminal units are, simply put, versatile. Nailor Industries Inc. Nailor started Nailor Industries, Inc. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal. Choosing the right equipment for your VAV system is critical, but it is only part of creating the right solution. Nailor 3000 Series Single Duct Terminal units are simply put, versatile. 4 45 400 5 60 500 6 65 550 7 95 800 8 125 1100 9 160 1400 10 210 1800Throttling VAV Terminal Units •Damper inlet controls supply air between a min/max flow ratea min/max flow rate •Includes a reheat coil and control valve. AT305 - 5 Foot Long. Dimensions are in inches (mm). Additional Information. 11 - 19 - 12 VAV. Available Sizes: 4 in. Dimensions are in. - Complete Air Control and Air Distribution Products Solutions in HVAC Industries - Air Control, Air Distribution, VAV Terminal Units, Grilles & Registers,. Recommendations. 0. Box 930040, Verona, WI 53593-0040 Phone: (608)845-6411 Fax: (608)845-6504. Designed for both stand-alone applications and for integration with BACnet building automation systems, EZvav are precise P+I pressure independent VAV controllers that are pre-configured for standardNailor Industries, Inc. Features. , ASSOCIATE EMBER ASHRAE. Place terminal in the full open position, supplying 100% air to the occupied space by adjusting the thermostat to full cooling. The portfolio includes. The VAV diffuser enables the control of airflow into a room with a connected thermostat. They appeared in 1974, and were applied to . Home; Login. Nailor 35N and 37N Series Fan Powered Terminal Units offer a compact and economical design that provides excellent performance in the most demanding variable air volume/intermittent fan applications. Nailor Industries Inc. Our VAV units, or Variable Air Volume systems, are available as a single duct terminal for cooling only or a fan powered terminal for cooling and heating. Designed for both stand-alone applications and for integration with BACnet building automation systems, EZvav are precise P+I pressure independent VAV controllersUnits shall be manufactured by Nailor Industries Inc. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: NailorNailor 3000 and 3100 Browse Terminal Units are amidst the most versatile VAV boxes on the market, supplying easy HVAC system integration with diverse control packages. Damper 38S Underfloor Fan Powered Model Series: 3100 Single Duct 3230 Dual Duct Electric Heaters for VAV Terminal Units • 3000, 3200, 3400, 35S, 35SST, 37S, 37SST, 38S, 35N, 37N Series • Installation Instructions Epic Fan Volume Controller w/ Genteq EON ECM Motor Installation Instructions A series of research proects measuring energy and performance for fan-powered VAV terminal units FPTUs were conducted at Texas AM University, Texas AM atar and Baylor University as part of a oint ASHRAEAHRI and privately manufacturer’s funded research. 33SZ, 33SZE, 33SZW • Fan Powered Chilled Water Terminal Units • Size 40, 50 & 55 • FN2 Enclosure: FN3 Remote Line Voltage Controls Enclosure for 35S(ST), 37S(ST), 38F, 38S Series. Nailor manufactures its own electric heating coils. Dallas was a close second. •Coil installed on unit discharge. 3 - 12 - 18 3000 7 - 17 - 17 D3001-1 Page 2 of 2. MOA303 - Multi-Outlet • 3 Foot Long. Upgraded components, current control systems and building design improvements helped to increase the use of fan-powered VAV termi-nal units. 38. Determine if the electric heater/unit is field flippable between left and right handing. 35N, 35S, 35SST, 37S, 37SST Series • Fan Powered Terminal Units • Discharge Attenuators. AT37N - 3’ Long. Nailor Industries Inc. . reserves the right to change any information concerning product or pricing without notice. is known for our industry leading customer focused approach to providing…See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Complete Air Control And Distribution Solutions: Grilles Registers Diffusers VAV Terminal Units Fire Dampers Smoke Dampers Control Dampers Radiation Dampers LouversMake installation adjustments as needed. With unit heights between 15 1/4” and 20 1/8”, and airflow ranges between 100 and 2400 CFM, the FDC-DOAS proves to be an excellent. Dual Duct - 3200 Series. Dimensions are in inches (mm). SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS A SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 3000 SERIES Performance Data • Hot Water Coil Models: 30RW, 30RWQ and 30HQW Unit Size 12 2 Row (multi-circuit) 10 7. model 35S. and a variable air volume damper to modulate primary air. 15 Flow Probe Amplification 229 358 515 702 916 1160 1432 2062 3665 7000 2806 4 inch 5 inch 6 inch 7 inch 8 inchreasonable sound levels and controller limits using Nailor's Diamond Flow Sensor as the airflow measuring device. Nailor Industries, Inc. Available in numerous configurations, each 3000 Series isSelectWorks is designed to facilitate the work of Nailor's Manufacturers Representatives as well as Engineers and Contractors. SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS A SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNITS • 30HQ SERIES Performance Data • NC Level Application Guide. D-Fan_Powered-VAV-2013_D-Fan_Powered-2005VAV-bwnew 6/25/13 3:15 PM Page D128 Title Nailor Industries Inc. Benefits. Nailor 3000 Series Single Duct Terminal units are simply put, versatile. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • July 24, 2018 (Supersedes: July 10, 2018 ) Author: Nailor Subject: Terminal. 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 $400. VAV Terminal Units. • 22 ga. The fan motor’s ability is shown on a fan curve. Nailor Industries. Constant Volume Pneumatic Dual Duct Terminal. reserves the right to change any information concerning product or pricing without notice. DATE B SERIES SUPERSEDES DRAWING NO. For a given unit size, the minimum, auxiliary minimum (where applicable) and the. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 25, 2022 (Supersedes: November 1, 2022 ) Author: Nailorone VAV terminal; even very large open areas rarely require more than two VAV terminals. • Digital VAV Terminal Units Catalog • November 1, 2022 (Supersedes: October 4, 2022 ) Author: NailorA DATE B SERIES SUPERSEDES DRAWING NO. Page 1 of 10 CTE-5100 Series Thermostats: The CTE-5100 series thermostats are designed to be used with the CSP-5002 controller actuator. . single duct terminal units with pressure independent controls and are presented as ranges for total and controller specific minimum and maximum airflow. Complete Air Control And Distribution Solutions: Grilles Registers Diffusers VAV Terminal Units Fire Dampers Smoke Dampers Control Dampers Radiation Dampers LouversNailor Single Duct Exhaust Terminal Units are used to modulate exhaust flow from an occupied space in either a constant volume or variable air volume (VAV) HVAC system. Parallel Fan Powered Units. In the bypass application, static pressure. drawings.