Differential control on an aileron system means that. a part along the back edge of an aircraft's wing that can be moved to help the aircraft turn or…. Differential control on an aileron system means that

 a part along the back edge of an aircraft's wing that can be moved to help the aircraft turn or…Differential control on an aileron system means that  Control throws: Fly model and apply full deflection of each control in turn

The construction of the control surfaces is similar to that of the stabilizers; however, the movable surfaces usually are somewhat lighter in construction. What does aileron differential on RC airplane mean?Primary flight controls are the most basic flight controls in an aircraft. > If differential mix is backwards (more down than up. Elevons or tailerons are aircraft control surfaces that combine the functions of the elevator (used for pitch control) and the aileron (used for roll control), hence the name. In one, the ailerons are jammed while deflected an equal amount in the normal, opposite directions. In very. Though not entirely eliminating adverse yaw, the "differential type" aileron system raises one aileron a greater distance than the other aileron is lowered for a given movement of the control stick or wheel. The down aileron increases camber, while the up aileron decreases camber. Excessive wear on both of the sides of a control cable pulley groove is evidence of. Voice alerts. Aileron differential is a method of reducing control forces by taking advantage of hinge moment bias in one direction (Jones and Nerkin, 1936; Gates, 1940). around or about the longitudinal axis controlled by the ailerons. In the other, one aileron is jammed in a deflected position while the other responds normally. Figure 5 is a plan view of the majorpor p tion of the main plane of the amphibian, the structural members of the plane and the aileron control element being shown in dotted lines. . Hydromechanical Flight Control System. fairleads should never deflect the alignment of a cable more than. a part along the back edge of an aircraft's wing that can be moved to help the aircraft turn or…. C. The aileron shape modification is then implemented by means of an actuation system, based on a classical quick-return mechanism, opportunely suited for the presented application. On my MZ-24 I used the dual rates/expo function to control rates in each phase and differential to control differential the same way I do on the MZ-32. This producesA: Ailerons are used to create the motion of roll for an aircraft. Both explanations in the OP are correct to the overall phenomenon of adverse yaw. This form of cross-coupling was often built into the cable-and-pulley control systems of older aircraft. See Page 1 This aileron control effort is very reasonable and achievable if the ailerons are assumed to have instantaneous response characteristics by neglecting the lag from actuators or hydraulic systems. Ailerons connected to the rudder to reduce adverse yaw. Can confirm that some 151s have them and some do not. During inspection of the flight control system of an airplane equipped with differential-type aileron control , side-to-side movement of the control stick will cause. Pilot controls them through the use of a yoke or stick, connected to the ailerons by cables and pulleys. In its most basic form, a pilot could enter what is called aileron differential, which means that the up travel of a given aileron will be greater than the downward travel, which for most. this creates excess drag in the direction to the "outside" of the turn, so aileron differential is used to. Flutter in flight is reduced by: Tightening flight control cables. B. This would necessitate a major alteration of which I have not been able to figure out a simple solution. Definition. Most general aviation aircraft control systems include flexible steel cables, otherwise known as wire rope. The angle of incidence of an airplane at rest. On the outer rear edge of each wing, the two ailerons move in opposite directions, up and down, decreasing lift on one wing while increasing it on the other. A good first-order value is ±20° for a 20% chord. If you mean the spars are corroded at the tip, come to. Most airplane manufacturers use differential aileron control. The deHavilland Moth aircraft series were among the first to make use of aileron differential, but it turned out to be a rather ineffective solution. The aileron shape modification is then implemented by means of an actuation system, based on a classical quick-return mechanism, opportunely suited for the presented application. Differential is usually more up, less down. If the control horn is mounted on the aileron as shown in your sketch, and the servo is on the bottom of the wing, if the servo arm is mounted on the servo pointing forward of the center line of the servo, in other words, not at 90 degrees to the servo, but more. The addition of aileron differential will help correct these tendencies and, in the. For the band, see The Ailerons. The effectivity of such a means of pitch. 0. It’s very difficult to roll your model in a straight line. It might be necessary to make the aileron and flap have a little longer cord. My flight school had three different Warriors and only one had the springs. A. What is a differential aileron system? With differential ailerons, one aileron is raised a greater. All ailerons are differential, so they are just called “ailerons. The ailerons are the flight controls that roll the airplane around its longitudinal axis. The primary purpose of stall strips is to. H. The target morphing angles were derived as corresponding to a rigid rotation of a plain control surface comprised between -7° and +7°. I do actually program in a little bit of differential in the TX, but that's only to compensate for a slight nonlinearity in the RDS drive. A combination of aerodynamic balancing and tabs is generally used on ailerons with a mechanical control system. Spoilerons roll an aircraft by reducing the lift of the downward-going wing. I always thought the clevis should go on the horn, ideally over the centre of the hinge line. Most light airplanes have two ailerons, one on the trailing edge of each wing. An ideal behavior would be one that goes to zero as time goes to infinity. The purpose of the Aileron Transfer Mechanism is to isolate the aileron system from the flight spoilers if a jam occurs. C) left aileron: 2° down Right aileron: 5° up. I find it is easier to make rate adjustments this way. Aircraft flight control trim systems must be designed and installed so that the: A. The airplane is controllable around its lateral, longitudinal, and vertical axes by. Stresses include the weight of fuel, crew, and payload. The vertical flight of a helicopter is controlled by a. The amount of differential is sufficient to balance the drag between the ailerons, thus eliminating the yaw effect. The top sector is the aileron bus sector. Coordinated rudder application is still needed wherever ailerons are applied. The pilot changes the lift each wing produces to roll the aircraft in. This can be designed for, as in the elevons on tailless aircraft, but it makes for bigger and heavier control surfaces. Why is it generally necessary to Jack and aircraft in doors for weighing. Ailerons are used in pairs to control the aircraft in roll (or movement. Aierons, elevator (or stabilator), and rudder. If you don't have aileron differential, you may see a bit of adverse yaw, that means that the nose of the airplane will actually turn a bit opposite of the bank. It is caused by the difference in lift and drag of each wing. FIGURE 23-15. The way an airplane banks is by deflecting its ailerons. It has a servo on each side of the wing for the ailerons. Control surface rigged such that the aileron moving up moves a greater distance than the aileron moving down. Well, if you have one servo driving barn door ailerons through a bellcrank system, then off-setting the control horn on each aileron is one way to get differential. Rather than using the aileron differential menu, I simply reduced the travel (end point) of both aileron servos in the downward position. Differential control on an aileron system means that A- one aileron on one wing travels further up than the aileron on the opposite wing to adjust for wash in and wash out. Mechanical Flight Control System. Adverse yaw. Beginners - aileron differential - Can someone explain to me the advantage/disadvantage of setting up differential. Placing a piece of cloth around a stainless steel control cable and running it back and forth over the length of the cable is generally a satisfactory method of C- Inspecting from broken wires If the control stick of an aircraft with properly rigged flight controls is moved rearward and to the left, the right aileron will moveThe larger travel of one aileron relative to the other is called aileron differential (Figure 5. Ailerons are used in pairs to control the aircraft in roll (or movement around the aircraft's longitudinal axis), which normally results in a change in flight path due to the tilting of the lift vector. The down travel is more than the up travel b. g. Its fault detection can assist the aircraft PHM system in making decisions and completing the targeted maintenance, which is of great significance to improve the safety and reliability of the aircraft. B- elevator(s). However, unless you have found something terribly awry, check your airframe manual before leaping to possibly erroneous conclusions. One aileron is raised a greater distance than the other aileron an is lowered for a given movement of control wheel. 13-If control cables are adjusted properly and the control surfaces tend to vibrate, thecan even cope with differential or unequal travels which are programmed in the mixers. Discussion The Differential Pressure is controlled by the differential control to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum for which the aircraft is designed. Check response of each control; Aileron hi­Expl- Differential control is a term used to describe an aileron system in which the aileron moving upward deflects a greater number of degrees than the aileron moving downward. e. With the control lock engaged, the maximum deflection of the nosewheel is restricted to 60° either side of center. In a turn most DLG want to spiral into the turn, so opposite aileron is given to maintain bank angle. This produces an increase in drag on the descending wing, which reduces adverse yaw. Each aileron has two sectors, a top and a bottom. c ontrol activation. When the rudder pedals are depressed, the ruddervators move differently and act as a rudder. Unlike bigger aircraft, the small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles face significant stability challenges in a turbulent environment. Roll refers to the movement of the aircraft around its longitudinal axis. drag increases on the outer wing. When one aileron is deflected upward, the opposite side goes downward. They are located by the tip of the airplane’s wing, as part of the trailing edge. True. The tail drops during a turn. 9. This produces. Contents hide. Elevator. . ) Expired Application number CA319873A Other languages French (fr. Differential control on an aileron system means that A. Explanation. The flight controls are powered by redundant hydraulic sources; system A and system B. Differential. As usual, aileron reversal or the blocking phenomenon of multijoint fixed ailerons is a hard nut to crack. Ouyang et al. Pilot Technique. Around or about the lateral axis and controlled by the ailerons. The primary purpose of stall strips is to. The problem was recognized even as early as the. The ailerons, elevator (or stabilator), and. Movement around this axis is called 'rolling' or 'banking'. This type of aileron also produces to develop a slot in the system so that the air can flow smoothly over the lower aileron. Ailerons at each wingtip are typically used to. Adverse yaw is the tendency of an airplane, when turning and banked, to go the opposite direction. In the most common form, aileron differential simply means that one will make the down-aileron movement less compared to the up-aileron movement. Two Aileron Types. >The CAPTAIN SIDE controls the AILERONS. Minimum recommended torque puls friction drag torque. The effect can be greatly minimized with ailerons deliberately designed to create drag when deflected upward and/or mechanisms which automatically apply some. This means when the control column is moved in any direction right or left, the up-going aileron moves through a greater angle of attack than the down-going aileron. Contents hide. Ailerons control an airplane about its longitudinal axis - roll . During a cross wind takeoff, there is a tendency for the upwind wing to lift and for the aircraft to turn into the wind (weathercock) as the aircraft accelerates. A. As the name implies, they deflect by different amounts: When the stick or yoke is moved to the right, for example, the aileron on the right (descending) wing is deflected up much more than the left (ascending) wing's aileron is deflected down. A raised spoileron also increases the drag on the wing where it is deployed, causing the aircraft to yaw. The advantages of PID control could be concluded as simple structure, robustness of system inertia matrix, specific physical meaning, and so on. Term. Differential ailerons. Conventional flight controls consist of a stick or wheel control column and rudder pedals, which control the movement of the elevator and ailerons and the rudder, respectively, through a system of cables or rods. . Also increase. Rigging and alignment checks should not be undertaken in the open, however, if this cannot be avoided, the aircraft should be positioned. g. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. B. 2. Aileron. You can see that when the stick is pushed full over, the up aileron cable from the control stick moves farther than the down aileron cable, so this results in a change of cable tension due to this built-in stretching, which is dependent upon the geometry. 0*aileron which is the usual way Aileron Differential is implemented if "aileron" is positive. Adverse yaw is present if the tail of the model drops in a turn or it is quite challenging to roll in an axial fashion. B -. -1. Was sat on the wing both ways and noticed something intersting about aileron movement. the system. ¶ Aileron types. Do ailerons increase drag? The extra upward aileron movement produces more drag change than. Description. With this type of aileron, when pressure on the control stick or wheel is applied to one side, raising one of the ailerons, the leading edge of that aileron (which has an offset hinge) projects down into the airflow and creates drag. It is usually used as a means to back up the primary control of the flight control surfaces. g. Control Surfaces. Aircraft including differential aileron control system for same Download PDF Info. Ailerons are a primary flight control surface which control movement about the longitudinal axis of an aircraft. 4, laterally/directionally motions are highly coupled, so the control of these two motions are discussed together. Aerodynamics - Aileron Differential - Gentlemen, I have a 1/3 scale Sopwith pup and I just set up the ailerons to where the ailerons move 2. and more. Power Control Two (PC-2) driven by the right engine, and a Utility system which contains two pumps, one on each engine. . On faster planes with their more efficient control systems, differential as extreme as the TM is seldom seen. e. It is caused by. When the ailerons deflect. Three axes, three sets of controls (mostly) With a few exceptions, light aircraft flight control systems are very much alike, using hinged flaps along the trailing edge of each wing (you already know them as ailerons) to control the airplane around its roll axis. For those not aware of the reason for differential and why some of us want to eliminate it I'll explain. Through numerical simulations, the order of. The main questions are related to "tweaks" to the aileron system after a maiden it. This preview shows page 5 - 10 out of 18 pages. An aileron and roll trim tab of a light aircraft. When installing a castle nut, stat alignment with the cotter pin hole at the. 0*aileron*(-2. Though not entirely eliminating adverse yaw, the "differential type" aileron system raises one aileron a greater distance than the other aileron is lowered for a given movement of. So some is good on a thermal glider that often flies slowly. I have heard things like to help rolll straight to asssist in scale like turns etc. And the aileron system can be designed ala the Frise system to generate more drag on the up-going side while. There are three sources of adverse yaw: Difference in induced-drag due to ailerons: down wing aileron reduces lift while the up wing aileron increases lift, which generates a difference in induced drag in each wing. Ailerons are used in pairs to control the aircraft in roll (or movement around the aircraft's longitudinal axis ), which normally results in a change. , assignors to Boeing Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash. View full document. Differential control on an aileron system means that the up travel is more than the down travel. The up aileron produces extra parasite drag to compensate for the additional induced drag caused by the down aileron. One aileron on one wing travels further up than the aileron on the opposite wing to adjust for wash-in and wash-out 45. , The ______ is controlled by a pair of foot-operated pedals, The. YOUR MODEL IS EXPERIENCING ADVERSE YAW IF: The model skids through turns. Nothing1235. 2. A sagging aileron or flap may be the cause of tremendous trim drag. You might also hear this setup being called differential ailerons. collective pitch changes. Contents hide. 1. If one control wheel is jammed, the transfer mechanism lets the flight crew operate the other control wheel. Wing aps, leading edge. Thus, the lateral and directional dynamics are frequently coupled. Either. On a flying wing it's good to use mixing for differential aileron, or you may have to use mechanical methods which aren't as easily adjustable either. ( I think the first aircraft to use this technique was F-15, where it was implemented using mechanical linkages in the flight controls). . In the present research, in order to improve aileron effectiveness, several. You can see this nicely on the control diagram for the B-24 . The ailerons are the hinged part of an airplane wing. Control surfaces definition: AVL Control surfaces can be defined for part or for the whole span of the wing/horizontal tail, read carefully documentation. The first is known as adverse yaw. $egingroup$ @CarloFelicione -- Crossover speed: "To further complicate the issue, the configuration and flight speed (flaps 1 and 190 knots) put the airplane in a flight regime where a fully deflected rudder would overpower the lateral control system. The aircraft control system controls the whole flight movement process. Movement around this axis is called ‘rolling’ or ‘banking’. The flaperons combine the function of: ailerons and flaps. Joseph's College; Course Title RECREATION 253; Uploaded By LieutenantExploration3201. What is aileron drag? 5) Ailerons Create Induced Drag Just like flaps, when you lower the aileron, you change the chord line of the wing, creating a higher angle of attack (AOA). This means that a control system designed for a maximum deflection of, say, 15° on the ground, may only deflect as much as 75% of that in flight. one aileron on one wing travels further up than the aileron on the opposite wing to adjust for wash-in and wash-out C. Most simple ailerons produce adverse yaw. Hi Ken, The main reason for the differential, is to help make the turns smooth, the greater travel on the up aileron helps yaw the airplane in the intended direction. To turn the airplane, the pilot uses the ailerons to tilt the wings in the desired. aileron in American English. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; More; Search; Sign Up | Log InThose Dubro horns work and have ample adjustment with the various holes. On a Cub if you lead with aileron the plane will yaw in the opposite direction to the turn. Torque and directional control. at the servo arm, at the control surface horn, and by offsetting the surface hinge line to the top or bottom of the wing. the ight control surfaces with an electrical interface. The normal convention for aileron differential is that increased aileron differential means that the upward going aileron has increased travel as compared to the downward moving aileron (the opposite of the sign convention in the quote). Ailerons are a primary flight control surface which control movement about the longitudinal axis of an aircraft. In order for it to function properly the aileron servos MUST be plugged correctly into the AIL and AUX2 channels which I can never remember. Oscillating glyph connected to the third rib segment of the morphing aileron [ 7 ]. If a pilot reports that an airplane flies left wing heavy, this condition may be. Ailerons. As the total servo throw is decreased, the proportion of play, or slop, in the control system is effectively increased. When the lift of an airfoil increases, the drag will. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed. Independent multi-engine control for airplanes. In our example, raising your right aileron will cause the. The instructions say to adjust the servo arms to set the ailerons up for less travel down than up (presumably to reduce adverseNote that the control system will stretch in flight reducing the maximum ground deflection. 7 Flight Control Computers Computer systems are now a common and essential part of many modern flight. Although similar in concept, aircraft can be classified as fixed and rotary wing structures. areilon to roll, rudder to control yaw and elevator to turn. The cascade control system for both fixed-wing 23 and multirotor UAVs 33, 34 has become popular because of it ability to tackle complex system dynamics by using two loops. The amount of rudder control required is greatest at low airspeeds, high angles fo attack, and with large aileron deflections. Option C. Buffeting is the intermittent application of forces to a part of an airplane. B- cyclic pitch control. This increases the drag on the up aileron, and reduces it on the down aileron. B. Adverse yaw is removed by adding a suitable amount of aileron->rudder mixing. To initiate a right banking turn, you need to roll the plane to the right. Includes aluminum dual air transmitter stand up case. Ailerons are small hinged sections on the outboard portion of a wing. Track. COUPLED AILERONS AND RUDDER . Rigging and alignment checks should not be undertaken in the open; however, if this cannot be avoided, the aircraft should be positioned. Some control systems are so poorly designed 4 that they may only achieve 25% of the maximum deflection. The pilot controls the forces of flight and the aircraft’s direction and attitude by means of flight controls. In order to rotate exclusively about the desired axis, the other control must be used to cancel the secondary rotation. When you roll right, the opposite happens. 79- Differential control on B- the up travel is more than the down travel. Though not entirely eliminating adverse yaw, the "differential type" aileron system raises one aileron a greater distance than the other aileron is lowered for a given movement of the control stick or wheel. The ailerons are attached to the outboard trailing edge of each wing and, when a manual or autopilot control input is made, move in opposite directions. (ˈeiləˌrɑn) noun. Ailerons are a primary flight control surface which control movement about the longitudinal axis of an aircraft. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which system is differential control associated, an elevator controls _____ about the____ axis, ailerons control____about the ____ axis and more. 8270. 22 terms. 40). When the lift of an airfoil increases, the drag will. Like the differential aileron, the Frise-type aileron does not eliminate adverse yaw entirely. 00 inch below. 73- During inspection of the flight control system of an airplane equipped with differential-type aileron control, side-to-side movement of the control stick will cause A- each aileron to have a greater up travel (from the streamlined position) than down travel. Sounds like a really fancy way to avoid using aileron differential! It does sound like it would work though as you've described. Spoilers Sometimes called a lift dumper that is intended to intentionally reduce the lift of the component of an airfoil in a controlled way. This movement is referred to as "roll". Principal axes. Pressure Differential Cabin Differential Definition The difference between cabin pressure and atmospheric pressure. Differential control on an aileron system means that a pulling tool. Excessive wear on both of the sides of a control cable pulley groove is evidence of. the up travel is more than the down travel B. If say I bank left and the fuselage angles down is this to much differential or not enough? less down or more down to correct. With the nose into the wind. 1. In this system the aileron and rudder systems are interconnected, so that when the ailerons are deflected the rudder automatically moves to counter the adverse yaw. Control is defined as the process to changing the flight condition from one trim condition (e. 4. To improve the flight performance, a fixed-wing UAV with segmented aileron control surfaces has been designed and deployed. The graphic below explores the. Direct access to system setup from function menu - no need to. Page 11 of 21 ASA Assembly & Rigging Flashcards | Quizlet an aileron system means that 80- Why is it generally B- So that air currents do not destabilize the scales. This slide shows what happens when the pilot deflects the right aileron. When you execute a right turn in the air, you’ll turn the control wheel or stick to the right, and the right aileron will deflect upward. Pitch (Adverse Yaw) : Pitch refers to the up and down rotation of an aircraft’s nose about its y-axis. RECREATION253 - During Inspection Of The Flight Control System Of An Airplane Equipped With. when the aileron surface moves down, it produces more drag than when it moves up. If the control stick of an aircraft with properly rigged flight controls is moved forward and to the right, the left aileron will move A. Elevator. The mechanical system has three components: a servo arm (blue) a crank (brown) two symetrical aileron command rods (silver) First, the servo arm rotates (1), pushes the crank through a rigid link (2), forcing it to rotate too (3). RE: Gyro for ailerons questions. . When the ailerons deflect. 0*aileron = 1. In this paper, we review the concept of Lie brackets and how it can be exploited in generating motion in unactuated directions through nonlinear interactions between two or more control inputs. (8228)-Other than the manufacturer. The extra upward aileron movement produces more drag change than an increase in angle of attack (AOA) on the downward aileron. An aileron is a moving section at the back end of a plane that deflects upwards or downwards. In flight there is little difference in control feel or sensitivity the only difference is on the ground. 250-model memory. Note that this will have the proper effect only in one direction. There is actually less aileron throw with the flaps down. The differential thrust control effort demands a maximum differential thrust of −3000 lbf (negative differential thrust means ), which is within the. , Differential control on an aileron system means that. A Differential Pressure Gauge is often combined with a Cabin Altimeter. It is mechanically simple to provide the ailerons with more up travel than down travel. As the ailerons are deflected, one up and one down, the aileron pointing down induces more aerodynamic drag than the aileron pointing up. Reset the Model Memory using MDL Reset in the SYSTEM Menu. With this, the system becomes even more effective at higher angles of attack. These flight control surfaces create a differential in the amount of lift each wing. Secondary control systems. Here are some related question people asked in various search engines. The differential thrust control effort demands a maximum differential thrust of −3000 lbf (negative differential thrust means ), which is within the. Frise-type ailerons also may be designed to function differentially. 1. As the name implies, they deflect by different amounts: When the stick or yoke is moved to the right, for example, the aileron on the right (descending) wing is deflected up much more than the left (ascending) wing’s. That means they have a lot of effective dihedral and essentially a flat-bottomed airfoil. limit the extension stroke. Wind tunnel. 1. Generally, flight control balance condition may be determined by A. Control roll about longitudinal axis. Control roll about longitudinal axis. ¶ Differential ailerons Aileron and rudder are applied in the direction of the rollout or toward the high wing. these aircaft had absolutely no aerilon efect at stall, only rudder andPrecisely flying an airplane with an appreciable freeplay band is difficult, and with a decrease in precision comes an increase in pilot workload. Wireless trainer link. When the yoke is moved in or out, the ruddervators move together and act as elevators. 3. Figure 6 is a plan view of the main plane center-section. Aileron control system is used for the deflection for controlling aircraft horizontal, and generally the upper offset distance of one side aileron is from than another The lower offset distance on side is from big, and differential aileron can make parasite drag caused by inclined aileron offset resistance caused by down-aileron, favorably In reducing inverse. This balancing of the drag forces helps minimize adverse yaw. Fly-by. Also, for a given control input, the servo has to work harder. Typically, the downward-deflected aileron creates more drag than the upward-deflected one, which causes adverse yaw (that is, the nose moves opposite the intended direction of turn). Roll is one of three ways of controlling airplanes. roll) control of an aircraft; however, it also affects the directional control. How do the differential ailerons work? They deflect 25°,±2° upward & 15°,+2°/-0°downward. Control Centering: Fly straight and level. Washing-in the left wing of a monoplane, for purposes of rigging corrections after flight test, will have what effect on. 8, 1925. decrease when the aircraft structure and cables become cold. the down travel is more than the up travel Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The purpose of spring tabs or servo tabs is too?, Differential control on an aileron system means that, In rotorcraft external loading, the ideal location of the cargo releases is where the line of action passes and more. AIRCRAFT WING AND AILERON CONTROLS 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 Filed Dec. 75. Secondary flight control. Full span ailerons, 1 uses both the inner and outer control surfaces for roll control 0 just used the outer control surfaces. Gibbs. Marcot3ch. Note. Definition of Frise aileron : an aileron having a nose portion projecting ahead of the hinge axis and a lower surface in line with the lower surface of the wing. All ailerons are differential, so they are just called “ailerons. induced drag (that's why that wing goes up!) The increased drag on the down aileron causes a yaw in that wings direction, thus the need for differential. Disconnect the rotor from the engine to relieve the starter load. Fig. With a glider of large span and high aspect ratio we need more upgoing aileron movement to counteract adverse yaw.