when to fold preflop. Learn to master one of the most underrated skill in poker, folding. when to fold preflop

 Learn to master one of the most underrated skill in poker, foldingwhen to fold preflop  Yet, there is confusion on whether not to go for a 4 bet, after you must have evaluated the playing style of the opponent

The current pot is $75. If you would go for a small bet on the flop and your opponent floats (calls without having a. I got stacked. The rule about folding A-K to two or more raises isn’t quite as hard as it used to be. so nitty. AK is a monster hand I love to get dealt, but I've folded AK preflop many times before. In this video, we’ll break down a hand from $2/$5 and see if making a big fold preflop was actually a huge mistake. Grab our easy to read preflop poker charts for free and build a solid poker strategy for your game instantly. Exactly. You can make money in poker by making a bet on the missed flop. If you are the first one in the pot from any position you come in for a raise. If you are getting great pot odds you will end up calling more often. Note that your "effective stack size" means the smaller of your stack, versus the largest stack of your. Turn strategy overview. On the web you will find a lot of poker charts and cheat sheets of starting hands. No defending blinds with a call – yep, you have to fold or 3bet with your set. Looking at the starting hands chart above, three things should be clear: The stronger your hand (i. When you plug the numbers in, you get: RFE = 3 / 3+1. #12. Reraising gives us the chance to win a minimum of 4 or 5 big blinds for free, without the need to fight for it postflop. Many pros seem to think it’s a wrong move. 9. A precise and easy to use visual representation of GTO preflop ranges for 4 and 5 card Pot Limit Omaha. Premium hands like AQ, AK, and 1010 (TT)+ are the best to raise or 3-bet with. , but for something that is brought up as an option so often, I haven't actually seen or read a good explainer behind the why. But even against a strong pair, or even two pair, that. For example, consider that suited connectors have around 30–40 percent equity before the flop against most of the hands your opponent will continue with. But most likely neither JJ or KK was a fold preflop. For example, these hands could be low pocket pairs, aces with playing cards that have a face value of less than 10, or suited connectors with a seven, eight, or nine. This strategy might backfire if you raise by an overwhelming sum. Bluff them out of the pot. Villian Jams. Example: 9 6 , 7 2 , K 10 , 6 3 , Q 5. According to a post yesterday, facing a MP raise and 3bet 20BB deep. This is super helpful when going all-in preflop, semi-bluffing draws postflop, and increasing your overall aggression. The strength of a top pair hand fades significantly when a flush completes. There are a ton of different push/fold charts available, but we will be using the program that those charts get their data from — ICMIZER. Playing Before The Flop. jlaux • 2 yr. If you don't go all-in preflop and there's no A or K on the flop, you have the same dilemma and no more information. Know Your Pot Odds. The Small Blind position is between the Button and the Big Blind and is usually half of the Big Blind. In one word, yes. Example: 9 6 , 7 2 , K 10 , 6 3 , Q 5. Think of pre-flop poker as a pie chart. pugglebutt914 • 1 yr. However, at the lower stakes this will usually be higher, because. We generate fold equity preflop; We still have very good equity when called, even if we end up being a small dog; Most players do not punish us anywhere close to enough with 4bets; To illustrate this last point, an expert winning short-handed player will typically have a 4bet range of 4-5%. The round starts with Garrett Adelstein waking up to A-Diamond and 3-Diamond, who quickly raised to $600. Depending on how you see the game, a limp might be a good or bad move. Flopping a flush draw is an optimal time to float a c-bet. Related Reading: How to Play Pocket Jacks Pre-Flop; Best Beginner Holdem Strategy: Tight Is Right If you flop Q♦ 2♥ 3♠ you lose your stack to AA and KK. You are dealt your hand and there are 3 decisions as to what to do with it - you can call, raise or fold. -multiple. Advanced players consider equity when deciding whether to invest more money in the pot or fold their hand. You can check if it is checked to you. It is an essential concept for both analyzing opponents. Very generally - two high cards, pairs, connected cards (eg 8 9) and suited cards are good. Good fold sir, good fold. With the (BET / FOLD) hands you make a continuation bet, but if you are raised or if the opponent bets before you, you fold your cards. 22 through 55, it is always tempting to try and see the flop. . Lets forget about the bubble/sat bubble/final table situations. Lamirp. You want to force opponents with better hands to fold so you can win the pot. Bare in. Although preflop play is the simplest aspect of any poker game, it's not as easy as it sounds. The fold to 3-bet statistic is the most important one to understand. With these hands, against a preflop raise, I would recommend folding unless we are in the big blind. If this player will fold his hand 1 in 3 times, this means you will pick up the pot by bluffing 33% of the time. The majority of the time you will be playing post-flop out of position as a short stack is when you call a preflop raise from the blinds. FLOP. Casino News. There may only be 3 decisions to choose. 3 Tips for Playing When You Miss the Flop With AQ. JJ – Raise in every situation, except when somebody has raised before you (call 20xbb). This article will show you which poker hands to fold or play in pre-flop. When you enter the pot, you usually want to be raising as it provides you with preflop fold equity when opponents fold their hands. Steal Steal Steal. For example, take a situation where you open queens from under the gun, get three bet by a nit, you four. Think of pre-flop poker as a pie chart. It made me wonder - what sort of hands should you be check-folding on the flop and just giving up to a single bet? Assuming this is a 100bb cash game. Defending the Big Blind The community as a whole eventually realised that loosening up from the big blind was necessary. More Texas Holdem Starting Hands. We should account for a hand’s playability and position. AK falls within both the 4-betting and calling ranges. Suited hands realize significantly more equity than their offsuit counterparts. You could maybe open fold if it gets to you after a nit cold 4 or 5 bets and you have shitty aces and a 3rd/4th player will likely call. Except implied odds implies you will extract value later. what the hell is call/folding? and no, you're not playing them for set value. g. Preflop Analysis. In this video, we’ll break down a hand from $2/$5 and see if making a big fold preflop was actually a huge mistake. Thus you can more reliably play these hands profitably to a raise than hands like A-To. After tanking for a couple minutes I fold. We actually have the best hand here against a lot of villians' c-betting range. Without a proper understanding of which hands should be played pre flop, no player will be able to effectively play post flop. Very generally - two high cards, pairs, connected cards (eg 8 9) and suited cards are good. The flop reads 6♣ 7♣ 2♥. Looking at the starting hands chart above, three things should be clear: The stronger your hand (i. When you’re not the first player to enter the pot, re-raise (3-bet) most of the time when you decide to play a hand. Call up to 20xbb if somebody raises beforehand or re-raises you. You would need to fire like 20 BB to get them down to 2. Preflop Mistake #1: Limping. Without a strong read, on most flops it’s hard to fold pocket aces with an SPR that low. , don't draw to gutshot straights on a. If you’re not sure how to gauge the strength of your preflop hand, consider studying a preflop chart. The increasing blinds of tournaments produce a decrease in the average stack, as expressed as a multiple of the big blind. When to fold aces preflop? It can be correct to fold aces in the following scenarios: If you play Sit and Go or a tournament as a short stack, it is the bubble, and many shorter. 00 on PokerStars, $100 Effective Stacks. Like 578ss or 235r. 5 times the big blind and get 3-bet to 10 big blinds. Finally, I want to address this common worry: if I raise too high with a good hand preflop I think most players will fold. Risk = 2. This gives you the possibility to call with a wider range. Get a lot of experience playing hands, and you will begin to see where you’re able to make profits with hands that aren’t very good when you have the advantage of position. If you would ever choose to 3-bet before the flop, you want to play stronger hands. Curious to hear feedback. For example: $0. Preflop range charts provide a solid foundation by outlining recommended actions (fold, call, or raise) based on your hole cards and position at the table. J♠6♦2♣. There is, as we just said, one exception. 1. Against an Early Position raise, fold Queen-Ten suited. When to Use This Exploit. The opponent checks, and it’s your turn to act. 33%) in the six-handed pot once you are put to an Under the Gun decision preflop. Fold preflop. . When calling would leave you with an awkwardly small stack. Additionally, playing postflop as the aggressor allows you to utilize continuation bets. Everyone folds to you with $300 behind. This page looks in-depth at the third option – calling someone’s pre-flop raise and playing poker from there. Our opponent will snap fold a good. Push/fold should be utilized when your stack becomes short — around 15 big blinds (bb) or fewer. You have another answer to raise. Pretty normal 1/2 table (MGM Detroit), about $300 stacks effective, I open to $11 UTG+1, LJ (fairly reasonable reg) 3-bets to $25, folds back around to me. Position is extremely important. However , if I see an open , 3bet, 4bet before it even gets to me I’m fine just. Even the loosest preflop players (if they’re winning players) fold before the flop around 70 percent of the. I've been working on learning my preflop play and ranges, and 3-bet or fold ranges come up all the time. A fundamentally sound preflop strategy sets you up for success in all subsequent betting rounds. Studying position is a huge, huge factor in deciding which hands to play, and which hands to fold preflop. I think that having both of these charts available would help me play tornaments, and help. You’re never limping, never calling, and never raising. Not speaking about this particular hand, but to answer your "when to fold an overpair" question: in a single raised pot against multiple opponents you must range check your overpairs and evaluate to call or fold on very wet boards such as 986 not rainbow, especially while playing deep out of position. Hence, you have no reads on the players. So don't play hands like these. You want to give other players a chance to fold. CALL: match the bet put into the pot 2. Most strategy articles seem to focus on playing the flop and river well, but leave out the turn and almost consider it to be a bridge between two more important. These factors typically make 99 function better as a call than a 3-bet against early-position openers. Texas Hold'em is a "flop" game, which means there are four betting rounds: the pre-flop, the flop, the turn, and. ago. As with Flop C-bet, this stat needs to be divided for single raised pots and 3-bet pots and then further sub-divided into In Position and Out of Position. 6 ♠ 4 ♦ 3 ♥. Fold to Flop C-bet. you're not playing to hit (necessarily). The key to knowing when you need to fold your pocket AA after the flop is understanding player types. Folded pocket kings preflop last night. It still doesn't mean you shouldn't have bet, it just means that none of the other players had a hand that they felt like. 2. Since pre-flop is the most played street in poker, it would be helpful to lay out 12 pre-flop poker strategy mistakes that people make constantly. Because of this, you should always raise with Pocket Sevens preflop when the action folds to you, regardless of your position. As always, if you are a reader make sure to check out the script below. Even if your preflop strategy is to fold, it’s a good strategy if you have a weak hand. You fold AA as the big blind. As it is you're getting violently exploited if you fold here, you're at the top of your range {AA, AK, AQ} and you have loads of hands you can fold here like TT, JJ, and be fine. For example, if you face a tight, open raise from early position and you have trip rainbow aces like A-A-A-7, then you are supposed to. The only way to get your hand done preflop with is by folding and reraising. Kelvin 'Acesup' Beattie. If I 3bet AK, it would be very rare for me to fold to a 4bet jam at 100bb deep . Below are times to raise before the Flop: AQ+ and TT+ are the best hands to raise or 3bet with. The flop check raise is a powerful move in no limit hold em. Without folding, you will be wasting money by calling with cards that will almost surely lose against the better hands that bet. A fundamentally sound preflop strategy sets you up for success in all subsequent betting rounds. Simple enough, right. All depends on the positions and types of players at your table but today ranges are much wider then in the past. Flop: A♠ 7♣ 4 ♦ (with $615 in the pot) E bets $200. For example, let’s say you have AK while seated in the Small Blind. The Big Blind check-calls a 66% pot c-bet on K♣ 9♣ 2 ♥. It is designed to take the initiative away from the initial raiser and symbolises to them that you have a stronger hand than theirs. The more you do this kind of stuff, the more you can start understanding the patterns. Know Which Hands to Fold Preflop. Signs that you should fold facing a postflop bet include: When your preflop hand. With more players in the pot, your fold equity diminishes and you will be called more often. We will be folding these hands from most positions except the button and the small blind. So after all the conclusion:-Fold pocket kings preflop with a lot of people all in preflop, you may have the best hand but you won't have >50%. Joined Jan 16, 2021 Total posts 1,325 Awards 4 Chips 14 Feb 12, 2021 #8GGpoker introduces Pre-flop Autopilot. This is a no brainer call. In poker, folding ranges refer to the range of hands that a player is likely to fold in a given situation. A precise and easy to use visual representation of GTO preflop ranges for 4 and 5 card Pot Limit Omaha. the river. ago. Your Preflop Hand Is Trash Stick to a Solid Opening Range Stop Calling 3-Bets with Junk Stop Flat-Calling Rubbish in the Blinds 2. Starting hand selection may differ slightly from pundit to pundit but these are a solid outline for a beginner to embrace. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a 3-bet or a fold. Pay attention to preflop charts. So folding KK is player dependent, very unusual, and only applies to playing 200bb+ deep. Bubble. If you want to go with a mixed strategy, then you should usually just call with Queen-Ten suited. There’s the reactive and the proactive element. When it comes to playing against a raise, your position is a crucial factor. Your still beating ak and queens and that line doesn’t really scream aces to me. This is a spot where it might be better to fold your AA. It is my belief that you can make a profitable call or fold every time based on three important factors: Your opponent's range of hands. Hands You Should Be 3-Betting Preflop. Just like having a standard strategy for the button, it is also helpful to have a plan. If you are up against such an opponent, it is hugely +EV to be bluffing a lot when a third suited card hits the board. Folding KK on preflop can only go two ways; either it goes down as the best or worst fold of the tournament. #12. Preflop is a crucial round for players, hence they should have a preflop poker strategy to play with. If you limp, they get to realize a large part of their equity by seeing a flop. 8bb we have a net profit of 2. With Aces, folding on the river (or earlier) isn’t always as easy. Bluffing – The Complete Bluffing Strategy Guide. You open to 2. John Beauprez: Folding the nuts correctly on the flop occurs most frequently. Mar 4, 2021. For example, take a situation where you open queens from under the gun, get three bet by a nit, you four. I folded KK Preflop. These boards are great for us as the preflop raiser, I would be c-betting these boards very often with most of my range for a small sizing on both rainbow and two-tone boards. As a general rule of thumb for pre flop hand ranges, early position players should play tight, middle position players should be a bit looser, and late position players should be the loosest. ReplyTip #2: In 3-bet pots, size down your c-bets Because the pot is already bloated, it’s very easy to get all of the money in by the river in 3-bet pots. After the flop, the first person to act is the player seated in the Small Blind. What separates the good players from the bad players in poker is knowing when to fold. So in my opinion, there’s kind of two elements that go into folding a hand like this. Betting Rounds: Before The Flop : Flop : Flop Hands : Turn : River. More semibluffing, because your fold equity is higher with a tight image. When you’re dealt a low pocket pair, i. Reward = 1. Unlike calling, raising, and folding, Checking is an option that’s only available on special conditions. When the flop comes, you should check almost every time looking to either check-raise all-in, check-call, or check-raise small. On paper you win more hands with A-Q than with 8-9 suited. Take advantage of their over-folding frequency, but remember that this skillset requires a good understanding of breakeven-%, hand reading, and the effects of one-vs. Every hand that. 00 on PokerStars, $100 Effective Stacks. Just reloaded for his third $100 after spewing off $100 preflop the last two hands in a row. When a player who never bluffs is betting big. g. These winning players are folding preflop anywhere from 70% to 89% of the time. Two, you don't need to play any hands like a 7-2. If your effective stack size is less than ~100 big blinds, then you should be comfortable getting all in preflop. In pre-flop rounds, only the big blind can check while everyone else has the opportunity to check on the flop. If the V raises 2. John Beauprez. I want to do the raising not the calling. If allowed by your poker site/room, we recommend keeping the preflop raise charts up while you play (until you memorize them). #5. With the (CHECK / FOLD) hands you check, and if the opponent bets, you fold. It’s critical to have a solid understanding of poker hand rankings , what hands are worth playing, and how those hands change based on your position at the table. In general, you will almost always be playing your big Ax hands (ATs+, AJo+), sometimes playing your medium Ax hands (A2s-A9s, ATo), and often folding your weak Ax hands(A2o-A9o). It’s not poor etiquette to fold a lot, but in home games you can be more active playing hands so you have a wider range of hands to play and give action. If you never 4-bet light when facing a 3-bet preflop, it will be very profitable for your opponent to continually 3-bet you preflop. Know Which Hands to Fold Preflop. When I flopped top two pair in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event in a multi-way pot and faced a lot of aggression, I had to ask myself. 3bet defense is a strategy that you must employ after open-raising or raising over limpers preflop and somebody re-raises you with a 3bet. Getting too attached to a hand in certain situations can spell disaster, as the pots can escalate dramatically after preflop play. We should account for a hand’s playability and position. What Is the Preflop? In poker, the preflop is the first betting round that takes place. Hand Guide: Preflop > Flop > Turn > River. Lets forget about the bubble/sat bubble/final table situations. 10. If 54s whiffs the flop or doesn’t make its draw by the river, it’s easy to get away from it and fold. MP1: $800. Key Strategy Tips for Preflop Position. UTG limps, utg+1 raises to $15, HJ calls. Hands like J-Ts - 7-8s and pocket pairs all make huge hands when they hit the flop and are easy to fold when you miss. When the action reaches the player in the small blind position, that player can either call the bet, by putting in additional chips to match the largest bet amount, or fold, forfeiting their chips to the pot. Defending vs 4bets Defending vs 5bets General Summary – When to Fold Preflop 1. Tend to loosen up as the aggressor, not the caller. That. Even the loosest preflop players (if they’re winning players) fold before the flop around 70 percent of the time. We start to feel a little better about open-raising. Any Pair/Any BDFD: 44% folding frequency. Continuing our series of no-limit hold'em tips, we turn to the topic of " set mining . Note: Discover how to play any hand in every common preflop situation in less than 10 seconds. Its kind of a cooler but Im pretty sure I made a really bad play here, and should have gotten away. Your only options are to either put all your chips in the middle or throw away your hand. You double-barrel As9hKs8h. Some players are. Beyond that, knowing poker is always handy. Reward = 1. If the sb was not the button you would have a lot more folds to the initial bet preflop - why invest more money in a pot when you are going to have to play out of position - just get out cheap and wait for the button. While the big blind can check pre-flop, that option is only applicable when no one has raised the blinds. Although it is still pretty rare. For example, if we were to go all-in for 100bb, people are going to fold almost every hand in the blinds! Preflop sizing is a matter of efficiency so while making a pot size raise will win us the blinds more often, it may not be the most efficient size. At the squeeze size of $120 notice that is a 62% breakeven percentage. When you move all-in preflop, you put your opponent on the spot as they have to decide whether or not they are ready to risk a major fraction of their stacks to call your bet. AKo can start to work its way into my folding range after the pot gets 4-bet but this is villain dependent and also depends if there's any dead money in the pot for extra odds. Suited Ax type hands serve both as blocker hands to take down more pots preflop and they also make very strong hands by the river. After a preflop open, a cold-call from the button, and a 3-bet from the Small Blind, Maria looks down at T♣ T ♦. Reactions: Bluffzone68. You’re never limping, never calling, and never raising. Bluffzone68 Legend. Pre flop hand ranges in Texas Hold’em are the framework for any hand that is played. Now don’t get me wrong-a poker hand range chart can be helpful. If both an Ace and a King hit the. So its harder to fold QQ under most of the circumstances. No limping – your hand/position/opponents don't matter. Against those who limp-call then fold to a continuation bet if they miss the flop you can also profitably isolate their limps with virtually any two cards, because you will win all the pots. The only time you can consider folding AA preflop is: You are on the bubble in a tournament, and More than two players are all in, and one of them WILL bust,. Limping should be avoided, no matter how tempting it might be to “set the trap ” or “ set mine. I’m getting great implied odds. PLO8 preflop limp calls average about 80 to 85% , AAAA is quite literally the thirteenth worst hand you can have out of about 15000 preflop hands, and even the most mouth breathing of opponents aren't. Make the best hand. In Texas Hold’em, most re-raising happens in the preflop betting round. Your response to a 3-bet should be a fold in 55-60% of cases. Hero is dealt in the HiJack. For example limping with pocket aces and hitting a Js-6s-5s is horrible. Before the flop is where it all starts; you are dealt your cards and you are able to make. We should factor in rake when making all-in calls at lower limits. Yes, you should fold pocket kings preflop on a few rare occasions with 100 big blind stack sizes in a full ring poker game versus a 4Bet when all of the action is in early position. You c-bet when checked to on J ♥ T♠ 7 ♥ and the turn is the 5 ♥. So after all the conclusion:-Fold pocket kings preflop with a lot of people all in preflop, you may have the best hand but you won't have >50%. Do you think that it is ok to fold aces preflop in the early stages of a big low stakes MTT when all of the idiots are going all in with anything. When to fold AK preflop ? Thread starter vox1er; Start date May 11, 2019; Post reply vox1er Rock Star. TT and 99 – Fold in early position, but raise from any other spot in unopened pots. Many poker schools give away free. The larger we raise preflop, the less often people will defend their blinds against it. Learn about timings of blind increases in Texas Hold'em and top strategies. My hardest part is in valualing sub 10 hands like 98s, or 43s. You open 2. There are a few reasons for this. A fold from early position might be a raise from late position. This seat is often referred to as Under The Gun (UTG). 8% equity to call profitably not including rake). So basically, If you have less than 100bb and no reads, you shouldn't fold them pre. Steal Steal Steal. When you think you can get an opponent to fold by re-raising. January 26, 2021. Two-dollar antes would mean you have $2 (out of $15 total – so 13. If someone raised before you, they most likely have a good hand (let just say 20% of their best hand on avarege). Low Kxs-Jxs hands make great bluffs, because, again, they aren’t easy to play postflop but have enough equity when called to make a. This is because most live poker rooms only take money from the pot once the flop is dealt. This does imply calling while being behind your opponent range, like for example calling KJo on the button while the BB have TT+ AQ+ half of the time. To sum up the above article you will want to always consider the following poker fundamentals when determining whether to call all-in preflop or not. Because we think we can make money with our hand, we will of course, not be folding. 5. 4bb we lose 7bb 3. Position is extremely important. I always make it a point to say hi to. The equity of AKs against QQ + AIPF is 34. So, if your fold equity is 80% and your opponents are 20%, you can raise bets and get them to fold. . Villain 3b to 7. 50 and the current pot is $12. Tip#2: You can sometimes check-call when you. b) If you opponent calls your semi-bluff, you have the chance to complete your draw on the turn & river. Signs that you should fold facing a postflop bet include: When your preflop hand isn’t strong after the flop. Reactions: sandlax. Tournament poker preflop is probably the most important thing to study since much of the mid-late level play is very preflop centered. If you limit yourself to the premium hands you’re more exploitable and won’t get action if your. A continuation bet, by definition, is a mini-bluff using the fold equity you've gained by being the pre-flop raiser. When you have a pocket pair smaller than AA or KK, you can make an exception and call a raise, as long as both you. Really it comes down to personal preference. For example: satellite bubble 5 players left 4 paid. You should generally be more aggressive with. The amount of the time that. Fold all other hands, including AK and AQ, hard as it may be for you to do so. 2. Watch this video to the end and you’ll know when to fold aces preflop… Reply. Folding simply means to let go of your cards and surrender the pot to another player. So here are 5 of the most common preflop calling ranges: 8%. You call and take a flop out of position in a bloated pot. 2. Most people go all-in pre-flop with hands way worse than KK, e. There are a ton of different push/fold charts available, but we will be using the program that those charts get their data from — ICMIZER. You open raise from the button with J♥ 9♥ and a tight-aggressive player 3bets from the big blind. Before we go into these ranges, let us consider the scenario where another player has called the raise in front of you. If the action gets too hot quickly then you can be pretty sure someone likely has AA or KK. Especially hands that are speculative can be added (lower. When a player calls preflop instead of folding or raising, that player is said to have limped in. Bet with draws that are too weak to check and will fold out better hands by betting; Example: 7 ♦ 6 ♦ on 9 ♦ 3 ♠ 2 ♦. Fold preflop. These boards are great for us as the preflop raiser, I would be c-betting these boards very often with most of my range for a small sizing on both rainbow and two-tone boards. folds to hj, Hero raises to $2. Easy fold?-SNG dont fold aces PF -MTT or MTSNG, dont fold aces. Fold Equity = % of Your Opponent Folding X Opponent’s Hand Equity. For preflop play and all subsequent streets, you need to know how your hand equity stacks up against your opponent’s range. Fire the flop like you hit with a pot sized bet is cheaper with more fold equity I think. The optimal frequency is roughly 1/3rd of your 3-betting range. At an early stage often fold in the pass. Pocket aces do have the best odds of winning against a single opponent. On the Poker After Dark cash game, Allen Cunningham felted KK vs. Always raise when you enter the pot first. Hand Strength: The stronger your hand is, the stronger your inclination to raise preflop. Hand Strength: The stronger your hand is, the stronger your inclination to raise preflop. Learn More. Instead, prioritize playing strong holdings and be willing to fold when faced with aggressive raises or unfavourable circumstances. YOU HAVE A POCKET PAIR. Let’s take a look at how to play this hand preflop first!.