turtle wow exhaustion challenge. World of WarCraft (build 5875) Exe: C:UsersNiklasDesktop urtle wow urtle_client_116WoW. turtle wow exhaustion challenge

 World of WarCraft (build 5875) Exe: C:UsersNiklasDesktop	urtle wow	urtle_client_116WoWturtle wow exhaustion challenge  No gear higher than White quality

Today, when I logged in, my XP bar had turned blue and there was a small part of it t. 12 posts • Page 1 of 1. 20. They don't ressurect fallen HC characters. Gantulga Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:08 am. Some of these features are: Download and install Turtle WoW client. exe instead of WoW. I think that best solution is to disable warmode altogether. so that i dont lose dps. . by Torta » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:10 pm. Reason: the Talent doesn't function for other people which makes it a bad talent because of the fact we have weapon enhancements. - Every 5 lvl I have a new penalty that replace the older one. This happened after the server got down yesterday. Thanks for the advice, i did, but when you get to 60 the experience stops. The challenge is simple: To level up, I grind mobs all the time and while I do quests, I turn off XP before completing quests To turn off XP, see your character portrait at the top left of the screen, hover your mouse and right click there, you can see option to enable/disable xp Oh and I will also doing Slow and Steady and Exhaustion challenges I used exhaustion to prevent myself from using tents. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. I also have a bunch of rapid fire bonus. (It means that I have to spin the wheel once again and I have to take the. ” Nat’l Farmers, 471 U. I itch to revisit some of the awesome leveling dungeons like Shadowfang keep and whatnot. Undead Hunter - Because their leader is one. 0. No groups, dungeons, raids, or battlegrounds allowed. The terms of a deal you accepted are not a. S. Comments. Yet as good that idea being applied to WoW is, it ultimately harms the server as a whole. Aglios Posts: 11. Warmode changes. 5 mini-bars in 45 minutes, or 15 minutes if you have a bright fire as well. File Downloads TURTLE HD PATCH UPDATED. Do Not Die! - the most important rule of the challenge. Turtle WoW : Lets play a Hardcore/Slow and Steady/Exhaustion Melee Hunter (Part 3)Server: Turtle WoWWANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT TURTLE WOW go to: questions about Turtle Wow Hello, I've been wanting for some time to try out this server hearing and reading such good things about it, interested devs and a nice. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. An obvious solution would be allowing shared mob tagging even among players who aren't grouped. Subscribe. Few questions about Turtle Wow Hello, I've been wanting for some time to try out this server hearing and reading such good things about it, interested devs and a nice community. So a turtle player could only dungeon-level, as fast as a normal one, and get the rewards without any effort. Last edited by Glarthir on Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:27 pm. That's how Turtle WoW's glyphs work generally, they impose a challenge and reward you for sticking with it, only their Twinking and Diplomat (cross-faction trade and grouping) glyphs don't give some kind of benefit for finishing to 60 with them because it's impossible with the former by design and the latter is just a continuous positive benefit. Most people are too square and simple in their minds to see true fun and beauty, that is why retail gameplay no longer have any soul and is boring for the more strategic minds. 0: Beyond the Greymane Wall. No accidentally entering PVP for those of us who have no interest in it. If not, then also like with Hardcore, you accept that it will make the game more difficult, and places an expectation on you as the player to master the game and avoid dying. Don't change the world buff, keep the original and weaker spells, regardless of the character classes, strengthen them by 10-20% to make them more viable. 5/5 Furor (100% chance of 10 rage in bear form or 40 energy in cat form) 5/5 Improved Healing Touch (0. When it comes to troll druid, it would be better to add 1- 2 racial skills for shaman and 1-2 for human and dwarf paladin. Thank you for the answers! You can activate both. Speak to Speedy and get an item that will reduce your XP back to x0. As for the rewards, the title and the mount is all you get because if you were to obtain something every ten level it would defeat the purpose of hardcore gameplay, there is always the optional Turtle Mode. That's how Turtle WoW's glyphs work generally, they impose a challenge and reward you for sticking with it, only their Twinking and Diplomat (cross-faction trade and grouping) glyphs don't give some kind of benefit for finishing to 60 with them because it's impossible with the former by design and the latter is just a continuous positive benefit. Assuming this is what you're asking about and I'm not misreading this. +1 in favor of Heroic Difficulty Dungeons. Turtle WoW. Get ready to embark on a wild adventure of snatching up every feline you come across on the street! Bring them all back to your humble abode and claim the ultimate title of Crazy Cat Lady in the game. I think for the Vagrant's challenge, the rewards for completion at level 60 should be changed. Leave Warmode off and don't use tents. 2023 — September 13. Inferno Mode. Then go into your sound settings and disable music, to back into the game, open sound again, then reenable music. Turtle WoW : Lets play a Hardcore/Slow and Steady/Exhaustion Melee Hunter (Part 26)Server: Turtle WoWWANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT TURTLE WOW go to:. Torta Posts: 1042. This HC/non-HC divide is a source of tension that can't currently be resolved, and it's the one major issue that I and some of my friends have on Turtle WoW, which has otherwise been a great experience. Help & Support. As the name suggests this is an hardcore server that allows people to play in an unique way that is more popular day by day. 7. Getting fu. Administrator: 尊(QQ:1503272976). Brontorus55 Posts: 5. Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:26 pm. WOTLK is boring, so if you enjoy Vanilla I'd check out Classic WoW (hardcore is actually kinda fun atm) or wait for Sanctuary WoW launching at the end of the month, fresh vanilla. Hardcore being your baseline reward then every challenge stacked on top of it adding an incentive if you hit 60. So a turtle player could only dungeon-level, as fast as a normal one, and get the rewards without any effort. Square Enix severely weakened him after the incident and saddled him with a two-hour spawn timer. so that i dont lose dps. You can also keep up to date and participate in news from across the. The Glyph of War is a recent addition to the library of glyphs to choose from in Turtle WoW. Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. Bayanni Posts: 220. That's about 400,000 more than is required for level 60 on a classic client. Live PTR 10. -found. World of WarCraft (build 5875) Exe: C:UsersNiklasDesktop urtle wow urtle_client_116WoW. The duration of all negative and control spells affecting the shaman is reduced by 5/10/15%. Turtle WoW. No trading with other players, Auction House or mail (received) allowed. Turtle WoWultimately, Slow and Steady is a lot like Hardcore - a self-imposed challenge. It mostly reduces your chance to get an instance party but also reduces your chances to do various elite quests in the open world. At least this is my reason for playing paladin. . Stay safe, stay slow, stay awesome! | Greetings! Here's an important update regarding our Hardcore Mode!Add on the idea that players may choose to use the Exhaustion Glyph, the survival profession as a whole isn't really worth the time and effort. We are doing the GLYPHS Exhaustion and Hardcore and Slow and Steady. Turtle WoW. Flameroller Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:05 am. Immediately click your mouse button and wait for it to reach. Join. MPQ. Default server rates have been raised back to x1, progressive rate brackets are no longer in use. display scoreboard icons for immortals that also used turtle and/or exhaustion. cahnge the max llvl bubble as follows. Maybe we need to have a “slow” or “turtle” mode that has the same openworld-only mob-kill-only reduced exp of 50%, and a “hard” mode that does include exp loss and such, with different rewards. The changes will be: 01-10 — x0. 21; see also Strate v. 6 was the Warrior and Warlock revamp. Rogue009. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. But make sure you don't move from your center. About Turtle WoW. Are you curious what's changed for Paladin on Turtle WoW? Meme spec no longer! In this video, I'll take a look at the most significant changes that went into. 5. On launch, sets the realmlist to the Turtle WoW server's login address. While the community is still somewhat friendly and helpful, toxicity is trending quickly in the community with the recent influx of new people. EDIT: I said I'm not doing EXHAUSTION but I changed my mind. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. • New level 60 dungeon: Stormwind Vault. Because you already get the same exp than a normal player in a dungeon. If you feel bad about it you can pretty much delete and you'll be "normal" again. Onyxia: the realm of legends! Experience Vanilla, TBC and WotLK in one realm! Nov 18th Release. Using mage portals, portable wormhole generator, or warlock summons is not allowed. Turtle WoW : Lets play a Hardcore/Slow and Steady/Exhaustion Survival Hunter (Part 6)Server: Turtle WoWWANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT TURTLE WOW go to: and Glyphs. 5 mini-bars in 90 seconds or so. Prepare to unravel more secrets hidden behind the drapes of Mysteries of Azeroth in the next Patch 1. Contribute to Lexiebean/Turtle-WoW-Macros. Right now, there is almost no reason to take Exhausted as a challenge glyph. Higher reputation gives access to special rewards or new quests to accomplish. The 2. This new feature will auto invite players into a guild, helping them easily find players who are also just starting out fresh. Jolikmc Joined: Sun May 01, 2022 11:56 pm Location. Dwarf having perhaps a bit of wildhammer, maybe the proc stuff can go there when jotc is restored. things like npc behaviour, proc mechanics and values, quests not working etc. Can only equip bought vendor gear and player made gear. The bags are ordered such as: default backpack, 18, 20, 28, 28. Greetings! Here you can find all profession related additions and changes here, including revamp of common crafts into uncommon items, buffing items made via rare quality recipes to rare quality items and much more. We are on Turtle WoW generally because we don't like or concern ourselves with that clown show. Turtle WoW. 20. Why not motivate people to take it by giving a title? Tired, Exhausted, Sleepy would be neat and easy to implement. It should be 2. The chicken quest CLUCK! is now repeatable. Which by default is where "=" is bound to. Zaas - 60 High Elf Warrior Saere - 60 Night Elf Priest. Wonder if it swims quickly, of if it's just a normal ground mount. Holy Shock | Rework: (Values are for Rank 3): Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. Maybe it was different for Vanilla but I wasn't able to find that out. . MYSTERIES OF AZEROTH. by Capsacin » Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:33 am. Write better code with AI. The rate is 1x but the new survival skill they added makes it pretty much 2x. Maybe we need to have a “slow” or “turtle” mode that has the same openworld-only mob-kill-only reduced exp of 50%, and a. Turtle WoW - Slow & Steady, HardCore, Exhaustion Priest LevelingAddons: -- ElfKing Skins: Endeavor. It doesn't help and probably hurts levelers though, who struggle with a messed up economy. Perhaps with the upcoming expansion there will be enough surge in newcomers/alts to make this viable for the turtle team to consider. NEW: Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion - Curse of Exhaustion now reduces the. (Not to say, our group continues to play intensively and we've all recognized. Just keep your eyes peeled and you'll see them. Upon reaching level 55, an attunement questline will be unlocked which allows players to opt-in to Inferno Mode. Sovietpremier Posts: 9. I only don't use exhaustion because there's no reward for it :( Just a rumour. Always up to date with the latest patch. Once players reach level 10 they will be removed from the guild, and thrown back into the wild!A spell from World of Warcraft. The items that the addon has problem swapping are in the four last slots of the first 28 bag, so I assume those four slots are the source of the. "Cannot benefit from. First 5 to get the aura get the rested XP. Help & Support. A female Night Elf Hunter named ShurlThis is her Story: Once upon a time, deep within the enchanted forest of Teldrassil, there was a serene and hidden villa. 4. I have had multiple requests to add classic wow quests that can be found in other guides. 12 PVE progressive server. urtle WoW : Lets play a Hardcore/Slow and Steady/Exhaustion Melee Hunter (Part 3)Server: Turtle WoWTurtle WoW: Turtle WoW : Let's Play a Hardcore/Slow & Steady/Exhaustion Hunter (Part 3)Modes: Slow and Steady (50% reduction on xp from mob kills) Hardcor. Imagine this glorious warrior or paladin, stuffed up in every possible heavy armor and shield he could get, just to lead the way through that cave everyone was afraid of. As stated in a post in here, one bugged mob can mean all HD models getting deleted from the mod, as it seems the mod itself replaces the . "Cannot benefit from. Otherwise known as HC60, the long awaited max-level continuation of the Hardcore challenge! This gamemode can be taken by current or future Hardcore characters. 12. It is, after all, the reason why so many of us choose to play on Turtle WOW. r/wowservers. Please, provide a clear description what the bug is: With the new update that took effect April 11 2023, Traveler's Tent does not give the 5x rested bonus while sitting in a single tent. This guy hasn't even played here. 100 posts 1; 2; 3; Next; Torta Posts: 1088. Official Information. Possible Talent Swaps: Improved Weapon Totems > Talent 2. The ultimate goal of this challenge is to reach level 60 without ever dying. The new hardcore mode - the one life challenge can't be turned off once started, until you reach level 60. Mounts are still at 40. Because we all kno. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. So yeah Mater was a typo after all. Getting fu. Rules : - Normal hardcore is enabled. PallyPower - Modified to include shamans in the interface. Gray & Green quest still give the full experience up to 25 levels of difference. I used exhaustion to prevent myself from using tents. Reputation is divided into a number of different levels for which players must earn reputation points to progress through. Higher reputation gives access to special rewards or new quests to accomplish. Turtle WoW. Choose the right race: When creating a warrior in Classic WoW, it's important to choose a race that complements the warrior class. The challenge is simple: To level up, I grind mobs all the time and while I do quests, I turn off XP before completing questsTo turn off XP, see your character portrait at the top left of the screen, hover your mouse and right click there, you can see option to enable/disable xpOh and I will also doing Slow and Steady and Exhaustion challenges. 371 Views. 0. Forums. Players will be able to earn Fashion Coins by doing repeatable quests in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. The healing is just enough for the. 5. Give us 5-manners a challenge. Re: Turtle WoW PvP Class/Spec Tier List. But since then I've perfected an. exe Time: Dec 24, 2021 11:34:54. New zones & stories blended in existing Vanilla WoW lore (and more): Old tales and legends are coming true on Turtle WoW: mysterious forests and mountains of Gilijim's Isle are awaiting explorers to meet their dangers. TURTLE WOW PVP CHANGES. Skip to content. Because you already get the same exp than a normal player in a dungeon. . 3 change to the Mind Exhaustion debuff makes this fight considerably less sensitive to wipes caused by things like latency, delayed loading of the channeling graphic, or simple accidental misclicks. . It would fit with the whole Inferno theme and the server. respec cost works as a gold sink for them. 7). D. A Turtle WoW nemes egyszerűséggel azt a célt tűzte ki maga elé, hogy folytassa a WarCraft III sztoriját, de úgy, hogy az ne Outland-be vagy Northrendbe vezessen, hanem maradjon Azeroth világában, és a Horda és az Alliance helyi konfliktusát vesézze ki még jobban. There are multiple steps to attempt to fix this issue: 1. N'zoth's servant, Turtlhu, wanders the northern shores of Feralas in search of treasures for his dark master. In an effort to assist new players, the Turtle WoW team has decided to implement a new feature called "The Beginner’s Guild". Multiple Realms. 1. Very similar to hardcore mode, player could commit at level 1 to play in PVP mode with permanent PVP flag on, and couldn't change it until he deleted the item from keyring. Brontorus55 Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2022 9:22 am. Take it slow, ‘mon! If you really like questing and leveling, play in hardcore mode, your creature kill rates will be set to 0. Quests and Curse of Exhaustion?Current Hardcore rewards: Level 10: Turtle Egg (Olive), Murloc Skin Bag, Fine Cloth Shirt, Right Juggling Torch. 2. 160 Fall Back. No groups, dungeons, raids, or battlegrounds allowed. Turtle WoW is a community-driven project, and we are grateful to those who contribute their unique talents to enhance it! We thank Stonegut, the skilled warrior, for creating the amazing promotional artwork for our upcoming Patch 1. 3: its XP bonus is too great, meaning players who do not enjoy WPVP are encouraged to take warmode anyway and endure unenjoyable WPVP in. by Sinrek » Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:35 pm. Try slow and steady. There’s also a good number of players on Stormforge playing BC and MoP and quite a few playing Cata and Legion, just not as many as the other expansions. hit (1) at the center point when the turtle moves away but don't click your mouse button directly wait until you see the turtle has turned around to come back to the center. Neutral. Provides Increases Devotion and Resistance Aura Bonuses By 14/28/42/56/70% and decreases damage taken by 2/4/6/8/10% and damage caused by 2/4/6/8/10%. Slow & Steady and Hardcore just requires you to be LvL 1. I think it would be interesting to have some form of reward for leveling with Glyph of Exhaustion. Wouldn't it be nice if leveling from 1 to 60 with Glyph of Exhaustion. . Not to expand the one they already control. 2. The challenge for Shadow is to boost its utility and mana economy without increasing its power, as their damage per second is actually very good already. 0. at 856 n. 2. If you don't like the penalties, you're allowed to drop it. But it is up to you (and the rest of the community) to make it efficient by grouping up and not free-for-all ninja-tagging as a solo. Maybe leaving the reputation and previous titles. All you gotta do is kill gray mobs and do gray quests and thats it. Added an additional opt-out for War Mode at level 60. . Challenge: Slow & Steady; Challenge: Slow & Steady. Turtle WoW. Sadly. Inspired by Diablo games and actual Hardcore Challenge of Classic realms, we welcome you to join the true test of your player's skills: leveling as a mortal being. Skip to content. 1. An item will be added in your keyring which will activate the "mode". Our SEA launch will include two PvE realms, Ravenshire and Hogger. Unfortunately, most users haven't run into it. If there is a Glyph for permanent PVP then why can't there be a Glyph to permanently disable PVP. The solution is here: join the Vagrant's Endeavor challenge and bid farewell to the headache of having to pick the right item stats! You'll be forced to wear nothing but poor. Glyph of the Sidearm: Sets your shoot abilities to use a scaled down version of your gun or crossbow as a one-handed firearm (may require custom animations). Chartreus. Because you already get the same exp than a normal player in a dungeon. Prot Talent Shield Specialization: Restore 2% Mana When Block Occurs. exe. When a player is going through the Vagrant Challenge, there could be certain specific imposed restrictions on trading to avoid making easy money from the equipment you're stopped from using. Item Level 25. Turtle WoW. You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth. Turtle WoW is a unique private World of Warcraft server that emulates the experience of playing the original game before its various expansions. Meanwalk Posts: 13. On October 6th, Turtle WoW reaches an important milestone — 5 years of being around! We are incredibly grateful to every player in our wonderful community for choosing Turtle WoW as their home. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. Higher. 161 Guard Duty. Press Ctrl + F to search what you need. Once players reach level 10 they will be removed from the guild, and thrown back into the wild!A spell from World of Warcraft. #turtlewow #mmo #worldofwarcraft Today I’m going over 5 helpful tips in just 5 minutes, for playing on Turtle WoW. ADDONS 1. Location: England. Sell Price: 1. ) Not currently playing. 16. 17. Reason: This one isn't a good talent because it overriding paladin might which is drastically better. I feel like the profession would be more useful if tents provided some kind of additional buff akin to a campfire; another idea is to have the campfires and tents provide buffs if the two are nearby. Geniusallexx Posts: 6. Glyph of Exhaustion required. Higher reputation gives access to special rewards or new. Glyph of Exhaustion required. Conclusion: that would be a dumb and imbalanced change. 1. TURTLE WOW PVP CHANGES. TWLC2c - Retail-like frames for received loot, need/roll/pull timer/boss death frames. Take it slow. The Scarcity. Gives a good adrenaline rush. by Torta » Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:40 pm. 159 Exhaustion. Challenge: Slow & Steady; Challenge: Slow & Steady. No trading with other players, Auction House or mail. A turtle made it into the water! Comment by GoneBovine on 2023-04-28T13:39:04-05:00. ago. The Tower of Eldara has long stood within Azshara. I used exhaustion to prevent myself from using tents. Does anyone know if any sales are planned? We got sort of screwed last time, as the last sale ended some hours early so in our group there are at least 2 players waiting for a chance to spend those $ how they originally planned. if you hit the button in quick succession you can cancel it. I think this would be a great challenge. I just think that with having hc=death plus inferno plus s&s, Turtle will not add another hc mode, especially the kind Blizzard is going to offer. It has been an incredible journey, and we are thrilled to be picking up speed!Turtle WoW is a community-driven project, and we are grateful to those who contribute their unique talents to enhance it! We thank Stonegut, the skilled warrior, for creating the amazing promotional artwork for our upcoming Patch 1. Posts: 4. Healing Increased from 365 to 628. It provides an easy menu to summon demons / pets; give buffs; summon players; and apply curses. Re: Quests and Curse of Exhaustion? Post by Gorstavich » Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:52 am Please ignore the first half of my post, I was clearly having a "Learn to Read" moment. No groups, dungeons, raids, or battlegrounds allowed. Multiboxing is the act of controlling multiple WoW clients simultaneously. Quests and Curse of Exhaustion? Quests and Curse of Exhaustion? 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. so I let my turtle tank them all. If the penalty would be removed, then turtle mode would literally be normal mode in dungeons. 4. Found my own answer. During this time it will not be possible to login or play. This is amazing for quickly binding all the mobs onto you after a pull as thunderclaps and defensive stances bonus aggro scale multiplicatively. Ppl want to check out the changes Turtle did I presume. Gratuitous Escapades -- because doing the Slow and Steady challenge is basically useless but we all enjoy going on this long virtual adventure. . 5. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. I couldn't find anything about total XP for the server so I went to wowhead and found there is a total of 3,778,420 Alliance quest xp available up to level 50. So exhaustion challenge was perfect as an opt out. by Mativh » Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:19 pm. Posts: 29. Skip to content. if you hit the button in quick succession you can cancel it. Classes do need to be tweaked, and they can be tweaked without making everyone a pure dps, a pure tank, and a pure healer. Turtle WoW: Hardcore Mode & Rewards. Make the necessary changes, drag and drop the CSV back onto DBCutil and it will spit out a new DBC file, which can then be put in a new test patch at the end of load order, for example patch-Z. Disenchants into: Not disenchantable. No gear higher than White quality. Ibux wrote: ↑. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. (the price of Dragonbreath Chili just skyrocketed) Make all pet families have a unique ability, like boars, turtles, birds/bats, wolves, and gorillas have. 157 Call the Spirit. Holding shift while using the macro will "orverride" the macro and make the button work like normal. 155 Skewer. Level 40: Turtle Traveller’s Bag, Highborne Soul Mirror. Torta Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:32 am. (I usually have Glyph of Exhaustion on. Wonder if it swims quickly, of if it's just a normal ground mount. 1 to 1. Player possibly can use turtle coins to purchase additional glyphs to create additional glyph groups. I figured Worgen belonging to both sides would sort of address both of these issues, as their models do. The Amiventurous -- amicable + adventurous. Please, provide a clear description what the bug is: I'm playing on Exhaustion Mode (and Slow and Steady Mode). At the starting areas there are Glyph Masters who sell various glyphs. Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:26 pm. General. Challenge: Slow & Steady. that's some private server bs and copium. I don't know if this is technically feasible. Script to add to Paladin buffs, among others, to refresh if almost finished: /script if not IsCurrentAction (60. 101 posts 1; 2; 3; Next; Torta Posts: 1044. Upon completion of the questline, players. Re: 60 Boost. Top 10%. . If not, then also like with Hardcore, you accept that it will make the game more difficult, and places an expectation on you as the player to master the game and avoid dying. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; Comments. Announcements. - This is a raid quest where players are needed not level 55, not level 56, but level 59 and 7+ players (the quest is raid), and dungeons that are not selected by level, more than half are level 60. Turtle WoW - Let's play a (Hardcore / Slow and Steady / Exhaustion) PaladinThe Sword of Hope struggles to make a name for herself never forgetting where she. I was thinking about concept of encouraging people not to go easy HC way to simply finish it, but to try elites, dungeons, dangerous quests etc. 5 PTR 10. - first arcane missiles. Subscribe. Dungeon Quest Guide for Custom Content. And a chance for some epic loot, lol. Sinrek. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Avoid HC mode if you have less than a year of your World of Warcraft gaming experience. Healing Light (Row 3) Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and the effectiveness Holy Shock spells by 4/8/12%. Copilot. Greeting! The old hardcore mode is now the slow & and steady challenge, turtle mode -50% mob xp, -5% xp on death. .