Teleporter core starbound. Its only 20 core fragments to unlock it, if you have durasteel it shouldn't be hard to get those on a low threat planet. Teleporter core starbound

 Its only 20 core fragments to unlock it, if you have durasteel it shouldn't be hard to get those on a low threat planetTeleporter core starbound  The station exists to give you an area just as safe and easy to expand that you can build up to be much larger, but at a cost

Created by WarrenPetes. Can be bought at the 2-Stop Teleshop for. When I first started, I remember the huge struggle I went through trying to go through quests and bosses to eventually build up to a cool teleporter!. #4. 04x; Grav. Admin Commands: To spawn the item (as an admin): Enter the command: "/spawnitem translocatorstaff" Permissions: Feel free to use this on any let's play video. A: The Elithian Alliance was a forum-based roleplay, which started on the Spore forums years ago, then migrated to its own website. You can also name these points for organization by pressing E on the flag. They’re extremely valuable, very rare and very difficult to dig up. ) Harly Sep 9 @ 3:35am Some mod require Stardust core some stardust core lite. Teleporter Core is a rare crafting material that can be found in chests, be given as a reward when digging for fossils, and can be purchased from 2 Stop Teleshop. 2 Stop Teleshop is a store type found at the Outpost that sells remote teleporters. The way to determine this is by walking to where you want to teleport to and enabling debug mode with /debug, which shows your current coordinates. We hope it'll make building large planet side structures more rewarding and is the first of many changes to facilitate that. ) 3. Not all of the commands in this list may work, such as the /spawnmonster command, which I beleive is not functional. L. D. Wiring []. ) since the universes appear to differ between those platforms. Mods listing Quickbar Mini as a dependency will work with the newer Stardust Core Lite. By default Starbound won't let you do this, so you have to edit your config to enable you to use /debug on a server. When used, the. It is a fantastic "Quality of Life" addition to Starbound. Executive Teleporter is remote teleporter that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost for 3,000 pixels and a Teleporter Core. Find below a searchable list of all Starbound Item IDs from the latest version of Starbound (1. Doors! (WTM) *DEPRECIATED*. Compatible with Frackin Music Mod. S. Starbound Item Id List – All the items’ ids, There are more than 4,500 items, to use cheats, you just need to know their ids. 3) on Steam (PC / Mac). Teleport to any Flags you have crafted and placed (one-way to flag). I needs some work but I think it would come in handy and stop you from just nerd poling up the planet for the 10th time. Answer: Yes and yes. tip for first trip to the core. This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles. Cheat Guide for Starbound [WIP] By CheekSlapper82. 4 Answers. Where to find a Teleporter Core Starbound LifeByLacey 25. In addition to being placed by players, since Version 1. found fix: spend all core fragments and replay the cave. 7K subscribers Join Subscribe 1. This consumes 100% of available energy with nearly all armor loadouts, so "teleport and immediately attack" is not a viable strategy. I'm not a fan of grinding enemies for a small drop rate item, so i'm probably going to download something off of the steam workshop that allows me to craft them, or use console commands. Rarity. And your reward is obviously right in the title. Categories Categories: Crafting. If you’re willing to spawn in some materials, you could use Brains or Dead Core blocks. It shoots a grey ball with blue lights that the player can teleport to. Created by Heemi. The cores (no, not the Core Fragments or included on the prop) that appears from Starbound The Teleporter Core is the material for the teleporters that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop for each one, the ore can also purchased for 15 diamonds for each, and also can be found from the Fossil Bonus Treasure The Molten Core is an item. Output: item network. i have found two teleporter core pieces and i have no idea what to do with them. Spirited Giraffe. 08x; X-Stim ~0. Adds a reusable one-way handheld teleporter that lets you teleport to your ship and the same places you would from your ship. On the other hand, Teleporters break down into a Teleporter Core when moved, require a rare Teleporter Core and 3000 Pixels to make (which might be too much to afford mid-game, especially when you're trying to move said Teleporter from place to place), and can only be built from the Outpost. 20 Oxygen) or "all except 1" of some item, as long as this item is stored in one of the chests. I have 27, including the handful of mod locations. Once placed they can be named as a bookmark, and returned to from any other teleporter. A birdlike race of humanoids hailing from the planet Avos, their stone structures, simple clothing, deeply-religious nature and rather simplistic battle tactics (primarily consisting of "overwhelm the enemy with. Void-Warp Locus is an extremely high-tech staff that allows player to Teleport to the cursor, ignoring all walls and other obstacles. It uses its own data storage format, and allows much more sorting functions than the Vanilla system. It is required for both the purchase and assembly of Teleporters at the Outpost. The font, I use, was created by myself by using FontStruct. 1. i havent played a while and i am a bit confused. i got it as a reward from quest and i don't know what is that for or even how to use iti got it as a reward from quest and i don't know what is that for or even how to use it124K subscribers in the starbound community. Early in Starbound' s development, the Space Station was effectively the player's Ship, an upgradeable structure that the player would populate with crew and creatures to train. Abilities and combo attacks are not factored in. makes life so much easier. v6ooo submitted a new mod: Handheld Teleporter - Reusable handheld teleporter device. 15 diamonds is much harder to acquire. i got it as a reward from quest and i don't know what is that for or even how to use itReeeally fun mod, yep, this is probably better than a lot of the core starbound stuff honestly c///c; For some reason Goodra spontaneously dies whenever it tries to eat me though, any idea what the reason might be?. It is important to note that this object may only be placed once, and. 1x A. 1 Teleporter Core The Wooden Teleporter is remote teleporter that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost for 3,000 pixels and 1 Teleporter Core. Adds a reusable one-way handheld teleporter that lets you teleport to your ship and the same places you would from your ship. You will need a full energy bar to charge the device. 1 Teleporter Core; 3 AA Battery; 1 Phase Matter. It is important to note that this object may only. Teleporter Core: State-Phase Gel: Tips [] Because of its low purchase price, Graphene is easily stockpiled by repeatedly attracting Merchant tenants in a tier 4 or higher planet until one that vends it appears. Acting essentially as a special teleporter, these devices deploys your mech directly from your ship to the current planet beamsite, or change the beamsite directly, regardless of whether or not your ship is orbiting the planet. 注意,2站式传送商店在您账号内的一名 玩家 完成 任. 1. The reason for the teleporter core should be obvious; the core fragments were suggested by a friend due to the requirements for repairing the Outpost gateway. Hold Shift To Place 1x1 Blocks. Note that it will only be available while on the surface of the planet, outdoors. shortdescription: Teleporter Core Place one container (C1) somewhere convenient like next to a teleporter, and put the other two (C2, C3) somewhere out of the way (but not too far away). Spirited Giraffe. Feel free to update and upload any of my Starbound mods. This mods adds teleporters that look like doors! BUT this has WTM so that is required for this. . Type the name of an item, or an item code, into the search box to instantly filter our list of 4728 IDs (you must type at least 3 letters). I know, we have the big teleporters in unstable, but what about a 1-time use consumable which beams you directly to your ship or another teleporter of your choice? This could be useful when deep underground and you just can't. Doing: /Completequest gaterepair. Subscribe. Purchasable Teleporters. I didn't realize what I had there until I saw the price tag later on!Contents. It's the standard process for most mods: Download the mod (you may need to be logged in) Unzip the file (7z, Winrar or another GUI work fine). Explore 30 varied and unique planets with one of 6 classes. 0. (Theme selection affects window creation, and Starbound has no way to resize windows once they're created, so themes can't really be swapped out on an existing window. Pick a star nearby, remember the name. Alternatively, it can be given to the player via a Radar Dish Teleport minidungeon. The teleporter core is the expensive part of a teleporter, not 3k lol. 3) on Steam (PC / Mac). See the page Research for "how it works" information. Based only on raw damage. Method 3: start a new character and get the. You can purchase the teleporters from the 2 Stop Teleshop. It has to be built extremely carefully, and only by a trained professional, not some regular old Space Joe. The vendor 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost sells a variety of placeable teleporter designs. The reason for the teleporter core should be obvious; the core. 18x; Cinnabar ~0. Make a flag, they also let you set up a teleport coordinate. Description. Note: Space dungeons with a threat level of None are considered to be tier 1 locations for food spawning purposes, but otherwise have the same loot tier as other space encounters in the same. All rights reserved. It is important to note that this object may only. Acting essentially as a special teleporter, these devices deploys your mech directly from your ship to the current planet beamsite, or change the beamsite directly, regardless of whether or not your ship is orbiting the planet. Adds a reusable one-way handheld teleporter that lets you teleport to your ship and the same places you would from your ship. i got it as a reward from quest and i don't know what is that for or even how to use it© Valve Corporation. r/starbound A chip A chipForums > Starbound > Starbound Modding > Modding Help Portable teleporter. Space Treasure encompasses all items that can be found in space dungeons, such as space encounters, NPC ships, and NPC stations . 4x Laser Diode. These teleporters, unlike ship teleporters, can be carried in players bags and placed. Not really helpful. (like in the last episode of season 2 in the diner vaitress was serving a food to plant person in a monkey shaped bowl and unreveals the. Maybe if you gave it 5 or 10 uses per core that would be better. Modifies the Teleporter on Avali Ship. Fossils are the remains of long dead creatures scattered throughout Starbounds universe. Placing a normal teleporter will let you, however breaking it will result in you only getting the core back. 传送器核心 是一种可以用15颗 钻石 在 贸易站 的 2站式传送商店 购买到的稀有材料。. The crate is on the other end. someone please tell me XDi have found two teleporter core pieces and i have no idea what to do with them. The Teleporter Core is a crafting material introduced in v. You can purchase the teleporters from the 2 Stop Teleshop. Contains 16 unique tracks. Teleporter Core (1/355) Torch ~0. 1x Ship Spawn Teleporter. Built a liquid mixing station on FU primarily to passively generate fuel but whenever i leave it on while out of rendering distance the liquids all mix and mess up the system. X. Hopefully this mod can help to improve your Starbound. /warp OwnShip. In turn, your new character can start exploring sooner. Spirited Giraffe was a content update released on April 21st, 2015. If you already did it on your own universe you should have Teleshop or Ark (or both) Outpost teleporter bookmarked. Explanation. Starbound is a [space+sandbox+building+exploration] game developed by Chucklefish, a London-based…Steam Workshop: Starbound. I'd make it be the teleporter core and then you craft it with a deed though. This Minidungeon will not only give the player a fully. 1. Purchasable Teleporters. 1x Flux Core; 1x Teleporter Core; 1x Precursor Teleporter; Mech Part Crafting Table. Please read: I said I am STUCK in the core. Just FYI, If you spend 3000 currency on a Teleporter, know that when you place it down and then pick it up again, you destroy it. Can be bought at the 2-Stop Teleshop for. Engineering tree allows you to research STL / FTL drive and other ship/mech parts, extractors, tools like Mining Laser or Hookshot, EPP Augments, teleporters, terraformers and high-tech crafting materials. Official Introduction. 9K views 7 years ago I will show you where to find a teleporter core in Starbound. The Tomb Teleporter is remote teleporter that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost for 3,000 pixels and 1 Teleporter Core. Find below a searchable list of all Starbound Item IDs from the latest version of Starbound (1. A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. Just hold the shift button the next time you’re building and enjoy your newfound freedom to create. Even if you lose it, you have a spare Tricorder in your Ship Locker. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer. Common. 4. Built a liquid mixing station on FU primarily to passively generate fuel but whenever i leave it on while out of rendering distance the liquids all mix and mess up the system. Starbound Valley Harvest 30 unique crops. Type the name of an item, or an item code, into the search box to instantly filter our list of 4728 IDs (you must type at least 3 letters). You can also teleport from A to B. Adds a reusable one-way handheld teleporter that lets you teleport to your ship and the same places you would from your ship. Because I'm not much of an artist, the stock graphics have mostly been stretched to fit, so please don't expect any art wonders here. Ship Component Assembler. I've got. Coordinate Megathread! {Starbound 1. These teleporters, unlike ship teleporters, can be carried in players bags and placed. they JUST implemented the teleporter shop so i think they may have changed the names a bitI finally managed to download a version of the nightly build that works, and though there are some obvious kinks it runs, so it's fine. Stone Teleporter. Liquid Mixing. Diamonds can be found in small quantities at deep depths on all planets except barren planets, moons, and asteroid fields. Post your unique and amazing finds here, make sure to include which platform you're using (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. 1x; Sulphur ~0. Doing so uses up the core (and pixels), so yes, 1 Core= 1 Teleporter, and without a Core in your inventory you are unable to purchase any type of Teleporter. This is where all the good stuff isBase game the ship is quite small, you can't do too much with it. Chip. Spiderbot Legs (In the room just above the locked door there is a morphball tunnel at the far end of the room. There, you can select where to teleport to. The primary differences are that you can warp to any teleporter bookmark from a teleporter but can't from a flag, and teleporters will be destroyed if you pick them back up after placing them which makes them not ideal for spelunking as cores are somewhat hard to find. Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Thalant, Feb 3, 2016. 0 the Human flag can be found flying on one of the boats that has a chance to generate into ocean worlds. The mod is broken and needs to be fixed for starbound 1. wenn Du die auf einem Planeten aufstellst kannst Du direkt dorthin beamen egal wo sich dein Schiff gerade. 0 the Human flag can be found flying on one of the boats that has a chance to generate into ocean worlds. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Post your unique and amazing finds here, make sure to include which platform you're using (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. Liquid Mixing. /spawnnpc is an admin command that spawns an NPC at your mouse cursor. 02x; Oil ~0. PvP was announced disabled on Space Stations, making them 'safe zones'. Get a ton of wood planks, dig straight down, and then just use the planks to jump your way back up. When used, the player can beam to any other remote teleporter they have set up, from anywhere, including underground and between. An item that can be used anywhere to teleport you directly to your ship, no matter where you are. A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. Spiderbot Legs (In the room just above the locked door there is a morphball tunnel at the far end of the room. ago. 0. I died and respawned somewhere far from my base is there an item i can make so that when i do find my base i can respawn there?v6ooo Space Kumquat. All rights reserved. Vorchin • 5 yr. 50 Gold Bars. 1 Teleporter Core The Futuristic Teleporter is remote teleporter that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost for 3,000 pixels and 1 Teleporter Core. 1 Tinkering Table. 18x; Cinnabar ~0. Brass Teleporter is remote teleporter that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost for 3,000 pixels and 1 Teleporter Core. This mod is now deprecated in favor of Stardust Core Lite, a newer, shinier version with additional features, maintained and updated in sync with Stardust Core. - Large Build Area [3x3] (Same size as large core) - Horizontal Build Corridor [1x1] - Long. You can use this warp core and infinite amount of times, but at the cost of 300ish pixels each time. Same as /help Text. The teleporter is a transportation device in Starbound. No idea if that skipped something FU specific, but Ester and the big slug would talk to me after. Teleportation is an extremely advanced technology that involves manipulating the fabric of space-time itself. This mod adds an item called "Emergency Teleporter" that lets you beam up to ship even if you are underground when playing survival or hardcore mode. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. It is a required component for buying placeable teleporter pads from the same shop. So I got on starbound yesterday and I wanted to telepot to the oupost from my ship. There is a teleporter next to the shop which allows the player to teleport to and from the Outpost. Created by Timo. 1 : 10% Auto Chip. Adds to the soundtrack ( does not replace) with the classic music of Terraria. If you do not have a core, one can be purchased from the shop for 15 Diamonds. It's the standard process for most mods: Download the mod (you may need to be logged in) Unzip the file (7z, Winrar or another GUI work fine). The above command would teleport your character to your ship. 0 International (CC BY-SA 4. 1x; Sulphur ~0. i got it as a reward from quest and i don't know what is that for or even how to use itStardust Core Lite Created by. 40x Aetherium Alloy; 20x Densinium Bar; 20x Honed Lunari; 1x Anti-Neutronium Rod; 4x Dimensional Cell; 3x Flux Core; 10x Anulax Battery; 1x Annihilator Cannon; Nanofabricator. But sadly they've been pushed back to a non-priority. The More Teleportz adds all ship teleporters, three quest teleporters, two outpost teleporters and a few custom teleporters for personal use. 3} The game is out of early access, and it's very likely that the old coordinates won't work. The purpose of this guide is to help you with all of the commands available in the Beta builds of Starbound. TIL about r/starboundplanets and coordinates megathread. Yeah a teleporter core is not worth using it for a one time use, you can make a full teleporter for basic the same thing. Human Flag is a decorative object available in the basic crafting menu to all Human characters immediately after beginning the game. Method 1: Search star systems, there is a planet thing called an ancient gateway that sometimes spawns, these can take you back to the outpost (THEY ARE PLANETS NOT ON PLANETS) Method 2: there is also a special gateway on your starter planet if you have that bookmarked. 0. Reply. Stone Teleporter. (Only works with a new game or after a ship upgrade) Collision type : platform. The disk is affected by gravity, so it requires certain skill to use it. This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 11:01. An item that can be used anywhere to teleport you directly to your ship, no matter where you are. Arcana is a growing techno-magic themed Starbound mod that features a vast amount of added content, including: 28+ new planets; 80+ custom weapons; 80+ armor pieces and cosmetics; 600+ new tiles and objects; Arcana is also constantly updating with new contents, aiming to always provide new magical elements for the star explorers to find. Fossils were announced as the second preorder stretch goal, rewarded when preorder sales passed $750,000. 2. There is a teleporter next to the shop which allows the player to teleport to and from the Outpost. Shoggnozzle • 2 yr. 3. Emergency Teleporter. Crafted at the Electronics Center. Doors! (WTM) *DEPRECIATED*. Interact with a teleporter to add it to your list of registered destinations, which you can return to from any other teleporter; Can also be used to teleport directly to party members; Find Teleporter Cores in the world; New Outpost store, the 2-Stop Teleshop, lets you use a Teleporter Core to create various types of teleporters to suit your styleWTM Teleporter Mod (Recursive Acronym) is a mod which provides a new teleporting bookmark management system. 1x; Spare Parts ~0. #9. . Futuristic Teleporter: Air Blink: Scientific Teleporter: Physics Field II: Stone Teleporter: Physics Field III: Tomb Teleporter: Blink Dash II: Wooden Teleporter: Executive Teleporter: Angelic Teleporter: Executive Teleporter: Warp Teleporter: Brass Teleporter: Translocator: Brass Teleporter: Futuristic Teleporter: Futuristic Teleporter. 1 Teleporter Core and 3000 pixels, along with the "can only place once", however, is quite. by. These teleporters, unlike ship teleporters, can be carried in players bags and placed. 2. 这篇文章需要改进。. As we explore the New Curriculum we will be weaving in and supporting our students with the Core Competencies. 1x; Advanced Plastic ~0. Can be bought at the 2-Stop Teleshop for 1 Teleporter Core, 1 Battery, 5. You can then Right-click to teleport yourself to the disk. My method for this is to dig as far down as you can while still being able to jump back up - at start this is 3 blocks less than your MM's range - and then hop down and dig the same distance but one block to the side. 1 Teleporter Core; 3 AA Battery; 1 Phase Matter. Find below working examples of the warp command. Again, sorry. . When you deconstruct a teleporter you get a teleporter core, not the complete teleporter. Outdated. Usage /admin. The vendor 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost sells a variety of placeable teleporter designs. Any NPC in the game can be summoned with this command, from common villagers to hostile NPCs, Tenants, Outpost denizens and visitors, and. 0 of Starbound and up (multiple testers confirmed it's operation for version 1. . Going underground will make it vanish, like this: Note that the definition of "underground" is a bit crude. It is where the player materializes after beaming aboard any ship. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 1 Teleporter Core; 3 AA Battery;. Set at least a flag, if not a teleporter there, so you can jump there from anywhere in the universe. shortdescription: Teleporter CoreTeleporter Core. So, it is possible to make these door teleport you without opening an UI, but YOU'LL ALWAYS NEED TO CONFIGURE THEM USING A UI. . 0+. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. #3. Keep an eye out for a liquid-irradium core. All rights reserved. Adds to the soundtrack ( does not replace) with the classic music of Terraria. It is in there. Picked up Teleporter. greenfIame • 7 yr. 2站式传送商店 是一种位于 贸易站 的出售远程传送器的 商店 。. We'll talk more about that later. After fire, you have two minutes to use it again to teleport yourself to the disk. thanks :D. Destroyed when broken. I got super lucky and found a core as a drop right away at the near beginning of the game. This mod is now deprecated in favor of Stardust Core Lite, a newer, shinier version with additional features, maintained and updated in sync with Stardust Core. B. mission is skipped. 1200x Research. 0 of Starbound and up (multiple testers confirmed it's operation for version 1. In addition to being placed by players, since Version 1. . This will allow your ship's teleporter to send you to a specific point which you may choose. Please update your subscriptions and collections accordingly. Starbound. /warp CelestialWorld:4_12_-218667161_2. 1. The above command would teleport your character to your ship. This mod adds in a nether portal to act as a teleporter flag! it works the exact same as the flags, ei: you place it and bookmark a location. Flags don't allow you to teleport from them back to your ship. Once placed they can be named as a bookmark, and returned to from any other teleporter. to mark my homeplanet now?i got it as a reward from quest and i don't know what is that for or even how to use itArgonian race for Starbound 1. The station exists to give you an area just as safe and easy to expand that you can build up to be much larger, but at a cost. The Avian are one of the seven playable races in Starbound, and one of the six races entrusted with an Ancient artifact . Please update your subscriptions and collections accordingly. These are essential elements that. data. Keep an eye out for a liquid-irradium core. The Futuristic Teleporter is remote teleporter that can be bought from 2 Stop Teleshop at the Outpost for 3,000 pixels and 1 Teleporter Core. 02x; Oil ~0. Avian. Starbound Item ID List. Place it on a background wall and interact with it. 某不知名帅气羽族 于4年前 修改了 此页面。. So i went to the teleporter and all bookmarks were gone including tyhe one to the outpost. 3) on Steam (PC / Mac). On the other hand, Teleporters break down into a Teleporter Core when moved, require a rare Teleporter Core and 3000 Pixels to make (which might be too much to afford mid-game, especially when you're trying to move said Teleporter from place to place), and can only be built from the Outpost. Teleporter Core: Precursor Teleporter: Scientific Teleporter: Simple Teleporter: Stone Teleporter: Tomb Teleporter: Warp Teleporter: Wooden Teleporter: From both Matter Assembler & Auto-Assembler; Resources Labs & Extractors Teleporters & Storage Vehicles Robots Terraformers Advanced Circuit: Elder Altar: Food Locker: Reaver. You could just use it at any point to go back to ship, drop off items, restock, and come back, pick up the teleporter and get back to mining, defeating the point of not allowing underground teleports on higher difficulties. Teleporter Core. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer. 1. When you break it, you -should- get a teleporter core back, which you can use to make a new teleporter. Teleporter Core – teleportercore; Templar’s Breastplate – glitchtier6mchest; Templar’s Greaves – glitchtier6mpants;Minecraft Nether Portal Teleporter. 08x; Magnesite ~0. When used, the player can beam to any other remote teleporter they have set up, from anywhere, including underground and between planets. Ladies and gentleman, we are one step closer on making florans real. You can use the [ [/command/whereami]whereami command] to find out celestial coordinates. However, they take almost three full minutes to break with a fully upgraded matter manipulator, so be very careful where you place them. Can be bought at the 2-Stop Teleshop for 1 Teleporter Core, 1 Battery, 5 Copper Wires and 3000 pixels. It takes a teleporter core, 20 core fragments, and some steel to make a Warp Core. Works with Version 1. Adds a reusable one-way handheld teleporter that lets you teleport to your ship and the same places you would from your ship. Category. Though as you're reading this,. It also provides objects with specific features, to help players to build an efficient teleporting network. -in a good colony you'll probably want at least 2 fluffalo of each type, which costs a hefty amount of pixels, as well as a guard to protect them from monsters. I needs some work but I think it would come in handy and stop you from just nerd poling up the planet for the 10th time. I have 27, including the handful of mod locations. You’ll need a teleporter core to build your own, and you’ll be able to customise it to suit your style or your character’s race. 0. Adds a reusable one-way handheld teleporter that lets you teleport to your ship and the same places you would from your ship. 2. 1 Upgrade crafting station. This means. 0 International (CC BY-SA 4. Placing blocks in Starbound is pretty self-explanatory. The reason for the teleporter core should be obvious; the core fragments were suggested by a friend due to the requirements for repairing the Outpost gateway. This mod will allow you to type Thai language in Starbound with the same theme of the original Starbound font. Shows a list of commands. You will need a full energy bar to charge the device.