" The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in. Roblox Find the Chomiks: How to get to Heaven (Required for God Chomik) To clarify things, I am NOT showing how to get God Chomik. If you truly manage to get this one without help, you are one of the best chomik finders. (Floor 1) This Chomik was added into the game on December 18, 2021. Pikachu – 46059313. Idk who i am0101. The Unknown Chomik is an Insane chomik located in the Backrooms. Find ground that isn't touching the base ground of graveyard, which is near the church. However, God Chomik took 27 hours to find when it first came out, beating Black Hole Chomik's record. Nonetheless, if Uber Secret Chomik is harder than Archangel Chomik and/or NotHcom due to it requiring an excruciating amount of skill involved, making Uber Secret Chomik one of the higher end. shattered reality chomik. Please tell me in the replies what you think the difficulty of this chomik is. Go to THECHOMDESTROYER's profile. He can be seen either standing on the Asgard walls or falling. Roblox game: /e THECODEISINFECTEDFir. This chomik was added on. . behind the wall that says. This chomik can be found inside the wood building at the bottom of the Trash zone. In it, the player can find numerous "chomiks" hidden around. Cogbog Chomik is an Insane chomik located in the Mechanical Mangrove. Go to the first layer and walk around until you see Chomtoise standing on the water. Cursorik is an Easy chomik located in the Blocky zone of the Revamp Realm. All the blocks have different colors. The in-game description for this chomik is: "hey its that one roblox material" The hint for this chomik in the Mechanical Mangrove. Trivia []. " The hint for this chomik in the Mechanical Mangrove is: Somewhere on the tallest mountain This chomik was. honestly god chomikvery BIG shoutout for people the first people to beat god chomik :@LevitatorLevi Temmeh8274 zulpiz Andrewlessly Zaikotic SparkyMor Nenlty. Behind the TV head. The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the School area. Instructions []. Necrosyndicates Act 2 is released! Witness the rise of the Necrosyndicates and their effects on the town of Bloxburg as the Necroenzyme, a serum for Immortality, is discovered. pharaoh chomik How to get God Chomik. Basically GitGudWO channel has been hacked, as a "crypto giveaway scam", they change the name. 👁️ /- BIBLICALLY ACCURATE CHOMIK - 👁️ is a HAHA chomik located in Revamp Realm Ice. The makers of God Chomik are listed as NOOBMANYR85 and KubaloPL. simulatorBadge description Beemik is an Easy chomik found in the Spawn, as well as the Beehive. Festive Titan, I do like badge hunts, but I tried one, and I ended up spending 12 hours on that Feodoric (I Think?) puzzle where you typed some codes, and clicked stuff. Everything. Kittymik is an Intense chomik located in the Backrooms. Find a way to the very top. Diamond Plate Chomik is an Insane chomik located in the Mechanical Mangrove. The description for this chomik in-game is: "can't write anything cause i dont get the reference sorry" The hint for this chomik is: "Hidden" in the Kitchen area This chomik is based on a Newgrounds game called Dad 'n. Number 5. Note: Don't press the orb. Dusty Chomik is a Medium chomik located in the Desert. Inside the vent is a string of letters and numbers. NotHcom is a HAHA chomik located in the Trash zone. You should see a transparent section just behind the head. It is inside the semi-transparent hole behind the house with the sign saying "k{LOCKER(i) The description for this chomik in-game is: "this should not have been made" The hint for this chomik in the Revamp Realm is: Hidden in the Lava Area This chomik was released on version. For now, put the code in an invisible keypad in the Grayscale Realm. Find a transparent gap inside the same structure Statue Chomik is on. 5. Inside of a ball. Chom-Stack is a Medium difficulty chomik located in the Quarry area. This is "my" first map. QR Code Chomik Skybox Chomik Spray Painter Chomik Stop Sign Chomik Tangled Chomik Traffic Cone Chomik Beach Chomik. Walk into the door to the left, and then to the one in there. To get to Celestial Dome, players must type a hidden code into chat whilst in Trollhattan. The face of Bingik is. Everything Chomik, formerly known as o:<Ȼ̝;ì̼zwߚS, is a tarsorado demon difficulty chomik located in the Fragmented Domain. Moon 1. Color by Chomik was an Extreme difficulty chomik located in the RGB realm. 20, 2022. A. The Cyber Zone is a green, linear zone full of obbies. Badge. You need to update. The in-game description for this chomik is: "This is a VERY VERY VERY hidden chomik, its location is kept secret amongst many chomik finders. The description for this chomik in-game is: "Mikchom has a dark past. Instructions []. BEhind the scenes: is an Intense difficulty chomik located in Chom Dedede's Castle. Comments (1) pedrothechomik +1. Number 1, the hardest. Go to Lava in the Revamp Realm. You then have to click the stars. There will be a short. 05K subscribers 5. The description for this chomik in-game is: "this movie was really good" The hint for this chomik in the Revamp Realm is: Hidden in the Kitchen Area. There may also be bonus featured articles for special occasions, like holidays. " The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the trash area. Special Occasions will be represented by bold and italic messages in closed parenthesis. Go to the back of the Trash zone where the house Shadow Chomik is in and you will find it behind the house. The description for this. The description for this chomik in-game is: "why isnt this like ambulance stretcher" The hint for this chomik in the Backrooms is: Hidden at The End of Time This chomik was released on August 5th, 2022. Trollhattan is a dark, broken city that's only lit up by the buildings and street lamps. Pretzmik is a Medium chomik located in the kitchen area of the Revamp Realm. And then you will need to do an obby in heck and then get 10 secret codes on the map and fight the satan chomik after that you find a secret wall. This chomik's hint is Hint: Start in the. In the Discord, go to the Chomik-Stuff Channel, Then scroll for about a couple seconds then you'll see the three private server for the 2756 meetup. Make a choice! (Floor 2) This chomik was added on versions 3712+, on. Troll Obby looks like a simple path to the Trollmik at first, but the floor to reach it does not collide. The in-game description for this chomik is: "time traveller chomik's arch nemeis" The hint for. Hanamura Parkour 3. under the text that says. There will be 101 code, and it will translate into a /e code. Chapter 3: Casino Gluttony 2/9. Time stamps:Heaven obby (Archangel Chomik at end): 2:23Boss fight (God Chomik at the end): 5:18 Apologies for any spelling/grammar errors. Jump on the orb over to the chomik. Head to Kitchen and behind floppik area is Entrance and a code. This is god and this is super funny fight (hard)The hardest Chomik in the game. This chomik was released on March 29, 2022. Go to Level 28. This chomik is a. Inside a ornament which is green on the Christmas tree, jump into it. Moon 5. You will come across 7 doors, each of which leading. The description for this chomik in-game is: "i will find the chomiks" The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the. Monster how should i feelBadge descriptionMonstermik is an Insane chomik located in the Ao realm. The release version is not public. Between the Casino and the Museum, there's a slope you can climb; once you're at the top of the wall, ignore the door and jump onto the pillar next to it instead, then onto the Casino sign. Detention Chomik is an Hard chomik located in School. Wojamik is an Easy chomik located in the lava area of the Revamp Realm. Holographik is an Insane difficulty chomik located on the blue island in the RGB realm. fluffy doggo - Redeem for Think Noodles Minion (NEW) GamingDan is epic - Redeem this code for the Gaming Dan minion. About Find the Chomiks. Main Realm. Do the obby then press a button near one of the computers, you should see something appear on the desktop screen ARG Chomik is looking at. Hardest one. fandom. See full list on findthechomiks-rbx. Once the codes for Gate #4 and Gate #5 are inputted, the door to the chomik will open. The description for the chomik in-game is: "i'd rather take a test than keep writing these descriptions" The hint for the chomik is: Hidden. It is skill-based, but I beat God Chomik, and Headless. There is now Autumn Chomik. Here's a look at all the working Unwavering Soul codes. The description for this chomik is: "lipioh when Another medium chomik" The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the Ice area. chomik located in Spawn. Peter Griffik is a Hard chomik located in the Revamp Realm's Trash. It hatched from Frozen Fabergé Egg of the Frigid Outskirts. The following text will reveal the code for the chomik. Despite being a chomik, you currently cannot obtain the Fallen King Chomik as it is currently only a boss in the game and not an official obtainable chomik. After that go inside the wall. Blocky has a waterfall at the edge of the zone and has a giant crane located in the middle of the zone. The description for this chomik in-game is: "Get faked ouit. /e Maslo/e askewchomik/e Ubiquitous/e september/e 6MGST6253CHOMIK42727/e spiesindisguise/e spectacularious/e. Desert is a sand-filled zone with dunes and cactus all over the place. This chomik was released on version 6008, on April 15, 2022. God Chomik *Fallen King Chomik is a boss, meaning it is. so, i guess,. The Fast Travel feature is used to travel to these areas and easily access the chomiks within. Go to the top of the Apartment and read the board for your keybinds. Gramophone Chomik is a Medium chomik located in the Quarry. Frost Chimera Chomik is an Extreme difficulty chomik located in the Frigid Outskirts. behind the wall that says. ThePerplexedDuck · 9/25/2021. This is one of the chomiks hidden directly inside of a wall, the other being Broken Wall Chomik. It has 136 chomiks, making it the realm with the 2nd most chomiks. Light up the fires in the Amethyst Abyss. Chomikspeedrunner. 0. clever nameBadge description Anubik is a Medium chomik located in the Desert. Collect. Wimpik is a Medium chomik located in the School zone. Keep blasting through cannons to find the chomik. Stretcher Chomik is an Intense chomik located in the Backrooms. (How to get it without intergalaktik, bonnet chomik, milkyway chomik, blackhole chomik, but with god chomik) passcodes are on the same way (celestial dome, amethyst abyss,. under the text that says. Found behind the weird orb thing in the Kitchen area. Brik is a Medium chomik located in the Trash zone. There are many chomiks, in which some are well-hidden. Nov. This chomik is a. Type this into chat, and the Globik will turn red. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. In the Quarry Depths, find a small crack on the wall right above lava next to Steampunk Chomik. Kool-Aid Chomik is a Hard chomik located in the Revamp Realm's Trash. admirooo. [REDACTED]Badge description Milky Way Chomik is an Obama difficulty chomik located in the Celestial Dome. ; The hint for this chomik in Trollhattan is: On the road. Near the SFOTH arena at the lava area of the Revamp Realm. This is god and this is super funny fight (hard)The hardest Chomik in the game. This chomik was released on March 28, 2022. Ignoring Kubalo, we surmise that the code is NOOBMANYR85. Chomburger is an Easy difficulty Chomik found in the Revamp Realm's Kitchen. . There is also some numbers. it's a tie between internet chomik and black hole chomik. share fan art, tutorial (how to find some chomiks), make your own custom Chomik, or just make Chomik memes! well enjoy the subreddit! Created Nov 16, 2021. Humanik is a Hard difficulty chomik found in the Revamp Realm's Lava. In the file, you can find a document that tells you the link you have to put in the browser "chomando. Jonah Jamik is an Intense difficulty chomik located in the Revamp Realm's Ice. . The Sky Had a Chomik is an Obama chomik found in Bikini Bottom, a sub-zone of the Desolate Island. Last post 1 month ago. The average difficulty for this zone is Hard. The description for this chomik in-game is: "meet the engineer" The hint for this chomik in the Revamp Realm is: Hidden in the Graveyard Area This chomik was released on. This chomik was. THE BACKROOMS | Find the Chomiks Part 41 (Roblox) ️🧡💛💚🐱Link to find the chomiks:. Once you've gotten the key, find another door located in the maze. It was the replacement of. Seen walking on a road. Trollmik Physics is an Extreme chomik located in Trollhattan. Trivia []. Badge description Gradientik is a Medium chomik located in Music Complete the tower obby in the middle of the zone. Chom Dedede is a Hard chomik located in the Universal Stud. . Go halfway through the slide, then go to the left. He is also considered a boss. It is currently the hardest chomik in-game. Collect them . Moon 4. To get to Heaven, players must find hidden passwords throughout multiple different realms. You've all been waiting for this for a long time a full tutorial on how to get God Chomik and in general, everything is the most difficult Chomik received co. On a ceiling corner in the cabin located in the mineshaft (not the wealthy chomik cabin). the thumbnail was lazily made because im not working on a realm thumbnail (its gonna change later)Also credits to Chorlie for making the beginning of the instructions which served as the building blocks for this chomik. There lies a boss-fight in this game, where the room is split into two. The following text will show instructions on how to get this chomik. It hatched from the Egg of Demonic Origin. 11 m 47 s 033 ms. . Once there, you can see a button under the large platform. archangel chomik. The chomik should there on the shelf holding the TV up. (When you enter the second/2nd floor take a right) The description for this chomik in-game is: "What even is an imp?" The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the Apartment Area This chomik was added on versions. Cybernetic Chomik is a Terrifying chomik located in The Cyber Zone. Bat Chomik - Extreme - Desc: sticky webb - Hint: Amethyst. It contains 4 puzzles and one badge. You'll find some dark flooring that you can click on. Difficulty: (Fan Difficulty) HATRED. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Obamik is a Medium chomik located within the Kitchen zone. Heaven is a realm located in the Revamp Realm. A reward for all the work you've done, you could say. You can find a ban ID hidden in the Apartment area, behind the TV for Banned Chomik. The following text will show instructions on how to get this chomik. Number 5. Impik is a Hard chomik located in the Apartment zone. PART 1 (codes only + Read Desc. Kappa. In the school area, go into the math class and go to the Globik. Then, dp the obby for Blizzard Explormik, instead of going up to Blizzard Explormik, go the opposite way at the end of the obby. Pink Hair – 435858275. Devoted Chomik very likely is referencing The Awakened. To get to Trollhattan, players first have to go to the Troll Obby. This will create a hole you can fall into from the carpet, giving you the chomik. chom". Shattered Reality Chomik. Take a left and fall down while hugging the structure. The in-game description for this chomik is: "a dance of fire and ice is actually a really good rhythm game" The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the Opposite World. Level 19. O. The description for this chomik is: "WOOOOW LOOK AT THAT" The hint for this chomik in the Revamp Realm is: Hidden in the Lava Area This chomik was added on February 25-26, 2022. 20M100K80K —Redeem for 200 Levels, 200 TP, and 200 Kromer (New) ALOTXP —Redeem for free XP. Snipik (also known as The Snipik) is a Hard chomik located in the Revamp Realm's Marble. Click all 3 in the following order: "Red-Orange-Yellow-Red-Orange. Type that into the textbox and a sound will play. ok so, the junkyard zone has some chomiks (Easy to TERRIFYING) Peelik [Easy} Hint: Hidden in "junkyard" zone. Jump down to the cross near the spawn to find a hidden room and a color code. To make things clear enough, Archangel Chomik is peak impossible difficulty or low HAHA difficulty because it's literally placed right next to God Chomik. Number 4. The description for this chomik in-game is: "i HATE IT I HATE IT" The hint for this chomik in The World Tree is: Hidden in Asgard. Ice Queen Chomik is an Insane chomik located in the Frigid Outskirts realm. Walk around on the fire ring. This should lead. After that go through the broken glass then. Yin Yang Chomik is an Insane difficulty chomik located in the Grayscale Realm. Faumik's Classroom, a sub-zone of the School zone. This chomik was added on February 25th-26th,. . The button activates some ice platforms that lead to the 1st. It is located on the Apartment. The description for this chomik in-game is: "you can view the world in different ways" The hint for this chomik. 3K 114K views 1 year ago lets go hardest chomik btw watch LeviLevitator. The chomik can be seen. Realmik is an Obama difficulty chomik located somewhere in h. You have to click on 6 miscolored grey. Noclik is a Intense difficulty chomik located in the Blocky area. After completing the obby, don't go on the path to Cyber Servers CO. ; This chomik was hatched from Feodoregg on May 25, 2022. On the corners of Level 10. This. The in-game description for this chomik is: "Chorok isoro veoroy aworoe. ", Its mass form Is basically a. A Dance of Cho and Mik. In the Expansion, head over to the island with the giant statue. Orbik is a Hard chomik located in the Kitchen zone. The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the Blue Cobblestone Area This chomik was released on versions 1533+, on August 4th-5th,. Kappa. The Revamp Realm is a mostly design-based revamp of the normal map. It has 136 chomiks, making it the realm with the 2nd most chomiks. You should see a transparent section just behind the head. Decoding the chomik's hint, you will get "gyazo". Do some parkour in Universal Stud, then hop several invisible platforms to reach his castle. Ill Chomik: i'm gonna tell you a secret but don't tell anyone else Ill Chomik: i'm actually the secret lime chomik, i've just been faking sick!! Ill Chomik: you better not tell. This chomik is a reference to Geico, an. Start in the Ao realm. The link takes you to a video with a string of dots in the corner. The description for this chomik is: "While the ARG. Chomtoise is an Intense chomik located in The World Tree. chom/bananaman/goodbye. Antimatter Chomik is an Intense chomik located in Trollhattan. 0. Inside a house near the black tree. A reward for all the work you've done, you could say. The image for this chomik is an emote in the FTC discord server. God Chomik Realms Realmik. The hint for this chomik in the Amethyst Abyss is: Look upon the celestial circle, decode 5 codes and connect strings together. Then, go to the Frigid Outskirts. A realm is a large, open area that has a large quantity of chomiks and are accessible by teleporting into them. Submit, rate and find the best Roblox codes on RTrack Social or see details about this Roblox game. Aliased Chomik is an Easy difficulty chomik found in the Blue Cobblestone zone. Chapter 1 - Revamp Limbo. Cho-maiden is a Hard difficulty chomik located in the Candle Room. Go inside a pillar and go inside the hole inside the room. This chomik was released on February 25-26,. Easy Chomik is an upcoming supposedly Easy chomik that will likely be in the Revamp Realm. It contains one of the two badges required to obtain Memory Keeper Chomik, and one of the three. After 30 minutes have passed without dying, quickly reset your character and you will be sent back to the end of the heaven obby. Climb up the back of the sphinx. Next, pay attention to the colors used on the text box, as it determines your code. 5. " This chomik's in-game description is a reference to the ' I am a building ' song. Trivia [] The description for this chomik in-game is: "This is me uhh, president Barack Obama and I uhh have been turned into a chomik. ) Maslo september carmensandiego qwertyuiopqwertyuiop spiesindisguise spectacularious 6MGST6253CHOMIK42727 askewchomikIn My Opinion, Headless Horsemik is better since you get a challenge and a boss-fight. Null is a. If you wish to find it by yourself, avoid opening the text. Blocky has multiple blocks with various shapes and sizes. In it, you find chomiks (hamsters) that range in difficulty from laughably easy to brain shattering across multiple zones and realms. Number 3. Entering the gate will lead you to a Garden full of wonderful plant life. Head to the white outline and do an obby for bingik. NotHcom. The description for this chomik in-game is: "Anyone remembers that website on theuselessweb which was a picture of a koala which you had to click a bunch of times?" The in-game description is referencing a. Badge descriptionthis is edible though dont worry Candy Cane Chomik is a Medium chomik located in the Ice zone. . Go to the church in graveyard and look up. Trivia []. The in-game description for this chomik is: "connection terminated" This description is a reference to the ending of FNAF 6, which became a popular meme. The description for the chomik in-game is "who thought it was a good idea to build a house in the shape of a hamster" The hint for this chomik in the Revamp Realm is: Hidden in the Graveyard Area This chomik was. The code is different between everyone, although there are only 4 codes that can be made. For now, put the code in an invisible keypad in the Grayscale Realm. As the hint says, find 5 blue buttons in Sector 2. Engineer Chomik is a Hard chomik found in the Graveyard zone of the Revamp Realm. The first thing you need to know is that this marker you can get by playing the special mode “Find the Chomiks”. code:grayscale realm: everythinggate after you fight the boss: XY 0REMEMBRANCE game:god chomik:tearsblack hole chomik:good morning lets basketballnothcom:214. Chomdatus is an Obama difficulty chomik located in the Frigid Outskirts. . After beating him, you will get a randomized code that you will need to remember for later. Rhythm Game: Funky Chomik requires you to do a 1v1 battle, using Friday Night Funkin' mechanics and winning it in order to get the Funky Chomik. The glass tube should now be transparent and. Tip: use shiftlock or first person. The code is "wasnevertrue". 0. Inside Cyan Chomik's room, find a hidden tunnel in one of the corners. Do the obby then press a button near one of the computers, you should see something appear on the desktop screen ARG Chomik is looking at. Chomikspeedrunner. Chononymous is an Intense chomik located in the Chononymous Room. The in-game description for this chomik is: "traveling Trollhattan because he cant get to crescent megalopolis yet". The description for this chomik in-game is: "Hidden in the depths of the internet, ARG Chomik lives to cause havoc upon any puzzle solvers willing. <fo This chomiks in game description is: How did he get there? This. Once you get to the first floor of the apartment, there will be a certain bush that will give you this chomik. The description for this chomik in-game is: "haha tboi reference go brr" The hint for this chomik is: Hidden. " The hint for this chomik is: Hidden in the Lava Area This Chomiks is a. Complete the obby hidden inside the starting platform of the expansion. Hanamura Parkour 3. Find a window with no glass in The Purple Rooms and complete the obby. Idk who i am0101. The chomik can be seen in the countertop. Troll Obby contains only 1 chomik: Trollmik, and the entrance to Trollhattan. Null Chomik is an Insane chomik located in The Cyber Zone. This chomik was released on November 30, 2021. intergalaktik. These chomiks can range from Easy to tarsorado demon. This chomik was added on September 29,. This chomik was released on version 3539+, on November 22, 2021. After beating him, you will get a randomized code that you will need to remember for later. " Spoilers for Everything Chomik: Clicking this chomik's difficulty icon will reveal hidden text, spelling, 'THEHIGHESTLAIR". In the main. " The hint for this chomik is: I can't tell you, it's a secret. 959 and you will be rewarded the first non-gui chomik. The description for this chomik is: "The tower of what now" The hint for this chomik in the Opposite World is: Hidden in Sector 2 The word "Bóg" is a Polish word that means.