For Players who are trying to unlock the Strange Chunk of Amber, be sure to follow the procedures below, Visit the Inquisitor Chamber located under the Rosymorn Monastery. Great, stuck in Durlag's Tower 2 : (. (X:-455, Y: -183) The first two are easily found on the main path. In this photograph the Prince,. I have reloaded the athletics check literally over two dozen times, everybody fails it every single time. In order to start the Steal a Githyanki Egg quest, you must speak with Lady Esther in the Mountain Pass area of the map. From its shoulders hang a pair of long, spindly arms ending in one of two deadly weapons- a pair of pendulum blades on chains, or a pair of massive circular. Jey_s_TeArS. 0. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. She will not take it and tell you to go see the inquisitor. Before you can solve this chamber, you will first need to find it. Keep the water at bay as we break down how to get through this trial. How to access the Secret Chamber As the plaques indicate, you’ll want to rotate the statues to face. After looting everything, you’ll notice two statues of Lathander on the western side of the room. BG3 has a lot of little bugs but this is. This wall will have no visible switch on it. Upon interacting with the Planecaster it says it's inactive. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Now, go to the room on the west side, and it will lead you to a room with two statues. . Discover the secret of the drawers to obtain the fifth page (these pages can be found at the same time as pages 1 and 2) Inquisitior's Memoirs (page 3) (requires level 64 Archaeology; from inquisitor remains)Turn the three glowing panels off. The fight is winnable with smart strategy. Leaving camp, he is still stuck in place, standing on the bluff at the entrance to the. Enter the Room full of Chunks in the Inquisitor Chamber. Explore the Secret Chamber. 151. bg3 inquisitor abilities 10. Gather your party and venture forth!. Blood of Lathander quest is broken. Gauntlet of Shar: How to Solve the Statue Puzzle in BG3. Baldur's Gate 3. The Chamber of Courage in Baldur’s Gate 3 is part of the quest to find Ansur, the dragon slumbering beneath the city. Baldur's Gate 3. Allies within 9m also regain 1~6 hit points. When I came to the captain's room, there I started becoming hostile. The Sharran Sanctuary contains three statues of Shar, each with a plaque at its base. In addition, players can find the Legendary mace Blood of Lathander or steal a Githyanki Egg for the quest of Lady Esther. If you make this decision you will permanently lose Lae’Zel as a party member. When you enter the Inquisitor’s room, ignore him for now and head left to the room with two identical statues. Read More. ) Go to the statues on the left, turn one of them facing west and the other facing east (sunset and sunrise) to reveal the entrance to Secret Chamber. There are many steps to this guide, which makes this a highly-rare weapon. Here you’ll find Rosymorn Monastery and the Githyanki Creche. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Insert the gem (Gith shard) inside the pedestal to open the path to the Inquisitor’s Chamber in BG3. Then in one of the corners, you will see two statues you can turn. Kenka Sep 25 @ 12:40pm. Cross to the other side and go forward until you notice a shining door. Meanwhile, the right statue says, “Lathander blesses the bountiful, rising sun. It is one of three kits of the Paladin and is considered one of the best kits in the game, replacing the meager cleric-like abilities of the Paladin with powerful innate anti-magic abilities and a couple of useful immunities. There are wooden boards blocking the entrance to the area where the puzzle room is with the altars are to get the crest. Gather your party and venture forth!Baldur’s Gate 3 Inquisitor’s Chamber Statue Puzzle Solution. On the other hand, you can just go ahead and shoot Suelto, the projection that will be on your left if you are facing the trio directly, or the. To find the location of the Githyanki Creche in BG3. Inquisitor Chamber in BG3 (snippet via RageGamingVideos) Now you need to get inside the room full of Chunks located in the Inquisitor Chamber, also known as the Statue room. Darkwolf22345. 3. Though considering how players came to be stuck in such circumstances in the first place, you can’t help but think that the Tarnished might be too trusting at times. Same with the Arcane Turrets. This puzzle unlocks a secret chamber. Once inside the chamber, you need to solve a puzzle. Find The Githyanki Gem. 3. When you enter the inquisitor’s chamber, Proceed to the left. Use a bottle of Grease to loosen the statue’s foundation, and then turn it to the West. Point the left statue to the west and the right to the east and a hidden doorway appears. If you can’t rotate the statue, another way of doing it is to just attack it. Trying to open the Rosymorn Monastery doors, but i can't figure out how. Gather your party and venture forth!BG3 Inquisitor Guide is your go-to resource for crafting the most formidable Inquisitor in Baldur’s Gate 3. The one on the south side needs to face west, but. Inside the Githyanki Creche in Baldurs Gate 3’s Mountain Pass, you’ll eventually head to the Captain’s Quarters on your way to the Inquisitor’s Chamber. Head back to the main hall and then take the north path to reach the Inquisitor’s Chamber. Your goal in the Chamber of Courage is to keep a torch from being blown out by a variety of Air and Water Elementals and Myrmidons. After the crash landing, she’s nowhere to be seen until you head north of the crash site. The secret Créche entrance – BG3. A portal in the Astral Plane in Baldur’s Gate 3. I have the three ritual scrolls I have the tome I have the sun gem I have two of the three symbol pieces. My question was is whatever was supposed to happen with the planecaster essential to advancing the story cause I really dont want. The previous update did make some adjustments as it was also a hotfix and. Where it is located, Npcs, Quests, Loot, Bosses & Enemies for Rosymorn Monastery in Baldur's Gate 3 Spoilers. Turn the cable car wheel with a successful strength roll. It may be. and here my dilemma starts: some informations: - i have 3 saves (before i entered the mountains/inside the cloister before entering the creche/during the dialogue with the queen) - i want to complete/progress the following quests: lae´zels personal. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Key thing to remember is to keep having fun. This crest will help you open up a gate in the Inquisitor’s Chamber area. Since she's not in a dangerous area anymore, if you teleport to the first waypoint, you can get your entire party out of the creche, without child murder (if. Hmm that is weird, I only went there to do something else. The left statue is stuck and requires an attack of 10 damage to get it moving again. The latter will leave for the Inquisitor's Chamber via an archway to the north, after which a barrier will be activated from the "Githyanki Barrier Disruptor" next to the. Image 1 of 2. After the cutscene, you can ignore the Inquisitor and proceed left into the west room, where you’ll find two statues. Take the Gith Shard from Captain Kith’rak Therezzyn. In order to be able to read the lore entries from those books, you will need to Hold them and then read through each of them to figure out the bad guy. Express your doubts. Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 Map: Lower City, Sewers, & Rivington. The player can come across an NPC called Patches multiple times during Elden. To get the Dawnmaster’s Crest, you’ll need to place the four ceremonial weapons upon their respective pedestals, all of which can be found around the Monastery. While Baldur’s Gate 3 companions are durable and can be helped after being knocked unconscious, they can still die. Here, you will find two statues . s. You will find a Cable Car Wheel which you can pull as a Strength check. Lathander’s Light: Sheds holy light in a 6m radius. Baldur’s Gate 3: Blood of Lathander quest guide. Interact with the statue on the right until it’s facing down. But there’s just one problem: one of the statues is stuck. Go to the inquisitor. The left statue contains a plaque with the words “Lathander bids the setting sun a fond farewell,” while the right statue says “Lathander blesses the bountiful. I stole it by ripping it out of its base. By Matthew Danielson. 150. Inquisitor‘s Might is the action given by the Oath of Vengeance subclass of the Paladin . ago. Take the torch from the statue to initiate the challenge. Move your. Facing the western wall, the one on the right needs to be turned so that it’s facing east. Rotate the statue on the right to face the Inquisitor’s Chambers. The puzzle requires you to rotate the statues in. Assuming that you are facing west here is the order in which you will turn them, from top to bottom. By Nicholas Tan. Head on through here. One of these is a man named Abdirak,. Chamber of Insight Puzzle Walkthrough in BG3. What you need to do is turn them in the direction of the sun rising and setting, though one statue is stuck: Hit the left statue with an attack of at least ten damage to. 152. The exact coordinates of the chamber are X: -928 Y: -964. The statue confirms the result. Put the weapons on their corresponding altars in the large room at X 74, Y 70 to open a secret room. Rosymorn Monastery is located in Baldurs Gate 3. How to rotate the statues in the Inquisitor's chambers in Baldur's Gate 3. If you visited Ghustil in the Infirmary before this event and allowed her to. Gather your party and venture forth!When you enter the inquisitor’s chamber, Proceed to the left. Where to Find the Inquisitor in the Creche Y’llek¶ After the encounter with the zaith’isk device, Lae’zel believes that it has been tampered with, and she wants to inform the Inquisitor (Ch’r’ai Wargaz) who can be found in his chamber located in the far northern part of the Creche Y’llek. You can get the Dawnmaster’s Crest in this area by completing the Stained-Glass puzzle. Overcoming these obstacles adds an exciting layer of adventure to your quest for the Blood of Lathander. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Meet the captain and show her the relic. After you defeated the inquisitor and returned from the Astral Plane. Players will have to deal with an array of flying books and find out which of the people "on trial" truly. Scroll to Continue. Image: Larian Studios via Polygon. if you click on the device it will bring up a menu like the grymforge where you can open inventory and drop items in. Selecting each one will start a dialog, and players can either step. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. 151. After you have defeated the inquisitor and returned from the Astral Plane, (otherwise, Laezel may turn hostile), go to the statues on the left. Here, you will have a dialogue with Ch’r’ai W’wargaz, the Inquisitor. I did some scumming and tried potions of strength, I tried just breaking it (the broken ones nearby giving me. This is done by trying to give an artefact to Kith'rak Therezzyn. There is actually a simple solution. I've searched that room to the best of my abilities to no avail. by GClubz. Gather your party and venture forth!Baldur's Gate 3 - Chamber of Justice solution. So i did the Inquisitor boss fight (spoilers) And im assuming I got a bug cause the planecaster thing was inactive (my main character was dead at the end of the fight and I had to revive). Transform into Displacer beast form, move close to The Judge, use spell Displace on him and move him away from paintings, profit. Way more talking options with the godess. In the Inquisitor chambers where you meet the Queen. However, the left statue is stuck due to it being rusty. Turn the left statue west to face the setting sun. When both statues are facing the correct direction, the stone wall at the end. Diablo Aug 12 @ 12:30pm. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. With it, a path will open up, revealing the Daybreak Gate. Each weapon must be placed in front of the corresponding Dawnmaster, triggering the weapon. This figure will be called “ The Judge. 152. You cannot turn the Statue that needs to face West. One of my characters is stuck in dialogue with the NPC in the druid grove that has paralyzed legs. Rune of the Wolf. Baldur's Gate 3 Blood of Lathander - Barrie crystal. The one on the left needs to be turned so that it’s facing west. Gather your party and venture forth! This is where the solution comes in: East facing: One of the statues must be turned so that it faces where the sun rises, that is, towards the east. The rest of the interaction will result in her giving you access to the inquisitor’s chamber. Take the outside path till you get to the. Following the raid on the grove, I went for a long rest. Chamber of Justice Puzzle Walkthrough in BG3. Grymforge is a location in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). After killing the inquisitor, i was instructed to search the chamber for more information, i cant interact with the planecaster and it didnt work, i read all the notes and nothing happened. After I got to the Inquisitor's chamber, instead of talking, I immediately started attacking everyone (I thought it was going to end up being a fight anyway). So, in the inquisitors chambers, in the gith crèche, there’s two statues of lathander and a nice little puzzle. For anyone that's still stuck here and since I didn't see an answer in the comments: there are vines you can climb up on the broken window side, in front of the door. Baldurs Gate 3 Creche Yllek Walkthrough. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Lathander’s Light: Sheds holy light in a 6m radius. Position the left statue to face west on the map. He cannot be spoken to. The entrance to the Secret Chamber containing the Blood of Lathander is through a side room (X: 1330; Y: -660) in the Inquisitor. However, when I interact with the Planecaster in the Inquistor's. Prince Albert, Duke of Clarence, eldest son of Edward VII, unveiled Joseph Edgar Boehm’s statue of Queen Victoria on Bristol’s College Green. red just means you cant fast travel. There is actually a simple solution. I denied showing him the. Rotate the statue on the right to face the Inquisitor’s Chambers. In order to find the Chamber of Insight, you will first need to head to Wyrmway. Chamber of Justice Puzzle Walkthrough in BG3. You’ll first need to get your hands on the Dawnmaster’s Crest in. It’s actually very easy: Move the statue to the left so that it faces west of the map. March 24th, 2022 by Weilong Mao. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Inquisitor is a class kit in Baldur's Gate II and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Once inside the Inquisitor's Chambers, you can go directly to the two statues to the west of the area. You will end up in a fight against some pesky elemental mobs. To get into the Secret Chamber, head to the Inqusititor's Chamber in Creche Y'llek and find the interactable statues on the west side of the room. What you must do is to turn the statues in the direction of the rising and setting sun, although one of the statues is stuck. You can turn them, but the one on the left is stuck. It blocks the entrance to the Githyanki Inquisitor’s chamber. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. scroll of misty step. However, there's also the option to pickpocket her to get a key to use the Githyanki. It also ends the. (Otherwise, Laezel may turn hostile. The Shattered Sanctum forms part of the camp, and is the main base of the goblin operations in the area. In one there is a puzzle involving turning two statues, which opens a hidden wall and leads down to a legendary weapon. There, you’ll spot two statues that need to be moved to progress further. Side Room Statue Puzzle after Inquisitor Fight (Solution) This is the solution to the puzzle for the lazy ones ;). Many of the puzzles to solve in Baldur's Gate 3 have you interact with the world, but The Chamber of Insight asks your character to figure out who. In a case where you save Nightsong and decide to fight the Shar's followeres in the Chamber of Loss you can't gain anything positive from the mirror. Game guides, walkthroughs, solutions, secrets and. Use oil on stuck one and rotate them, stuck to the end of hall, unstuck one to the centre of the room, rest is on you. You may have a problem that 1 of the statues may not turn properly, so you will need to make a passive strength check, or hit it with a blunt weapon. Head down into the temple proper and solve the statue puzzle in the Inquisitor’s Chamber at X 1329, Y -659. Nevertheless, one statue is jammed, so follow the instructions: Strike the left statue with an attack dealing at least ten damage to free it. And though I can totally believe that the player character and npcs may not recognize a fantasy/sci-fi superlaser when they see one, I certainly could. Here’s what you’ll need to do: Hit the left statue with at least a ten damage attack to unstuck it. According to the quest text, he may be able to point you in the. If you collected the notes, it should give you a hint on how to move one that's stuck and what their proper positions are. During the Shadow-Cursed Lands arc in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, you can obtain the quest “Investigate the Selunite Resistance”. If turning the panel off would put the character in danger, turn on Turn-Based mode and use the Mage Hand cantrip and have the Mage Hand turn off the panel. Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 Map: Lower City, Sewers, & Rivington. The Gauntlet of Shar is ultimately about collecting a total of four (more) Umbral Gems that you will place in two pedestals. The latest Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix (as of 16 August 2023) has temporarily bugged saves for numerous players. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. muazn90. A network of lava-flooded caves within the grounds of the Volcano Manor. If the statue is stuck, use a Grease bottle on it or hit it with a blunt weapon. West with remaining movement. Upon entering the chamber, go to the left. These statues represent Lathander blessing the rising and setting sun. There’s no need to mention how Baldur’s Gate took over the world. 152. I have slain Ch'r'ai W'wargaz and allowed Lae'zel to use the zaith'isk which resulted in it exploding. (Wood), which will help them get stuck in, and the focus on skills like Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion and Insight to root out evil wherever it hides. Creche Y’llek - Inquisitor’s Chamber - Lathander Statue Puzzle¶ Once you’ve gone through all of the Creche Y’llek using our guide linked above, you should find yourself in the Inquisitor’s Chamber, in the far northern part of the creche. A seven-foot-tall statue of Jefferson has stood in the New York City Hall chamber since 1833. Turn the right-hand statue once. Turn the right-hand statue twice. Spin the north. To turn it around 3 times interact with her. i got the 2 orbs from the shadow statue ride down and no clue what item i need to open the. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Move further into the chamber and look out for four flying books. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Go downstairs in the monastery, to the main room containing the big statue. **Long Tail Keywords:** 1. When you come across a pair of. Next, you need to turn around and follow this path. Many of these palaces simply succumbed to the ravages of time or were victims of the anti-reactionary power unleashed by the French Revolution. I also broke the statues, couldn't right click and use one of the broken statues. However, a successful. This will require a jump. Dont try to kill her, and get her to explain the queens fakery and secrets. 23rd August 2023 Briony Smith 0. With the Dawnmaster’s Crest, head to the room where you fought the Inquisitor (or will fight) then go to the western part of the room to find two statues. Gauntlet of Shar: How to Solve the Statue Puzzle in BG3. As soon as you meet Lae’zel, you will get to start The Githyanki Warrior companion quest. jmich8675 • 1 mo. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. 150. necklace that gives a misty step (on long rest) Turns: Ran through the energy portal. One you can rotate and the other gets stuck. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Inquisitor Ch'r'ai W'wargaz recognizes the party and tells them to enter, opening the way. After obtaining the Crest, players must explore the area of the Inquisitor Chamber. How to solve the Inquisitor's Chamber statue puzzle. WaffleHouseBoi • 2 mo. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons &. But don't worry, you can free it by. Click on planar thing, talk to queen, do as she says and say youll help her, go inside the device, talk to the dream alone. Your goal is to determine which of these three ghosts is considered an. Turn the left statue west and the right statue east (Image credit: Larian) So first things first: to get the Blood of Lathander, you need to make your way to the Inquisitor's chambers in the heart of the Githyanki Creche near the Mountain Pass. Turn the left-hand statue thrice. You can go around to the south, through the unlocked door and break a wall to get in. You can also choose to hand in the artifact. BG3 Wiki Guide Everything about Baldur's Gate 3. Gauntlet of Shar: How to Complete the Faith-Leap Trial in BG3. Grymforge was previously named Duergar Camp, and can only be accessed by performing a number of specific steps. Go up the stairs to reach the Subterranean Inquisition Chamber Site of Grace . bg3 inquisitor spells 4. You will. Once this is done, the wall to the west will reveal a secret passage toward the Blood of Lathander. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Clerics have a Remove Paralysis spell to remove Hold. Go downstairs in the monastery, to the main room containing the big statue. Entering the Chamber of Insight you will see the majestic statue of Balduran. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. ago. Some of these puzzles involve turning statues in a specific order, while others require disarming traps. This secret stairway is located behind a hidden door in the west side of the Inquisitor's Chamber. The Secret Chamber in BG3. Gather your party and venture forth!One puzzle that may give players issues in BG3 is the Chamber of Insight in the Wyrmway. The one is stuck, throw some grease on the one that is stuck and you can move it. I then cast invisibility on myself and jumped down to the mould. She said she needed time to think, but she hasn't. Simply stall and avoid dying for 4 turns while contending with the. Right one faces the entrance to the room, Left One Faces the back wall. The most important thing in this fight is defeat the mages on left and right of the Inquisitor and place your team as far as possible from the two Githyanki warriors (archer and swordsman). Turn right circle twice. After you defeated the inquisitor and returned from the Astral Plane. Disable the Secret Chamber Doors. Move cursor to very top edge of inventory screen of that toon and hold left mouse button and drag the inventory screen to the left to reveal the screen below it where you place the gem. Inside the Inquisitor’s Chamber, a cutscene will trigger. Here is the in-game map of the Mountain Pass Creche Y’llek in BG3. Join My Channel as a Member!Gate 3 Final ReleaseRotating Statue's PuzzleGet past the se. The one on the right side will need to face east, which is hinted at by the plaque on the statue. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Statue Puzzle in Inquisitor's Chamber BG3How to Solve the Lathander Statue Puzzle in the Inquisitor's Chambers of the Creche in Act2 of BG3Baldur’s Gate 3 Inquisitor’s Chamber Statue Puzzle Solution gameclubz 0 1K subscribers in the gamesguides community. The Secret Chamber is a location accessible from Crèche Y'llek. 381. (Otherwise, Laezel may turn hostile. During your dialogue. The rotating statue puzzle – BG3 These two statues need to be rotated in a certain pattern to open the hidden entrance. Note three NPCs behind the statue. There is a statue in the middle of the room that has an invisible wall around it, stopping you from getting the item you need to unlock the door behind it. Because aside from all the literature and talking statues that mention the Lance, the eagle's nest with one of the relic weapons required to get the crest is literally sitting inside of the weapon. When first entering this area, a cutscene will be triggered, showing an argument between Kith'rak Therezzyn and Ch'r'ai W'wargaz. Where to Find the Ceremonial Weapons and Solve the Stained Glass Puzzle in BG3. I brought Lae'zel from camp, and it still nothing. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online • herecomesthestun . ; Inquisitor’s Chambers Puzzle Solution:; North Statue. Loosen it by throwing a Grease Bottle on it, or other similar actions. (Otherwise, Laezel may turn hostile. 1. Baldur’s Gate 3 Chamber of Insight Explained. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Open the Pouch to get the Dawnmaster’s Crest. Baldur's Gate 3 - Rotating Statue's Puzzle Solution - Inquisitor's Chamber [PC] [ULTRA] [2023] #baldursgate3 #tactician #crpg #rpg #isometric #baldursgate. The Astral Plane is a dimension of thought and dream that exists beyond the bounds of reality. This method works with a controller when you can't right click (playing on a rog ally with a wireless controller). ) Go to the statues on the left, turn one of them facing west and the other facing east (sunset and sunrise) to reveal the entrance to Secret Chamber. Regardless of the stat you offer, including the successful. advertisement. i spoke to my. Help us improve Answers HQ! Take Survey No, Thanks. 1. Fixed a hole in the ceiling of the Inquisitor’s Chamber in Crèche Y’llek and fixed some funky fading in the area. There are a couple ways you can start the quest, the first being through reading a Journal in the Last Light Inn Cellar while the other can be found in the Potter’s Chest. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Then turn around and face the door. You will be able to see a passage to the left, go there until you see the rocks. incase you still havent figured it out. Head through the archway and towards the statue at the far end of this room. While the right statue can be rotated with an Athletics check, the left statue can't because it's rusty. not sure then, on my game as you run around towards the area the three red guys are, you pass three books randomly flying around, if you try to click them it says they're moving too fast, but if you hover over them you can see the titles, there's one in each of the mini library areas as you follow the path around, pretty sure they show up as a. I stole it by ripping it out of its base. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. A fake artefact in Rosymorn Monastery was disguised as the Blood of Lathander - we should keep looking for the true relic. The bridge will lead you to the Inquisitor`s Chamber, where you need to turn left and enter a small room. Ive killed the Inquisitor and the journal is telling me to return to his room to find out more about the artifact. Head west to the Inquisitor’s Chamber (X:1330, Y:-663) and look at the two statues inside. The Dawnmaster Crest is necessary to obtain the Blood of Lathander Mace, which has healing qualities and can cast the Sunbeam. Published Aug 23, 2023. :: Baldur's Gate 3 General Discussions. Rosymorn Monastery guide in Baldur's Gate 3. Hi! I try to keep this short, (obviously, spoilers for the Creche Y'llek section): I talked to the Captain in Creche Y'llek after visiting the doctor (La'zel wants to report to the inquisitor) and passed a deception check with the main character to not have her figure out I have the weapon. You need to take the mountain pass in order to reach the Rosymorn Monastery and the Githyanki Creche. • 3 mo. Head on over to Wyrmway, then make your way to X: -870, Y: -990 on the map. Here, we will look into how to obtain the Ring in Baldur’s Gate 3. I thought I was fully stuck, but then I put an explosive barrel down and blasted it.