mad moxxi bad touch. It has a high rate of fire, and deals quite a bit of damage, even more than Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch . mad moxxi bad touch

 It has a high rate of fire, and deals quite a bit of damage, even more than Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch mad moxxi bad touch  10 photos

) Language: English Words: 488 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos. 5. Though Mad Moxxi may not be fighting alongside the Vault Hunters like Lilith, she has consistently been making moves to improve. 70 SEK. I believe TC is talking about the guns you get from tipping Moxxi. Moxxi Tipping / Arena Round 5 / "Everybody Wants to be Wanted" What does Mad Moxxi’s tip jar in Sanctuary do? I have already tipped Moxxi 10000 like it said on the internet. W. Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt 4. 00. " The Bad Touch is an extremely powerful variant of the Maliwan Venom submachine gun, with a high base and elemental effect damage. Moxxi hands over two guns (and variants whereof): Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch, a red, corrosive SMG; Miss Moxxi's Good Touch, a purple, incendiary SMG, vibrates your controller when in use; The Bad Touch triggers between 5k and 20k, and the Good Touch between 10k and 50k (when tipping in $1000 increments). If you exited Zombie Island at level 40, you grossly overleveled it. Zer0 is bad with emotions, especially when it's their own. So she stomps. Those are the corrosive SMG,. Same thing happened to me today with Moxxi - 80K tips then I can't tip anymore and no weapon. Originally appearing as the only quest giver and main character of The Underdome DLC, Moxxi would go on to become one of the main allies of The Vault. doesn't matter here but why not. Borderlands Mad Moxxi Overlays, character overlay, mad moxxi, borderlands, clipart, game clipart, game overlays. Kuragiman on DeviantArt KuragimanCheck out our mad moxxi costume selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our costumes shops. Add to Favorites Borderlands Mad Moxxi Inspired Hand Painted Cel Shaded Gamer Cosplay Ringleader Heart Valentines Canvas Converse Sneakers (1. Light green, showing a highlight, and a more grassy green, showing a space that the light is not hitting. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best weapons for your build. In Borderlands when you enter Moxxi's bar is she has an "insert your tip" jar and when you put in money, you get either "Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch" or "Miss Moxxi's Good Touch. (No cutscenes. This is a tip and trick video for borderlands 2 for beginners! If you like please like!More Borderlands Tips and Tricks Here!problem is gear leveling. The Good Touch, which is incendiary and the Bad Touch, which is corrosive. You pick it up. Did it right after getting a weapon from her (Bad Touch) incindiary. In normal and tvhm , the bad touch usually scales on your current main mission level (it's usually like -1-2 levels compared to the main). . At present, Moxxi's two confirmed ex-husbands are her second, Mr. Mad Miss Moxxi is the sexiest bartender in Borderlands 2 and is just waiting for some good tips from her patrons. Angel wants freedom. He was alone in his mind- a lab rat, a psycho, less than human. The tournament audience sometimes gives a cheer of "Heyooo!" a greeting otherwise used by Steve. Maybe together, they can just be people. I'm very good. Each tip of any size has a small chance for Moxxi to hand out the Bad Touch SMG. I still haven't got any gun yet. advertisement. Additional comment actions. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print (227) $ 10. The building is a large structure which resembles a cross between a warehouse/ factory and a movie theatre. Submit your writingWhile Zane, Amara and Fl4k were admiring their loot, Moze can't help but feel uneasy. Mad Moxxi (Borderlands) (483) Handsome Jack (Borderlands) (204) Rhys (Borderlands) (167) Lilith (Borderlands) (161) Timothy Lawrence (132)Mad Moxxi Borderlands Character Lora. The weapon Good Touch, an incendiary SMG, will be given when you have tipped her 20,000-50,000 dollars. Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch is a unique, epic level corrosive SMG which is obtained by putting a random amount of money into the tip jar in Moxxxi's. I made a mistake when I tried the splitscreen method of obtaining the Bad Touch. These weapons can be anointed. Some say you only get the one. Once in Playthrough 1 and once in playthrough 2. s-e-e-k-e-r. Those are quest rewards (for giving Moxxi Mordecai's Booze and Marcus' Photos). com. A serial. Doesn't matter though. Mad Moxxi is the MC of the Underdome, as seen in the Underdome DLC for the original Borderlands. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Literature. first use 2 controls 1-then the the number 1 control must be lvl1 and the 2-scend 1 must be high lvl more then the first 1 so all monsters well be lvl 1 now you can kill all the monsters very easy with 1 shot and get the trophies or you can. 8 Mad Moxxi And Friends. 00. But apparently, you can get a new one in a fresh co-op session. Mad Moxxi’s Good Touch. *Work around* I read that you can create a new character, load it into the game as second player, trade them the money needed for tips, then have them tip Moxxi to get a new bad touch. CryptoIf possible, have a friend or second controller come in and give the other player (new character) your money and have them tip for it. Borderlands : Emeute dans l'Underdome de Mad Moxxi : JeuxVideo. The Good Touch: After you get the Bad Touch, continuing to tip Moxxi will net you this powerful Fire SMG. hotfrost. It is obtained from the mission Rakkaholics Anonymous located in The Dust, by giving the booze to Mad Moxxi. (This is Part 1 of 2 and is now Completed). They steal hp and give them to you. This tier won't include any specific perks, but you will receive my appreciation💜这把枪叫做“Miss Moxxi’s Good Touch”,当你在Mad Moxxi的酒吧中给她留15000块小费就能得到。另外,她还会给你一把“Miss Moxxi’s Bad Touch”。要想真正体验这把枪怎么回事,你需要一个会震动的手柄。当装备Good Touch后,就算你不开枪,手柄也会一直微微震动。Rabid Hail or Moxxi Good/Bad Touch - Healing Parataxis Hive - FFYL - or DPUH Black Hole Shield Slag Transfusion Grenades or Magic Missiles (low level to prevent blow back) Chaotic Neutral Necro Class Mod Sheriff. By: Numskull. I always did the all missions for Moxxi. Part of this has been mentioned before but you can tip Moxxi the $100 and not $1000 repeatedly and she will award you with one of two of her guns. Some quest will have a status of "Blocked" and you won't be able to continue (or select them) at all until you find Sanctuary again. I get new moxxi guns every 10 or so levels. You see what she is really like in the Pre Sequel. In particular, Mad Moxxi’s Good Touch. K. So, we had an interesting request at the shop I work at. Something something books and their covers something something. The cosplay as a whole is a bright purple fabric with a golden rope like trim along certain areas. Miss Moxxi’s Bad Touch, a red, corrosive SMG, is handed over by Moxxi. . As someone who is sex repulsed, and cannot stand most sexual themes in media, I'd say Borderlands 2 has enough to be mildly annoying, however the gameplay is entirely worth it. Good Touch can be acquired any number of times, and is always scaled to Sanctuary's current level. 6. Throughout the series, numerous weapons are inspired by Moxxi, which heals players of damage done during battle. Both weapons may have further additonal randomized values. *So far, I have only been able to get 1 gun from Moxxi each time I enter Sanctuary. 1920 "mad moxxi" 3D Models. To first. If you plan on maxing out your character, it's best not to do this until the character profile character you're playing on is at level 72 Overpower 8. Intricately crafted and cast in polystone, it measures 29-inches in length, weighs 20 pounds, and features working light-up effects! Own this authentic piece of video game history as part of a limited edition of 500 pieces worldwide! Company: TriForce. According to the wiki, Moxi will give you the weapon Bad Touch, a corrosive SMG, after you have given her 10,000-20,000 dollars. Tip her $100 bills. The only way to acquire a high-level Bad Touch is to either never tip Moxxi until Sanctuary reaches the desired loot level, or to have another player start a fresh character and join a higher-level player's game. Mad Moxxi is back with her hidden 'Bad Touch' and 'Good Touch' guns. You don't need to wait until PT 2. Moxxi hands over two guns (and variants whereof):. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, this. In the game itself, the Bad Touch is a variant of the Maliwan Venom SMG, and in real-life it makes a great mantle piece or. A cosplayer shared their take on Mad Moxxi from her appearance in Borderlands 3. That's nothing unusual, because corrosive effects last longer than fire (corro 8 sec, fire 5). Ive seen videos that seem to indicate it. Please help me, I really want that gun. Dec 15, 2015 - Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. This is cel-shading. 3. Intricately crafted and cast in polystone, this amazing prop replica measures 29-inches long, weighs 20 pounds, and even features working light-up parts! The Good Touch features a unique skin with a picture of Moxxi on the magazine. JUST BECAUSE I SAY THAT MOXI = A REALLY BAD CASTER DOESNT MEAN THAT I. Mad Moxxi Cosplay Costume Borderlands costume Purple Uniform cosplay Moxxi Purple Outfit Video game series Halloween costume for women. "Moxxi, formerly known as Mad Moxxi, is a character in Borderlands 2. Check out our mad moxxi poster selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our digital prints shops. Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch is a unique Corrosive Sub-Machine Gun, offered up by Moxxi after tipping her at her bar in Sanctuary . She is also the owner of multiple bars in Pandora. Miss Moxxi's - a weapon prefix in Borderlands 2 for a series of armaments with healing effects. Ezzel fegyvereket és Eridiumot nyerhetsz. Trigger word: mad moxxi I created a Lora request form. Boost the Monster. Mad Moxxi's name is a reference to the Australian film series Mad Max, particularly the third film in the series Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Xiao from Genshin Impact. ”. The Badass Crater Bar is one of the main rendezvous points in Mr. See more ideas about best makeup products, aesthetic makeup, artistry makeup. Scorch. The Black Queen Ogre. 4. Mad Moxxi Choose your drink, hun ArtworkRova 18 2 Mad Moxxi (SFW) Candra 807 14 Moxxi Madziulka200 9 0 Mad Moxiiiiiii W4steland-G0th 21 4 Mad and Bad a-m-b-e-r-w-o-l-f 28 1 Hey, Sugar! Efalt 104 18 Moxxi Portrait - Bedroom Dazaster 119 2 Mad Moxxi JoeRomano1997 129 0 BL3: Mad Moxxi maryallen138 104 10 MOXXI Borderlands 3. 29. Robin from DC Comics. but more scars. Features working LED effects. Taking place five years following the events of Borderlands (2009), the game is again set on the planet of Pandora. Lilith and Brick are pretty easy, Mordecai is slightly harder, and Roland is pure suffering (I know because I did the 5 rounders with all. Have your controller 2 character join, give them around $50,000 to tip (just to make sure you don't have to transfer money more than once) and tip Moxxi with that character, not your UVHM character. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print (227) $ 10. 12. The Bad Touch measures 29″(L) x 14″(H) x 4. since: Jan 2004. All three are super fun to use in the game and could easily be said to be some of the most popular. Rubi is a unique pistol in Borderlands 2 manufactured by Maliwan. Regularly you can obtain each of them only once per playthrough. Mad Moxxi's name is a reference to the Australian film series Mad Max, particularly the third film in the series Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Totally not the same thing. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print. The level of the bad touch is determined by the level of sanctuary rather than the player so the higher level player one can then take it and use it. Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch SMG: Receive this unique corrosion SMG at random after tipping her more than $10,000. Add to Favorites Washable Borderlands Inspired Cel Shaded Mad Moxxi Ring Leader Heart Valentines Face Mask. Oddly enough he got this gun the same. that way = lvl 50. They are strong guns but she sometimes won't offer them without first being tipped excessive sums. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print (227) £ 10. Before you try to destroy me in the comments, hear me out a sec. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print (224) $ 10. They all seek the sixth siren lilith to join them after lilith was kicked our after her reckless desion that led hyperion to. User is healed 2. It will be the bad touch but at your level. What. (Dividing lines used to express a shift in perspective. r/borderlands3. Well on my main character, of the hundreds of guns I've gotten from her I've only ever gotten a Bad. The 2 guns are identical with the exception of the element. 5 before you tip her for all her guns. The Good Touch is one of those guns like the Lascaux that you can get every couple of levels in UVHM. CryptoSince the beginning, when i tipped her she gave me 1 Bad touch and 1 Good touch. Bad Touch - Corrosive SMG given after 10,000-20,000 dollars has been. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does anyone know what it takes to get another Bad Touch from Moxxi?". Tipping Moxxi in the higher game will result in a Bad Touch scaled to the host's level. Add to Favorites Borderlands Mad Moxxi Arm Cuffs (55) $ 60. Tags. Please help me, I really want that gun. Good Touch (flame based) is another 5-10k after that (can't remember how much more I threw in the jar) and with almost all non-quest loot in the game their level scaled. Miss Moxxi Bad Touch SMG: Atsitiktinai gaukite šį unikalų korozijos SMG po to, kai jai sumokėsite daugiau nei 10 000 USD. Road Rage Power Leech OMG APC. Hey sugar, I heard you're interested in a little ol' bartender. I'm pretty sure Moxxi is like 50 or 60 years old considering Scooter is her son, and Scooter is at least 30. This beast will set you back $649. Mad Moxxi, the single most beloved sex goddess on Pandora, used glory holes. In co-op, Moxxi can award this weapon once per visit. CryptoPublished Dec 30, 2022. The title "Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot" is a reference to Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. Moxxi Weapon While wielding this weapon: +2. 64. Doesn't matter though. Same goes for the arms, and most things. With legit items i felt more accomplished than one would with. "Miss Moxxi's" is treated as a prefix and can be replaced with other prefixes if the weapon has an accessory. Borderlands never tries to arouse. Thx!What level is moxxi’s bad touch? The only way to get a high-level Bad Touch is to either never tip Moxxi until Sanctuary’s level is high enough (a level 50 weapon can be gained just before leaving to fight The Warrior in True Vault Hunter mode) or having a new character pay Moxxi in a game hosted by a high-level player. . . The Bad Touch Full Scale Replica is hand-finished and hand-painted to precision quality. But you can perform a glitch to acquire multiple Bad/Good Touches: Tip her until she offers you the Weapon. All three are super fun to use in the game and could easily be said to be some of the most popular by fans. The Bad Touch Full-Scale Replica is hand-finished and hand-painted to precision quality. To summarize, here are all the characters we discussed on this list about cosplay ideas by body type, categorized for you: Klee from Genshin Impact. 2. It uses gradient shading with outlines to make it look like a comic book. They are strong guns but she sometimes won't. 00. This DLC is definitely intended for co-op as playing alone feels like an overwhelming waste of time. Can you only Get the gun only 1 time in the game or can you get every playthrough? (1 time pr playthrough) :)From what I understand, the default behavior is that you get one bad touch the first time in a playthrough you get something from tipping her and a good touch the second time. bat, however the guns section only had a Hyperion SMG, couldnt find any other models so. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Mordecai/Zer0 (Borderlands) Zer0 (Borderlands) Mordecai (Borderlands) Lilith (Borderlands) Brick (Borderlands)It's a new week and that means new goals! I've spoken to the Ballantine's team and my #MoxxisFinest and this month, I am going to make this the best month yet. $5/month. Check out our mad moxxi cosplay selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our costumes shops. I found the Good Touch (incendiary) nice for the bandity areas, like Sawtooth Cauldron. It's a known glitch in the game so best advice is to only tip in solo play. In Borderlands 2, Chère-amie is obtained from the mission Hyperion Slaughter: Round 5 located in Ore Chasm. Gearbox's Randy Pitchford made a pretty bold claim when he said that the new Borderlands DLC, "Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot," would comprise more than just new levels, but an entirely new mode as well. Dollar amount for guns is random - could be $1000 or $100k. Miss Moxxi's Good Touch is a unique, epic, levelled incendiary SMG which is obtained by putting dollars into the tip jar in Moxxi 's (The amount of dollars given doesn't count, you can have the weapon at the first 100$ given). Thus the problem: if you level even just a 2 or 3 levels past 50, enemies become substantially harder to kill. Here is my favourite gun, you'll understand when you use it" a second time after tipping, then just stand there without giving me anything. well i have been making codes for some time now and they have started to bunch up so i was wondering if anyone wanted to contribute to the list if so post them below. Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch is a unique, epic level corrosive SMG which is obtained by putting a random amount of money into the tip jar in Moxxxi's. In co-op, Moxxi can award this weapon once per visit. Okay the first thing you need to do is play seriously throughout the entire thing, i dont know how many times ive lost because i was messing around with some pretty bad de-buffs. Has a 12% chance to be dropped on reload. I've gotten two Bad Touches. 99(USD) at ThinkGeek . › wiki › Borderlands_2. 2. She is the hostess of the Colosseum matches in The Underdome in Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, and the owner of various bars on Pandora. Wielding Rubi causes damage dealt by the wielder to restore an. 00. Posted on 02 April 15 at 15:12, Edited on 02 April 15 at 15:33 by Yutani. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Are Moxxi's good and bad touch guns better to get at higher levels?" - Page 2. Makes the comparison kinda pointless. Also know, How much money do you give moxxi? 1 Answer. ) Language:-Incinerator Clayton is the main NPC of the mission Cult Following: The Enkindling, although the mission is given by Lilith in Sanctuary. The sheer damage and accuracy make it a joy to use. 5% lifesteal. You can only get a Bad Touch once per character (in single player). In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, this weapon does not drop, and can only be obtained via third-party programs. Bad Touch - unique Ability. Papa Hodunk. At the time this was worn, Jess didn't have the black and white sleeves and shoulders decorated with the light blue swirls. ON SALE. She is seductive, enjoys violence, and has refined taste. 00. How old is Mad Moxxi? RiceManDan 11 years ago #1. Moxxi can give the Good Touch Epic SMG after she has given the player the Bad Touch SMG. Now that you’ve signed these forms, for the next twenty years, you’ll be Jack. Around 100-500k per gun. You included, though any tale had you blushing given the lack of experience. Literature. 50% Off. Additionally, given the quirky methods needed to obtain it, there‘s a fun metagame surrounding Moxxi‘s saucy reward. Hello ladies. Compatible with Breeze and all the Dimonized variants – Type 3, Type 6, etc. The end result is the most authentic representation of this weapon available on the market. Nevermind then. You’ve never met Moxxi, and you had a feeling she wasn’t fond of the untouched, but it. The Underdome is the hub for the coliseums in Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot. I don't know when I'll. For business / Cancel. Notice that you're not gaining experience in there. Borderlands 2’s insane Mad Maxxi’s gun can now be yours for $649. Content. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "anyone get corossive gun yet". 5k) $ 90. May 20, 2019 - Explore Amanda Hetzel's board "Mad Moxxi" on Pinterest. Weapon Type. She slowly grabbed the cup of coffee, lightly drumming her fingers on the. Crit is obtained from the mission Critical Fail located in Flamerock Refuge. Some say you can keep getting good touches. If you need a corrosive SMG at the endgame, a. I work as an engineer for Hyperion. Scooter and Ellie look to be around 20 or 30 so. In Borderlands 2, it is obtained from the mission Bandit Slaughter: Round 5. Here's how to get as many corrosive Moxxi "Bad Touch" SMGs in a single playthrough! If you enjoyed the video, then be sure to leave a "Like" ;)Follow Me:you put $10,000 in Moxxi’s tip jar at her bar in Sanctuary, you’ll get an achievement. Peripherals. bluemuppetman. Miss Moxxi's Good Touch - Reward from tipping Moxxi $20,000 or more; Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch - Reward from tipping Moxxi $10,000 or more; Lascaux - Found in a pond in the caves in Frostburn Cavern. Weapons and equipment cap at lvl 50 in TVHM, while you can continue leveling past 50 yourself. 43. ReplySo, i recently found out (after 1k hours) that you can only get one bad touch per character. But when i'm bad, i'm better" -Moxie, borderlands two. The only way to acquire a high-level Bad Touch is to either never tip Moxxi until Sanctuary reaches the desired loot level, or to have another player start a fresh character and join a higher-level player's game. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast This thread is locked. Mad Moxxi is an NPC mission provider. Moxxi's Bad Touch glitch? I got both guns in my first playthrough and absolutely loved massacring loaders with Bad Touch. I want to see a cosplay family portrait with Moxxi, Scooter, and Ellie (in one of her outfits from Tiny Tina's DLC). By: Numskull. The end result is the most authentic representation of this weapon available on the market. FREE shipping Add to Favorites. Ambiguous Situation: Considering that Jimbo and Tector Hodunk are still alive in Tales from the Borderlands, and that both clans joined forces after the events of Mad Moxxi's Wedding Day Massacre, either the Vault Hunters sided with them in the Clan Wars arc, or the final part never happened. Add to Favorites Mad Moxxi Borderlands 3 [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]. Once you hit uvhm it will always be on your level (unless you leveled up in sanctuary. She started saying the "Here, take this weapon blah blah" and for some reason she bugged out and didn. Jamie Marchi will be returning to voice Ellie in Borderlands 3. When I used to play Borderlands 2 on PS3 I did get Miss Moxxis Bad touch quite often. Have a buddy create a new character and join you. The Good Touch is a highly accurate SMG with a fire elemental effect. Assassins. …On PT2. Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch [1], a red, corrosive SMG Miss Moxxi's Good Touch [2], a purple,. Language: English Words: 10,082 Chapters: 1/1. – 12% transfusion effect when wielded. The odds of getting a gun from her is not based on the AMOUNT of money you give her. Fans estimate that Scooter is about 20-years-old in Borderlands and Borderlands 3 takes place. How do you get moxxi’s grog nozzle? The Grog Nozzle cannot be legitimately obtained as anything other than a mission item, with the exception of Grog Nozzles. Miss Moxxi's. Maya wants unity. TriForce proudly presents the officially licensed Borderlands 2: Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch Full Scale Replica, masterfully sculpted and painted by the artisans at TriForce. The Good Touch is a highly accurate SMG with a fire elemental effect. ". This feature gets you optimum content & one caption (one time only & should ya wish to get one) by simply contactin me on discord or here in chat. 00. Prove Yourself. Reward 1: HailScanning through top page, this sub has it set to where the NSFW tag says mods instead, since this is an open-ish game, and so seeing [MODS] i read title, and was confused as to how Mad Moxxi cosplay was a mod. 00. Moxxi. Mad Moxxi's Weapon/Item List. Cosplay photos and costumes for the character Mad Moxxi, from the series Borderlands 2. MonoAbel on DeviantArt MonoAbelFor the legendary shotgun in Borderlands 3, see Heart Breaker (Borderlands 3). 668 ratings. The Mad Moxxi DLC for Borderlands was awful, and every time I think back to playing the amazing game that was Borderlands, I have bad memories of trying to beat the annoyingly impossibly horde challenges set forth by that DLC. Thanks in advance! Ellie is voiced by Jamie Marchi in Borderlands 3. Welcome sign changes (Claptrap's Place) 19. Doctor, I still sound like myself. (Like Moxxi Hodunk wouldn't. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Hail can be obtained as a drop from Iwajira in Serenity's Waste. 20% Off. It is a particularly good weapon for Siren builds,. Have that 2nd character be the main character. 1. Laney White - A rat that can be found in the Fridge with her seven midgets is a reference to Snow White and the seven dwarves. If you need a corrosive SMG at the endgame, a plasma. Warlord Slog Ophiuchus. I recommend using 0. Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried. 00. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage. $8 39. Business, Economics, and Finance. I started tipping her again. just Good Touch for me. In Borderlands 2, it can be obtained by repeatedly tipping Moxxi in Sanctuary. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print (227) $ 10. Limited Edition of 500 pieces worldwide. 26. But I just need to know if Mad Moxxi's is recommendable to me. – Always shock. Mad Moxxi - "Good Touch" 8x12 Print (227) $ 10. Check out our mad moxxi cosplay selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our costumes shops. Moxxi Weapons: Good Touch and Bad Touch (Sanctuary) 18. 99(USD) at ThinkGeek . Arizona Usurper. 00. 5 or whenever you want a new corrosive, or bad touch, have your friend make a brand new character, give him a load of cash and have HIM tip her. Miss Moxxi's Good Touch: Reward from tipping Moxxi $20,000 or more Sanctuary: Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch: Reward from tipping Moxxi $10,000 or more Sanctuary: Lascaux: Found in a pond in the caves. TriForce proudly presents the officially licensed Borderlands 2: Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch Full Scale Replica, masterfully sculpted and painted by the artisans at TriForce. The specific amount to tip Moxxi is broken up into $10,000, $15,000, $30,000, and sometimes even $40,000 marks. 15. Moxxi Tipping / Arena Round 5 Kitten. Mad Moxxi - "Bad Touch" 8x12 Print (227) AU$ 16.