GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Hold down on this bag to increase the Carry Capacity of the following items to 500: Monster Parts, Smithing Production Items. From IdleOn MMO Wiki. Only kills on the Barbarian count for the bonus, check cards for individual killcount. #legendsofidleon #idleonarcher #idleon. With increased drop rate that would mean 41171 extra "kills" reducing the drop rate of woodular circles to 1 in 10133. 1. IdleOn - The Idle MMO - Early Access Development:About the GameCreate archers, mages, warriors, and even SECRET classes, as you work toward unlocking new features! You do all the Min-Max'ing while they do the Grinding! I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. ago. r/idleon. ? Reply. Directions: From the intersection of Highways 63 and I-70 in Columbia, go 13. Thisoneloadingboy . The Witch. The main Construction interface presents itself on two tabs: the Build tab and the Cogs tab. Type. Quantity. The 4 types of idleoners in comments15 votes, 40 comments. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. And I just learned that you can't get them from afk either. He will hold keys for you for up to 3 days. Ask about cheats/tables for single player games here. CryptoSticks is a great place to farm if you aren't strong enough to get to the crabs in W2. Lv Req: 23. It'd make a lot more sense for your maestro to be farming high-need rare items (circles, plops, etc. ApprehensiveWin1230 • 2 yr. Page; Discussion; More. r/idleon. ago. Amarok (fight afk), snake (speed), Dr Defecaus (for d builrdamage) and all other exp cards like Efaunt). Turn right on Pinnacles Road and turn right at the T. Since Idle skilling and Idleon don`t seem have any mandatory sync feature besides the first name part, it worked without a hitch when i finially reached desert on Idle skilling on my laptop and said the code on Idleon thru my iphone to the npc. Quest Item. Oh. For example, if you have a 2. IdleOn! - Idle Game MMO - How do I move the woodular (or other) . 1. FLORIDA REALTY OF MIAMI CORP. Smithing ( Task Unlocks Tab 2) Sizable Materials Pouch is part of the Sizable Set. for a rare drop comparison you will have to do real kills/h*DR for your AFK gains and real kills * DR for active. Capitalist Case. you should come back to this quest later,. Get some woodular circles from branches and do something with them? I don't go to Dazey's school. Smithing ( Task Unlocks Tab 4 ) Diabolical Flesh Ripper. Woodular_Circle. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas! Members Online. Balenar • In World 5 • 2 yr. Type: Pants Defence: 11 Agi: 3 Wis: 7 Misc: 5% Chop Efficiency Upgrade Slots: 3 Type: Monster Drop Made of circle that's been carved into the shape of a wood. Woodular Circle: 1: 1 in 13,300: Wood Mushroom Card: 1: 1 in 10,000 x1: 1 in 143 - DropTable3c: Small Life Potion: 25: 1 in 357: Small Mana Potion: 25: 1 in 357: Health. For the really rare/infrequent items, I just keep them on the last few slots of my main's inventory. Warrior. Misc Items. 15. 4% Mob Respawn. Kill a mob over 100k time and you'll get a 1-7% damage bonus for each mob that has over 100k kills. $449,000. Currently I am farming for woodular circle on 2 of my characters, mostly active on maestro for crystals as well. Read; View source; History < Smithing. 99995^24000 = 0. ago : r/idleon In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit "Hmm, I need more Woodular Circles, but I also need more chow. They dont have a specific mob drop so your inventory will only fill with hp mp potions and you can afk for long time. Small Mana Potion. Idleon How to Open Shrine . Quantity. 2000 1 in 2,000. Exp: 6 k. After that, the cards that boost drop rate are super valuable for farming rare stuff like woodular circles. Namespaces. #1. 11. That's also exactly how it looks like in the video, there's an empty space dropped where an item should be, most likely your woodular circle. Pachinko is a game where you launch iron balls which then fall down by bouncing on pins before landing in a reward bucket that is very popular in Japan. From there you are able to unlock various bonuses by using your uploaded characters as light beam foci and connecting them together to link to various bonuses. In IdleOn the basic concept is the same with the addition of the possibility of a bucket sending your ball to a portal at the top of a specific color. for a rare drop comparison you will have to do real kills/h*DR for your AFK gains and real kills * DR for active. The frisbee is apparently 1 in 100k droprate. Having 9 chars farm this for 10 hrs yet still not even 5 of thus wooden circle thingy Reply More posts you may like. The fight is similar to Baba Yaga in style, just more HP/damage. 5 years! I'm always working to make it the. Woodular Circle: Monster Drop: 90: Made of circle that's been carved into the shape of a wood. Red Mushroom. ApprehensiveWin1230 • 2 yr. Archaeologists are examining a mysterious monument discovered on the outskirts of Prague that is estimated to be around 7,000 years old. I checked Woodular Circle in the AFK GAINS list several times, but it doesn't actually drop, and I checked my inventory several times, but I can't find it. More; Page actions. No. The damage one will only change your kills per hour if it pushes you into a new multikill tier (presuming you have the death note unlocked), and the. mil website. So for instance you can never ever print Woodular Circles. 3. But if I afk at sticks for 24 hours I'll likely get like 6 lol. You'll need pretty significant amounts of this rare drop for PO orders and some craftables. Samples will be terrible at first, but keep boosting your account and they will get better. I find grinding stuff like woodular circles, meat cakes, glass shards, golden poops, golden snowflakes, rare recipes. Agi: 5. Mob drops will sample much better as you improve. More; Page actions. Part 5: Nanaimo. What Blunder Skills Completion Token is used in. From IdleOn MMO Wiki. So walking sticks have woodular circles as the rare drop (base 1 in 20,000) which is quite important as its used in alot of important w1 and w2 recipes - the archer 'endgame' weapon needs 8, amaroks helmet needs them, a boss summon item needs them (googly eyes) and the current highest tier materials pouch needs. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and… Attack: 220 Health: 20000 Acc for 5%: 90 Acc for 100%: 270 Respawn: 60 World: Blunder Hills Nope, thats normal. Don't neglect your alchemy - you'll want to use your Shaman to try. No. ApprehensiveWin1230 • 2 yr. My way is to farm wood mushrooms with elemental sorcerer. w2 - ghosts and nugets. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and…Legends of Idleon MMO - Early Access Development:Despre jocCreate archers, mages, warriors, and even SECRET classes, as you work toward unlocking new features! You do all the Min-Max'ing while they do the Grinding! I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus. Woodular Circle, Red Frisbee, Bolt Cutters if you want two more. Platinum Bar. So it's back to farming golden plops for now xD. This means if your Maestro has a Mining level of 85 and your Warrior has a Mining level of 80, your Warrior. ES makes Nuget Nightmare a cakewalk. Secret Achievement Climb the 2nd tallest tree in all of Blunder Hills, and say 'Great view, 1 star'. The only time RNG is involved is if you are under twice the amount, so under 20k true kills in this example. 8. Woodular Circle x5 Blunder Hills Merit Shop: 66 Amarok Bodyplate: 21 Amarok Slab x10 Iron Bar x300 Corn Kernels x600 Blunder Hills Merit Shop: 67 Amarok. Stamps give account-wide bonuses, which can be leveled with Coins and many. Type: Bow Speed: 9 Weapon Power: 80 Str: 25 Agi: 41 Misc: 15% Total Damage Upgrade Slots: 6 You can sample ore, logs, bugs, fish, or basic mob drops. Misc. When I bought the second one, I thought that it would turn up sometime, but after buying the third one, the second and third cauldrons still haven't updated and are inactive without the bonus from Dragonic Cauldron. Nullo Salt. Droptables. From IdleOn MMO Wiki. More; Page actions. this creature sits atop the food chain according to leading IdleOn Oceanographers. 00 Kg. Quantity. It's 1% better than the vendor effect, 2 wp and 2 slots. 11 comments. I am struggling to get a good Jman build to get a Maestro. Crumb Tyrell. I had everything, just needed the flowies, and took the lazy approach of killing baby 5 times over the day. There are many ways to slow the game down if you're feeling overwhelmed mate. . Got around 1-2 from each per 48 hours. Each day, go to the W1 forest villa vendor to buy the Capitalist Case and Silver Antique items because they are used to craft boss summon items for the minibosses Biggie Hours and King Doot. At least, based on currently explored seas. a woodular circle is 1 in 20,000 chance. . In addition to these bonuses a character with sufficient Lab levels can. Enemies. ago Yes yes yes keep it. Item 0: 8x Woodular Circle => 3x Woodular Circle Item 1: 5200x Bloach => 3200x Bloach. Special Talents (also called Star Talents) can be obtained from Special Talent Books. So as for now, i am farming woodular circle thingy for upgrades. S. IdleOn - The Idle MMO > Popular Suggestions (read rules) > Topic Details. Baba Yaga is a mini-boss that spawns in the Birch Enclave, the portal on the bottom left of Valley of the Beans. yeah, but to compare the odds. Namespaces. I finally decided to farm some woodular circles. Go to idleon r/idleon. But still Im happy for you😀. [deleted] • 2 yr. Looking at your characters. You will find the bloken hourglass near. 1. . Sizable Materials Pouch. The only trick/bug about CC is that you need only 1 point in the skill to get max benefit. 1. ago. Droptables. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. 4567 posts Page 91 of 305. Type: Bow Speed: 9 Weapon Power: 80 Str: 25 Agi: 41 Misc: 15% Total Damage Upgrade Slots: 6You can sample ore, logs, bugs, fish, or basic mob drops. Recipe: ( 5 Golden Plop, 5 Woodular Circle, 5 Nuget Cake, 5 Average Material Pouch) => ( 5 Golden Plop, 5 Woodular Circle, 2 Average Material Pouch) New Recipes. #3. Once activated, everyone gets their own copy of the boss to fight. Those classes are also really powerful for actively killing stuff (mostly flatter maps for DK). The sticks are easy and give blue potions and red potions also. 9 miles north on Highway 63. IdleOn playlist: Starting at Slimes, enter the hole in the tree. Location. Using bubonic conjurer's raise dead will respawn the regular cans, and after that they keep spawning on their normal timers (but do not drop any loot when killed), not going to test this with other similar skills and towers but I assume it's the same for thoseJourneyman is good as a 4th character, not your first. Slime. Full Circle Web, Victoria, BC, Canada. 03 4: => 1x Golden Plop inc: 1. Type: Bow Speed: 8 Weapon Power: 65 Str: 20 Agi: 30 Misc: 12% Total Damage Upgrade Slots: 5 Special Talents (also called Star Talents) can be obtained from Special Talent Books. 130. Sanchez. 6666666666667 1 in 1. The lower the drop chance the more punctuated the results look. If you have the W1 Merit "Higher chance for minibosses in. Create a copy of the spreadsheet. Googley Eyes recipe (from Crabcake): x2 Woodular Circle + x5 Distilled Water. That means if you get at 20,000 true kills, you get 2 woodular circles. I will try to do. Formula: 19999/20000 = 0. 15% chance to be consumed every time you defeat a monster. 5. Category: Boost Foods. Woodular Circle: 1 Golden Plop: 1 Armor Upgrade Stone III: 1 Tool Upgrade Stone III: 1 Seesaw Statue: 1 Efaunt's Tomb Key: 1 Helmet Upgrade Stone I: 1 Average EXP Potion: 100 Chizoar's Cavern Key: 1Woodular Circle: 1: 1 in 13,300: Wood Mushroom Card: 1: 1 in 10,000 x1: 1 in. info]. Was so glad I saved my candies when we found out how few mobs spawn. 24056°W / 34. Page; Discussion; More. In this AFK build your focus will generally be on maximising your damage, AFK gains and drops as the Maestro is fairly weak when played AFK so will often spend time revisiting earlier worlds to obtain rare drops such as Woodular Circles or Nuget Cakes when AFK. More; Page actions. Fill only the yellow cells (so not that good looking green kills/hr cell that wants you) If you don't multikill (or don't even know what is it) put 0 in multikill bonus% and your kills/hr in "kills with multikill". Go to idleon r/idleon • by. Category. soo. Changes. 5 years! I'm always working to make it the best game. More; Page actions. I'm farming on my journeyman and squire, and the first has a tad low damage, and the second has too low accuracy. Bored Bean. Forging. You can only have one of each of them placed at a time and they level up after claiming enough AFK hours on the same map. Re: Legends of Idleon. Woodular Circle: 4: Recipe from Task Unlocks Tab 23 k. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 12. Str: 5. Oh. Explanation **:** I divided the chance of. First row - I do ores, logs, anvil items, w1, w2, w3, w4 monster drops followed by w1, w2, w3, w4 special drops (woodular circles etc) then I have reusable quest items and boss drops. Page; Discussion; More. It's Just a Plank, Bro! QuestText: Keep on swingin'. Name. Which makes this drop way more amazing lmao. Question about Drop Rarity. ago. IdleOn - Das Idle-MMO - Early Access-Entwicklung:Über das Spiel• Spezialisiere deine Charaktere in verschiedenen Klassen und arbeite darauf hin, neue Features freizuschalten! Dein Krieger kann Erz abbauen, damit dein Schütze einen mächtigen Stab schmieden kann, den dein Magier dann nutzt, um den Weltenboss zu besiegen und die nächste Welt. Keep in mind it takes a percentage of your AFK gains, so boost AFK gains as much as you can before taking a sample. In this episode of the Idleon Archer series, we get the woodular circles for the bow, but we still need bloaches. 24. Type: Helmet Defence: 30 Str: 5 Agi: 5 Wis: 5 Misc: 15% Skill Exp Upgrade Slots: 4 Woodular Circle: 1 Golden Plop: 1 Armor Upgrade Stone III: 1 Tool Upgrade Stone III: 1 Seesaw Statue: 1 Efaunt's Tomb Key: 1 Helmet Upgrade Stone I: 1 Average EXP Potion: 100 Chizoar's Cavern Key: 1 Weapon Upgrade Stone III: 1 Warped Helmet Upgrade Stone: 1 Gem: 1 IdleOn playlist: Items needed to craft Googley Eyes: 2x Woodular Circle (drops from. Legends of Idleon MMO - Early Access Development:Про груCreate archers, mages, warriors, and even SECRET classes, as you work toward unlocking new features! You do all the Min-Max'ing while they do the Grinding! I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. History. Woodular Circle grind be like. Each vial gives a specific bonus. Stamps can be unlocked by talking to Mr Pigibank, who appears in the World 1 Town, upon reaching a class level of 12. The W2 merit shop priority is: Efuant Equipment. 20000 1 in 20,000. • 3 yr. • 3 yr. It took me about 2 weeks for the rares and I had the water from pushing w3. Yeah, I was trying to figure out if there. One of the task from both world 1 & 2 requires to get achievements. Just need 5 more, and although his afk kills per hour is lower than my bloodzerker, he does get a lot more circles, and has a much better drop rate. thatgamern00b • 6 mo. Weed ID Guide, Weed Science Program. Although the actual record for me so far is that I'm missing the agi stamp from catching. Veiny Logs. Order Number. Later in other worlds youll be able to buy more and your gonna spend less. MarioRespecter • 6 mo. New comments cannot be posted. Quests. Which gets me to last box on that line. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. Add a Comment. < Alchemy. Attack: 150 Health: 9000 Acc for 5%: 50 Acc for 100%: 150 Respawn: 60 World: Blunder HillsWhy the other items are not affected from multikill like wooden circle from sticks etc. Smithing ( Task Unlocks Tab 2) Sizable Materials Pouch is part of the Sizable Set. Order Number. Hairy_Alternative_68. Glublin. Yuroshock. 1. @ AFK Time to next Lv: @ ShrineFrom IdleOn MMO Wiki. This is an ANVIL PRODUCTION ITEM. )or means you’ve safely connected to the . Woodular circles being a good example. not even a single Woodular Circle Reply reply Kripthmaul. However if you click on one of the Rare Drops you'll see another list of items each with their own drop chance. We have here those items listed out. You must claim a single AFK greater than or equal to the time required. ago. I have never farmed the Mushrooms at the top though. If you have the accuracy, you can easily beat Baba Yaga at range on both Mage and. There is no cooldown for this boss, you can spawn it as many times as you can craft the recipe. 5 years! I'm always working to make it the. 10. I host weekly polls, and have implemented over 200 Player Suggestions straight from my discord!The fun thing about Idleon is the community. This is nowhere near the first guide to walk through the Journeyman quest line, but the goal here is to make the process of learning about the Journeyman class and its' mechanics as easy to understand as possible. . Anvil Tab 1. 65. 15% Class EXP when fighting actively. Ka-ching on the 300 Gems, can`t wait to reap the other goodies. Legends of Idleon Secrets – Biggie Hours. MMO Android games . Also makes getting more obols easier. Also I'm not really an expert at this game I've just listened to a few people, asked a few. 6988148241 x 100 = 69. 20K subscribers in the idleon community. This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 06:24. Go straight for . This plus one of the droprate keychains on a maestro with the droprate shrine is a great way to farm rare drops. 1000x Forest Fibres, 5x Flowies, 1x Woodular Circle: Yes: 1x Dazey Token, 5x Medium Experience Balloon: After completing this quest, Dazey will be replaced by Sprout. It is included in the Lawton, Oklahoma Metropolitan Statistical Area. Thanks! 1. 1. Read; View source; History; Dazey Information. r/idleon. 30 Boops spawn per day per account, resetting at your daily reset. Page; Discussion; More. Dr Defecaus is a mini-boss that spawns in the The Office, the portal on the bottom left of Rats Nest. 25 k. You cannot sample rare drops at all. From IdleOn MMO Wiki. View source. Stump Prop (head) Source: It's Just a Plank, Bro! (W1, Spore Meadows, Woodsman)From IdleOn MMO Wiki. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and…Woodular Circle: 2: Distilled Water: 5: Capitalist Case: 1: Recipe from Crabcake: Take the Googley Eyes to the Mimic zone, and next to the Colosseum will be a broken hourglass. It's from a star sign, not from walking sticks. The DR shrine helped me get a lot of the rare drops, that combined with my active hunter (once you hit the highest dmg multiplier, put points in archer skill robbinghood) Try to get 5-6 of your characters afk leveling in the same map to get the shrine lvls up. ago. Drop the eyes on the hourglass, and the boss will spawn. ago. You're right with the 5-ish thing, the game only counts waves you beat before anything new spawns and/or you quit with nothing spawned, but at least it's not possible to get more than 10 waves bc at boss waves nothing spawns anymore. The issue is that i can only get these achievements via steam. The ratio of the base drop rate to the new drop rate is 13300:10133. ----- Legends of Idleon ----- Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds. Requirements. Simulation. ago. Type: Helmet Weapon Power: 1 Luck: 10 Misc: 15% Multikill Upgrade Slots: 6EnderSword May 19, 2021 @ 1:36pm. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Namespaces. ago It says they have a 1 in 13,000 chance, much more common than the 1 in 100,000 chance of the frizbie. Example: Go to sand pots. Lv Req: 23. does woodular circle drop from wood mushroom? because if no then i jjust wasted a 24 hours time candy Locked post. ApprehensiveWin1230 • 2 yr. 4224 posts Page 138 of 282. And I just learned that you can't get them from afk either. Big purchases should go to inventory space (for as many characters as you can) and storage space before anything else. Gem priority: 1 kitchen, then 2-3 sets of lab tubes, then 1-2 more kitchens. 13. 03 5: => 1x Yellow Snowflake inc: 1. Quest Name. Helmets. If you join the discord and look for an active guild there, you can chat with your guild buddies. Page; Discussion; More. The higher the level of the vial, the better the bonus. Use them in your Lab! Bui. this creature sits atop the food chain according to leading IdleOn Oceanographers. Item. Although the actual record for me so far is that I'm missing the agi stamp from catching. mat is 144 woodular, 108 ploops and 72 glass shards. #3 < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . Are woodulae circles pretty rare? I’ve been getting my chars to the top of the tree and am up to 4 now from just trying to get thru the portal 0 Jd4ifjeiformogjr • 2 yr. Read; View source; History < Changelog | 1. ago. Example: I have a 1/20000 to get a Black Lense from Neyeptunes, and I kill 2000/h (estimated) for 12 hours - I kill 24000 of them in 12 hours. Just need 5 more, and although his afk kills per hour is lower than my bloodzerker, he does get a lot more circles, and has a much better drop rate. 5 Acc for 100%: 22. They provide strong bonuses to damage (woodular) and hp+defence (isaccain) when placed on the map. Yeah I was mainly there for Zow and chow. Woodular Circle. Did that for about a week. 3011851759 = 0. 4k members in the idleon community. The only thing you can sample is the first drop in the loot table, in the top left corner. 5 Acc for 100%: 37. The problem is you are trying to afk level shrines with characters afk in a town. Quantity. . => Turn the tree into the absence of a tree, and get 100 Oak Logs. Bug report for my damn Woodular CircleLegends of Idleon. In total I ended up getting 27 frisbees and 51 woodular circles in the 700k kills I did. In this episode of the Idleon Archer series, we get the woodular circles for the bow, but we still need bloaches. You need to be AFK with a char for 11 hours or longer in 1 go, not total. Yeah, I was trying to figure out if there. Top Posts Reddit . Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. Page; Discussion; More. 20. Part 3: Victoria. Atm Luck is only good for beginner or the secret class, it wont be until way later in the game that other classes can see a good return with luck. This should not be overdone, but it can be useful to do now and again. Woodular Circle: 1: 1 in 13,300: Wood Mushroom Card: 1: 1 in 10,000 x1: 1 in. Get some woodular circles from branches and do something with them? I don't go to Dazey's school either I'm as confused as you are. That is all. Page; Discussion; More. I came back to the spot a week later to help ZOW a bit with a 4 hour candy and got 3 of them. 3: => 1x Woodular Circle inc: 1. . 1. Namespaces. The golden plops / woodular circles might take a while, but at some point I just sent 6 of my characters to the wooden sticks and got 20 Circles in 1 day, so even that won't be that bad Oh, and you passively get 50+ Ice Age 3 disks if you just farm for a gold-tier card from MammoothsFrom IdleOn MMO Wiki. Type: Bow Speed: 8 Weapon Power: 54 Str: 14 Agi: 20 Misc: 8% Mob Respawn Upgrade Slots: 5Sold: 20603 Sapphire Circle, Magnolia, TX 77355 ∙ $947,001 - $1,082,000 ∙ 5. For people playing on the steam version of Idleon and using cheat engine, is there a way to change skill level / alchemy liquid. Walking Stick.