summoners war first attack crit damage. 5 Harmful Effect Rate +20% + Lv. summoners war first attack crit damage

5 Harmful Effect Rate +20% + Lvsummoners war first attack crit damage  This yields a base damage of around 3586

Shoryuken. + Damage +5% + Damage +10% + Cooltime Turn -1 Flames of Hell (460%) Always perform an attack that has an attribute advantage on all enemies. 5 Cooldown Turn -1 As one can see, the base damage of a skill is a function of a monster's total stat and the multiplier for the given skill. Sometimes he only starts with 4 stacks but gets 5 stacks after turn 1 with ez. This attack will deal more damage according to your Defense. Farming. The difference in damage between a critical hit and a regular hit in a Feng Yan is small. (Reus + Lv. 1: Damage +5%The way their AD works is if Leo goes first, the damage dealt will proc Lucifer passive to boost attack bar of the team to cleave. This attack decreases the enemy's Defense for 2 turns with a 50% chance. Rate Crit. Attacks all enemies 2 times, the first attack decreasing the Defense for 2 turns and the second. I built my Wind Dryad Violent/Focus. • 8 yr. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. Water attack speed and crit rate up, crit rate comes from your heal though water Jack-o-lantern gives level 2 of both to everything, dark Harg has level 2 of everything and precision up, and he has crit damage taken up to the enemy and roots, neither have a heal, but it's not like Kina's joke does either. 5 Damage +10%Verdehile (Fire Vampire) is a very good utility support monster in Summoners War. Depending on the enemy's max HP and Sig's attack, that means that in say. He is very easy to skill-up since he is farmable at Faimon Volcano scenario. Attacks with the horns and provokes for 1 turn with a 50% chance. Inflicts Continuous Damage that can't be resisted by the number proportional to the damage dealt for 2 tu. The damage received by x element is applied during damage calculations. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. 2 Damage +10% + Lv. Crit. Fire Monsters; Water Monsters; Wind Monsters; Dark Monsters. Each attack has a 30% chance to remove one beneficial effect and to absorb the Attack Bar by 10%. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. . Afterwards, attacks all enemies 2 more times, increasing the duration of harmful effects granted on them by 1 turn each. Violent/Blade - %ATK / %Crit Dmg / %ATK with crit rate, speed, attack and crit damage substats . ) and let the 2/4/6's fall as they will _^. RUNES. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. + Lv. Substats. Stat Priority : SPD; ATK%; CRIT DMG%; CRIT Rate% Base stats. All attributes of the Samurai group and only Wind or Dark of the Cannon Girl group. Placing bombs ignores glancing and elemental advantage/disadvantage. + Damage +15%. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. 2 Damage +10% + Lv. Archer Takes down the enemy from a long range with their extensive attack range. e Mo Long s3, Daphnis s3. I've been using him to one shot any wind or water monster in the game ever since. The cooldown time for [Blade Dance of the Reaper] won't be activated if the enemy gets defeated. Atk damage is good for just basic ones that don't rely on crits. Attacks the enemy, decreasing its Attack Speed for 2 turns and freezing the enemy for 1 turn. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. /25att. Yaku: With a self-buff on skill 1, max hp damage and continuous damage on skill 2, and five attacks with a 25% chance to ignore defense on skill 3, not to mention awakening into a 15% crit rate bonus, this little guy was made to wreck bosses. s stands for the skillups value. Throws a ball in flames to attack all enemies 2 times and inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns with each attack. Cdmg as bad helps with waves, but it is not useful for the boss stages where he ONLY. Basically learned that most of what you get, kinda like in rune farming, is utter garbage. Summoners War: Sky Arena Wiki Monsters Element. Hello I got an attack artifact with a substat that says "[Skill 4] CRIT DMG +15%". 2 Damage +10% + Lv. Now, i keep things that double roll decent resist damage, crit damage mitigation, addtionnal crit damage s2 and s3 and artefacts with more than 1 additionnal damage effects. Damage Resistance Accuracy; 107: 15%: 50%: 15%: 0%: Level Stars HP Atk Def; 25: 3: Min: 1860. 1900 days - 1st LD5: • 5 yr. 5 Harmful Effect Rate +20% + Lv. all gain extra benefit from building HP. (Reusable in 4 turns) + Lv. This is a guide to help players of the game Summoners War Chronicles, which is free to play, learn how to succeed in the game. Defense evens out the damage you are taking i. Attacks the enemy to disturb its HP recovery for 2 turns with a 70% chance. Camilla Skills. 6 Cooltime Turn -1 Decreases the incoming damage by 35% and increases the damage dealt by 50% if the enemy has lower Attack Power than yours. Damage Resistance Accuracy; 110: 15%: 50%: 15%: 0%: Level Stars HP Atk Def; 25: 3: Min: 1995 Max: 3600: Min: 138Total combined will always favor atk, so I don't know how you ended up with more crit damage. A lot of the attacks scale with attack too yes. of elements at the enemy to attack 2 times and reduces the enemy's Attack Power for 2 turns with a 20% chance for each attack. In-depth. 4 Harmful Effect Rate +5% + Lv. 43 rolls of max roll of crit dmg to get to slot 4. Here's my explanation. The damage of this skill increases. 5 Damage +10%His first skill is a three hit plus reduce attack speed debuff, this means that his passive procs three times with his first skill. Critical Rate, abbreviated in-game as CRI Rate, is the probability of landing a Critical Hit. ago. The regen ticks of a level 2 did a whole 76, granted destroy does lower it slightly. Exowneon. Crit. Theomars' first skill is a one hit single target skill that also lands a continous damage effect on the target for two turns. (Reusable in 4 turns) + Lv. I built my Wind Dryad Violent/Focus. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Damage Resistance Accuracy; 102: 15%: 50%: 15%: 0%: Level Stars HP Atk Def; 35: 5: Min: 4485. (Reusable in 4 turns) + Lv. Shoryuken. The damage is inversely proportional to the number of targets hit. Susano rune Build. There are 5 elements that your monsters can belong to. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. [Automatic Effect] + Lv. Also, Miles additional damage is based on his speed not attack so. (Reusabl + Lv. you want more than 60+ crit rate for him to be effective. + Damage +20%. Revenge – 15% chance to counterattack an enemy with 75% of the original attack damage. Attacks the enemy target to inflict damage, ties the target's shadow, and grants an effect that gives 50% of the first hit damage to all enemies and increases your Attack Bar by 100% if the target takes single-target skill damage. 26= 1582. if there is DMG against light it will be multiplied by that. The skill modifier is unknown but you can guess it going. Base on my understanding, crit damage deals a lot more damage. Gains a turn instantly if the enemy gets defeated from this attack. Back at the series again! Talking about CD, looking into all sorts of it from the Crit Damage per skill, Single target Crit Damage and Crit Damage from Good. Attacks the enemy to remove all beneficial effects granted on the target with a 70% chance. 3 Cooltime Turn -1. + Cooltime Turn -1. you will get more turns with swift in between the debuffs. Recently on a thread, someone said that a rep from C2Us told them no crit damage effects stack. Rate Crit. You probably got a few 100% Critical Rate monsters laying around, such as Verdehile and Astar. To further limit / decrease "waste", specialization needs to be defined. Com2Us - The gold borders around the scrolls+legend runes in shop is AWESOME. Hadoken. ago. passive to proc more often but not after eachother. Say no more. Attacks the enemy with a powerful lightning. I'm thinking Chasun with attack buff. Damage Resistance Accuracy; Level Stars HP Atk Def; Awaken stats. ) Total damage will be : 875 then if you manage to land a critical hit that's additional 50% damage which total output damage = 1,312. 2 Harmful Effect Rate +10% + Lv. 4 Damage +15% + Lv. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. [Mach Punch] will be activated in succession with a 30% chance. for a monster with 300 speed, it will add 240 damage to each hit on an attack. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe!Bloodthirst ( {ATK}* (2. Arena Defense. He has a first skill like other Inugami but he's better since he is dark element, because his attack doesn't glance and so he is more like to apply the defense break debuff. attack, crit dmg, attack or you can try speed, crit dmg, attack. Stats. The damage increases according to the Attack Speed. 4 Damage +10%. Rate Crit. Engraving 4 pieces of this Rune will increase the Monster's Attack Speed by 25%. Causes an elemental explosion to attack an enemy. For Crit, we'd be looking at an effective 8464 (normal assumptions) or 7038 (ItsTheRabbit's formula). I also assume you will crit every time, just to make things a little bit. Speed Crit. (Reusable in 4 turns). Not only does she effectively boost everyone’s Speed and Attack Stats accordingly due to her abilities, but she’s also capable of breaking the Toughness of enemies and inflicting Fire damage over time (DoT). Inflicts damage to all enemies with a deadly scythe. However, this does not take into. (Reusable in 6 turn (s)) How to get: Mystical. It takes 9. . [Mach Punch] will be activated in succession with a 30% chance. 3 Damage +5%; Lv. A max roll slot 4 crit rate is basically 1. Think an attack based mon with no def/hp/spd scaling attacks. This skill deals damage based on Theomars'speed, and for this reason you should build your Theomars with high speed. Leader Skill. Mi Ying is also very good in Guild Battles thanks to his passive (44% Attack Power increase)Summoners War: Sky Arena Wiki Monsters Element. Here, all the Light summons have a specific number of active, passive, and ultimate skills. I am going to build a Ahman but can only get him to 60% crit. So first lets fix: CR = 100% -> Every attack will be critical. Chain Attack (280%) Launches 2 consecutive attacks on an enemy, inflicting damage and decreasing the enemy's Attack Bar by 25% with each attack. 7* {ATK} Show Skill Ups. The damage is proportionate to the attack speed + Lv. So when crit rate = 100%, Crit Damage = 50% . Attacks the enemy with razor-sharp claws. Damage +10%. Placing bombs ignores glancing and elemental advantage/disadvantage. PS: Multipliers were datamined but real damage seems. People usually don’t like to use slot 4 runes with ATK% on them as the main stat, due to the fact that using the Crit DMG% runes means you can get way more damage than with just substats alone. His passive is what makes him a deadly opponent: it offsets all the incoming. Leader Skill. Fire Monsters; Water Monsters; Wind Monsters. I do agree Lyn is best off enemy hp though. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. Optimizing with 5 Focus Stats: choose 5 stats that are the most important for your monster. Revenge – 15% chance to counterattack an enemy with 75% of the original attack damage. Skill 4 artifacts easy fix suggestion. Decreases the enemy's Attack Speed with freezing chills for 3 turns and freezes the enemy for 1 turn. Quickly draws the sword to attack the enemy, decreasing the target's Defense for 2 turns with a 50% chance. Summoners War: Lost Centuria is a realtime RPG-style strategy game. . Good set runes for Fire Inugami, available since the early game, are Fatal and Blade sets with lot of attack and crit damage. Dark Warbear, for example, has Atk + HP. e 75 damage consistently vs 50 damage one turn then no. Crit Damage Reduction reduces the opponent's CD by X and not the overall damage. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. 5 Harmful Effect Rate +10% +. first original dmg without artifact is split by 2 or 3 or 4 or XXX mobs. + Damage +5%. If the artifact is "additional damage based on 80% of speed, for a monster with 100 speed, it will add 80 damage to each hit on an attack. Lv. + Lv. We have the upgrade of Abyss dungeons for GB and DB. 5 Cooltime Turn -1 After the crit rate patch, it may have been better to go for Crit rate slot 4 with atk, spd, hp, +1 like def or ACC but since you choose that already, I would keep it. Well on Verdehile for example you obviously want 100% crit. 5% on it, if you Google summoners war damage fluctuations it comes up, people looked into it a few times. Multiplier - 360% of the ATK stat before reduction. Getting a violent proc on her can mean getting 2-3 continuous damage debuffs on every enemy. 1. Teams up with two other allies to attack an enemy. S2 accuracy is helpful! Since it's also two buffs, +10% Critical Rate. Damage Resistance Accuracy; 103: 30%: 50%: 15%: 0%. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. Do note I have the 6% damage set and the 5% outfit, no idea if Orbia has the 10% recovery, and I have no idea if undead is affected by. Cdmg as bad helps with waves, but it is not useful for the boss stages where he ONLY hits them when they are above 80% hp. 99. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. 5 Cooltime Turn -1 + Lv. " I've personally sent an enquiry to c2us regarding cdmg's stats on artifacts. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Miles (water surfer) uses. Rate Crit. 4 Harmful Effect Rate +10%. Damage Received by X Element does NOT apply to self-inflicted damage i. Inflicts continuous damage for 3 turns if you get a critical hit. 7 max rolls. If you don't have good runes crit rate slot 4 works. Performs a ruthless charge, attacking all enemies 3 times. + Damage +5% + Damage +5% + Damage +15% + Cooltime Turn -1Throws a fan to attack the enemy 3 times, with each attack having a 50% chance to remove one of the enemy's beneficial effect Increases the Attack Bar of all allies by 15% each per beneficial effect removed. Icaru triple team is amazing, but for anyone else trying I think Verde needs to be crit damage. Leo mirror match works is that the Faster Leo will go first. after it is multiplied FLAT DMG of DMG ARTIFACT is added (original dmg x light dmg artifact) + flat. Second is lanett third skill, I believe these values can be found online somewhere not sure where tho. Single target heal and cleanse, some damage on third – better units out there, not recommended. . Multiplier: 3. 27+36=63. Damage Resistance. Rate Crit. Later you can switch to Violent and Revenge set runes: this build can be very fun and useful since theese rune's procs will overlap with the ones granted by Raoq's first and third ability. His second skill is a three hit on single target with each hit having a 75% chance to defense break the target on max skill up. Bombs' stun is resistable. Flying Cards: Throws a sharp card to attack and disturbs the enemy's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 70% chance. The way a Leo vs. He is often runed Violent / Revenge so that he can Violent proc and/or Revenge proc (this last one is particulary good. Sieq is available to all summoners since the very early stages of the game: he will be the first single target nuker players will rely on. This skill may revive a dead ally with 30% HP and 30% Attack Bar but adds 3 turns of cooldown. 3. Speed Crit. [Automatic Effect] Damage +5%. 2 - Have immunity/cleanse. Attacks with claws and stuns the enemy if the attack lands as a Critical Hit. Crit. Ex. Deals great damage to a single target or applies harmful effects to reduce its battle ability. Each attack deals 25% increased damage if the enemy is under weakening effects, and is guaranteed a Critical Hit if the target has light attribute. Ramagos deals 13% of his max HP on his first skill. Summoners War: Sky Arena Wiki Monsters Element. 2 * attack) + (5 * hp) Basically attack barely affects the damage, as can be seen by applying attack buff and seing a very small increase in damage For speed though. Leader Skill: Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters by 25% Skill 1: Blade Surge: Attacks a single target for 2 times and then attacks all enemies on the 3rd attack. Rate Crit. 3 Harmful Effect Rate +10% + Lv. 6 Cooltime. Afterwards, attacks all enemies 2 more times, increasing the duration of harmful effects granted on them by 1 turn each. A good rune build for Mi Ying is a classical nuker-style Rage/Blade with lots of %attack and crit damage. 5 Damage +10%. The damage ratio could be like Enemy HP*. (Reusable in 3 turns). 1 and u should c 2nd lushen dmg is a higher. As you can see, Sigma in team one has 74% more attack power but the damage output is only 5-10% more. Among the Summoners War:. Because bombs rely solely on attack for damage (that means no critical damage required), this build complements bombers perfectly. 6 Cooltime Turn -1Smokey Skills. Lyn (Light Amazon) is a great attack monster in Summoners War. 3 Harmful Effect Rate +10% + Lv. 2 Damage +10%. This is particularly useful on units with high values of attack on their first skill or special attack effects. Rate Crit. Crit. Ignores the enemy's Defense if the target's Defense is 60% or less than your Attack Power. Those stats are obtainable by having only maxed Glory buildings, a Rage set, max Skilled 3rd, and 6 star +15 in 2/4/6. Increases the chances of receiving a glancing hit by 70% and the damage dealing to an enemy by 200% if you're attacked while in this pose. Damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed. Without knowing all three of attack crit rate and crit damage, you are asking an impossible question. cogumush. Inflicts damage to all enemies with a hole that consumes souls and recovers by 50% of the inflicted damage. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. bomban • 8 yr. Natalie Skills. Among all slots, only. 5 Cooltime Turn -1 + Lv. 4 Cooltime Turn -1 Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 30%. In our opinion, Dark Harg, also known as Kroa, is the best Harg for a majority of Summoners War Chronicles players. 2 Damage +10% + Lv. Rate Crit. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Praha is a great example for this. Homunculus Wind is a monster released in the Summoners War 3. The skill will also deal 30% increased damage on the enemies that do not have any beneficial effects. + Lv. Attack rune damage - 1000 x 63% = 1630 x 170% = 2445 Crit Rune Damage - 1000 x 20% = 1200 x 230% = 2760Summoners War: Sky Arena Wiki Monsters Element. [Automatic Effect]. Always. 2 Damage +10% + Lv. Stats. Upgrade your gear cautiously, ensuring that you’re investing in pieces with the right sub-stats. Afterwards, increases your. 25 * spd)) This means spd and attack are both valuable and a balance will net the most damage. Attacks the enemy to inflict damage proportionate to the target's MAX HP and attacks all enemies once again with 20% of the damage. Bale bs5: 75k ehp. Shoryuken. Remember skills are important though. 5 Cooltime Turn -1Attacks with magical powers and inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns with a 50% chance. Attacks all enemies 2 times with the energy of pitch-black darkness. This attack has a 25% chance to forcibly put the enemy to sleep for 1 turn. 4 Damage + 10% + Lv. Overall you need much better overall efficiency on attack, crit dmg and hp rolls. -> 29 turns (Boss hit 2nd time) -> 39 turn (Immunity tower moves) -> 40 - 45 turns (Kill the boss depends on the crit) For transmog, the optimal setup is Halloween Verd, and 2 on Mecha Icaru, one without. Attacks the enemy 2 times with each attack having a 75% chance to remove a beneficial effect of the enemy and a 75% chance to block the beneficial effects granted on the target for 2 turns. Remember that if Chakram Dancer and Boomerang Warrior are in the same team, some of their skill will be buffed. 23) ×. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Add Randy to your monsters! Randy (Fire Bounty Hunter) is a good attack monster in Summoners War. (Reusable in 4 turns). So, you see that for GB12, where the mobs that have the highest HP in the Trashwaves are WATER Golem, a lets say 10% added DMG dealt on water will just flat higher the damage of Lushens S3 by 10% per card. If I have 40% crit damage and 10% attack from sub-stat, Rage Atk/Crit%/Atk is actually superior at 59% CR. 1 support mons that don't rely on crit will do more damage to you. and his first. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Artifacts may only be obtained through the Steel Fortress and the Punisher's Crypt Dungeons. Fire Monsters; Water Monsters; Wind Monsters; Dark Monsters. 4 Damage +10% + Lv. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Some skills include a bonus to crit rate, which may apply only to that attack. LATE. Knowledge is gained through the beneficial effects that are granted on the Fire Lightning Emperor, one stack per beneficial effect and gains 3 knowledge stack at the moment of death of an ally or of an enemy. 1k attack and 160 crit damage so if you can aim around thereSummoners War: Sky Arena Wiki Monsters Element. + Damage +10% + Cooltime Turn -1. Now people gotta choose between giving him crit rate and lowering the rune requirements or trying to get hilariously insane full crit rate subs then grinding attack/crit damage and speed. 3 Damage +10% + Lv. Orbia can be a formidable Summoner in Summoners War Chronicles if you invest time and effort into. Rate Crit. g. Chakram Dancer and Boomerang Warriors are monsters that, if paired in the same team, unlock their true potential buffing some of their skills. Uses Hadoken on the enemy to inflict damage and decreases the Attack Power for 2 turns with a 50% chance. 4 Cooltime Turn -1On the other help, an monster this is meant to be a damage dealer should are runes with sub-stats ensure increase Attack, Critical Rate, and Critical Damage. [Seal of Water] is automatically activated if the enemy dies. Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. Surprise Box: Summons a surprise box that inflicts. Lv. Fire Monsters; Water Monsters; Wind Monsters; Dark Monsters. 3 Damage +10%; Lv. Does anyone know how it works? I currently have it on my Taor who has 3 skills and a leader skill. + Lv. Uses an uppercut to inflict damage and leaves a Branding effect for 2 turns. 2 Damage +10% + Lv. Fire Monsters; Water Monsters; Wind Monsters; Dark Monsters; Light Monsters; Monsters Grade . Uses an uppercut to inflict damage and leaves a Branding effect for 2 turns. 2 Attack Bar Recovery +5% + Lv. The atk% and CD runes give 63% and 80% respectively, making the set bonus worth only half a rune. Each strike reduces the enemy's Attack Bar by 20% (Reusable in 5 turns) + Lv. 6 average rolls or 9. Throws a sharp card to attack and disturbs the enemy's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 70% chance. + Damage +5% + Damage +15% + Effect Rate +20% + Cooltime Turn -1 Strikes the [Hidden Aim] pose. The Attack Bar is increased by 50%, and the damage you receive will be reduced by half when you get attacked while this skill is on cooldown. after that: Darion. Stat Priority : Spd; Crit Dmg%; Atk%; Crit Rate% Base stats. This fact also results in the build being one of the simplest to pull off for almost any player in the game. Sieq (Fire Hellhound - You got a few. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. . Moves to a safer location to cast spells when an enemy approaches, or upon taking damage. Throws a magic ball to attack the enemy target and weakens the Defense for 2 turns with a 50% chance. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Back at the series again!500 CD DARK PHANTOM THIEF!Reddit Post:. + Lv. /25att. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. A crit% slot 4 rune is worth 11. Stat Priority : Atk%, Spd, Crit Dmg%, Crit Rate% Base stats. 4 Attack Bar Recovery +10%Post-buff, then, we have about 2478 attack, 3469 after factoring in skills. Blocks all enemies (boss excluded) from removing harmful effects for 1 turn. He is not the only Imp Champion that can fill the role; both the fire and dark imp champions also. 4 Damage +10% +. Throws consecutive punches to attack enemies within the area 8 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply CRIT DMG Taken UP. 2 Damage +5% + Lv. Summoners War: Sky Arena Wiki Monsters Element. Damage +10%. so a 194% CD lushen like yours would optimaly have 194% bonus attack, which equals 900*1. 2 Cooltime Turn -1. bonus atk % should be equal to total cd%. Triple Attack (240%) Attacks the enemy 3 consecutive times, and adds Continuous Damage, weakened Defense, and stun to each attack if you get a Critical Hit. + Damage +10%. 3. Stat Priority : SPD; EFF%; CRIT DMG%; ATK%; CRIT Rate% Base stats. 5 Harmful Effect Rate +15%Garo (Fire Ninja) is a good attack monster with evading damage passive skill in Summoners War. Attacks the enemy to stun for 1 turn with a 30% chance.