Detail Value; Ammunition: Desert Eagle has 7 in the weapon/magazine with 35 in reserve for a total of 42. Rate of fire 267 shots/min. As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range. naver. 71; Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear) Minimal Wear $55. But I am glad that cobalt disruption looks finally good. Got this beauty in my second Winter Case :)CSGO desert eagle cobalt disruptionDesert Eagle Cobalt DisruptionDESERT EAGLE COBALT DISRUPTIONIndex. Örneğin, eşyalar özel isimlere, açıklamalara ya da renklere sahip olabilir. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsFile name: StatTrak____Deagle_Cobalt_Disruption_Pack. Starting at: $22. Inspect in-game (FN) 682 Steam Listings. 01 with Nip kato 2014 on handle [W] 21 PA/TB Arcs, 2 PA/TB ArcsThe Desert Eagle is a gun which makes its selection in the "pistol" category. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer. deagle is literally bigger, look comparison videos. Description Additionally. org is the leading Counter-Strike site in the world, featuring news, demos, pictures, statistics, on-site coverage and much much more!I had a few cheap $1-$2 guns with $50 stickers on them. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Among the main advantages of Desert Eagle are high accuracy at long distances and very high damage. 54. ago. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. 42. Deagle | Cobalt Disruption 105 downloads. Comprar Já 1. Cobalt Disruption . The sticker is worth $350 on steam analyst so I have added 7% of sticker price to the gun due to rarity. Of course there may be mistakes in the video but that is not one of them. Blaze, its the classic deagle skin, pros play it giving it exposure, is from a discontinued collection, and won't have much more to go before the trade up skins are completely extinct. 00. [H] Ursus Doppler Phase 2 0. Next File Cherry Blossom Silver Birchwood AK47. 06. 27Counter-Strike 2. . . 6$) Buy this skin 10 times and put them into the Trade Up Contract in CS:GO to get your reward. Submitted December 24, 2022. Last week : Last 2 Weeks : Last month : Last 2 Months ; Sold: ${itemSteam. Exterior: Factory New. *Stats for this item will reset when used in Steam Trading or Community Market. Press J to jump to the feed. 54. 27 - $0. Ads keep us online. jpg Hits: 487 Size:152. And also I verified every single skin in the game myself so hopefully its fairly accurate. 09. Bonus Wallpaper. Description. 01 - $330. : Recoil Control: Desert Eagle has a bullet grouping accuracy of 9 when fired. . As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range. Expand user menu Open settings menu Open settings menu[Store] Bayo Doppler P1 0. CSS CS:GO Skins "deagle" remodel pack. The body is covered in metal paint and embellished with a pixel. There is currently a Cobalt Disruption with a Titan holo on best position selling for $861 and this is second best position; find the right buyer and $850 should be easy. 17. 00043StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear) $80. Weapon Length: 11. Deagle Cobalt Disruption Butterfly Black Laminate Butterfly bright water mw < >-< >-Counter-Strike 2 > Trading > Topic Details. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Yeah the painted skins look pretty much the same since its matte but they reflect a bit of the ambience due to the lighting improvement and honestly that's huge. 6. $114. You cannot post yet! Get involved on GVME by posting your thoughts. [H] M4A1-S Masterpiece FT [W] USPS Orion FN, Ak Red lam/blue lam/redline, Deagle Cobalt Disruption, M4A1-S Guardian, with sticker crafts. 00 - $207. so the flashlight will be like in your chest like when you are using the throwable weapons or pills or medkit, sort of like a pocket. File Size 672. Best Stickers for a Cobalt Disruption Desert Eagle. 03 Deagle Cobalt 1x LDLC Holo 1x LDLC, . 02 , M9 + deagle cobalt disruption 0. StatTrak™ Classified Pistol. 58 - $1. count} ${itemSteam. Classified Pistol StatTrak Available. 51 Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New) Factory New $79. It has been painted with metallic paint and uses a crystallizing mask to create a pattern. Hypnotic. b/o 10Keys the deagle have: Fnatic (Holo) | Katowice 2014, 125$~ Witchcraft, 8$ Teamwork (Holo), 2$+ Reason Gaming | Katowice 2014 19$desert eagle | cobalt disruption 34/89 Model Port:kspiridonow2014 skin ported - Flower:D. 2021 01:44 (1 год назад)CS:GO HD Deagle Rusted Cobalt for cs1. Login Signup. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. Classified Pistol StatTrak Available. Add to cart. Description: It has been painted using a VariCamo patterned hydrographic. Do…Buyouts: B/o : Deagle cobalt fn for 12x navi foil( up to 14 for . A community dedicated to Counter Strike: Global Offensive, developed by Valve Corporation. MONEY. S. 27. reverse thinking. last7. Normal Pistol Desert Eagle Factory New Classified 2018 ELEAGUE Boston Vega Squadron The eSports 2013 Winter Collection jR. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear) Counter-Strike 2. 100,00 kr 1. It has been covered in a metallic foil stamped with a digital disruptive pattern. €170. Press J to jump to the feed. Added on the 1st of July, 2014 inside the Operation Breakout Weapon Case, it is mainly regarded as a cool Desert Eagle skin for users that do not want to spend loads of money. Desert Eagle. Exterior: Factory New. Edit: I just checked my own inv, and it appears that this is just a server issue. The Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption was part of The eSports 2013 Winter Collection. Just unboxed this #24 M4A4 TEMUKAU. Deagle Koi Deagle Cobalt M4A4 DDPAT MP7 Whiteout Mag-7. The Anubis Collection Skins. Home; Middleman; Forums. The Deagle will be filled by our Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. Suggested price €. [deleted] • 7 yr. The skin is Classified rarity. The eSports 2013 Winter Collection. 00 StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear) Minimal Wear $125. Równie drogi co potężny, Desert Eagle to pistolet-ikona, który ciężko opanować, ale jest zaskakująco celny na dalekim zasięgu. Add to cart. Unsubscribe. 02583348192275Paint Seed: 400Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption Sticker Craft Deagle Global EliteTwitch: an Lion (Information. 20+Skins wear/float videos are courtesy of Orgwolf. © Valve Corporation. Hope. i bought that skin back around i think 2014/2015 and back then i bought it for around 5 euro and now it is around a 100 euro on steam market is there any reason for the massive increase in price?Description Desert Eagle. 03753525. Not just due to the somewhat dull appearance, it also looked low-res for some reason. Back Side. It has been laser-etched and given a custom leather grip. I'm pretty sure even dark phases of dopplers look insane and colorful and people. Quite an old Deagle skin. But every month we have large bills and running ads is our only way to cover them. 018. The Cobalt Disruption has a 3. Reminder: Offering and fielding offers on a non-trade thread is not permitted. Добавлено: 03. So why not make a statement with skins like the Blue Laminate and Blue Spruce?🔗 More info on the Skin here: For more Skin Showcases, visit here: The Desert Eagle is a powerful semi-automatic pistol for high skilled players. Exterior: Field-Tested. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsHey guys I have a lot of sick skins feel free to offer me or add me on steam Deagle Cobalt Disruption 1x LDLC Holo 1x LDLC kato 14 float: . Case: Horizon Case. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. last14. If you like the video and want to see more like this Subscribe to the Channel . Description. Similar items See all 7. Minimal Wear: 1 76. Inspect in-game. Cobalt Disruption. 2% chance of being unboxed from a weapon case in Standard quality. 21 votes, 161 comments. 38, Bayonet marble fade 0. 13371919095516204834 [Minimal Wear] Link to Inventory - Secondary Account. 49; Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New) Factory New $78. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Restricted Pistol. Best Place to buy CS GO Pistols - Desert Eagle Skins In CS:GO from . Clip retirado da live: AnomalySalve meu amados, tudo bem com voces? Os melhores clips de CS2, voce encontra so aqui!!!Espero que curta nossas postagem que se. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption ★ Specialist Gloves | Buckshot No Sht offers, I know all the scam ways, private inv => Block Send Me Trade Offer . com/rrr1220Steam - I think it's not feasible enough in CS to wait for such events to happen, otherwise I feel like prices are evolving unpredictable. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New)Factory New $70. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Date Posted: Nov 16 @ 2:00am. Welcome to this brand new video-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I try and trade up to deagle blaze FN and Stat Trak deagle coblat disru. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer. Channel is Demonitized if you like to donate something here : decided to make skin more sh*tty as fu*k dont trust pictures and score !!!!! (its outdated one)Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range. 21. BUFF. View skin Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear), all its animations and various combinations of stickers for CS:GO/CS2 skins on the best 3D Skin Viewer site - 3D. Next arrow_forward. 333 Steam Market Listings. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption CS2 skin prices, market stats, preview images and videos, wear values, texture pattern, inspect links, and StatTrak or souvenir drops. Factory New Classified Pistol. Din CS:GO-marknadsplats för skins och föremål. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Field-Tested) Field-Tested $53. 62 Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New) Factory New $102. Ursus Phase 2 screenshot: B/O 22 21 pa/tb arcs Deagle screenshot: B/O 2 pa/tb arcs Also interested in knives of the same price and can get adds for. . As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is. 47 : Dignitas Holo Kato 14 + 3x Dignitas Cologne 14 : click: 16k: Deagle Cobalt Disruption FN : 0. This item features StatTrak™ technology, which tracks certain statistics when equipped by its owner. StatTrak™ Classified Pistol. Dragons have been laser-etched onto the slide and grip. 150,00 kr 1. You can buy, bargain and place buy order CS2 skins, or sell your items for real money. 40. 58. As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range. 00428383285179734. Deagle Cobalt Disruption: Share: Added by: FaLLeN: Author(s): Valve Category: Counter-Strike > Desert Eagle Tags: deagle cobalt disruption. StatTrak Factory New $207. 1 88. If there was ever a perfect storm of factors for the price to rise, it. Cobalt Disruption. : Fire Rate: Desert Eagle has a fire rate of 4 shots per second. salesData. Business, Economics, and Finance. Скин модели покрыт металлической фольгой с применением квадратных заржавевших квадратов синего и. In 1 collection by IKHSVVO. 09. Prev Page 9 of 17 Next Prev Page 9 of 17 Next SSG 08 (Scout. Float Value: 0. Counter-Strike 2. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption MW with Good sticker combosDesert Eagle Cobalt Disruption, the best blue skin for Deagle. Field-Tested $42. specialist crimson web ft or mw, driver black tie ft or anything in that price range…Business, Economics, and Finance. 1 / 8 steps. Operation Vanguard Weapon Case. Satın alımdan sonra bu öğe: bir hafta boyunca takas edilemez. It features a red and black spider web design on the barrel and. Counter-Strike 2. Desert-Eagle Golden Koi- "Glory Hole Maker" Kumicho Dragon- "Bruce Lees Kimono" Conspiracy- "JFKs Secret" Cobalt Disruption- "Mental Disruption" Hypnotic- "Hypnotise and Improvise" Oxide Blaze - "Poor Mans Blaze" Dual-Berettas All - "Double Rektation". Trade CS2 Skins on Tradeit. Factory New Classified Pistol. Market has many advanced functions and smart tools for your tradingDesert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption Seltenheit: classified. . Desert Eagle | Code Red. Sports. StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Field-Tested) - CS2 Skins, Weapons Prices and Trends, Trade Calculator, Inventory Worth, Player Inventories, Top Inventories The Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption price ranges between $77. 26. © Valve Corporation. It has been covered in a metallic foil stamped with a digital disruptive pattern. Denzel Curry Music Kit. Previous Next. Inspect in-game (FN) 242 Steam Listings. More info. However, if it does, it won’t go down a massive amount, and it will probably start rising again in earnest next operation (probably around November/December time). Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Field-Tested)Field-Tested $55. MONEY. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is. 8k items. However, if it does, it won’t go down a massive amount, and it will probably start rising again in earnest next operation (probably around November/December time). Name Tag: ''juanito''. 231 - Cobalt Disruption 237 - Urban Rubble 397 - Naga 328 - Hand Cannon 273 - Heirloom 296 - Meteorite 351 - Conspiracy 425 - Bronze Deco 470 - Sunset Storm ===== * Dual Barretas * ===== 28 - Anodized Navy 36 - Ossified 43 - Stained 46 - Contractor 47 - Colony 153 - Demolition 190 - Black Limba 248 - Red Quartz 249 -. Item Description As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range. 73. As expensive as it is powerful, the Desert Eagle is an iconic pistol that is difficult to master but surprisingly accurate at long range. Let me know if you want me to double check any others. The Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption was part of The eSports 2013 Winter. Desert Eagle-Wild Fire. 24 April 2023. HLTV. 32 - $4. 2019-11-27 22:39 #158 |. Rarity. All Skins are in Factory New condition. wanna see some sexy deags, cause right now I cant find myself to like any. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts91 votes, 23 comments. UnicornMasturbator • • 4 yr. 0. 50 Action Express which makes it able to inflict high amounts of damage. What is Mods? A mod (short for "modifications") is a change made by someone, usually a player, to some aspect of a video game. Cobalt Disruption was added to the game during Winter Offensive update on December 18, 2013. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Field-Tested) Field-Tested $68. 99 StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New) Factory New $399. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. Hypnotic. Well hello everyone, today i bring you the Desert Eagle, well not much of what i expected to be but, this weapon uses its original animations and it doesn't have a flashlight of course. 17 - $18. Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption Sticker Craft Deagle Global EliteTwitch: an Lion (File Information. Sold [H] Deagle Cobalt Disruption FN (w/ Howling Dawn, IBUYPOWER Holo Cologne 2014, Dignitas. Espionage Sticker Capsule. I made this guide to showcase the various different CSGO skins available in the game, in this guide is a collection of every Counter Strike Global Offensive weapon skin, all 848 primary and secondary weapon skins are listed here with images, and arranged into the categories: Pistols, SMG’s, heavy’s and rifles. It's dirty. Buy, Sell, and Exchange Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption on one of the biggest virtual items trading marketplaces. StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Heirloom (Field-Tested)Posted by u/Ashish5771 - 1 vote and no commentsCSS & CS GO: Replacement Deagle | Cobalt Disruption. Blaze is sweet but pricey. Oddly enough for me it's the Desert Eagle Mudder Battle Scared. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. CryptoUrsus Phase 2 screenshot: B/O 22 21 pa/tb arcs Deagle screenshot: B/O 2 pa/tb arcs Also interested in knives of the same price and can get adds for. Click & GET 3 Skins FREE! Deagle Asiimov from CS: GO. 01 with Titan (holo) | Cologne 2014, Titan (special) | Cologne 2015…Weapon: Desert EagleSkin: Cobalt Disruption Minimum Wear: 0. Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption Skin & Price Details. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Cryptolooking for a PC on my deagle Metjm thnx. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear) | Gebrochenes Kobalt | Ржавый кобальт | Cobalt disruptif | Kobaltowy zamęt | Parçalı Kobalt | DDPAT de Cobalt. [Store] Over 350 Knives & Gloves || Karambit crimson web mw 0. Factory New Classified Pistol. Cobalt Disruption. Similar quality skins: StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon (Field-Tested) $28. 04507575; Price - $68,23 (Buff) 4x Copenhagen Flames (Holo): Price - $11,23 (Steam Community MarketOyunda incele. r/ohnePixel. Satın alımdan sonra bu öğe: bir hafta boyunca takas edilemez. Crimson Web. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 03 b/o…FN Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption - 4 Kato14s: 2x Holo Titan, Holo Fnatic and Foil Skull B/o: 240K Blue Gem #770 MW Falchion Knife - B/o: 85K MW…A searchable list of all (over 600) skin ID codes from Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam (PC / Mac). The Deagle also has some excellent skins, and here are the ten ones in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). ago. Tão cara como potente, a Desert Eagle é uma pistola icónica que, apesar de ser difícil de dominar, é surpreendentemente precisa a longas distâncias. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Classified Pistol StatTrak Available $43. I wish this skin was on a better gun. 8 17 834 0 01/04/2018, 16:50 Model:Ninja Customizations:SAW Gloves:SAW Skin:Flower:D Stickers:END Sorry for the screenshots) Download. So, I got Deagle Cobalt (MW) and I need some sticker suggestions for it. 03 The Bank Collection 12K offers on 23 markets. rar; Uploaded on: 2017-07-17; Size: 20. Just unboxed this #24 M4A4 TEMUKAU. 03 fn, Ak fire serpent 0. 43 - $97. In CS:GO, you can customize your settings through various ways to suit your style of. : Damage: Desert Eagle deals 53 damage per shot before any deductions for armour and range penalties. This CS:GO skins in shades of blue are some of the hottest on the market, from the classic Blue Steel to the cool and icy Frostbite. Im used to play deffault real life skins and thats why i dont like thes colorfull shit :D. Business, Economics, and Finance. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. CS. Saw it in a thread around here, but it's a bit counter-productive in my opinion. Desert Eagle or R8 Revolver?Iv been hooked on skins ever since I bought CS:GO but recently I'm getting into stickers as well. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear)Minimal Wear $53. com - Open CS2 cases and get the best CS2 skins! Probably the best case opening website in the web. Factory New StatTrak™ Classified Pistol. 00:. Deagle Cobalt Disruption for CSS v34+ Social Login Google Facebook. Update: Out with the old, in with the new. [H] . If you could spend a bit more a Cobalt Disruption with a good float is a good investment imo. 88. Every CS2 player knows that when you buy a Deagle, you need to aim for the head and try your best to bring a target down with one or two bullets. The Deagle also has some excellent skins, and here are the ten ones in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). View skin Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New), all its animations and different sticker combinations on the best CS:GO 3D Skin Viewer site - 3D. Although costing a somewhat hefty price tag, the release and hype of Counter-Strike 2 overall raised the prices of skins significantly, making weapons like the Cobalt Disruption that used to be $10. Factory New: 1 114. Follow Us on Twitch! - Us on Twitter!. 02 [W] 111 keys , flip doppler FN black PS + driver gloves lunar weave ft ( 0. USP-S Road Rash MW. 02583348192275Paint Seed: 400 Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Testado no Terreno) Counter-Strike 2. CryptoBS. Desert Eagle | Blaze (Factory New) Tradable. 006, Deagle Cobalt Disruption FN 0. 98. It has been. Broń została pokryta metaliczną folią z wytłoczonym cyfrowym wzorem. 38Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption FN Titan Holo KATO 2014 Item Information: Titan HOLO Katowice 2014 Sticker. Cobalt Disruption. Not necessarily, I have a deagle cobalt disruption which is a valve made skin and last time I played (2 days ago), it didnt have the new model. Accuracy range 25 m. MAG-7 Firestarter Skin & Price Details. CryptoCobalt Disruption. 1 128. Desert Eagle | Corinthian. Discover all CS:GO/CS2. Any idea what is this worth? 141. Front Side. I bought 0,001 float for 100$ yesterday, which expensive af compared to when I had one in 2015. Deagle Cobalt Disruption FN 0. By impossybull. salesData. which means there will be approximately 100,000 of these. Expires: Nov 30 @ 2:00am. 29, Talon marble fade fn 0. Rate of fire 267 shots/min. The pattern appears to be pixelated or digitalized. Press J to jump to the feed. Flavor Text: Man your stations. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Factory New) Tradable. 99 - $159. 84. StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Battle-Scarred)None, imo, but if you really wanna put on stickers: Your favorite team, or: Titan Crown (foil) suits everything :p Titan holo: better than regular titanDesert Eagle (även sammansättningen "deagle" i datorspel och talspråk) [1] [2] är en högkalibrig gasomladdad automatpistol för målskjutning och jakt, ursprungligen utvecklad av Magnum Research Inc. 25. Easy and Secure with Skinport. Feel free to add me or just send trade…Business, Economics, and Finance. StatTrak Minimal Wear $126. The Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption was part of The eSports 2013 Winter. ‼️ MAJOR SKINS GIVEAWAY ‼️ TL x @Coinbase are giving away YEKINDAR's Cobalt Disruption Deagle used during the Paris Major! All you have to do to enter is RT this tweet + follow @yek1ndar Winner chosen at the end of this week! 🤞. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. FAMAS - Pulse. The cheapest Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption is. Factory New Classified Pistol. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption. Deagle - B/O 45 keys ( # price ) or equivalent skin or knife Scour - B/O 10 keys Send offers on steam Message for more information or ss. StatTrak Available. $121. 6 . 16 Jungle Tiger 17 Urban DDPAT 20 Virus 21 Granite Marbleized 22. This item features StatTrak™ technology, which tracks certain statistics when equipped by its owner. Exterior: Minimal Wear. This item only drops in states between 0% and 20% (Factory New to Field-Tested). Another skin for the iconic Deagle, Cobalt Disruption was always a bit ordinary. 014 ST FN AWP GRAPHITE w/ 4x Holo Kato14s, FN Deagle Cobalt Disruption w/ 4 Kato14s inc 2x Holo Titan, Holo Fnatic and Foil Skulls, Blue Gem MW Falchion #770, MW AK CH #236, FT AK Redline w/ VP Kato14 Holo on wood, PLUS BUNCH OF SMALLER PLAYSKINS [W] 260 / 250 / 90 / 40 / 20Steam Community: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Blue is a color that demands attention and adds a touch of tranquility to any loadout.