Scheme documents. Call us on: 020 8538 2100 Fax us on: 020 8538 2190. Pensions with Lifetime Allowance values between £10,000 and £30,000. Since 6 April 2016, if you are under State Pension Age you also pay 3. mybapension. British Airways Pensions Services. This means that the value of your investment can go down as well as up depending on the performance of the stock market in future years. So if you retire on 11 August, your first payment will be on 30 September and will include pension for the period 11 August to 30 September. You can find more information about the MPAA on the HMRC website. APS. The password you should use to register on the website is the one provided in your original registration letter or any reminder letter we have sent to you. The Annual Allowance (AA) is the maximum amount by which your pension savings, including any AVCs, can increase in any year without incurring a tax charge. 20 March 2018. If there are questions about your benefits that you would like to see answered on this site please let us know. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). If you have not yet registered and have lost your registration letter please contact BA pensions on 020 8538 2100 to request a duplicate to be sent to you in the post. mybapension. If you have a tax query, please call the tax office on 0300 200 3300 or write to: The first payment is made at the end of the month after the month you retire. If you have a tax query, please call the tax office on 0300 200 3300 or write to: PAYE. mybapension. Please use the online ‘ Contact us ’ form to request a CETV quotation, or call us on 020 8538 2100 (9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday). The New Airways Pension Scheme ( NAPS) – is a final salary scheme administered by ( British Airways Pension Services Ltd (BAPSL) ). mybapension. If your deferred pension has a cash equivalent value of £10,000 or less, you can exchange it for a one-off small lump sum at any time after GMP Age (age 65 - men; age 60 - women) or from age 55 if your pension does not include a Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) entitlement. 24 March 2023. Your BA pension is only part of the income you will receive on retirement. Currently AVCs can be taken as part of the maximum tax-free lump sum of up. The funding level had therefore improved since the last valuation, on. com. At that time the requirement for the Scheme to add increases stops for any GMP built up to 5 April 1988. Your BA pension is only part of the income you will receive on retirement. · For most members, the allowable tax-free lump sum you can take across all your pension benefits, from APS and elsewhere, is capped at one quarter of the current LTA amounting to £268,275. You can choose to take up to 25% of your pension savings as a tax-free lump sum, with. The standard Annual Allowance is currently £60,000 a year. Most APS pension payments are paid in arrears and are made by the last working day of each month. mybapension. From 6 April 2016 members under State Pension Age, who have not selected the 1/54 (Flying Staff) or 1/58 (Ground Staff) pension build-up rate, pay an additional pension contribution of 3. Our 2021 Annual Report and Financial Statements now available. The LTA is currently c£1. Our telephone service is currently available between 9am and 1pm, Monday to Friday. mybapension. com. mybapension. 07m and will still apply in most cases if you draw a pension before 6 April 2023 . L69 2YL. If you have a tax query, please call the tax office on 0300 200 3300 or write to:The first payment is made at the end of the month after the month you retire. mybapension. You have one opportunity to make a transfer of part (or all of your AVC Account ) the time of, at or before, drawing your main Scheme pension. Alternatively, the informant can fill in our ' Death notification. If you have not yet registered and have lost your registration letter please contact BA pensions on 020 8538 2100 to request a duplicate to be sent to you in the post. Email [email protected] Airways Pension Trustees Limited (BAPTL) is a company established to hold the assets of the Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and the New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS), with BAPTL acting in law as the Custodian Trustee of the assets of both schemes. To provide an additional dependant's pension you must give up part of your own pension permanently. 1% of the Band Earnings. Liverpool. These can be downloaded from the latest news pages for. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New. 50% ( Flying Staff) of your Pensionable pay. Carry on paying into your BA pension. Looking for old news? mybapension. If you elected to stop paying contributions and. L69 2YL. We must receive your written instruction by the 20th of the month for the. We will normally work out and pay your deferred pension from the same day of any month on which your birthday falls, so if your birthday is 23rd August but you want to draw your pension in March, we will work out and pay your pension from 23rd March. December 2021 Page 3 of 6 British Airways Pensions Divorce debits that are effective on or after 6 April 2014 may affect any Lifetime Allowance Individual Protection (IP14 - or IP16 from April 2016) that the member may have obtained from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). The standard rate at which your pension builds up is 1/75 (for both Flying Staff and Ground Staff) for which you pay contributions of 5. mybapension. New retirement and transfer value factors are in full. The Trustee Directors of APS and NAPS are the Directors of BAPTL. Liverpool. The Corporate Trustee. Your Dependent children can receive allowances on your death. com is a site for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of the Airways Pension Scheme (APS) or the New Airways Pension Scheme. Changes to my life. 50%. Redirecting to ESS Home in 10 seconds. If you are a small or medium-sized business and would like to earn your company points when your employees travel. Liverpool. Please use the online ‘ Contact us ’ form to request a CETV quotation, or call us on 020 8538 2100 (9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday). gov registration process, which includes setting up an email and password for future logins. mybapension. 7% & RPI was 8. mybapension. If you do this, we will add late-retirement increases to your pension to compensate you for the delay in payment. Before you change occupations you have two choices. Your Post 2007 service pension is a percentage of your pay at retirement for service you have completed after 1 April 2007 in either Plan 60 or Plan 65. Our pension scheme provides you with a pension based on how long you have been in the Scheme and your pensionable earnings. mybapension. Member hub. I am separating. Get a pension estimate instantly. 1. Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over 500 million ePaper readers on YUMPU. Our Absent Friends page includes details of former colleagues who have recently died. The informant will need your pension reference number when calling the team. 2 Contents 04 Welcome to your pension 08 How much should I save? 16 How is my money invested? 33 Know your funds 39 Your choice of funds 43 Keeping track of your pension 49 Frequently-asked questions 57 Get in touch AV941280_NGS47333A1_MM39066_0823. The term of office for a Trustee Director is for a period of between five and five-and-a-half years. mybapension. You get: a 'Post 2007' service pension worked out as 1/60 of your pay at retirement for every year of Pensionable Service in Plan 60 between 1 April 2007 and 30 September 2010, plus 1/75 of your pay for every further. If you plan to work beyond your Normal Retirement Age, you will automatically continue paying contributions to the Scheme. At a glance. Or, if you take a tax-free lump. Tel: 020 8538 2100. mybapension. If you are receiving a single pension entitlement from us, your pension reference number will usually be. If you are receiving a single pension entitlement. mybapension. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways. Your Pre 2007 basic pension. The Orders currently reflect. 25% ( Ground Staff) or 8. 25% (Ground Staff) or 8. Search APS: mybapension online. You may become a parent, get married or start a committed relationship. Register for My Account. What you get at retirement. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Please keep in mind that for most people, the amount you can take as your tax-free entitlement will stay at 25% of the value of your Scheme pension, up to a maximum amount of £268,275 (25% of the LTA of £1,073,100). The value of your Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) account will depend on: the length of time your AVCs have been invested. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). If you have any concerns, you should contact the Pension Credit helpline on 0800 731 0469. Retiring Pay - this is usually the average of your pensionable pay over the last two years (or three years in APS Part 5) of pensionable service. The informant will need your pension reference number when calling the team. The information on this site describes the benefits and options available from Part 6 of the Airways Pension Scheme. You can exchange part of your pension for a tax-free lump sum when you take your benefits. 75%. The two conditions are applied in order and, if neither condition is met, any statutory right you may have to transfer is. MND Neil Blackburn’s term came to an end on 30 September 2021. This can be found at the top of any personal communications we have sent to you. 50% (Flying Staff) of your Pensionable Pay. The Scheme is still required to add inflationary increases - up to the. Alternatively, the informant can fill in our ' Death notification. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). You can choose to use it all to provide a monthly income, or take part of it as a lump sum on retirement. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will only allow such payments if you have a short time to live. We will issue a pension increase statement each year, usually near the end of April, with full details of the increase that will apply to your pension and this will include a P60 certificate. mybapension. If you would like us to publish an obituary or eulogy for a former colleague, please send it to us. 5% Flying Staff. The standard Scheme contributions are: 7. mybapension. The lump sum does not have to be paid to your spouse, partner or surviving dependant. The contains definitions of all the technical terms used on this website. You can. (your Pensionable Service to 31 March 2007 x your Retiring Pay ) divided by 52 Build-up rate (Flying Staff) or by 56 Build-up rate (Ground Staff). If you have registered for online communications, you can update your UK bank details online at If you prefer to send your new details by post, please complete the United Kingdom payment instruction form for all payments within the UK. your preferences in relation to your pension benefits, including any elections you may make online through mybapension online; and. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension. We will issue a pension increase statement each year, usually near the end of April, with full details of the increase that will apply to your pension and this will include a P60 certificate. British Airways appoints six of the Trustee Directors as Employer Nominated Directors (ENDs). Mixed Portfolio fund (MPF) The MPF is like a unit trust fund, which means your investment is used to buy units of (mainly UK and overseas) stocks and shares. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). mybapension. mybapension. The Annual Allowance (AA) is the maximum amount by which your pension savings, including any AVCs, can increase in any year without incurring a tax charge. a. The Scheme is still required to add inflationary increases - up to the. *Option 55 is now closed to new joiners but existing Option 55 members currently have opportunities to switch off Option 55 within Plan 60 from 1 April or 1 October. BA has confirmed that Ian. This is worked out as 20 times your annual rate of pension, e. 5. The value to be tested against the LTA is worked out by multiplying the gross (i. To arrange an additional dependant's pension, you must contact BA Pensions before your pension starts. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). NAPS is administered by a Corporate Trustee (New Airways Pension Scheme Trustee Ltd), made up of twelve Trustee Directors. We provide useful resources and technical information about the Scheme, such as the Member Handbooks and leaflets, The Trust Deed and Rules of the Scheme, as well as NAPS valuation reports, Annual Report & Financial Statements, and documents on the Responsible Investment page which provide information about how. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Click here to read the most recent obituaries. The password you should use to register on the website is the one provided in your original registration letter or any reminder letter we have sent to you. If you are making your normal Scheme contributions via BA's SmartPension arrangement the maximum AVC amount you can save is 50% of your Gross taxable pay after reductions. The two conditions are applied in order and, if neither condition is met, any statutory right you may have to transfer is removed and. The password you should use to register on the website is the one provided in your original registration letter or any reminder letter we have sent to you. If you have a general pension question, you may find the answer to your query on the ‘ FAQs ’ page. All new employees since April 2012 have had access to a Defined Contribution (DC) pension scheme. Was this page useful? mybapension. I am a spouse/partner or dependent of a member of NAPS. Throughout your time at BA your circumstances may change. This is a form of LTA Protection. Your pension is paid from the day after you retire. They took up their positions on 28 June 2021 and 1 October 2021 respectively, and will serve for between five and five-and-a-half years. Avoiding scams. Your line manager or Employee Services contact should provide you with your retirement and leaving forms. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Tel: 020 8538 2100. If you have a general pension question, you may find the answer to your query on the ‘ FAQs ’ page. When you are approaching your Normal Retirement Age, we will write to you with full details of your pension benefits and your options relating to your pension about four months beforehand. That’s why we’ve created another way to access MyPBA through Login. our website: . There is no provision under the Scheme rules to cancel your opt out instruction once it. In addition to the contributions shown above, members who are under State Pension Age pay 3. 24 March 2023. The Government raised the minimum. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). your preferences in relation to your pension benefits, including any elections you may make online through mybapension online; and. PO Box 2074. mybapension. January 2022 obituaries. NAPS amendments to Trust Deeds since June 2019. 99. Please visit the Government’s website for the. mybapension. com. PO Box 2074. You can delay receiving your pension after your Normal Retirement Age, up to a maximum of age 75. Your reference number: Your password: Forgotten your password? Having problems logging in? How to login How to Login Close Welfare, Social & Benefits. mybapension. We provide a pay slip with your first pension payment. Manage your beneficiaries. 33 billion). 50% (Flying Staff) of your Pensionable Pay. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Payment of any Discretionary Increase and/or backdated payments may affect your entitlement to Pensions Credit. mybapension. 5%. This form is now available as an online form, which you can submit directly to the Pensions team. mybapension. mybapension. 24 March 2023. Login to Mybapension Online to use the online deferred pension modeller to view your pension and lump sum options at different retirement ages. mybapension. As an illustration, at age 60, the amount of tax-free lump sum available for every £1 of pension exchanged could be around 21% higher. Update your personal information. mybapension. com is for staff who joined British. Download and print the. Login to Mybapension Online to use the online deferred pension modeller to view your pension and lump sum options at different retirement ages. You have choices, so decide for yourself what your. mybapension. In other words, if you choose to draw your pension on or after 1 October 2023, you will need to exchange less of your pension when taking a tax-free lump sum. 25% (Ground Staff) or 8. 17. Pre-retirement seminars are open to current and former employees who are interested in retirement planning. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). mybapension. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). I have two BA pensions. mybapension. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). PO Box 2074. mybapension. Looking for old news? mybapension. Your total pay within a band set by the Government each year, currently between £6,136 and £50,000. 9% It’s these figures that. mybapension. AVC-only transfer options . The Glossary contains definitions of all the technical terms used on this website. The first payment is made at the end of the month after the month you retire. Liverpool. Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) You can save AVCs on top of your basic Scheme pension and they are a tax-efficient way of saving for extra pension or lump sum benefits when you retire. So if your BA pension at retirement is £6,000 a year and you have an AVC balance of £5,000, the value of your pension is worked out as follows: 20 x £6,000 a year + £5,000 = £125,000. We may also hold and process some special categories or "sensitive. We must receive your written instruction by the 20th of the month for the. 8 Castle Street. General scheme information. mybapension. So if you retire on 11 August, your first payment will be on 30 September and will include pension for the period 11 August to 30 September. Call us on: 020 8538 2100 Fax us on: 020 8538 2190. 22. mybapension. The Government’s pension arrangements differ depending on whether you reach your. The Government gives. Telephone: 020 8538 2100 (Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm) British Airways Pensions. PO Box 2074. before tax is deducted) yearly rate of the pension you are currently receiving (on the date you are due to start receiving your remaining benefits) by 25. To book a place, contact Vanessa Rowley or Kasia Ambrose on 020 3691 3215 or email: membership@ba. The maximum amount of AVCs (normal AVCs, SmartAVCs, lump sum AVCs or a combination) you can save in the BA AVC funds is 50% of your Gross taxable pay. mybapension. If you move from Flying Staff to Ground Staff or vice versa your Normal Retirement Age, pension Build-up rate and pension Contribution rate will change. 5% from 10 April 2023. October 2019. HM Revenue and Customs sets a limit for the amount you. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New. Members must have registered with HMRC before 6 April 2017 for Individual Protection 2014 to apply. mybapension. Mixed Portfolio fund (MPF) The MPF is like a unit trust fund, which means your investment is used to buy units of (mainly UK and overseas) stocks and shares. If, as a result of separating from your spouse or partner, you want to stop making the additional payment, you can do so for the future by filling out the Adult Survivor's pension opt out form or by writing to us, giving at least one calendar. Your deferred pension is worked out at date of leaving as a percentage of your salary, based on the years, months and days that you've been a member of the Scheme (your Pensionable Service ), adjusted for any changes in your BA occupations prior to 1 April 2007 (such as a move from Flying Staff to Ground Staff), plus. 99. BA Pensions Service Updates. The number of meetings varies from year to year – in some years Trustee Directors could attend an average of 20 meetings. mybapension. Your pension will increase each year in line with the rate specified within the Government’s Pension Increase (Review) Orders issued by HM Treasury. mybapension. Please complete the United Kingdom payment instruction form for all payments within the UK. 00%. 15bn in deferred contributions into the scheme between April 2018 and March 2020. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Then divide this by the current LTA and multiply by 100 to work out the percentage of your LTA you have. · For most members, the allowable tax-free lump sum you can take across all your pension benefits, from NAPS and elsewhere, is capped at one quarter of the current LTA, amounting to £268,275. BA Pensions service update. 6%. mybapension. You can take your benefits any time from age 55 if you wish. 15 March 2018. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Deferred members. | BA Pensions manages specialist teams dedicated to pensions and financial services. mybapension. If you leave your pension with BA it is called a deferred pension. I will work beyond Normal Retirement Age. Search NAPS: mybapension online. com. This means that the value of your investment can go down as well as up depending on the performance of the stock market in future years. If you would like us to publish an obituary or eulogy for a former colleague, please send it to us. Insurance · United Kingdom · <25 Employees. Pensions. We try to answer many of them here and you will also find lots of useful information within other areas of this site. 24 March 2023. You can delay receiving your pension after your Normal Retirement Age, up to a maximum of age 75. If you need any information on how your plan is performing, you can either: Log into your BAPP account via the BA intranet, Aviva’s My Workplace app or. What you get from NAPS will depend on your Qualifying service (the period of time you paid contributions to the Scheme), adjusted for any changes in your BA occupations prior to 31/3/07 (such as a move from Flying Staff to Ground Staff), plus any service you transferred into the Scheme. If you plan to work beyond your Normal Retirement Age, you will automatically continue paying contributions to the Scheme. 99. Close. We provide a pay slip with your first pension payment. e. mybapension. Log in to see the personal statements and tools available to you. The Registration Code and the Personal Identification Code is provided by the Pension Service Centre. The soaring cost of gas, electricity, groceries and petrol – combined with global supply-chain disruptions – are increasing the current cost of living from every direction. 15 min ago. January 2022 obituaries. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are. We will issue a pension increase statement each year, usually near the end of April, with full details of the increase that will apply to your pension and this will include a P60 certificate. The NAPS Trustee operates separately from the employer that sponsors the pension scheme. If you need to report the death of a loved one, we also. So if you retire on 11 August, your first payment will be on 30 September and will include pension for the period 11 August to 30 September. It is very important that someone tells us straightaway when you die by calling the BA Pensions team on 020 8538 2100. He was thrilled to do it, saying it was something he’d waited years to. If you have a deferred pension in NAPS, this is due to be paid from your Normal Retirement Age (NRA) ( Plan 60 or Plan 65 ). 56% interest. Contact Us Please click on the link to view the full contact details of your BAE Systems pension scheme administrator. L69 2YL. The GMP is paid as part of your APS pension once you reach your GMP age. You have choices to pay more and also have security for your family and in case you fall ill before retirement. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension. Former BA Staff Absent Friends. We will provide full details of the payments and individual statements to all eligible members when payment is made in December. My children get. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). 56% interest. British Airways Pensions has today announced the appointment of BlackRock as the outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) for c. The matter before us tonight therefore affects a substantial number of people, some on very modest pensions—the average pension in APS is about £14,000 per annum and in NAPS it is about £12,000 per annum—and has what Captain Post has described as a “complex history”, going back to 1948, when APS was established. com. 1/60. 1% of Band Earnings as a contribution to the Scheme unless you have chosen the 1/54 build-up rate (Flying Staff) or the 1/58 build-up rate (Ground Staff), in which case. At retirement, your AVC account can be taken as extra lump sum or used to buy pension benefits. Telephone +44 (0) 203 691 3215. The resources below can provide help and support during these challenging times. If you have registered for online communications, you can update your UK bank details online at If you prefer to send your new details by post, please complete the United Kingdom payment instruction form for all payments within the UK. Or you can draw your whole BAMPS Account as an Uncrystallised Funds Pension. 17 billion (2018: £19. Send a message via ' Contact us '. Employer Nominated Directors (ENDs) are appointed by BA, and Member. 1% of Band Earnings. What you get from NAPS will depend on your Qualifying service (the period of time you paid contributions to the Scheme), adjusted for any changes in your BA occupations prior to 31/3/07 (such as a move from Flying Staff to Ground Staff), plus any service you transferred into the Scheme. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). It is likely that you have questions about your British Airways pension benefits. Write to us at: British Airways Pensions. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Alternatively, contact BA Pensions for a provisional quote at any time. You can also view your personal benefit statements if you usually receive these. Cost of living support. put you in control of your financial future and planning. mybapension. Normal Retirement Age is usually age 55 for Flying Staff and age 60 for Ground Staff. British Airways (BA) has announced a change to the ENDs appointed to the New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS) Trustee. You can choose to leave your BA pension Scheme (known as opting out) at any time before you leave employment with British Airways. Our telephone service is currently available between 9am and 1pm, Monday to Friday. Keep aside the APS pension that has built up for your Pensionable Service in your old occupation. Paying the NAPS transitional option into the new scheme. Percentage of Pensionable Pay that you pay. The APS Discretionary Increase Settlement makes provision for payment of a Discretionary Increase in 2020 of 75% of the gap between RPI and the Government’s PIRO increase for 2020 (The PIRO increase is expected to be 1. Search APS: mybapension online. mybapension. The tapered AA. Your Scheme 's actuary will work out the increases, and we will add them instead of normal Scheme increases. My Account is key to. In addition, members under State Pension Age who have not selected the 1/54 pension build-up rate (Flying Staff) or the 1/58 build-up rate (Ground Staff) pay an additional 3. The Government raised the minimum retirement to age 55 from 6. NAPS is managed by a Corporate Trustee (New Airways Pension Scheme Trustee Ltd), made up of twelve Trustee Directors. com is for staff who joined British Airways before 1 April 2003 and are members of British Airways' Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). Members who expected their benefits at retirement to be more than £1.