Log in for more information. Question. Question. 0 Answers/Comments. Get an answer. Expert answered|Jerrald@22|Points 20325|. Weegy: In the following pronunciation guide for the. Weegy: The waste product of electrons and pyruvate combining in fermentation is lactic acid. Asked 19 minutes 50 seconds ago|11/9/2023 3:56:17 PM. Weegy: The process by which energy is released is known as: combustion. A. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Weegy: If a material has a high index of refraction, it has high optical density, and light travels more slowly through it. Expert answered|Jerrald@22|Points 20325|. Weegy: Creativity is the ability to make new things or think of new ideas. Score 1. Weegy: The waste product of electrons and pyruvate combining in fermentation is lactic acid. What's a black hole . Question Asked 7/17/2022 10:25:59 PM Updated 17 days ago|10/31/2023 11:58:09 AM 0 Answers/Comments This answer has been. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Weegy: An OBTUSE angle is less than 180 degrees, but more than 90 degrees. Question. A) one-half. MichellDonovan. Asked 358 days ago|10/31/2022 4:02:14 PM. The velocity of any wave is related to its frequency and wavelength by [v = f lambda, label{17. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. ) the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. The wave frequency is a measure of A. 0 Answers/Comments. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Question. psychrometer: Measures amount of moisture in the air. The faster a wave moves, the higher its pitch is. View. The intensity or loudness of a wave is a measure of its energy and amplitude. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it cannot be. [ thermometer: Takes air temperature readings. Asked 3/15/2016 12:35:04 PM. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. 1997). [3/28/2017 1:26:25 PM] Comments. Frequency can also be thought of as each peak of a wave as it rolls and moves. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Score 1 Log in for more information. 38,308,743. Doppler radar motion sensor. 0 Answers/Comments. Question. ro. The waves are visible due to the reflection of light from a lamp. Weegy: Every complete sentence contains Subject, verb and predicates. Log in for more information. A) one-half wavelength. Score 1. Therefore, 1. Added 4/11/2016 9:19:04 AM. As the wavelength of a wave increases, the frequency decreases. C. Weegy: The Pentagon in Washington DC is immense in size, with each outside wall 921 feet in length. If a particle of air undergoes 1000 longitudinal vibrations in 2 seconds, then the frequency of the wave would be 500 vibrations per second. Weegy: Diabetic people's bodies are less efficient at creating insulin out of their blood. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Question. ExampleWhile not negligible, this is not a strong dependence. Rating. Question. Log in for more information. Weegy: You need to include explanation of this evidence to show readers your line of thinking. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Log in for more information. Asked 4/2/2021 4:24:59 AM. Score 1 User: What is the primary source of a sound? Weegy: Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. Weegy: When a roller coaster goes in an upside-down loop, the following is true:. Read More, Waves;. Updated 3 days ago|8/18/2023 2:02:07 PM. Question. Score 1. Weegy: Joseph McCarthy was the US lawmaker who made a. In physics and mathematics, the phase (symbol φ or ϕ) of a wave or other periodic function of some real variable (such as time) is. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. Score 1 User: Which of the following best describes reverberation? Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. Weegy: Joseph McCarthy was the US lawmaker who made a name for himself in the 1950s accusing people of being communists. Asked 9/30/2019 2:57:19 PM. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Score 1. Question. Score 1. The wave frequency is a measure of. 6 A bat uses sound echoes to find its way about and to catch prey. 7. New answers. The wave frequency is a measure of A. 4 waves per second B. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. TRUE. to determine the wavelength. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Weegy: 2+2=4 User: Scientist generally agree that earth is getting warmer due to. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Rating. c. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. CHIRP: Acronym for compressed high-iIntensity radar pulse. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of [ time. 8 cm, a frequency of 51. Log in for more information. Explanation: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time and the number of cycles or vibrations undergone during one unit of time by a body in periodic motion is called as frequency. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. C. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. User: The wave frequency is a measure of ___ Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. In the volume spanned by a. measures the amount of energy in the wave D. Log in for more information. Score 1. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. ) the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. Weegy: Fatigue can be both mental and physical. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Asked 76 days ago|11/18/2022 10:23:57 PM. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. At 0 °C, the speed of sound is 331 m/s, whereas at 20. Frequency is a measure of how many waves pass by in one second. Health a measure of a person's body structure and function and the presence or absence of disease or signs. Weegy: Vibration is the primary source of a sound. 7/28/2023 4:13:57 PM| 5 Answers. Asked 7/31/2012 9:59:34 PM. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Log in for more information. User: A wave with a period of 1 3 second has a frequency of A. Terms in this set (20) The distance between two crests of a transverse wave is referred to as the. The frequency of a wave refers to how often the particles of the medium vibrate when a wave passes through the medium. Weegy: How many satellites are part of the US Department of Defense’s Global Positioning System? a 18 b 6 c 24 d 12: c. Each type of wave and frequency combination creates different forms of energy. A wave’s period is the time it takes to complete a full cycle. Score 1 User: Which of the following best describes reverberation? Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. 0 °C, it is 343 m/s, less than a 4 % increase. Score 1. Learning tools, flashcards, and textbook solutions | Quizlet(a) On Fig. Log in for more information. Score 1. Question. The wave frequency is a measure. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. , when you drive a nail into a. Rating. Log in for more information. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. wavelength=speed/frequency. Log in for more information. Another way to measure the speed of light is to independently measure the frequency f and wavelength λ of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum. Asked 69 days ago|8/28/2023 7:51:46 PM. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. Question. Log in for more information. a union of artists that promise to support one another b. sound waves can travel around corners but light waves cannot. 3. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. 28. Weegy: Natural frequency occurs when a body's molecular wavelength sends vibrations to another body, resulting in the production of another sound wave. Sample Problems. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. C. Question. Question. Question. 86. 2 Hz and a distance from a crest to the neighboring trough of 12. The wavelength of the first wave ( λ 1) =7. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Figure 17. 86. Wallet. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live. The average speed of the car was 60 km/hour. Log in for more information. speed D. For example, a radio wave with a frequency of 3 × 10 7 Hz has a wavelength of about 10 meters (m). Question. Score 1. [ This includes the cost of medical care,. Score 1. New answers. Acoustic resources are physical sound sources, including both. Score 1 User: What is the primary source of a sound? Weegy: Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. The larger your sound wave oscillation, the more intense your sound will be. D. We cannot directly measure the frequency on the oscilloscope, but we can measure a closely related parameter called period; the period of a wave is the amount of time it takes to complete one full cycle. C. b. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Like light waves of much higher frequency, radar waves tend to travel in straight lines or rays at speeds approximating that of light. Log in for more information. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Question 2 options: the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. User: Can I. |8/2/2022 8:34:32 PM. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Score 1. Updated 11/9/2020 6:43:36 AM. User: After Latin America. Popular Conversations. Score 1. Score 1. Wavelength of second wave (λ 2) = 100 nm = 100 × 10 -9 m. The actual frequency of the waves is the frequency of the source's oscillation, or equivalent to the observed frequency between a wave source and observer that are not moving relative to one another. Asked 1/11/2022 5:58:10 AM. Expert answered|matahari|Points 71877| Log in for more information. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Log in for more information. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. D. Wavelength is used to measure the length of sound waves. Question. The wave frequency is a measure of _____. Score 1. Log in for more information. Asked 20 days ago|6/13/2023 5:28:07 PM. Question. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Gamma rays should have a very high frequency, not a very low frequency. Updated 7/7/2022 8:48:26 AM. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. hare your worl. Define amplitude of a wave. Electromagnetic standing waves in a cavity. Score 1. Updated 55 seconds ago|8/18/2023 2:02:07 PM. The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. In a time-domain plot, the horizontal axis is a measure of _____. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. a. C. Weegy: Convex mirror is used for side mirrors on. The wave frequency is a measure of Wave frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. frequency=speed/wavelength. 8/9/2023 8:06:31 PM| 7 Answers. Score 1 Log in for more information. The price. If we pretend we're graphing here, along this line, higher frequency. Score 1. Question. d. This means that different frequencies match the pitch of different musical notes. 12/22/2022 1:54:01 AM| 7 Answers. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. What will the end result be? Weegy: Suppose that two sources of sound produce waves. D. 8/9/2023 8:06:31 PM| 7 Answers. Weegy: George Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army on June 15, 1775. Log in for more information. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of [ time. Question. For example, if a sound wave completes one whole cycle in one second, its frequency is 1 Hz. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Weegy: The Pentagon in Washington DC is immense in size, with each outside wall 921 feet in length. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Updated 3/4/2017 8:57:08 AM. B. Wallet. Updated 34 days ago|2/12/2023 8:38:15 AM. Log in for more information. 0. Learn how this results in. Top Ranked Experts *The wave frequency is a measure of Question 2 options: the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Weegy: A package of ground beef costs $6. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Explanation: The frequency of a wave is measured by counting the number of times the signal makes one complete up and down cycle in a single second. A commonly used unit for frequency is the Hertz (abbreviated Hz), where. W I N D O W P A N E. Score 1. Frequency is a measure of how many waves pass by in one second. 0 Answers/Comments. Question. Updated 28 days ago|10/1/2023 8:18:42 PM. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. Frequency of a wave is the number of waves passing a point in a certain time. Question. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it cannot be an irrational number. Weegy: The Pentagon in Washington DC is immense in size. Weegy: Citizens have to register to vote ,To make sure people vote only once. Question|Asked by Janednalie. Asked 3/10/2017 11:46:26 AM. 67 Hz. Asked 12/2/2021 7:44:19 PM. Score 1. Question. Weegy: You should be careful when clicking on search engine results that are labeled "sponsored" because: They contain. C. Asked 8/20/2019 8:22:07 PM. Question. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. Log in for more information. Question. Question. Updated 66 days ago|2/12/2023 8:38:15 AM. weegy. Weegy: Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out with each heartbeat. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it. Score 1. Score 1 User: what is the primary source of a sound? A refraction A medium to carry the signal A vibration A frequency Weegy: A vibration is the primary source of a sound. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Frequency of a. 5. TRUE. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Score 1The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Asked 3/10/2017 11:46:26 AM. Divide the angular frequency of the wave, given in radians per second, by 6. D) indeterminate from. Therefore, 1. Score 1. 1 Answer/Comment. 8. Log in for more information. Because the frequency of visible light is very high, of the order of (10^{14} , Hz), the energy flux for visible light through any area is an extremely rapidly varying. although limited vision can be disabling, limited hearing cannot. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Score 1. 6. Question. A wave’s frequency is the number of times it repeats its shape in a second. 98. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelengththe wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Updated 35 days ago|2/12/2023 8:38:15 AM. D) time. Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. [ ] User: The wave frequency is a measure of Question 11 options: the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. The term used to represent 1 vibration per second. The price per pound is $3. Log in for more information. 86. The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of [ time. For a sound wave, the frequency corresponds to the perception of the pitch of the sound. 17 mm. Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Weegy: Plot elements include exposition, rising action, conflict, climax falling action, and resolution. TRUE. Score 1. D. This measurement of frequency, one wave cycle per second, is called a Hertz. ] Expert answered|capslock|Points 18413| Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar is a special type of radar sensor which radiates continuous transmission power like a simple continuous-wave radar. Question. 2. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Expert answered| Flora1988 |Points 1146|. Vibrations have to be transmitted to. Updated 110 days ago|11/19/2022 12:42:23 AM. Updated 172 days ago|11/19/2022 12:42:23 AM. Score 1. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Question. Weegy: A car travels from Boston to Hartford in 4 hours. Rating. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. B. Expert answered| capslock |Points 18413| Log in for more information. Score 1. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. The intensity or loudness of a wave is a measure of its energy and amplitude. 0 Answers/Comments. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. For the ideal sine wave signal of Fig. Log in for more information. to determine the frequency of a wave you would use which of the following formulas. Weegy: Alcohol-related crashes cost the public over $68 billion each year.