ck2 wrong type of holding in demesne. What does it mean, and how do I fix it?For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding"). ck2 wrong type of holding in demesne

 What does it mean, and how do I fix it?For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding")ck2 wrong type of holding in demesne ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more

Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. 1) When a vassal rebels and you win and throw him in the dungeon noticed. Bedford has a castle and I'm still tribal. Every county has at least one holding, and most have three. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. Any help would be appreciated. I saw that I was 9/7 in terms of demese (sp?) so I tried to give some of the provinces away to lower that back to the limit. They are not the right type of holding. For the castle wall buildings, you get these numbers: Level 1, cost 50, income 0. So all I can build are castles (and still own them)?? So I have to give yet another holding away? Build a city of your own and give it away. . This has been asked before, but how do you get rid of this problem? I built a new town in one of my holds and want to own it - but the problem is, to…For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding"). And how I can change this. . Thanks in advance. 1. . . I was playing as. ) Tribal rulers can only hold tribes without penalty, but can easily build new tribes in conquered territory; they can also build temples. Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. (Was realm prior to Version 1. Barons are affected by feudal ta, mayors are. Some time ago - I'm not even sure it was my current ruler - I married somebody off into Bedford. One 6-holding. I have this and I dont know how to fix it. I don't know why it's there because I have other chiefdoms and those. 700+. 21 coastal. A. But you can also see there is a castle in this county: Image 3. It isn't listed as one of my demesnes that I can assign to someone else. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. This limit is what forces rulers to distribute power to vassals rather than directly controlling their entire realm. What is the actual penalty for holding these?I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". 700+. Afterwards, I got the "wrong type of holding" warning, and each holding in the three provinces is labeled with a "recently conquered" modifier for wrong religion, wrong culture, etc. Wrong Type of Holding When I click on my capital, it no longer has the options to build anything and when i look at the intrigue panel again, it still says adopt feudalism but now I can't do it anymore because it says I need a. 3/1/2023 0 Comments The Earth Hillfort in this holding is already Level I so will “only” take three more upgrades to become a Stone Hillfort, which is what you need to go feudal. e. Studying arcane knowledge lets mages tap into the forces of nature and elements and form them into powerful spells. Available now on Paradox Mods, on Steam workshop (on hold for long)I don't understand this. I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. , I imprison/banish a mayor (as a king with one county), and take possession of his title. They are not the right type of holding. makes sense. One 6-holding. Forum list Trending. A separate tax rate applies to each government type. Also, it can be a good idea to not grant too many holdings to one vassal. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. The easiest way to do this is to click on a county that has the wrong types of holdings, right-click on the at holdings at the bottom of the county screen and select 'Create new vassal'. . where: Vassal Income is the vassal's total steady income. . I'm currently the Petty King of Meath. . makes sense. As Poland, I conquered the Pommeranian tribes to the north. I'm playing a petty king in northern wales and captured the Isle of Mann. . Do I have to give mayorship of this town to one of my vassals? If I do that or don't what are the economic consequenses? I saved for a long time to build this town so I could bring in some more cash. They are not the right type of holding. . And how I can change this. Do I have to give mayorship of this town to one of my vassals? If I do that or don't what are the economic consequenses? I saved for a long time to build this town so I could bring in some more cash. Dec 30, 2020 — Category: Ck2 tribal vs feudal. Thank you. Also, if you are not at your demesne limit you can hold onto wrong holdings. 3. Home » Blog » Game (English) » Crusader kings 2 wrong type of holding in demesne? Crusader kings 2 wrong type of holding in demesne? Tác giả: Rohto Nhật Bản 26 Tháng Bảy, 2022 17 Tháng Bảy, 2022So, I'm the king of England. Hover over the other ruler's demesne. 28 total. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. Ormond is a county without a castle, so when you conquer it you will be ruler of a city. I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. To lift the excommunication I gifted the Pope a county (Connact) to raise his opinion of me. Wrong Type of Holding in Demesne (Oct 05, 2021) popped up saying that a few of my provinces were the wrong type of holding in my demesne. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. If you have a different system of government your vassal will not like you. . Fast forward a generation and the. Some like to dump a lot of castles in their capital province though though, because of the bonus to levy in the capital. Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding"). 3. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. Each form of government has preferred and allowed settlements, and will get "Wrong government type" (-75% levies and income) penalty while holding other types of settlements directly. Once I did that, I got a pop up saying I got a wrong type of holding in demesne (for. I'm playing as Castille and have conquered a couple of Sunni provinces (states?) to the south. an estate or part of an estate occupied and controlled by, and worked for the exclusive use of, the owner. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. "Wrong type of holding in Demesne" | Paradox Interactive Forums "Wrong type of holding in Demesne" aliebling Feb 15, 2012 Jump to latest Follow Reply What. . 700+ gold to build it, I'll make that up. . Tribalism is an early form of government, and one of three playable non-feudal government types in CK2 (the other two being merchant republics and nomadism . Thank you. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. I don't understand this. Clan leader = Jarl, Earl and Baron of Area A. Vassaless runs are worse than runs with vassals because you cannot hold all holdings without the demesne size penalty and you get gold*0,1 from that holding. Feudals aren't generally allowed to hold cities or temples without penalty. 5 - 114 years. I now have a penelty for wrong demense type. Just had a change of leaders, for some reason one of my demenses changed from the castle (barony) being the main title, to a city. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. What exactly does this mean?For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding"). To lift the excommunication I gifted the Pope a county (Connact) to raise his opinion of me. What is the actual penalty for holding these? I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. Temples & cities offer useless levy even at full strength. But you can also see there is a castle in this county: Image 3. It is also possible to see the opinion of an arbitrary character A toward another character B : Right-click on the portrait of character B. 2. " By Anyone-4-CS in forum Networking & Security Replies: 6. Latest. FAQ: Wrong Holding/Government Type. Now I hold 2 counties but one has a capital that is a bishopric. Currently, CK3 uses the same three holding types (for non-tribal areas) as CK2 did: castles, cities and temples, which are tied to monarchical, republican and theocratic governments respectively. I revoked a the title of mayor of a main city of a holding from a vassal. makes sense. My favourite are counties with 5 holdings, where 4 of them are 2 castles, 1 city and 1 church. Created the petty kingdom of Tara, I hold 3 pieces of land. There will also be the option to tweak auto-save to perform at different intervals. I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". Holdings with the wrong government penalty almost always give less resources then if it was filtered throught a vassal with the correct government. CryptoI don't understand this. 1 coastal holdings/county. 19 coastal. . If you have the wrong holding type you take about 25% of the base income as income. I. < >. ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. Temples & cities offer useless levy even at full strength. Any help would be appreciated. I'm currently the Petty King of Meath. For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding"). All but 2 are coastal. Thank you. ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. give bonuses to entire realm, in CK2 they used to give bonus even if county was being held by vassal, I've found out by experiment that this is not the case in CK3, to get effects from special building you need to personally own not only the county, but the barony. . . On Windows, Alt + NumPad 2 + NumPad 1 enters a §. Bedford has a castle and I'm still tribal. 700+ gold to build it, I'll make that up. Crusader Kings III. As such, you will get that penalty any time you hold a city or a. I revoked it for myself and became a count worchester as I believe I am supposed to be. To create the new vassal either nightclick a character and grant them the title, or click the Wrong Type of Holding Pop-Up and rightclick the Holding on the bottom left and press on Create New Vassal. What does it mean, and how do I fix it?For example, my capital has 6 slots, all of them belong to different vassals and I don't even seem to have a claim on them (even though I'm the heir, if the current title holder dies and I get it, it will just say "wrong type of holding"). 1) Wrong type of holding in Demesne, did not changed when i gave it away to my second born son. Nomadism is also one of three playable non-feudal government types in CK2, the other two being merchant republics and tribalism. Settlements [edit | edit source]. I hold Leicester as Earl. makes sense. On macOS (US), ⌥Option + 6 enters. Jump to latest Follow Reply. . makes sense. To lift the excommunication I gifted the Pope a county (Connact) to raise his opinion of me. Years later, my current king inherits the county and now I have the "Wrong type of Holding in Demesne" message. 23 total. If the Khagan continues to hold onto too many counties, a minor clan can rise up in rebellion to force the Khagan to recognise it as a major clan. Sounds like you're tribal and the holding is feudal. Thank you. And how I can change this. Years later, my current king inherits the county and now I have the "Wrong type of Holding in Demesne" message. I don't understand this. This will only work for the subholdings, so for the main holding you're going to have to either give it away to someone else or create a tribal holding in one. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. Tribals can raid and have concubines regardless of. Thank you. Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. Or Tribals don't have castles but Tribes instead. I am listed as the holder of the city of Newark, so I keep getting the "wrong type of holding" alert. 1. Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. What exactly does this mean?One 6-holding. Afterwards, I got the "wrong type of holding" warning, and each holding in the three provinces. New posts. , I imprison/banish a mayor (as a king with one county), and take possession of his title. Kinda retired modder, for now. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. Merchant Republics aside, players can only hold Tribes (if Tribal) or Baronies (if Feudal). Fast forward a generation and the. So should I just spread out my demesne across the entire realm, with few castles here and there, instead of controlling everything. . - Added Casus Belli type flags 'apply_short_occ_mod' and 'apply_short_occ_mod'. Currently, CK3 uses the same three holding types (for non-tribal areas) as CK2 did: castles, cities and temples, which are tied to monarchical, republican and theocratic governments respectively. Building holdings, especially cities pays off after a few centuries, so if you are in for the long haul it's a sensible decision, cities in particular are good for the long term as they make so much money they build all improvements on their own (even universities). Do I have to give mayorship of this town to one of my vassals? If I do that or don't what are the economic consequenses? I saved for a long time to build this town so I could bring in some more cash. Feudals aren't generally allowed to hold cities or temples without penalty. I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". two) will turn into a mere 75-gold wall. Each form of government has preferred and allowed settlements, and will get "Wrong government type" (-75% levies and income) penalty while holding other types of settlements directly. 3 coastal holdings/county. 700+. I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". I'm currently the Petty King of Meath. A ruler's demesne limit is based on tier, personal and spouse stewardship, succession type, and centralization law. I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. Rogue Rogues are stealthy warriors who can fight with ranged weapons or sneak behind enemies for a deadly backstab attack. . Not sure of exact percentages but you get a lot less levy and gold from them. 700+. makes sense. Any help would be appreciated. Generally speaking, castles are best. I have this and I dont know how to fix it. Fast forward a generation and the. . . All but 2 are coastal. The primary source of wealth for most rulers. . I don't understand this. Essentially, it is the tax that your vassals will be paying you. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. And how I can change this. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. as you cannot build multiple tribal holdings in one county and get crippling penalties for wrong holding type. ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. 700+. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. . . . Bedford has a castle and I'm still tribal. I gave. I guess it's because the capital is temple and I should put some bishop to rule there, right?Facts and opinions are not the same thing. Paradox Forum. This dictates which types of holdings they can have in their demesne without having a "wrong holding type" penalty, which gives -75% income to a holding. What is the actual penalty for holding these?I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. Later you can use the character search to land people in your realm, usually nice same culture/religion people on the council of your vassals. Any help would be appreciated. I saw that I was 9/7 in terms of demese (sp?) so I tried to give some of the provinces away to lower that back to the limit. . Bishoprics: A middle ground between baronies and cities. . Do I have to give mayorship of this town to one of my vassals? If I do that or don't what are the economic consequenses? I saved for a long time to build this town so I could bring in some more cash. I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". The plot concluded and I won the county back, but I am now getting a message that says: Wrong type of holding in demesne. . I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. Fast forward a generation and the. Fast forward a generation and the. But I can't give it away. . makes sense. There are three types of holdings: Baronies: Focus on troops. . What is the actual penalty for holding these?I have de jure claims on Worchester, it was ruled by a prince-bishop since the capital of the county is temple. . Do I have to give mayorship of this town to one of my vassals? If I do that or don't what are the economic consequenses? I saved for a long time to build this town so I could bring in some more cash. . ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. Any help would be appreciated. makes sense. If a character owns an additional holding that is of a different type from this first holding, he or she will get the wrong holding type penalty on that holding. It isn't listed as one of my demesnes that I can assign to someone else. . Each of these three types have an associated. I don't understand this. Also, it can be a good idea to not grant too. Empty holding slots in demesne provinces serve as grazing grounds for the nomadic population and armies. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. . 5. Cities are holdings commonly held by republic rulers. Some governments can hold different types (patricians and the byzantine / roman imperial gov can hold castles and cities while Iqta can hold castles and temples). Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. So my count, which rules of two counties died. And here CK2 handled cities much better - city vassals gave a lot of extra money at the expense of some relation penalty. 700+. 4. I am listed as the holder of the city of Newark, so I keep getting the "wrong type of holding" alert. A separate tax rate applies to each government type. makes sense. One 6-holding. Bedford has a castle and I'm still tribal. I guess it's because the capital is temple and I should put some bishop to rule there, right?What are the cons of having the wrong holdings in demense? Because whenever I control a city, it's giving me quite a bit of income, but are there downsides to this and why is the game telling me I have the 'wrong holding?'I own the county of Genoa now, the City of Genoa is the capital holding, and all other holdings in the county are owned by vassals. makes sense. Thank you. My main CK2 mod: Les 3 Tours / The 3 Towers: economy, cathedrals and lots more for a better medieval flavoured experience CK3 mod: My Monastery: adds monasteries as new holding type. I hold Leicester as Earl. So holding the wrong holding type is almost never worth it. But you can put them under a vassal if you like. Im a duke now and to make a merchant republic I have heard I need to be a king, im assuming the negative opinion modifier for wrong holding type will disappear then so putting that aside Id like to know how to make a bishop the head of a province. makes sense. And how I can change this. Bishoprics: A middle ground between baronies and cities. So all I can build are castles (and still own them)?? So I have to give yet another holding away? Build a city of your own and give it away. So all I can build are castles (and still own them)?? So I have to give yet another holding away? Build a city of your own and give it away. Years later, my current king inherits the county and now I have the "Wrong type of Holding in Demesne" message. What exactly does this mean?Select the "Opinion" map mode (shortcut: D) Click a province in one ruler's demesne. . To create the new vassal either nightclick a character and grant them the title, or click the Wrong Type of Holding Pop-Up and rightclick the Holding on the bottom left and press. Any help would be appreciated. However a castle holding will never change into a city holding as you asked in your question. In a separate issue, I have towns/castles that I can't upgrade because it says I don't have Keeps II which I do have. Castles are generally most useful for Feudal rulers since they can be held as part of your domain directly. . I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". Bedford has a castle and I'm still tribal. I'm currently the Petty King of Meath. Either give them away to a mayor or bishop or create a new such vassal by right-clicking that settlement and choose the "Create new vassal" option from the menu that pops up. I'm currently the Petty King of Meath. Frustratingly, clicking on the notifier takes me to a "Realm" window which. 700+. I hold Leicester as Earl. I was playing as Matilda. 19 coastal. I don't understand this. Which counties do you keep for yourself and never give out to vassals in your playthroughs? I usually keep the traditional capital and all duchies/counties. To lift the excommunication I gifted the Pope a county (Connact) to raise his opinion of me. I have looked at the titles for that county (Perfeddwlad - Wales) and I have nothing for the Major of Dendigh which the title was originally. 700+. Later you can use the character search to land people in your realm, usually nice same culture/religion people on the council of your vassals. I'm playing a small count in Germany (Altmark), and after acquiring Mecklenburg from the pagans I am faced with various problems. For the counties I usually go to the intrigue tab to recruit a noble/soldier/holy men. . These holdings provide both income and taxes, and every holding is held by a character. I am a new player of CK2 (current patch) playing as the feudal King of Sweden on the standard start date. So all I can build are castles (and still own them)?? So I have to give yet another holding away? Build a city of your own and give it away. The Basics. If a character is of the wrong caste, they cannot be granted the holding. So the pope and other catholics went into a crusade, since I'm orthodox I…I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. Counts and Barons earn income from their demesne, they pay a percentage to their Duke, who pays a percentage of their total income to their King, who pays a percentage of their total income to their Emperor. ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. So should I just spread out my demesne across the entire realm, with few castles here and there, instead of controlling everything. What is the actual penalty for holding these?Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. This limit is what forces rulers to distribute power to vassals rather than directly controlling their entire realm. de·mesne (dĭ-mān′, -mēn′) n. My vassal guy Ragnvald from Ormund decided. I just built a city in my capitol county, and it says "Holder is of wrong holding type". I am the emperor of Rajastan (currently in northern India) and I built a city and a temple. Got replaced by the heir that had a city as landed title. Everything I fight for goes to someone else so people have said to build your own in your own counties. Years later, my current king inherits the county and now I have the "Wrong type of Holding in Demesne" message. Ok so I'm completely new to CK2, never played the original. Any help would be appreciated. A Screenshot of Crusader Kings III. ? Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more. Deciding where to apply the Crown Focus, appointing a Province Overseer from the court, when to exert influence to increase stability or when to order the Overseer to plan a special mission to raise Stability are a. But now I see Wrong type of holding in demesne message. They are not the right type of holding. For the counties I usually go to the intrigue tab to recruit a noble/soldier/holy men. . And how I can change this. Years later, my current king inherits the county and now I have the "Wrong type of Holding in Demesne" message. I was playing as Matilda. Still super new to this game and I'm in need of some help. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. These holdings provide both income and taxes, and every holding is held by a character. I'm currently the Petty King of Meath. To lift the excommunication I gifted the Pope a county (Connact) to raise his opinion of me. As a King can only hold two Duchies without a large opinion penalty from. I build a fort, no problem, I then build a city and I get this message. And how I can change this. Either give them away to a mayor or bishop or create a new such vassal by right-clicking. Business, Economics, and Finance. Also, as you are just starting out odds are you are a Petty King, which is the same as a Duke, rather then an actual King.