Keep googling for it though and it'll probably show up. 5 meters away from your victims, wear gloves or if you haven’t got them wash your hands after managing money and register. Robbing the backroom of the Doctors building with no bounty and a clean get away, ulilizing the new wallbreach glitch. Then the door opens. ago. . Once you’ve reached a certain point in Chapter 4, Charles will task you with a bank robbery mission. All good. Main story missions I have completed have been take Lenny to the bar, rescue Micah, take the gang into valentine, collect the loans, kill the legendary bear. Keep an eye out for more side businesses to rob in RDR2. I even talked to the sheriff ahead of time as they prepped the gallows. Robbing trains is one of the most fun robberies that can be accomplished in Red Dead Redemption 2, and one of the most profitable as well. . I hate the Arabians. But when getting my reward I noticed the dialogue option to Question her briefly before it disappeared. I knocked on the back iron door, looked in the window and held the doctor up at gun point where i had an option to rob the register or go to the back room, he took me in and i killed the dudes there stole a. Short answer: you can't. The gunsmith in saint denis and Rhodes, general store in strawberry, doc in valentine, Those are the ones I know of. Managed to get out with an $8. Red Dead Redemption 2. After you discover they have a side business just point your gun at the store owner and there will be an option to rob the side business. Pulled my warped brindle Arabian out of the stable to do the dash challenge; I had to revive that thing 3 times between Valentina and Rhodes. You should have an option to rob basement. Same here. This shop is hiding a side-activity from which you can earn some extra money. Go into the gunstore and rob the Gunsmith. I'm trying to rob 4 registers in one day for a challenge. Later by the epilogue, the O’Driscolls are replaced with other NPC’s. Theres a point to robbing the doctors in valentine. Wheeler, who runs the Strawberry Doctor’s Office, is mentioned to have given Abigail Roberts a job in “The Wheel. Valentine doctor backroom business? So I discovered a small question mark behind the doctor's building and the game prompted me that I can now rob his business (it happened in Rhodes, too with the boy locked in a basement of a gun shop). Back to Gomorrah is one of the main missions available in the third chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2. Success starts with a reliable gang. Story []. So the way to solve it is to look in the window marked with « ? ». Valentine's local physician, Ben Calloway, sells various remedies, tonics, and pick-me-ups and will buy any health-related items the player has to spare. At first, it might seem as if nothing you do can prevent from getting a bounty in that region. Topic: I opened the backroom at doctor's office in valentine, robbed and killed everyone but forgot to grab the gun. TheDrunkenSnake 4 years ago #1. 1 Waste: Rob Shops. You will be able to get it in the overworld if you go looking, and even some missions might grant you some. There are two main ways to discover the Gunsmith's backroom business: Overhear NPCs in St. 10 / 12. The Red Dead Redemption Saint-Denis Gunsmith is another unique shop you can rob quite early in the game (Chapter 2). Hold L2 to aim it at the doctor. After respawning a 3rd time - took a stagecoach to Strawberry and robbed the General Store. You end up going back to valentine. Note: The Bank Robbery Mission is available as part of. Denis discussing the illegal poker game. Sometimes the bounty is bigger than money you made by robbing a store. I’ve heard some speculate that Mary-Beth ratted them out, since she first gave Arthur the idea in ‘Polite Society, Valentine Style’. Robbing the gunsmith's basement is no money, no bounty, but pays well with a free Lancaster repeater. I forgot about it after giving him some money and didn’t come back until mid chapter 3 but someone was moved in already. So I tried to rob the side business of the Denis Gunsmith, i got the tip from a random encounter, however I had no option for him to open the safe. Theres a bit of extra dialogue and you get more money. grab the shit. If you rob it good, so law will recognize you after some time, you will be given 10$ per passenger plus valuables from each one in similiar value, and there are lots of. While hes moving to open the room I take the cash and any items from the room I want. What an amazing game this is, masterpiece. . 1. This is one of the stupidest side activity i came cross in any game in a long time. Theres a mission to do it in chapter 4 i believe when Bill needs ur help. Business, Economics, and Finance. Valentine doctor’s side business is the first you’ll come across in the game. For one in Rhodes, outside the gun shop inspect the window on the side of it and you’ll have a conversation/encounter with some dude and then you’re able to rob it. Had some fun with photo mode in RDR2 (pt. Kill no one but the ones in the room to keep bounty low. He will then lead you to the backroom, as soon as he opens the metal door, you will have three targets to kill. 3. This this just a one time thing or do they reopen? I think it depends on the business. If not then it's glitched. I go in and put on my mask and then point the gun. It’s locked. Still, robbing side businesses and stores in. Yeah, having too much money takes the edge off many decisions in the game. You get a high honor thing when you donate 50. In one of this location’s small stables, you’ll find the corpse of a dead. Plus. Knock on the back door. I've heard the Doctor one reopens, but the one where you save someone hasn't reopened for me (nor should it, imo). Goatfart • 5 yr. Knock. 50. I thought i missed it. • 5 yr. The doctor in valentine is a gimme for an easy robbing target. I play mostly Red. Also the door is not responding on the other side. Quite literally. I robbed Valentine side business but not getting credit for it. If you play your cards right, you can even finish the whole thing without getting any bounty. Go to the front of the General Store during daytime and the bear trap guy should spawn soon (maybe do a mission outside of Strawberry and come back) assuming you've already helped him. Following video guide shows, how to rob Doctor in Valentine in Red Dead Redemption game. When I went to the stable to put my saddle back on the saddle grip that had the head of a panther on it was. you can't miss that mission. Valentine is a town in the Heartlands of the state New Hanover. Go to RDR2 r/RDR2. Kill people in back (if you wait to long, the woman will attack too). Go inside the store and pull your gun. [deleted] • 5 yr. But you actually have to look through the window or wait until you see someone go in or out the back door. In this video I show you how to rob a bank in rdr2. Yeah so I’ve tried that. i. Generally you can't pull your gun out in stores. Unlike the others, there’s little financial incentive to complete this one, but sheer curiosity will push you to investigate further. With the Valentine, you have to do the same as the first time, knock on the door at the back > the guy tells you to get lost > hold up the dude behind the til and it'll have the option to. Still a bummer that the law chases you out of Valentine regardless coz I think that part is scripted to occurHe and Hosea are discussing the bank robbing plan, and Hosea says any plan is a good plan if it’s executed properly. How to rob the SECRET back room in the Valentine's Doctor's Office. One time I accidentally shot the wall while the doctor was unlocking the door and not only did I permanently lose the ability to rob the side business but this one random guy in town developed a huge grudge with me and tried to shoot me on sight whenever I rode into Valentine. Cover it, because if you leave cashier standing or a witness manages to evade you, they. Having it in there was annoying me, so I decided to do the robbery again, went upstairs, grabbed the money off the table, cops arrived, surrendered to them. spoilers: strawberry general store moonshine. How to advance story. go into that should be a prompt at the bottom of screen to view in social club then top screen menu go to games go to rdr2 go on. There are two steel doors inside his store. Avoiding Red Dead Redemption 2 bounty when robbing stores and side business can be difficult. On a hat rack, players will see something surprising. Red Dead Redemption 2. Frankie: A name that can be short for both Franklin and Frances, adding versatility to your character. Once you hit that you can commit crimes with impunity. In Red Dead Redemption 2, the Fence is a merchant where you can sell Gold Bars, Stage Coaches, Jewelry, and other stolen items that other merchants won'tThey try to arrest you at first, so you have a few seconds to move before they decide you're not giving up. To find the first tailor in Red Dead Redemption 2, head over to Saint Denis. Be prepared, you'll have to come back out the same way, there's no exit out back, door is barred. The hero will also have to help two of his friends. There’s also the problem of getting. I keep getting caught and would like to escape outside! I don’t think so. sometimes its best to mask up and wait crouched behind the counter until the floorsweeper or saddle carrier passes you by on the stables side. r/reddeadredemption. This is a way to get two Schofields. If you decide to shoot the bad guys, get your schofield revolver or money. Maybe you should stick to robbing people and stealing coaches in the middle of nowhere. You use a weak shotgun, with distance, shooting folks in the face, knocking off their hats, and not killing the npc, completing the challenge. 0:16 Valentine Doctor Office Side Business DiscoveryRed Dead Redemption 2 Secret Illegal Business In the town of Valentine in rdr2 there is a secret illegal business in the drug store. To rob a train, players. . Exactly this. Downside to the robbing aspect. Secondly, being new to this series, the Safe in the Wall is highlighted, but I can't seem to interact. This mission will give you the knowledge you need to purchase goods. How to Rob. . So I messed up the Saint Denis gunsmith robbery and now would like to finish it. Use Dead Eye and a powerful gun to down the boar, then go back to Hamish, who, with his dying words, gives you his horse. WN11 • 2 yr. Yes. 20 hours ago · Pistorius, who turned 37 this week, has been in jail since late 2014 for the Valentine’s Day 2013 killing of model Reeva Steenkamp, although he was released for a. Do so and you will initiate the side business robbery. Never noticed before but I'm sure it always changes during this mission, for some reason. Knock on it and this will unlock the option to rob the Saint Denis gunsmith side business. Either way, the reward for completing the job will be cash. Avoiding Red Dead Redemption 2 bounty when robbing stores and side business can be difficult. In this mission, you are going to rob a bank. Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. During this event, two men at a camp will ask Arthur to gather some plants for the production of Moonshine. I was able to rob the gunsmith in valentine, but i don't think im going to get my 4 stores in this day. I tried to rob this side business before freeing Micha and after freeing Micha, still same issue. " The doctor will lead you through the door and a gun battle begins. So I wonder: can you rober side business without losing honor?. r/reddeadredemption. You have to. You're entitled to your own opinion. That challenge requires you to rob the registers, not the side businesses. Or you can do it many times in many different ways . Red Dead Redemption 2. Money. So weak and flimsy 😩. how to purchase goods. Rush In after Dr moves away. Sometimes the bounty is bigger than money you made by robbing a store. Saint Denis because of how many stores there is to rob, most civilians in the town centre have more money to rob from, and it's slightly more difficult to escape the cops. Is there a way to open the second security door from the inside after you kill all the goons. Rob the doctor to force him to open it and keep the rewards! Make sure to wear your bandanna to keep the bounty low. so i was out exploring the wild when i saved someones life they told me about a side business at the strawberry general store i can rob so i took a trip over to strawberry and i peeked inside the basement window got the message that i can now rob the. Boards. He says that he is being held there against his will. If saving and reloading doesn't work, try loading an earlier save altogether. We’ll also explain how to get rid of a bounty in Red Dead Redemption 2. Once you do that you'll get a notification that you can now rob the illegal side business operating in the doctor's office. #rdr2 #reddeadredemption #arthurmorganQuestion: I purchased the Special or Ultimate Editions of Red Dead Redemption 2, where can I find the exclusive Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout?Answer: The Del Lobos gang hideout is available to players to find in the world through Story Mode progression. Just grab the money and revolver and run, try and kill everyone silently if you can. ago. This page links contains the locations for HomesteadDiscover the illegal backroom businesses in Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode with the Blackwater Bandits. On the topic of Bandit challenges, I accidentally found ways to cheat with the last two. Check backroom first. The doctor in valentine is a gimme for an easy robbing target. By Angie Harvey , Casey DeFreitas , Max Roberts , +1. To rob a train, players have to ride. The only way to do it twice is to kill yourself with dynamite. 1. Some establishments, the game teaches players. Yes I know i misspelled the Thumbnail :)How to PROPERLY Rob The Doctors Office in Valentine | Red Dead Redemption 2 | 0 Deaths, 0 BountyI love memeing in thi. Walk past the Gunsmith and observe the man through the basement window. 10. Let the honor sink, idgaf anymore. ago Yep. Since getting the tip, the robbery's appeared in my log of tasks. Follow him to the door. DrXtreme28. . I tried, fire, Dynamite, gunfire, aiming my gun at the teller, killing everyone, and still no luck. You will see someone in the backroom counting money. How do i redo the robbery at the doctors office in Valentine? Or go back in? SCREAMINGBEATSS 5 years ago #1. Red Dead Redemption 2 Valentine Doctor Side Business (secret location)Let's Play Red Dead Redemption 2 Playlist Buy Cheap Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Bars: → 5% Coupon: GRANDOS🔴Please, take a second to Like and Subscribe 👍🏿. vasco_da_gamer243 • 5 yr. Location: The doctor at Valentine, while robbing his side business | Rank Unlock: 9 | Price (Story): $42 | Price (Online): $192 While the Schofield Revolver is not an absolute upgrade compared to the Cattleman, which boasts a higher rate of fire, its superior accuracy wins out as far as this list is concerned. Denis high society art gallery showing erupts in a riot and Charles is beaten by the prudish fat lady. . The moonshine business in strawberry is an easy 50$, no bounty. I think its 50, other dude said 21 so that could be it. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a way to rob the Valentine Doctor's back room WITHOUT alerting the law?". if you sneak around the back of the building, you can go up to one of the windows and you'll get. This is a red dead redempti. Trains. Business, Economics, and Finance. You don't lose honor robbing side businesses. I knocked on the back iron door, looked in the window and held the doctor up at gun point where i had an option to rob the register or go to the back room, he took me in and i killed the dudes there stole a. Just noticed this myself. Tell him to open the basement. ago. Here is the video showing what I've done and I was wondering if someone can let me know what I'm doing wrong or perhaps this missions is bugged for me. Valentine doctor backroom business? So I discovered a small question mark behind the doctor's building and the game prompted me that I can now rob his business (it. Coach coming west headed for Appleseed carrying wages, cash should be in the back. I’m on bandit challenge 6 so the only way to get there is to rob shops and coaches. The banks of Armadillo and MacFarlane's Ranch are the only banks that can be robbed without fail. When you get to the Valentine doctor point your gun at him and select the option to rob the back room. Oh, yeah you just have to get up close and personal for pistol whipping. Ride to Valentine. * *Only available to those who own the Special and Ultimate editions of the game. This robbery is doable without getting a bounty on your head. Advertisement Coins. ” Locations [] Red Dead Redemption [] first of all. . Speak to the boy dressed up as a sailor. Go to RDR2 r/RDR2 • by authentik_redneckboy. I was thinking the same. Theory: in a future update you will be able to rob the bank through the sewers or catch and arrest bank robbers! 33. Now, the only problem there is that general stores and other. so i use du bandit set, the black straight collar overshirt, black tie, black regular pants and the black riding gloves. Yes, you tag heads. Also now is the time to do the camp item requests spend time in camp talk to your fellow gang members this can unlock further. Showcasing how to Rob Strawberry's General Store and Side business. Two of the hero’s friends will be required to assist him in some way. They are worth it in some way. [deleted] • 3 yr. The minimum to gain honour is $21, AFAIK. . Helping them increases Honor. That’s how it went down for the Mark Johnston hanging. Mettlesome_Manatee. I give 50 everytime i visit camp. Robbing the gunsmith's basement is no money, no bounty, but pays well with a free Lancaster repeater. e. Btw always save before these because you might miss something or fail . I may just reload and avoid doing it til rockstar have patched these things. The player can additionally rob the cash register for a small loss of honor. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. . Go behind the doctor's office and look at the window. Saint denis. We’ll give you some RDR2 robbery tips that will help you not get a bounty on your head. To successfully execute a heist, follow these steps: 1. I’ve found it’s easiest to do if you don’t take the money on the table, but I saw a video of a guy who took both the money on the table and in the safe, killed himself with dynamite, and was still able to respawn and do it again. Business, Economics, and Finance. Not sure if it’s true though. 1. By Angie Harvey , Casey DeFreitas , Max Roberts , +1. Aiming at the victim for too long causes them to start running. Second time playing RDR2 and I am of the opinion it is possibly the greatest story game ever created. (I also recommend bringing a pump action shotgun but it's fine without it) After you've. Sometimes the bounty is bigger than money you made by robbing a store. The saddle just randomly changes from your own. Sometimes the bounty is bigger than money you made by robbing a store. I have the doctor open the door, then hogtie him. At first, it might seem as if nothing you do can prevent from getting a bounty in that region. Approach the gunsmith building from the right side. If you are a fashionista the $2,500 can be spent in. The usefulness of the money is balanced by each player's desire to purchase. Force the doctor to open the backroom for you. Saw the house to the right on my way back to camp, went in two dead black folk searched the bottom two drawers fine, then the top, clicked to pick up the money clip. SPOILERE INCOMING FOR VALENTINE DOCTOR'S BACK ROOM RACKET. Too bad bigmeanmike ignored it. Yes you heard right the doctor along with the sheriff are in on i. Next time you enter the office you can hold the doctor at gunpoint and it will give you the option to rob the back room. Arthur Morgan. One is in the back of the store and one is in the back of the house, when you approach it from the outside. Why do I have a bounty. Just the usual "Aim Gun" then it'll start a gun fight with the owner. You can always rob a store's register again after a while. Armadillo has two crackable safes and a pair of chests. Check also our guide: banks can you rob in rdr2? If the player chooses the dishonorable side, Marston will be able to rob banks. Possibly. Oh also, you can melee with an invisible rifle when robbing a train. There should be a symbol to knock on the door. ago. But I had to kill a dozen something people and have a $150 bounty on my head now. I’ve done quite a lot of testing to find out what the problem was before reloading my save. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Business, Economics, and Finance. Hope you’ll be able to do it again pard . However, when I did it, the law showed up and I had to kill every last one of them just to have $300+ bounty on mu head. Knock. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: don't think you can, you can still rob the owner of the business however. Do so and the option to rob the til should appear. 3. • 1 yr. Robbing Valentine Doctor's Side Business *Free Schofield Revolver* - Red Dead Redemption 2 Immersion Mode 2. Y to Rob UP to rob side buisness. NOW, go back to the gunsmith and rob him. ” Locations [] Red Dead Redemption []I tried to rob the Doc in Valentine. I'm trying to rob the basement of the man in Rhodes but I don't get a rob side business option, not even a regular rob option, he just stands there…Look through the window in the back. . Still, robbing side businesses and stores in RDR2 can be quite lucrative if you do it right. I don’t see the option to rob. Doesn't matter if you wear a mask or not. Dhg_Jokez. Robbing trains is one of the most fun robberies that can be accomplished in Red Dead Redemption 2, and one of the most profitable as well. DarkSavagery • 4 yr. Struggling in this game. Yeah mine aren't showing up anymore, and they aren't triggering again. Rob the Doctor's Backroom Without a Wanted Level. We give you all the necessary steps to help you rob people, stores, businesses and banks without getting a bounty. While Valentine offers the majority of stores and even introduces players to the lucrative act of robbing side businesses, it remains a favorite town in the eyes of most players for a number of. Rob the clerk and instead of robbing him you can ask him to open the door to the operation. Yeah I did it earlier today. In a newspaper article about the train robbery, it is confirmed that someone tipped off the law beforehand. Can't rob the side shops? I tried going to the back of the gun smith in Saint Denis, and also the basement of the gun smith in Rhodes, the game then tells me that I can now rob the business, but the option doesn't appear for me. In this mission, you are going to rob a bank. At first, it might seem as if nothing you do can prevent from getting a bounty in that region. But yeah as soon as you blow the safe, then additional lawmen get alerted and start. ago. ago. Complete story missions and side quests. Once you have done this there is a safe on the wall in the back room where you lead him to open the door. I use the back door of the Valentine's store. Mask up, unholster weapon, try to enter the store but dont go in, hammer G. I try to have no bounty before attempting to rob. Confused about the killer prostitute. Loot the gun in the box on the table. During this mission you can learn, i. Use a shotgun, pump action preferred or dual wield with the sawed off shotgun - helps clear the room easier. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a pure outlaw simulator, and as such, there are a lot of places to rob and a lot of people to steal from. Sometimes, if the player is careful, they can walk away from the scene unscathed without getting wanted. Rhodes Gunsmith - Right entrance talk to the man trapped in the cellar. Everything else does though. having now played a few hours more am I correct to assume that I can safely. Hi All, I am looking for side business locations to climate them. Armadillo has two crackable safes and a pair of chests. 1. Then you can go back to Doctor and rob it. Moment is when Charles' St. TR1LL3R 5 yr. Just leave R2 alone completely. Tip Description: “Railway bridge north of Appleseed Timber Co. Go to RDR2 r/RDR2 • by. • 12 days ago. Although the nature of the business for each is different, the approach to robbing it is the same. ago. The banks of Armadillo and MacFarlane’s Ranch are the only banks that can be robbed without fail. After acquiring. The most vital piece of information when carrying out any type of robbery is to. ago. rob stores with side businesses, theres 4 of them and you don’t get a bounty if you do it right, for the Gunsmith in Saint Denis you gotta beat the guy behind the door immediately and no cops will come, in Rhodes you can’t kill the gunsmith, just hotgtie him, but idk what you have to do to not get a bounty at the doctor in Valentine or the general store in Strawberry, also Armadillo has no. 0:16 Valentine Doctor Office Side Business Discovery 1:17 Valentine Doctor Office Side BusinessRobbery3. 50 bounty, and some have said they had as low as $1. I had the exact same issue with the Strawberry General Store on one of my playthroughs. 4 Arthur's Hat Found In General Store. Then confront the owner. Tell him to open the basement. Once you’ve discovered the back room you walk back out to the side in between the jail and the doctors office. r/RDR2. ago. 0:16 Valentine Doctor Office Side Business Discovery 1:17 Valentine Doctor Office Side BusinessRobbery3. Aim your weapon at the doctor and. Then run right out of the front door. Pull gun out, get close to clerk, press shoot button (without aiming) and immediately melee attack. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 3)rob stores with side businesses, theres 4 of them and you don’t get a bounty if you do it right, for the Gunsmith in Saint Denis you gotta beat the guy behind the door immediately and no cops will come, in Rhodes you can’t kill the gunsmith, just hotgtie him, but idk what you have to do to not get a bounty at the doctor in Valentine or the general store in. At night, there was a special icon by a back window and it allowed me to peer inside the window. In my first video we see how to rob Strawberry's secret side business , which turns out to be a Moonshine Brewery!How To Rob This TOP SECRET Poker Room In Red Dead Redemption 2 While Getting NO BOUNTY! (RDR2) Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: playing through for a second time, just doing side missions and living in the Grizzlies, and was wondering how to rob the bank in Valentine. 3. pikpolo •. Killed everyone in the room and almost myself and the whole town of lawmen were on me immediately. Business, Economics, and Finance. Cardano Dogecoin Algorand Bitcoin Litecoin Basic Attention Token Bitcoin Cash. If you look in the window and don’t rob the side business right away while the Doctor’s shop icon is pulsing, it will glitch out. Rob Valentine Doctor Side Business Location (the first you come across) You will notice that there are two steel doors (one on the back of the store and one on the back of the house passing from. Stay on the train after it's arrived. The clerk will have them open the door then step aside.