csgo blue gem patterns. Tier 2. csgo blue gem patterns

Tier 2csgo blue gem patterns 5 million USD

The #1 seed pattern for the Classic Knife Case Hardened is 403, which is a true Blue Gem. M9 Bayonet Case Hardened Seed 417. The backside is suboptimal with irregular blue stains on a yellow background. Close to the handle yellow is the dominant color. The spine of the knife and the tip are golden. Seed: Tier 1 278 690 868 363 670. Paint seed 555. one console to check all blue gems in all markets! Save. Shadow Daggers Case Hardened Seed 609 show a vivid blue with purple nuances throughout the playside blade (right hand) and golden scars on the tip; the backside (left hand) is suboptimal with blue stains only close to the handle. For most knives, a playside surface that is more than 90% covered in the blue stain is crowned a tier 1 Blue Gem. Shadow Daggers Case Hardened Seed 56 are the ultimate Daggers blue gem. Connect 51. 7K. 31. Best Possible Stiletto Knife Blue Gem Seed. Kyle Orland - Apr 18, 2023 3:51 pm UTCSticker Blue Gem (Glitter) is basically the incarnation of this concept, a blue diamond. Paint seed 168. Thanks for your vote! Blog Posts. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 7. Seed: Tier 1 55 923 241 602 899. Pattern Description. Back. Pattern Description. Stiletto Knife Case Hardened Seed 928 has a stunning playside with an almost spotless blade. The Case Hardened pattern on the Survival Knife covers the entirety of the blade, while the black plastic handle remains as is. Search for: Submit. Case Hardened. The skin is available just from the Operation Breakout Case. AK-47 Seed Pattern 151 - CSGO Blue Gem Home » AK-47 » AK-47 Seed Pattern 151 AK-47 Seed / Pattern: 151 Pattern Description AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 151 shows a. Stiletto Knife Case Hardened Seed 407 has high overall blue percentage. Classic Knife Case Hardened Seed 651 is a “purple blue gem” where several purple stains are present over the blue background. 121:27015 Chat commands: !ws,!gloves,!god,!noclip,!mortal,!xavier,!agents,!mirror,!inspect (~) Console commands: noclip 1, cl_drawhud 0, r_cleardecals Craft Stickers (command generation for wsserver) Craft weapon with stickers from InspectUrl (command generation for wsserver) This. Skeleton Knife Case Hardened Seed 456 is an amazing blue gem with more than 95% blue on the playside with a golden area close to the handle. Case Hardened. Case Hardened. These skins are considered very rare and super valuable among traders and players. The top displays a clean and bright blue all. Talon Knife Case Hardened Seed 55 is a stunning blue gem with an almost spotless blue from the handle to the tip of the playside. Falchion Knife - Seed / Pattern: 488. 4 Million USD. Butterfly Knife Case Hardened Seed 913 shows a colorful pattern with purple and yellow scars over a blue background. Butterfly Knife Case Hardened Seed 398 has a clean and bright blue pattern throughout the blade. Tier 1. Without further delay, let’s get straight into the list of Nomad Blue Gem patterns: Group. Containers. the most expensive csgo skin in the game and also one of the most expensive virtual items ever, the best blue gem pattern karambit case hardened received a c. Pattern #231 has only two examples: Factory New and Well-Worn. 602. Pattern Description. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 809 has a colorful pattern with purple nuances on the fully blue playside, while the backside is almost entirely golden with a wide purple stain in the center of the blade. Back. Popular CSGO skin collector and streamer, Ohnepixel advised the new player to decline offers under $150k and aim for a bigger number. Pattern 647 is quite colorful with many purple stains and scars. Pattern Description. Stiletto Knife Case Hardened Seed 407 has high overall blue percentage. Pattern Description. Now I hope you guys understand that Case-Hardened patterns are more subjective rather than objective. Falchion Knife. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 510 shows an almost completely blue playside with violet nuances and a tiny golden stain on the tip. And we don’t mean only the history of Counter-Strike but rather gaming history in general. Effect of float. In total, rare patterns for the AK-47 Case Hardened are about 10% of the total amount of this skin. III - Noticeable pattern presence/absence OR slight pattern alignment features. It’s one of the the best pattern for the Bayonet. Back. The backside is half blue (near the handle) and half golden (the tip). 602. Mac 10 | Blue Gem (guide) So the Mac-10 is the fourth weapon that has got the Case Hardened skin (not counting the gloves), and some people already opened different patterns of the blue gem with different patterns on it that include Top pattern or Bottom/Butt stock pattern. Pattern Seeds. Stiletto Knife Case Hardened Seed 928 has a stunning playside with an almost spotless blade. LORDS. The backside has more than 95%. Inspect. For a glove to be High tier 2 it needs to have top part of BOTH hands need to be 80%+ blue. Search Toggle. Pattern Description. The backside is golden with a small blue area with purple shades on the tip. The #1 pattern for Falchion Knife Case Hardened is considered to be 494. 601, 417. Pattern Description. For example, pattern #239, which is a Tier 1 Blue Gem, has a completely blue top part on the receiver, but gold on the bottom and rear part of the receiver. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 661 is the ultimate AK-47 Blue Gem. Pattern Description. Unlock free. Navaja Knife Case Hardened Seed 371 is a double-blade blue gem. Pattern 478 is sometimes defined as a “purple gem”, displaying purple stains over a blue background from the tip to the pivot pins. The playside is almost completely blue with multiple purple scars and a tiny golden stain on the tip; the backside is mediocre with a blue area only on the spine of the blade. Navaja Knife Case Hardened Seed 398 is a stunning blue gem with 98% blue overall. Other notable high-tier patterns include the pattern indexes 923, 241, and 602. Many think the. Pattern Description. The backside is mediocre with irregular yellow stains in the center of the blade. 11027371883392334 $1820. Pattern Description. The Butterfly Knife Case Hardened was added to Counter-Strike Global Offensive on July 1, 2014 with the start of “ Operation Breakout “. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 809 has a colorful pattern with purple nuances on the fully blue playside, while the backside is. Bayonet Case Hardened Seed 588 is not considered a blue gem since it shows an average playside with less than 10% blue, but has a great backside with more than 80% blue and a unique silver tip. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Seed 456 has a great playside with more than 98% blue with a tiny purple stain close to the handle. Karambit Case. Talon #899. Here is a gif u/MrInka made showing the range of pattern on the five seven link to gif. Classic Knife Case Hardened Seed 169 shows a clean and bright blue pattern in the playside with a touch of. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 387 shows a vivid blue on the top, especially in the rear part of the top. Furthermore, even if a player is lucky enough to unbox a Case Hardened knife, the odds of it having a desirable Blue Gem pattern are. 58, 503, 523, 406, 349, 403. It is a blue gem, and in addition to being a Stattrack and in Factory New (FN) condition, it also features four Titan Holos. Pattern Description. Classic #316. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 442 is a stunning blue gem with 98% blue on the playside, an almost spotless blue from the handle to the tip. Pattern Description. Tier 2. . The Best Knives Under $200 Videos. 73. It’s an AK-47 | Case Hardened StatTrak™ Minimal Wear with a Blue Gem pattern 661 — it makes the skin even more blue. See also Sell CSGO Skins for Real Money Easily & Safely. Classic Knife Case Hardened Blue Gem Patterns (seed) + Blaze (this rank was compiled by my_script, all patterns you can see here. Falchion Knife - Seed / Pattern: 488. This Karambit is a good example: on patterns #896 and #231, its blade has bright gold places interspersed with blue colour. Pattern Description. Pattern Description. In this video I talk about some well known case hardened patterns and showcase every single #1 pattern. Back. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 828 has a bright and vivid blue on the top and on the side of the weapon, while the magazine is fully golden without any blue stains. Gold Gems are much rarer than the usual Case Hardened skins, which is why they fetch a reasonably high price for themselves. Talon Knife Case Hardened Seed 112 shows a bright and clean blue pattern on the backside with a tiny purple stain close to the handle of the knife. Butterfly Knife Case Hardened Seed 182 is a great blue gem with golden and purple stains on the spine and close to the handle. Two golden sections are present on the finger guard and near the tip of the knife. Search for: Submit. Thank you for your time. The lower part and the rear of the gun are very different from the top and display wide golden areas, especially close to the trigger of the gun. Paracord Knife Case Hardened Seed 583 is a double-blade blue gem with a very high overall blue percentage. Back. Pattern Description. Paint seed 169; Paint seed 456; Paint. Talon Case Hardened Blue Gem. Paint seed 661. Containers. Back. Mac-10 has 3 parts of the gun where the patterns will differ from each other, this results in a full blue Mac-10 Blue gem being impossible because it only uses one template on an awkward positioned gun. Pattern Description. 💎BLUE GEM CONSOLE (NEW) 💎. If you happen to unbox a case-hardened skin, the odds of it being a rank one blue gem are slim to none, often less than a one percent chance. Pattern Description. Find out what elements directly affect a skin's pricing & how much is the most expensive CS2 (CS:GO) skin. ago. Operation Breakout Weapon Case. The skin is available only from the CSGO Weapon Case 2. The golden area close to the front sight resembles a heart when inspected. Gold Gem This is the second most desired pattern from any case hardened skin. Just purple and golden shades stand out from the deep blue background. Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Seed 652 shows a vivid blue throughout the blade with purple shades on the perimeter of the blue area. Pattern Description. If the knife is sold for the estimated cost or more, it could become the most expensive. CSGO Blue Gem Blue Gems Collectors. Small yellow stains are only visible near the handle of the knife. I made a compilation of all the tier one blue gem patterns for the AK, let me know if you would like more of this type of content!Connect 51. Pattern Description. 44. Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Seed 248 has over 85% blue with purple shades and violet stains throughout the blade. The best representative of this category is pattern 868: Signs of a Blue Gem: More than 70% of. View attachment 4968. Show only: Loading… pattern Rank on AK-47 Case Hardened and price value. 75. The palms are mostly golden, with purple nuances. 73. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 776 has an almost perfect playside with a clean and bright blue from the handle to the tip. Barrel and magazine have blue stains but are mostly golden. The skin is available from the Clutch Case and the Revolution Case. The blue is bright and vivid throughout the blade; there are no purple stains and only a small yellow area is present near the handle. Paint seed 151. If you’re looking for the most desirable patterns for the Butterfly Knife Case Hardened in CS:GO, you’ll want to focus on the blue gem seeds. Pattern 56 displays a stunning playside (right hand) which is almost spotless, while the backside (left hand) is suboptimal with blue stains only near the handle. Golden stains and purple shades are present mainly near the handle. Pattern Seeds. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 555 is similar to pattern 321 since it has high overall blue percentage mainly on the top, on the side of the weapon and on the magazine. As can be seen, the pattern seed 398 is the best Blue Gem pattern for the Navaja Knife as it features. CS:GO. Threads. Classic Knife Case Hardened Seed 180 is the ultimate backside blue gem with less than 2% yellow on the blade. This list shows all blue gems seeds and patterns with ID numbers and pictures. The rear sight is also fully blue. Pattern Description. The skin is available in 11 cases released in 2013-2015. 00). What is a Blue Gem? Blue Gem is the name for Case Hardened skins with the maximum amount of blue on them. . Bayonet Case Hardened Seed 179 is probably the best pattern for this knife. Pattern Description. Gut Knife Case Hardened Seed 549 has a high overall blue percentage since both the playside and the backside are mostly blue. Gold Gem This is the second most desired pattern from any case hardened skin. There are golden and purple stains on the spine and close to the handle but the tip shows a clean and bright blue. CSGO Blue Gem Blue Gems Collectors. The backside is suboptimal with blue only present on the edge of the blade. 456, 577, 169, 681, 55, 403, 922, 704, 316, 850,. In this knife the playside and the backside are very different: the playside is almost fully golden, the backside has over 80% blue with purple shades. Got this cool knife for my collection :) (Sold for 2600rmb 2022-06-16)Music:Elektronomia x Lunaar x Donna Tella - Champions [NCS Release]Music provided by No. CS:GO. Pattern Description. Pattern Description. The skin is available from the Horizon Case and the Danger Zone Case. Less than twenty of the 1,000 possible case-hardened patterns qualify as a. The blue is bright and vivid throughout the blade with a tiny yellow stain on the point of the knife. Unlike the Five-SeveN and Mac-10, The AK-47 Case Hardened has an incredibly high demand, especially the rare patterns, meaning prices tend to be extremely expensive. Gold Gem Karambit – #896. Pattern Description. MAC-10 Case Hardened Seed 349 displays a colorful pattern with a lot of blue in the center of the body and many golden and purple stains. In this video I talk about some well known case hardened patterns and showcase every single #1 pattern. Back. The pattern indexes are all arranged based on their tiers, with Tier 1 patterns containing more blue than Tier 2, and so forth. I was also trying to gather a list of patterns that, in my opinion, are worth to overpay for and maybe some people may find it useful when sniping for paint. Back. Pattern Description. Meaning Tier 1 patterns are considered to be the best while Tier 4 patterns are considered less expensive due to there being less blue on the blade. Paint seed 321. Pattern Description. Inspect. The skin is available from the Horizon Case and the Danger Zone Case. Pattern Description. M9 Bayonet Case Hardened Seed 105 is a backside blue gem with a clean and bright blue throughout the blade, except for tiny yellow stains near the handle and close to the tip. Pattern Seeds. The skin is currently owned by Chinese collector 青い王, whose name is Japanese for “blue king. 73. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 670 has very high overall blue percentage. Home » Falchion Knife » Falchion Seed Pattern 488. Just the point of the knife shows a minuscule golden stain. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Seed 55 shows a clean and bright blue in the playside with a purple stain close to the. The tip shows small yellow and purple stains and the area close to the pivot pins is dove grey. 121:27015 Chat commands: !ws,!gloves,!god,!noclip,!mortal,!xavier,!agents,!mirror,!inspect (~) Console commands: noclip 1, cl_drawhud 0, r_cleardecals Craft Stickers (command generation for wsserver) Craft weapon with stickers from InspectUrl (command generation for wsserver) This. Butterfly Knife Case Hardened Seed 478 has a colorful pattern with many purple shades. Pattern Description. Will update this as regularly as possible. Pattern Description. CSGO Skins and economy. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Seed 681 shows a fully blue playside with light purple nuances. In this video, I'm gonna show you everything you need to know about the Blue Gem Pattern in Counter-Strike - one of the rarest rare skin patterns in the game. Navaja Knife Case Hardened Seed 398 is a stunning blue gem with 98% blue overall. Pattern Description. It’s mostly blue both in the playside and in the backside. Simply amazing. The rarest of these is the Blue Gem Case Hardened. 2. It was released as part of the CS:GO Weapon Case 2, alongside the "The Arms Deal 2" update. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 955 has high overall blue percentage thanks to the top and the side of the weapon. The first was sold for $3,700, which. V - Night and day differences between patterns, can be considered as two skins within. Amazing blue with some yellowish pattern on the left glove. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Blue Gem Patterns (seed) Latest: TradelogBot; Yesterday at 8:00 PM;CS:GO . Search Toggle. CS:GO Weapon Case 3 Danger Zone Case eSports 2013 Case. Pattern Description. Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Seed 703 has a colorful pattern with purple shades and yellow scars on the blade. The backside is mainly blue with a wide golden stain in the center of the blade. Easy to Use Skin Marketplace. Case Hardened. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 453 has a great playside with more than 92% blue. An extremely rare CS:GO knife is allegedly estimated to cost more than $1. Find out how to get it, how to rank it, and see the list of all the patterns in the game. Pattern Description. jpg. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 463 has a colorful pattern with a vibrant blue full of purple nuances and two small yellow stains on the playside. Pattern Description. Among the 1,000 potential case-hardened pattern seeds, only 12 have been identified as meeting the requirements to be considered a blue gem. . Around ten possible case-hardened pattern seeds qualify as a blue gem, meaning they sell way above the market price. The backside has a wide blue area in the center of the blade. Of a staggering 1,000 potential seeds, 13 are authentic blue gems. 73. 2 Million EUR which is roughly about $1. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Seed 169 has an almost perfect playside with a clean and vivid blue from the handle. 00 to 1. The backside is suboptimal with irregular blue stains on a yellow background. The skin is available just from the Shattered Web Case. Popular CSGO skin collector and streamer, Ohnepixel advised the new player to decline offers under $150k and aim for a bigger number. This guide was created with the sole intention of informing the community about the top 15 tier 1 m9 case hardened blue gem patterns, and a vague pricing scale. Forums. Pattern Description. 121:27015 Chat commands: !ws,!gloves,!god,!noclip,!mortal,!xavier,!agents,!mirror,!inspect (~) Console commands: noclip 1, cl_drawhud 0, r_cleardecals Craft Stickers (command generation for wsserver) Craft weapon with stickers from InspectUrl (command generation for wsserver) This. Pattern Description. Back. The backside is mostly golden with blue stains near the handle and close to the tip. Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Seed 652 shows a vivid blue throughout the blade with purple shades on the perimeter of the blue area. there is currently no listing of this pattern in any wear on any site i am looking at, meaning this is VERY very rare. Flip Knife Case Hardened Seed 828 has a high overall blue percentage since both the playside and the backside are mostly blue. Pattern 269 has the highest overall blue percentage among Karambit blu gems. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Seed 577 has a stunning playside with an almost spotless blade. The blue is bright and clean throughout both blades with light purple shades mostly on the backside. Back. Classic Knife Case Hardened Blue Gem Patterns (seed) + Blaze (this rank was compiled by my_script, all patterns you can see here. Close to the front sight there is a golden stain with a vivid violet scar that looks like a burning fire or an explosion. Note that there isn’t a single definitive Blue Gem pattern for the Five Seven Case Hardened out there, but a number of patterns that are usually considered by the game. Pattern Description. M9 Bayonet Case Hardened Seed 417 is a double-blade blue gem: the playside displays a clean and bright blue with tiny golden stains, the backside shows golden areas close to the tip and near the handle. 609 is pretty nice although it's not full blue on play side. CSGO Skins and economy. Tier 4. Butterfly Knife Case Hardened Seed 494 is a great blue gem with more than 91% blue on the blade. Pattern Seeds. II - Pattern moves around, almost unnoticeable. 75. The backside is very different since it’s mostly golden. Survival Knife - Seed / Pattern: 634. 75. Butterfly Knife Case Hardened Seed 182 is a great blue gem with golden and purple stains on the spine and close to the handle. The playside has over 90% blue with few golden stains close to the handle and on the tip of the blade. Pattern Description. StatTrak Factory New. Current Price $335. The Blue Gem pattern is a specific type of Case Hardened skin pattern that showcases a predominantly blue color scheme, with minimal or no yellow coloring present in the skin. The best blue gem patterns will always cost significantly more than market value because they are sought after by collectors. Five-SeveN Case Hardened Seed 278 is a stunning blue gem with an almost spotless blue throughout the barrel. Talon Knife Case Hardened Seed 55 is a stunning blue gem with an almost spotless blue from the handle to the tip of the playside. Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Seed 652 shows a vivid blue throughout the blade with purple shades on the perimeter of the blue area. Pattern Description. Blue Gems. Tier 3. Nomad Knife Case Hardened Seed 681 shows a fully blue playside with light purple nuances. Pattern Description. This Is a guide showing the #1 Best Blue Gem patterns for each weapon currently in the game. Best of Max Cyan patters ( Karambit Gamma Doppler Phase 3 , 650 patterns studied) pattern: 666 pattern: 37 pattern: 179 pattern: 916 pattern: 953 pattern: 828 pattern: 2 pattern: 592 pattern: 390 pattern: 687. Pattern Description. Whether you’re a player or a collector, owning a Bayonet Case Hardened with a Blue Gem pattern is a badge of honor that sets you apart from the rest of the. Just like the Bowie Knife, the Huntsman knife doesn't have any perfect gold gem patterns, so here are the top two of the least bad ones. Back. The backside is. ago. 601, 417. 8 KB · Views: 1,026 L. Meaning a Tier 1 pattern is considered to be the best while a Tier 4 pattern is considered less expensive due to there being less blue on the blade. Paint seed 179. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 179 has a great amount of blue on the top and on the side of the weapon, which is clearly visible while playing. It is a blue gem Karambit, the best pattern, and is the only one in Factory New condition. TradeIt. The Five-SeveN Berries and Cherries is a Restricted skin of the Control Collection, which was released during Operation Broken Fang on December 3, 2020. Gut Knife Case Hardened Seed 647 has over 83% blue on the playside. CS:GO. 657, 176, 830, 771, 576, 707. Best Blue Gems Owned. Both blades are almost completely blue with the playside displaying a silver stain on the tip while the backside shows the same color close to the handle of the knife. The backside displays a bright blue with a golden stain on the tip of the blade. Pattern Description. . Pattern Description. It was revealed today that one insanely lucky player started playing CSGO for the first time ever, and then three days later, unboxed a 387 Pattern Blue Gem Karambit that is worth ‘at least $150,000’ – but in the past has been valued at $1. CSGO Blue Gem Blue Gems Collectors. Restricted. Paracord #316. Connect 51. Connect 51. AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 592 has a beautiful blue top similar to pattern 151 with high blue percentage also on the barrel.